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Unit 7.

Sequence of tenses

Согласование времен

Согласование времен – это зависимость времени глагола в придаточном предложении от времени глагола в главном предложении. Правило согласования времен действует с сложно-подчиненных предложениях с придаточными дополнительными.

1. Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одной из форм настоящего или будущего времени, то глагол в придаточном предложении употребляется в любом времени, которое требуется по смыслу.

you are busy. вы заняты

He knows that you were busy. Он знает, что вы были заняты

you will be busy. вы будете заняты

2. Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в прошедшем времени, то глагол придаточного предложения должен быть выражен одной из форм прошедшего времени или будущего в прошедшем:

Для обозначения в придаточном

предложении действия


соответствующего всем временам Present (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect)

соответствующее ему время Past (Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect)

Past Indefinite

Past Perfect


Future-in-the Past

you were busy. вы заняты

He knew that you had been busy. Он знал, что вы были заняты

you would be busy. вы будете заняты

Правило согласования времен не действует, если глагол в дополнительном придаточном предложении выражает общеизвестный факт ("универсальную правду").

The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.

Учитель сказал, что земля движется вокруг солнца.

Правило согласования времен не действует в других типах придаточных предложений: определительных, сравнительных, причины:

She could not speak to him because she doesn't know English.

Она не могла с ним разговаривать, так как она не знает английского языка.


Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Мы не знали, что он болен.

  2. Она сказала, что вернется очень скоро.

  3. Я знал, что она живет в Москве.

  4. Я знал, что она жила в Москве несколько лет тому назад.

  5. Я думала, что он работает.

  6. Мама сказала, что она убрала квартиру.

  7. Мой друг сказал, что будет ждать меня в 6 часов.

  8. Он сказал, что видел их два дня назад.

  9. Мне сказали, что они вернутся домой поздно.

  10. Мне сказали, что наши родственники уже уехали.

  11. Я увидел Николая на остановке. Он сказал, что ждет Аню.

  12. Мы не пригласили Дэна на пикник. Мы знали, что он будет работать в это время.

  13. Аня сказала, что приготовила ужин.

  14. Учитель сказал, что мы будем писать тест завтра.

  15. Все знали, где живет доктор.

  16. Я узнал, что он еще не пришел.

  17. Нам сказали, что спектакль уже начался.

  18. Я боялся, что не смогу перевести эту статью.

Ex. 2. Open the brackets paying attention to the Sequence of Tenses:

1. They promised that they (bring) us all the necessary books.

2. He did it better than I (expect) he would.

3. He said he (can) not do it without my help.

4. We asked the delegates whether they ever (see) such a manifestation.

5. It was decided that we (start) our work at 4 o'clock.

6. I told you that I (leave) town on the following day.

7.1 didn't know that you already (receive) the letter.

8. She didn't know that water (freeze) at 32о Fahrenheit.

9. I was told that the secretary just (go out) and (come back) in half an hour.

10. When I called at his house, they told me that he (leave) an hour before.

11. He was not happy about our choice and asked who (interview) the applicants for the new position.

12. Several years later I (be glad) that I (kept) that journal.

13.1 knew that she (be unhappy) about the situation, but I also (realize) that if she (meet) Keith face to face her attitude (change).

14. He asked me where the price tag (be).

15. The manager asked how many people (apply) for the job.

Ex. 3. Open the brackets paying attentions to the tenses:

    1. Reports are coming in that a train (crash) near Birmingham. According to eyewitnesses, it (hit) a concrete block which somebody (put) on the line.

    2. Halfway to the office Paul (turn) round and (go) back home, because he (forget) to turn the gas off.

    3. I (do) housework all day today. I (clean) every room in the house.

    4. I (lie) in bed thinking about getting up when the doorbell (ring).

    5. It wasn't surprising that she (start) getting toothache. She (not go) to the dentist for two years.

    6. I (play) a lot of bridge recently.

    7. When I (get) home everybody (watch) TV.

    8. We (not see) your mother for ages.

    9. How long you (learn) English?

    10. London (change) a lot since we first (come) to live here.

    11. 'How many times you (see) this film?' 'This is the first time I (see) it.

