Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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8. It’s a provider ___ email, video, calendars and systems ___ managing our work.
3. Choose the best option:

Three former employees of Paypal: Jawed Karim, Steve Chen and Chad Hurley made / discovered / realized / founded YouTube in 2005. Over a decade later it has become one of the most visited sites in the history of the Internet. Up to then, videos could not be spread / shared / communicated / kept on websites. It was a Janet Jackson incident as well as the Asian tsunami of 2004 that triggered the idea.

In 2005 Sequoia Capital decided / took / elected / rejected to invest $11.5 million in YouTube as a new start-up. In April 2005, they uploaded the first ever video, called “Me at the Zoo”, and half a year later a Nike commercial will become / became / has become / was becoming the first video to receive one million views.

After extremely quick growth, Google bought the company for over $1.5 billion. However, the site was comparatively small and hadn’t even extended / moved / reached / spread many other parts of the world. By the end of the decade YouTube had signed contracts with high / minor / basic / major TV stations which uploaded their videos for viewers to watch.

In 2010 YouTube started introducing ads to their videos. As audiences started to achieve / know / admire / realize the importance of the website, others had the opportunity to get / receive / find / earn a living by posting videos and receiving a small part of the money from commercials.

Today YouTube offers services / advantages / deals / packages such as paid movies and live streaming. 300 hours of video are uploaded every minute. In the years ahead, YouTube will remain the most watched video service and it has already replaced usual / traditional / progressive / accepted television as a major information / home / place / source of news.

4. Put the verbs into the correct columns, then write Past Simple and Past Participle forms. Use your dictionary to help you.

Visit, be, do, paint, come, travel, take, arrive, write, finish, read, look, make, study, leave, start, go, meet, dress, see, work, tell, wash, build, sit, stand, get up.

Regular verbs

Irregular verbs


Past Simple

Past Participle


Past Simple

Past Participle







5. a) Make the following sentences negative:

Example: Page and Brin invented a steam turbine. (Google Web Search).

Page and Brin didn’t invent a steam turbine. They invented Google Web Search.

1. Ford released his first car model in 1935. (1908).

2. Bill Gates founded Apple. (Microsoft Corporation).

3. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple Computer in the laboratory at University. (Jobs’ family garage).

4. Mark Zuckerberg attended Yale University. (Harvard University).

5. Grigori Perelman contributed to Chemistry (Geometry).

6. Stephen Hawking wrote A brief history of Internet. (A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes).

b) Now make the same sentences interrogative and give short answers:

Example: Page and Brin invented a steam turbine.

Did Page and Brin invent a steam turbine? No, they didn’t.
6. A company director is talking about setting up his construction business. Complete these sentences using the verbs in the box in Past Simple.

1. We ________ (open) the first branch of our business in 1999.

2. We ________ (not want) to expand too quickly and we ________ (stay) at that branch for two years.

3. We ________ (plan) to remain small and exclusive, but when we ________ (introduce) a new line in roof water resistant materials, sales ________ (grow) very rapidly.

4. So, what ________ (can) we do? We ________ (have to) open another factory.

5. I ________ (not find) a good factory foreman for months.

6. Then Nick ________ (reply) to our advertisement and he ________ (be) perfect for the job.
7. Read two inspiring short stories of starting up world famous companies and complete the passages with the right form of the verbs in Past Simple.

What does it take to start up? A brilliant idea? A great team? Money? Yes. All of those things. But more than anything what it takes, is belief. It is really amazing how most large companies have such humble stories of starting up.

Fred Smith: “Federal Express”

Fred Smith _____ (be) an undergraduate at Yale University in 1965. As part of the coursework, he _____ (write) an economics paper exploring the process of transportation of goods in the US. He _____ (find) that the shippers relied on transporting large packages by means of truck or passenger airplanes. Smith _____ (introduce) a more efficient transportation idea on how a company carrying small, essential items by plane _____ (can be) a much better business. His paper was graded “C”. But Smith _____ (not give up) on the idea and _____ (launch) the company in 1971. But within three years of the founding of the company, Federal Express _____ (be) on the verge of bankruptcy due to the rising fuel costs. He _____ (try) to take a bank loan but the request was turned down. What he _____ (do) next is easily the boldest move by the founder of a company. Smith _____ (fly) to Las Vegas and _____ (play) Black Jack that weekend with the remaining company funds of $5000. The next day FedEx _____ (have) $32,000 in its bank account, which was just enough to cover the fuel for their planes and to continue operating a few days more. Today FedEx is a global giant with operations all over the world and an annual revenue of US $45 billion.

