Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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More generally, writes Maddux, “People who have international __________ or identify with more than one nationality are better problem solvers and display more creativity, our research suggests. What’s more, we found that people with this international experience are more likely to create new businesses and products and to be promoted.”

Angela Leung, an associate professor of psychology at Singapore Management University, is another __________ who has investigated the psychological effects of living abroad. She reports that people with more experiences of different __________ are better able to generate creative ideas and make unexpected __________ among concepts. Like Maddux, Leung found that the advantages of living abroad accrue to those who are willing to adapt themselves to the ways of their host country.

Studying or working in another country can make us better thinkers – more __________, creative, and complex – if we’re willing to adapt and learn from other cultures. As the title of an article by William Maddux advises: “When in Rome… Learn Why the Romans Do What They Do.”
9. a) Match the verbs with the prepositions:

1) to associate

a) as

2) to limit

b) with

3) to consider

c) to

4) to share

d) in

5) to enroll

e) with

6) to be fluent

f) to

7) to adapt

g) in

8) to participate

h) in

b) Translate the sentences:

1. Мобильность связывают со способностью к адаптации, гибкостью, актив­ностью.

2. Мобильность часто сводится к понятию физической мобильности, то есть к работе и учебе за границей.

3. Сколько проектов должен сделать инженер, чтобы считаться хорошим специалистом?

4. Молодые специалисты легко приспосабливаются к новым условиям труда за границей.

5. Культурная мобильность подразумевает возможность делиться мнениями с людьми других культур.

6. Студенты, зачисленные на международную программу MBA, должны иметь языковые сертификаты и рабочий стаж.

7. Инженеры, имеющие опыт работы за границей, прекрасно разговаривают на нескольких иностранных языках.

8. Студенты активно принимают участие в деятельности международного сообщества.

10. Translate the phrases. Pay attention to the infinitive.

1. The efforts to be done … 2. The mobility to be limited … 3. The projects to be managed … 4. On-line and digitized resources to be used … 5. The data to be obtained … 6. The fact to be explained … 7. The mobility to be associated … 8. The skills to be developed … 9. The experiment to be carried out … 10. The results to be received …
11. Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive:

1. Would you look for a job where ______ (to be) physically fit is important?

2. Would you look for a job where it is important ______ (to have) good people skills?

3. Would you look for a job where you have to be good at ______ (to work) with numbers?

4. Would you look for a job where you have a lot of responsibility? Do you enjoy ______ (to have) responsibilities?

5. Would you look for a job where you have the opportunity ______ (to travel) abroad?

6. Would you look for a job where you don’t have to spend all your time ______ (to sit) in front of a computer?

7. Would you look for a job where you are permitted ______ (to decide) your timetable and can start and stop when you like?

8. Would you look for a job where you are expected ______ (to be) very creative?

9. Would you look for a job where you are required ______ (to do) special training and have specific qualifications?

10. Would you look for a job where you have total job security and don’t have to be afraid of ______ (to lose) your job?
12. Think about advantages and disadvantages of studying or working abroad. Write down your ideas.

Example: Living abroad makes you more tolerant and respectful towards other nationalities and traditions.

If you work or study in a foreign country you might need to use the language of the country, which could make your brain more flexible.
13. Watch the video “Engineer: Your Passport to the World” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHg-sXRjl7k Global and answer the questions.

1. Who is Ritesh Lakhkar?

2. How has international mobility complemented his career development?

3. What main things has he learnt, adapting to different cultures?


1. Connect with the topic. Answer the following questions

1. Do you consider yourself an ambitious person? Why?

2. Do you have a career plan?

3. What can help you improve your career?

4. Would you prefer to work for one company, for several companies or for yourself during your career? Why?
2. Match the words and their meaning:

1) vocation

a) to finish something successfully or to achieve something

2) complicated

b) happening after something else

3) to accomplish

c) a particular position, higher or lower than others

4) random

d) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation, or the ability to have such an understanding

5) disparate

e) the quality of being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future

6) subsequent

f) a type of work that you feel you are suited to doing and to which you give much of your time and energy

7) rank

g) willingness to give your time and energy to a job, activity, or something that you believe in:

8) insight

h) happening, done, or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan

9) confidence

i) different in every way

10) commitment

j) involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to understand

3. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 2 in the correct form.

1. The first part of the plan has been safely _____________.

2. I have complete ___________ in her. She'll be perfect for the job.

3. Many ___________ forms of information can be linked together in the database.

4. She believes she has found her true ____________ in life.

5. The research affords a new _________ into the origins of the universe.

6. The situation seems to be getting more and more _____________.

7. The information is processed in a _________ order.

8. I can’t do this job right now because of other _______________.

9. Having a large income is one of the advantages of _____________.

10. These skills were passed on to ____________ generations.

4. Read the text and list the main career paths.


We often use the word “career” as a synonym for occupation, trade, profession, or vocation. There are thousands of careers. They range from those that require extensive education and training to others for which you need hardly any preparation. The second meaning is much more complicated. It concerns an individuals progression through a series of jobs over his or her lifetime and includes that person’s education and unpaid work experiences, such as internships and volunteer opportunities. A career is often composed of the jobs held, titles earned and work accomplished over a long period of time, rather than just referring to one position. The term ‘career’ was traditionally associated with paid employment and referred to a single occupation. But in today’s world of work the term ‘career’ is seen as a continuous process of learning and development.