    12. ''Who's that?' 'I (never see) him before in my life.'

    13. I hear Joe (get) married last summer.

    14. I often (wonder) where she (get) her money.

Ex. 4. Open the brackets paying attentions to the tenses:

  1. You (read) Pam Marshall's latest book?

  2. They just (discover) a new fuel - it's half the price of petrol, and much cleaner.

  3. You (hear) the storm last night?

  4. My sister (be) married three times.

  5. While she (talk) on the phone the children (start) fighting and (break) a window.

  6. He used to talk to us for hours about all the interesting things he (do) in his life.

  7. You know, she (stand) looking at that picture for the last twenty minutes.

  8. The old cross (stand) on top of the hill as long as anybody can remember.

  9. I (spend) a lot of time traveling since I (get) this new job.

  10. When I (be) at school we all (study) Latin.

  11. After he (finish) breakfast he (sit) down to write some letters.

  12. When I (meet) him he (work) as a waiter for a year or so.

  13. I never (learn) to ski.

  14. You (finish) with the bathroom yet?

  15. We (live) in Scotland until I (be) eighteen.

  16. She (have) a hard life, but she's always smiling.

Unit 8

Indirect speech

Косвенная речь

Косвенной речью называется речь какого-нибудь лица, передаваемая так, как она была произнесена.

При переводе повествовательного предложения из прямой речи в косвенную производятся следующие изменения:

1. Личные и притяжательные местоимения заменяются на соответствующие по смыслу, как и в русском языке.

2. Если глагол главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени, то действует правило согласования времен.

Alec said: "My friend lives in Moscow".

Alec said (that) his friend lived in Moscow.

3. Указательные местоимения и наречия времени и места заменяются соответствующими местоимениями и наречиями:

this этот that тот

these эти those те

now теперь, сейчас then тогда

today сегодня that day в тот день

tomorrow завтра the next day на следующий день

the day after tomorrow послезавтра two days later через два дня

in two weeks через 2 недели two weeks later 2 недели спустя

next year в следующем году the following year в следующем


ago тому назад before раньше

here здесь there там

4. При переводе вопросительных предложений из прямой речи в косвенную, вопрос становится придаточным дополнительным предложением с прямым порядком слов:

The policeman: "Where do you live?" Полицейский: "Где вы живете?"

The policeman asked where I lived. Полицейский спросил, где я живу.

The policeman: "Are you a foreigner?" Полицейский: "Вы иностранец?"

The policeman asked if I was a foreigner. Полицейский спросил, иностранец ли я.

5. Повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфинитивом, приказание выражается глаголами to tell велеть, to order приказывать, просьба – глаголом to ask просить:

The teacher said: "Children, come at 9 o'clock. Учитель: "Ребята, приходите в 5 часов.

The teacher told the children to come at 9 o'clock. Учитель велел ребятам придти в 5 часов.

She said: "Please, don't come in". Она сказала: "Не входи, пожалуйста".

She asked me not to come in". Она попросила меня не входить.


Ex. 1. Render the sentences in the indirect speech:

  1. My friend lives in Moscow (Alec).

  2. You have not done your work well (The teacher).

  3. My horse is wild (The poor man).

  4. This man's horse has killed mine (The rich man).

  5. This man spoke to me on the road (The woman).

  6. I cannot explain this word to you (The boy).

  7. We will discuss this subject tomorrow (The teacher).

  8. I am glad I am here (The woman).

  9. We have bought these books today (Mike).

  10. Now I can read your translation (She).

  11. Thackeray's novels are very interesting (Our teacher).

  12. You will read this book in the 9-th form (She).

  13. They lived a happy life. (We)

  14. She never drinks milk. (Mother)

  15. She will come to stay with us. (My aunt)

Ex. 2. Render the sentences in the indirect speech:

  1. The children are playing in the yard. (She thought)

  2. Her friend will come to see her. (She hoped)

  3. Father has repaired his bicycle. (He thought)

  4. She knows English very well. (I supposed)

  5. Our sportsmen will win the game. (We were sure)

  6. She made no mistakes in her dictation. (She was glad)

  7. He works at his English hard. (I knew)

  8. She dances better than anybody else. (I was told)

  9. My cousin has received a very interesting offer from his firm. (I learnt)

  10. He is painting a new picture. (We heard)

  11. His new picture will be a masterpiece. (We were sure)

  12. You will fall and break your leg. (I was afraid)

  13. My friend has never been to Washington. (I knew)

  14. He is a very talented singer. (We were told)

  15. He doesn't know German at all. (I found out)

Ex. 3. Render the sentences in the indirect speech:

  1. "Go home," said the teacher to us.