Ferrucio Lamborghini: “Lamborghini”

Ferrucio was originally a farmer who _____ (make) tractors. His business was very successful and he was among the most wealthy in Italy. He _____ (own) Ferrari among other super cars. The Ferrari used to give him constant trouble. Being a mechanic, he _____ (try) to fix the problem and ______ (find out) that his Ferrari had the same clutch as _____ (use) in one of his tractors. Ferrucio _____ (go) to the service guys regularly to have a clutch rebuilt or renewed, but the problem with the clutch was never cured, so Ferrucio _____ (decide) to talk to Enzo Ferrari. ‘Ferrari, your cars are rubbish!’ Ferrucio _____ (complain). Enzo Ferrari was furious. “Lamborghini, you may be able to drive a tractor but you will never be able to handle a Ferrari Properly.” This was the point when he finally decided to make a perfect car. Yes, Lamborghini.

8. Complete these sentences using a suitable form of the verbs in brackets (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

1. I ________ (find out) about the restructuring plans while I ________ (talk) to the General Manager.

2. When our chief ________ (come) to the office, our secretary ________ (speak) on the phone, our managers ________ (discuss) plans, our customers ________ (wait).

3. Why you ________ (not listen) to me while I ________ (speak)?

4. He well ________ (remember) the day, when he first ________ (go) to the office.

5. I ________ (not want) to disturb you while you ________ (talk) with Andy yesterday.

6. I ________ (leave) my job because I ________ (not / enjoy) it anymore.
9. Complete the following company profile with verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

William Colgate _______ (found) the Colgate Company in 1806 as a starch, soap and candle business in New York City. For the first one hundred years, the company ______ (do) all its business in the USA. However, in the early 1900s, the company _______ (begin) an aggressive expansion programme that _______ (lead) to the establishment of Colgate operations in countries of Europe, Latin America and the Far East. Recently it ________ (set up) operations in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, China and Eastern Europe. As a result of the company’s heavy investment in research and technology, it _________ (develop) many successful toothpastes, rinses and toothbrushes. For many years, the company ______ (have) a strong dental education programme in schools throughout the world and ________ (maintain) a close partnership with the international dental community. The company _________ (pay) always close attention to the environment. It __________ (make) already great progress in the use of recyclable bottles and packaging materials.
10. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous).

1. ________ you ________ a presentation yesterday (do)?

2. ________ you ________ any presentations this week (do)?

3. Since 1990s, there ________ (be) many improvements in the product design.

4. Last year our team ________ (win) the prize for Greatest Marketing Potential.

5. He ________ (join) our team, when we ________ (work) at the Exhibition.

6. Our company ________ (find) a new use for an old technology.

7. The company ________ (provide) a huge range of services and products in 2017.

8. They ________ (meet), when they ________ (work) for the Yandex company.

9. Engineers at the University of Tokio ________ (develop) an artificial skin for robots.

10. The company ________ never (design) role-playing games before.
11. Complete the questions about Bill Gates and Microsoft. Answer the questions using the information given below.

1. How old Bill Gates / be when he founded his first computer company?

2. How long he / stay at Harvard University?

3. Why he / drop out of college?

4. When he / found a company named Microsoft?

5. He ever / buy anything at an auction?

6. How much he / pay for a collection of writings by Leonardo da Vinci?

7. When he / marry Melinda French?

8. How many books he / write?

9. He ever / give any of his own money for good causes (добрые дела)?

10. How much money he / give away to charities for the last few years?

11. How long he / be on the Forbes list of “The World’s Richest People”?

12. When his children / be born?

13. Since when he / be president of Microsoft?

Bill Gates’ life facts

1955 born / Seattle, Washington

1968 first computer experience

1969 found / a computer company named Traf-O-Data operated by a group of high school students