Your career can take a variety of paths.

Path 1: Your career might be made up of a bunch of random jobs that are unrelated to one another. With such disparate occupations in your work history, it is impossible to predict what your next job will be. So your experience in one position will rarely lead you to a subsequent one that pays more or has more responsibilities.

Path 2: The second path involves moving up within the same occupation. Doing this will allow you to move up the ranks in the same organization or get better jobs in others. Perhaps you will be promoted, will move into increasingly responsible positions, your salary should go up as well.

Path 3: The third scenario has you moving up the corporate ladder through a variety of positions in the same industry, but not in the same occupation.

Contributions to a career can include work experience. Work experience gives you time at a workplace to learn about an occupation or industry. You may observe others or complete tasks. It is an opportunity to develop skills and networks and to decide what you would like to do.

Work experience can provide: insights into what a job involves; structured, supervised, hands-on experience; useful work skills that are recognized in the workplace; confidence in your ability to learn and become competent at new tasks; work / life skills, such as communicating effectively, or working in teams; a chance to demonstrate how you can contribute in a work environment; an understanding of the world of work; an opportunity to demonstrate commitment and reliability; an employment opportunity.

You may not see your specific career path represented here. It would be impossible to cover in depth all the situations that exist. Neither have career changes that involve moving to an entirely new occupation for which additional training or education is necessary. When you enter a new profession you may have to start at the bottom. Careers take on many different forms. Make careful and well thought out decisions to increase your chance of success.
5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Углубленное образование; бесплатная работа; оплачиваемая работа; случайные, не связанные друг с другом виды работы; несопоставимый; продви­гаться по службе; зарплата; план действий (сценарий); карьерная лестница; опыт работы; рабочее место; ценная информация
; практический опыт; уверен­ность; компетентный; вносить вклад; ответственный подход и надежность; дополнительная подготовка; успех.


This project is to summarize and make use of all the material studied in the previous units. The idea of the project is to come out with a well-grounded decision about the career pathway which you intend to follow. It is recommended to make use all the active vocabulary and present the project in the presentation form together with illustrations and charts.

Find below some suggestions as to the structure of the project.


  • explore the economic situation in Russia in terms of the status of engineers.

  • outline the difficulties of choosing a career path

  • state in general the pathways available for the graduates of your department.

Useful language:

I plan to say a few words about …

The subject of my talk is …

The theme of my presentation is …

First of all, we’ll look at … and then … Finally, …

There are three things to consider …

There are two kinds of difficulties … The first is … The second is …

We can see four advantages and two disadvantages: …

The career can take a variety of paths. The first involves

There are five primary career paths that engineers follow. The first career path is …

Market research

  • conduct the job market research in the area you are most interested in;

  • for information use the Internet Information sites, magazines and special newspapers available (www.job.ru; www.estrabota.ru; www.newjob.ru; www.hro.ru; www.rdw.ru; www.mba.ru);

  • conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the most wanted jobs and comment on the requirements of these job positions, which the applicants are to satisfy.

Useful language:

There are different stages to the process

There are two steps involved

I’ll describe the development of the idea

First the background, then the present situation and then the prospects for the future

I’d like to show you a pie chart which represents …

In my experience …

The engineer job marker is expected to grow …

The employer perspective is quite different

The top occupations within the engineering field include …

Compared to other engineering occupations …

The number of vacancies for engineers has increased

The number of vacancies will be relatively steady

Personal evaluation

  • identify your soft-skills (language, computer, organizational and communication, etc.);

  • analyze your personality traits that can make you well-suited for your professional field.

Useful language:

I decided to choose this job because

I’m good at …

I’m willing to …

I dislike…

I never complain about …

I plan …

I dream about …

I can’t stand …

I enjoy …

I expect people to …

Professional evaluation

    • provide your resume;

    • list the professional skills you will obtain after the university course.

Useful language

I am in charge of …

I am involved in …

I am responsible for …

I look after …

I monitor …

I oversee …

My ambition is …

I look forward to …

It would be an honour to start my career with your company

Decision making

  • identify the area in which you see yourself upon graduation and outline the ways you are going to follow in your job search.

  • formulate the requirements that you have to your potential employer in terms of salary, promotion and training opportunities, etc.

Useful language:

I have an industry background

I have good communication skills

I’m a good team worker

I’m a good decision maker

I’m good at multitasking

I want promotion opportunities

I want flexible working hours

I want work satisfaction

I want job experience

Self-improvement plan
(further growth and development for your career advancement)

  • further training, improving language skills, etc.;

  • changing the life style and working on the professional image;

  • setting a goal at least for the nearest five years ahead.

Useful language:

I’d like to choose an apprenticeship or a position as a trainee with a structured training plan

I’d like to have opportunities for progression and development of an interesting and well-paid career

I’d like to have a nine-to five job

I have to do shift work

I have to work overtime

I can use the theory in real-life situations

There is no limit to what you can achieve


  • comment on the choices already made and address, analyze and summarize the information.

Useful language:

I’d like to end by emphasizing the main points

That’s all I want to say for now on …

I’d like to end with some observations based on what I’ve said

There are two conclusions /recommendations

That’s a difficult question to answer in a few words.

I don’t have much experience in that field but …


Writing a Resume