  2. "Buy some meat in the shop," said my mother to me.

  3. "Sit down at the table and do your homework," said my mother to me.

  4. "Don't forget to clean your teeth," said granny to Helen.

  5. "Don't sit up late," said the doctor to Mary.

  6. The doctor said to Peter: "Don't go for a walk today."

  7. "Don't eat too much ice-cream," said Nick's mother to him.

  8. "Explain to me how to solve this problem," said my friend to me.

  9. The doctor said to Nick: "Open your mouth and show me your tongue."

  10. "Don't be afraid of my dog," said the man to Kate.

  11. "Take this book and read it," said the librarian to the boy.

  12. Ann said to Lena: "Look at new jeans."

  13. "Please, don't take the books from my table," said Lena. "I have specially prepared them for working at my report."

Ex. 4. Render the sentences in the indirect speech:

  1. The teacher: "Does your father work at a factory?"

  2. Mother: "What are you doing here?"

  3. Father: "Have you done your homework?"

  4. Tom: "Ann, where are your friends?"

  5. Kate: "Mike, do you like my puppy?"

  6. Grandfather: "What mark did you get at school, Mary?"

  7. My sister: "Will you take me to the theater with you tomorrow?"

  8. Mother: "Did you play with your friends yesterday?"

  9. Mother: "Why don't you play with your friends, Kate?"

  10. My little sister: "Do you like chocolates?"

  11. Mike: "Did you see your granny yesterday, Lena?"

  12. The doctor: "Nick, did you wash your face and hands every morning?"

  13. "Who has read 'Ivanhoe'?" asked the teacher. "Whom was it written by?"

  14. "Do you often meet my sister at the library?" he asked me.

  15. "Why are you shouting, man?" said Prince John to Locksley. "What is your name?"

Ex. 5. Render the sentences in the indirect speech:

  1. Father said to Jane: "Show me your exercise-book."

  2. "What are you doing here, boys?" asked Kate.

  3. "Don't make noise," said Tom's mother to him.

  4. Helen asked Pete: "Did you play chess with your father yesterday?"

  5. Kate said to her grandmother: "Help me cook the soup, please."

  6. Mike said to the teacher: "My sister knows two foreign languages."

  7. "What have you prepared for today, children?" asked the teacher.

  8. Tom said to his sister: "I saw your friend at the library yesterday."

  9. The teacher said to the pupils: "Don't open your books"

  10. Mother said to me: "Will you go to the cinema tomorrow."

  11. "Tom, go to bed," said his mother.

  12. "I have never seen your toys," said Nick to Pete.

  13. "Give me your notebook, Nick," said the teacher.

  14. 15."We will go to the Zoo tomorrow," said our grandmother.

  15. "Don't cross the street under the red light," said the man to Rick.

Ex. 6. Render the sentences in the indirect speech:

  1. The shoe-department is downstairs.

  2. When and where can I see you?

  3. I hope you haven’t forgotten to post the letter.

  4. Try this coat on before buying it.

  5. What has happened to you?

  6. Wait for me, please, Alice!

  7. I hope you haven’t forgotten to post the letter.

  8. Try this coat on before buying it.

  9. What has happened to you?

  10. Wait for me, please, Alice!

  11. What shall we do with Nick? He has got bad marks again.

  12. Don’t forget to put your phone book into your bag, Kate.

  13. Have you ever been to this theatre?

  14. I am a bad sailor and can’t stay on deck.

  15. Do not make noise! Granny is sleeping.

  16. It will take you long to get there.

  17. Do you think that simple food is better for children than rich food?

  18. Nothing would change my decision and I will leave for Cape Town tomorrow.

Ex. 7. Render the sentences in the indirect speech:

  1. I am glad I am here.

  2. I read this novel last year.

  3. Have you bought these books today?

  4. I have never been to London I will go there next year.

  5. You looked very well, much better than you looked yesterday.

  6. When I get a job, I will buy a new car.

  7. When your turn comes, listen very carefully.

  8. Don’t wait until I come! As soon as you finish the exercises begin playing volley-ball.

  9. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?

  10. Are there any books here?

  11. Is he coming back today?

  12. Are the children playing or sleeping now?

  13. Was anybody watching TV yesterday evening?

  14. I will see my friend before I leave the city.

  15. Why don’t you drink your tea?

  16. Help me to cook the soup, please.

  17. Let’s meet at Pushkin Square!

  18. Would you like a cup of tea? Oh no, thank you.

Ex. 8. Render the sentences in the indirect speech:

  1. "I will buy some new stamps for you if you give me this one," said Mike.

  2. "Will you bring your sister to the party with you, Boris?" asked Mary.

  3. "Please, don't touch me," he said to me.

  4. My father said: "I think I will not go to the beach with you today, because I am very busy.

  5. "I am very thirsty. Please, give me some lemonade, Ann," said Tom.

  6. "Don't lie to me, Tom," said Aunt Polly, "I am tired of your lies."

  7. "Are you fond of going to the theatre?" asked my friend. "Have you seen any plays by Shakespeare?" "I took a very good book from the library yesterday," said Mike to his brother.

  8. "Come to my house tomorrow, Jane," said Lena.

  9. "Where are your books, Betsy?" said her mother.

  10. "Do you like my pies, Ann? Asked her grandmother.

  11. "Sit down at the table and do your homework," said the mother.

  12. "What did you do at school yesterday, John?" said his father.

  13. "Will you play the piano today, Helen?" asked her aunt.

  14. Nellie asked me: "Did you see 'Hamlet' last night?"

  15. I asked Nellie: "Shall we go to the theatre together?"

Ex. 9. Render the sentences in the indirect speech:

  1. "Does Misha like Shakespeare?" asked Nellie. "Will he go to the theatre with us?"

  2. "Are you playing volleyball, girls?" asked Ann. "I didn't know that you liked it."

  3. "Don't touch these photographs," said Peter, "They are still wet, and you may spoil them."

  4. "Does your friend often come here, boys?" said Fred. "I want to speak to him."

  5. "How did you manage to solve this difficult problem in such a short time? Said my friend to me.

  6. The teacher said to us: "You will write a test-paper tomorrow."

  7. "I saw a new film yesterday," said Kate to Nick. "Did you like it?"

  8. One of the pupils asked the teacher of literature: "What novels shall we read next year?"

  9. "Is the river Volga in Russia?" asked the Frenchman.

  10. "Will the teacher return our notebooks today?" asked Nick.

  11. "My nephew is a very capable young man," said the woman. "He has just graduated from the college, but he is already a very skillful specialist."

  12. "Sit still and don't move your head," said the doctor to me.

  13. "I want to know how your cousin likes working at the hospital," said Vera to Helen.

  14. Don't forget to bring your notebooks tomorrow," said the teacher to us. "We are going to write a very important paper."

  15. "How can I get to the circus?" asked the girl. -"Take tram №5," said the man.

Ex. 10. Render the sentences in the indirect speech:

  1. "I am very sorry, Kate," said Mike, "I have forgotten to bring your dictionary."

  2. "When does your mother go shopping?" asked the neighbour.

  3. "Do you know where the Browns live?" we asked a passer-by.

  4. "There are a lot of trains to my station on Sunday," said Andrew to us. "You will have no problems getting to my country place."

  5. "Why did our team lose the game?" said Vera. "It has always been very strong."

  6. "Where have you put my book, Mary?" said Tom. "I cannot find it."

  7. "I am very happy," said Fred. "I have bought a very good bicycle."

  8. "Whom are you waiting for, boys?" asked the man.

  9. "I shall not go to the party tomorrow because I don't feel well," said Mary.

  10. "We saw a lot of places of interest when we were traveling around Europe last summer," said Walter.

  11. "I suppose we will go to the theatre tomorrow," said Jane.

  12. "Don't be afraid, Nick," said his grandfather. "This dog is very clever and it won't do you any harm."

  13. "I will gladly go to the cinema with you because I haven't seen this film and I want to see it very much," said my aunt.

  14. "Which of you can answer my question?" the teacher asked the pupils.

  15. "Do you think that simple food is better for children than rich food?" she asked the doctor.

  16. "Why do you help him?" said Alec to us. "He is lazy. He can do everything himself."

  17. "I don't want to go to the Zoo. I was there last week with my cousin and saw all the animals," said Lena.

  18. "Look at my stamps, Father," said Nick. "When will you buy some new ones for me?"

  19. "I cannot do this exercise. It is too difficult," said Tanya. -"Why didn't you ask your teacher to explain it?" said her brother.

  20. "Can you see the lights over there in the distance?" asked the lighthouse keeper.-"Yes, I can," said his assistant. "A ship is giving signals.'

Ex. 11. Render the dialogue in the indirect speech:

Waiter: What will you order?

Man: Give me the menu, please.

W.: Here you are.

M.: Chicken so Передайте диалог в косвенной речи:

up for the first course…

W.: For the second course I recommend you to take fried fish. It is very good.

M.: All right, bring me fried fish.

W.: Any vegetables?

M.: Yes, sir.

Ex. 12. Render the dialogue in the indirect speech:

Mother: Nick! Do you hear the alarm-clock? Wake up!

Nick: Oh, I am so sleepy!

M.: Well, that’s what you always say. Now, get out of bed quickly.

N.: Oh!

M.: Be quick or you will be late for school.

N.: No fear. I have a lot of time.

M.: You forget that you have to brush your teeth and to wash your hands and face.

N.: Mummy, I remember everything.

Ex. 13. Render the dialogue in the indirect speech:

Peter: Are you coming my way?

John: Yes, I am. How are you getting along?

P.: Jolly well. How did you find the last test in geometry?

J.: Rather difficult. I am not very good at solving problems.

P.: Why didn’t you ask me to help you? I’ll gladly do it.

J.: Oh, thanks a lot, I shall. Have you got a lot of home-work for tomorrow?

P.: Yes. You know the time-table. Friday is always a bad day. We have six lessons tomorrow, and all the subjects are difficult. Besides, there will be questions from my little sister. She is not very good at sums.

J.: All right, then. I’ll come to your place tomorrow evening, if you don’t mind.

P.: Let’s make it tomorrow. I’ll be waiting for you.

Ex. 14. Render the dialogue in the indirect speech:

Susan: Good morning, doctor.

Doctor: Good morning, Susan. What’s the matter with you?

S.: I feel bad. I have a toothache, and I am afraid I am running a temperature.

D.: Open your mouth and show me your throat. You have a bad cold, Susan. You must stay in bed for two days until your temperature is normal and you stop coughing.

S. How I hate being ill and staying in bed!

D.: But if you are not careful, you may fall ill with the flu or pneumonia. I’ll prescribe you some medicine.

S.: Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.

Ex. 15. Render the dialogue in the indirect speech:

Jane: May I come in?

Kate: Is that you, Jane? Come in! It is very good of you to come and see me.

J.: I came before, but you were too ill to see anybody. Did you get the flowers?

K.: Surely, I did. It was very nice of you to send them to me.

J.: How are you now?

K.: Oh, I am much better, thank you. The doctor says that I shall be lagging behind the group in my lessons now.

J.: Don’t think about it. We shall help you.

K.: Thank you very much.

Ex. 16. Render the dialogue in the indirect speech:

Michael: I say, Bill, can you show me around a bit? I only came here two days ago and I haven’t been anywhere as yet.

Bill: Of course I shall do it with pleasure. Let’s go at once. And let’s invite Alice to come with us. She knows a lot about the places of interest here.

M.: That’s a good idea.

B.: Alice, can you come with us? We are going for a walk, and I want to show Michael some places of interest.

Alice: No, I can’t go with you, boys. I am sorry. Mother told me to buy some bread, and I forgot about it. I shall have to do it now. Go without me. I shall go with you some other time.

B.: It’s a pity. All right, Michael, let’s go.

Unit 8.

Conditional sentences

Условные предложения

1. Условные предложения 1 типа выражают реальное предположение, относящееся к будущему времени. Глагол в главном предложении используется в будущем времени, а в придаточном (после if) в настоящем:

We will go to the country tomorrow if the weather is fine.

Мы поедем за город завтра, если погода будет хорошая.

2. Условные предложения 2 типа выражают нереальное или маловероятное предположение, относящееся к настоящему или будущему. Глагол в главном предложении используется в форме would + V1, а в придаточном – в форме сослагательного наклонения (для глагола to bewere, для остальных глаголов – V2):

We would go to the country tomorrow if the weather were fine.

Мы бы поехали за город завтра, если бы погода была хорошая.

3. Условные предложения 3 типа выражают нереальное предположение, относящееся к прошедшему времени. Глагол в главном предложении используется в форме would + have +V3, а в придаточном – в форме Past Perfect:

We would have gone to the country yesterday if the weather had been fine.

Мы бы поехали за город вчера, если бы погода была хорошая.

4. В условных предложениях смешанного типа условие может относиться к прошедшему времени, а следствие к настоящему или будущему, или наоборот:

If we had worked yesterday we would go to the country today.

Если бы мы поработали вчера, сегодня мы бы поехали за город.


Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. If it snows, the children will play snowballs.

  2. If she had not helped me, I should have been in a very difficult situation.

  3. You would not be so stout if you were more careful about your diet.

  4. If these shoes were not too big for me, I would buy them.

  5. If you don’t buy coffee, we will drink tea.

  6. He was not ill last week. If he had been ill, he would not have taken part in the football match.

  7. If you ask me, I will do it.

  8. If she had returned earlier, she would have been able to see him before he left.

  9. You would not feel so bad if you did not smoke too much.

  10. If he were not such a book-worm, he would not spend so much time sitting in a library.

  11. If my brother is in trouble, I shall help him of course.

  12. If the box had not been so heavy, I would not have taken a taxi.

Ex. 2. Open the brackets:

  1. If I (know) his number, I would phone you.

  2. I think there are so many cars. If there (not/be) so many cars, there (not/be) so much pollution.

  3. This soup isn’t very good. It (taste) better if it were not so salty.

  4. Ken got to the station in time to catch his train. If he (miss) it, he (be) late for his interview.

  5. It’s good that you reminded me about Ann’s birthday. I (forget) if you (not/remind) me.

  6. How was your birthday? Did you have a nice time? – It was OK, but we (enjoy) it more if the weather (be) better.

Ex. 3. Open the brackets:

  1. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.

  2. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year.

  3. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the theatre.

  4. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together.

  5. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

  6. If my friends (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad.

  7. If the mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea-party.

  8. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry).

  9. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) at the examinations.

  10. If no one (to come) to help, we (to be) obliged to do the work ourselves.

  11. If you (to put on) your glasses, you (to see) better.

  12. They (to be) surprised if I (to make) such a mistake.

  13. If he (not to come) in time, we (to have to) wait for him.

  14. If it (to rain), we (to have to) stay at home.

  15. If my friend (to be) at home, he (to tell) us what to do.

Ex. 4. Open the brackets:

  1. If you (to give) me your address now, I (to write) you a letter.

  2. If you (to give) me your address before my trip, I (to write) you a letter.

  3. If my sister (not to go) to the south next summer, we (to spend) the summer in St. Petersburg together

  4. If my sister (not to go) to the south this summer, we (to spend) the summer in St. Petersburg together

  5. If my sister (not to go) to the south last summer, we (to spend) the summer in St. Petersburg together.

  6. If she (to ask) me, I certainly (to tell) her all about it.

  7. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I certainly (to tell) her all about it.

  8. If you (to do) your morning exercises today, you (to fell) much better.

  9. If you (to do) your morning exercises every day, your health (to be) much better.

  10. If you (to do) your physical exercises in the morning, you (to fell) much better.

  11. If it (not to be) too cold tomorrow, I (not to put on) my coat.

  12. If it (not to be) too cold in October, I (not to put on) my coat.

  13. If it (not to be) too cold yesterday, I (not to put on) my coat.

  14. If you (not to be) so careless about your health, you (to consult) the doctor.

  15. If you (not to be) so careless about your health after the catastrophe, you (to consult) the doctor.

Упр. 5. Open the brackets:

  1. If it (to snow), the children will play snowballs.

  2. If I (not to know) English, I should not be able to enjoy Byron's poetry.

  3. I (not to do) it if you did not ask me.

  4. If men (to have) no weapons, would wars be possible?

  5. You will never finish your work, if you (to waste) your time like that.

  6. If I (to have) his telephone number, I should easily settle this matter with him.

  7. If I (have) this rare book, I should gladly lend it to you.

  8. The dish would have been much more tasty, if she (to be) a better cook.

  9. He never (to phone) you, if I hadn't reminded him to do it.

  10. Your brother (to become) much stronger, if he (to take) a cold bath regularly.

  11. If he (to be) more courageous, he would not be afraid.

  12. If a fisherman had been less patient, he (not to catch) so much fish.

  13. If you (to put) the ice-cream into refrigerator, it would not have melted.

  14. If I (to know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.

  15. If you had let me know yesterday, I (to bring) you my book.

Ex. 6. Make up conditionals beginning with "If…":

  1. You did not ring me up, so I did not know you were in trouble. If …

  2. You left the child alone in the room, so he hurt himself. If …

  3. They spent a year in the tropics, so they got very sun-tanned. If …

  4. It rained heavily, so we got wet to the skin. If …

  5. Why didn't you watch the cat? It ate all the fish. If …

  6. A huge black cloud appeared from behind the forest, so we had to turn back and hurry home. If …

  7. The travelers had no camera with them, so they could not take photos of the beautiful scenery. If …

  8. There was no sugar left, so we had to go to the shop late in the evening. If …

  9. This house is very nice and comfortable, but it is not very good for living because it is situated close to a chemical plant and the air around is very bad. If …

  10. He is an excellent specialist, but I cannot ask his advice because I am not acquainted with him. If …

  11. You cannot enjoy this merry evening party because you have a toothache. If …

  12. You know the material well enough, but you are very absent-minded and that's why you always make many mistakes. If …

  13. We shall not go to see them because it is very late. If …

  14. Naturally she was angry because you were in her way. If …

  15. He always gets top marks in mathematics because it is his favourite subject and he works a lot at it. If …

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Если бы он был умнее, он бы не пошел вчера в лес.

  2. Если бы она не прислала вчера это письмо, мой брат был бы сегодня дома.

  3. Он так изменился! Если бы вы его встретили, вы бы его не узнали.

  4. Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы посоветовался с родителями.

  5. Если бы сейчас подошел трамвай, мы бы не опоздали.

  6. Если бы вы мне помогли решить эту задачу, я был бы вам очень благодарен.

  7. Если вы присоединитесь к нам, мы отлично проведем время.

  8. Если бы мы сделали эту работу вовремя, сейчас мы бы уже были свободны.

  9. Если ты приедешь на вокзал, мы успеем попрощаться.

  10. Если бы мы больше поработали, мы бы лучше знали язык.

  11. Если бы он регулярно не посещал спортивные тренировки, он не добился бы такого успеха на соревнованиях.

  12. Если бы ты предупредил меня заранее, я бы уже был в Москве.

  13. Если бы я знал английский, я бы уже давно поговорил с ней.

  14. Если ты позвонишь ей, она приедет вовремя.

  15. Если бы ты позвонил ей заранее, она бы приехала вовремя.

  16. Если бы она не прислала письмо на прошлой неделе, мы бы не встретили ее.

  17. Если бы сейчас подошел трамвай, мы бы не опоздали.

  18. Все будут рады, если Вы придете на вечер.