1973 go / Harvard University to study law

1974 create / software for the first home computer the Altair 8800

1975 drop out of college to found a company named Microsoft

1980 create / MS-DOS – Microsoft disc operating system

1987 the youngest American billionaire ever

1994 marry / Melinda French; buy at an auction / collection of writings by Leonardo da Vinci for $30.8 million

1995 write / The Road Ahead

1999 write / Business @ the Speed of Thought

2000 number one on Forbes list of “The World’s Richest People”

1996 – up to now donate / $2 million for the Gates Cambridge Scholarships

1996, 1999, 2002 children

For the last few years give / over $28 billion of his own money for good causes.

12. Use the phrases in the box to write a story about the Nestle Group. Make necessary changes and if possible add your own information about this company to complete the story.


Henri Nestlé, a pharmacist from Switzerland to start his company in the 1860s • to have head office in a Swiss city Vevey • the world’s largest food and nutrition producer • to produce dairy products, tea, coffee, cookies, soups, chocolate, baby foods, ice-cream, petcare, breakfast cereals… • slogan To make life better and offer customers quality products • to have 456 factories and production plants in 84 countries • 280 000 employees to work for this Group • demand for Nestle products to grow • to export products to different countries • successful business • to expand its activities • to do research in the area of food and nutrition • to improve the quality of what they make • sales to grow every year • a range of products to get bigger

13. a) Watch a video about the history of Apple on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUleUOD8sFc and note the main facts of its history.

b) Watch a short presentation about the Apple company on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQh-1N_inMc and add some new facts to the list in a).
1. a) Match the words with their meaning:

1) acknowledged

a) a public appreciation for a person’s or group’s achievements

2) consummate

b) known or accepted by many people

3) recognition

c) in the end, especially after a long time or a lot of effort

4) equation

d) perfect, or complete in every way

5) eventually

e) likely to forget things, esp. because you do not give your attention to what is happening

6) absent-minded

f) to escape by running away, especially because of danger or fear

7) to flee

g) a mathematical statement in which you show that two amounts are equal using mathematical symbols

b) Fill in the gaps with the words from (a):

1. I found it hard to follow what the teacher was saying, and ______ I lost concentration.

2. We did all the work but they got all the ______!

3. Every year thousands of people ______ the big cities in search of the rural idyll.

4. She is usually ______ to be one of our best lecturers.

5. In the ______ 3x – 3 = 15, x equals 6.

6. He’s the most ______ man, but he has a heart of gold.

7. He’s a ______ liar.
2. a) Read the text about a prominent scientist Albert Einstein and tell where Einstein grew up. Name the countries where he lived.

Albert Einstein is widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest physicist of all times. He came up with some of the most important discoveries and theories in all of science. Some people consider him to be one of the smartest people of the 20th century. His face and name are often used as the picture or description of the consummate scientist.

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879. He spent most of his childhood in Munich, Germany. His father had an electronics company and Albert learned a lot about science and electronics from his dad. He really liked math and wanted to pursue math and science in school. He didn’t finish school in Germany, but ended up his schooling in Switzerland. Einstein would later move back to Bern, Germany and work in the patent office. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics in recognition of his work on the photoelectric effect.

Albert immigrated to the United States in 1933. He was fleeing from the Nazis in Germany who didn’t like Jewish people. If he had stayed in Germany, he would not have been able to hold a teaching position at the University as a Jewish person. In 1940 Einstein became a US citizen.
b) Now read about his most important discoveries and theories and name them. Explain what E=mc² means. 

Albert Einstein had many discoveries as a scientist, but is most known for his Theory of Relativity. This theory changed much in the way scientists look at the world and set the foundation for many modern inventions, including the nuclear bomb and nuclear energy. One equation from the theory is E=mc2. In this formula, “c” is the speed of light and is a constant. It is assumed to be the fastest speed possible in the universe. This formula explains how energy (E) is related to mass (m). The Theory of Relativity explained a lot of how time and distance may change due to the “relative” or different speed of the object and the observer.

Albert Einstein laid much of the foundation for modern physics. Some other of his discoveries include: