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Добавлен: 18.11.2021

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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

Excuse my being late.

Извините, что я опоздал.

You didn't forget telling him about the party, did you?

Вы ведь не забыли сказать ему о встрече,

Примечание: Обратите внимание на различие в смысле предложений, когда герундий употребляется после глагола to mind с притяжательным или без притяжательного местоимения.

Do you mind opening the window?

Вы не будете против того, чтобы открыть окно (чтобы кто-то: я или вы, или кто-то ещё открыл окно)

Do you mind my opening the window?

Вы не возражаете, если я открою окно?

б) с предлогами и наречиями (постпозитивами): to talk about, to think about (of), to apologize for, to thank for, to look forward to, to feel like (быть склонным, иметь желание сделать что-то), to hear of, to congratulate on, to insist on, to depend on, to go on, to object to, to give up и др.

Did Bill apologize for having been late?

Извинился ли Билл за то, что опоздал?

I do not feel like going there tonight.

У меня нет желания идти туда сегодня вечером.

Everything depends on his completing the job in time.

Всё зависит от того, закончит ли он работу вовремя.

He insists on Ben's joining us.

Он настаивает, чтобы Бен присоединился к нам.

Герундий употребляется после прилагательных

а) без предлогов: busy, worth (стоящий)

This novel is worth reading.

Этот роман стоит прочитать.

He is busy looking through the letters

Он занят просмотром писем.

б) с предлогами: afraid of, fond of, tired of, sorry for и др.

Are you fond of boating?

Нравится ли вам кататься на лодке?

I am tired of saying it over and over again.

Я устал повторять это снова и снова.

Герундий употребляется после существительных с предлогами: idea of, way of (способ совершения чего-либо), plan for, program for, hope for, reason for, opportunity of, …

This is the best way of settling the problem.

Это лучший способ урегулирования проблемы.

Do you know the reason for his being late?

Знаете ли вы причину его опоздания?

Герундий употребляется после некоторых словосочетаний:

can't (couldn't) help не могу не (не мог нe), it is a pleasure и др.

It's been a pleasure seeing you again, - he said.

Было большим удовольствием вновь повидаться с вами, - сказал он.

Герундий употребляется после предлогов:

after, before, besides, instead of, on, without, by, …

On receiving the telegram Mr. Bailey left for London.

Получив (после того, как он получил) телеграмму, г-н Бейли выехал в Лондон.

John left the room without saying a word.

Джон вышел из комнаты, не сказав ни слова.


1. Как видно из приведенных выше примеров, герундий может переводиться на русский язык существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием или придаточным предложением.

2. После глаголов to stop, to remember, to forget и др. может употребляться как герундий, так и инфинитив. Следует обратить внимание на различия в значениях действий, выраженных герундием и инфинитивом.




When he saw his father enter the room he stopped smoking.

Когда он увидел, что отец входит в комнату, он перестал курить (сочетание с герундием выражает прекращение действия).

I remember sending a letter.

Я помню, что послал письмо.

I shall never forget taking that examination.

Никогда не забуду, как сдавал этот экзамен (сочетание с герундием обозначает прошедшее действие).

Before entering his father's house he stopped to smoke.

Прежде чем войти в дом отца, он остановился покурить (сочетание с инфинитивом выражает цель действия).

I must remember to send a letter.

Я должен помнить о том, что нужно отправить письмо.

Do not forget to come to the examination tomorrow.

Не забудьте прийти завтра на экзамен (сочетание с инфинитивом обозначает действие, которое должно произойти в будущем).


Ex. 1. Read and translate these sentences. Define the functions of the Gerunds.

  1. Going for a trip to the Caucasus sounds great.

  2. "Will you, please, stop writing", the teacher said.

  3. The family went on discussing plans for the summer holidays.

  4. Excuse my interrupting you. Could you tell me where room 423 is?

  5. Do you mind borrowing your textbook?

  6. I don’t remember ever meeting that man. Who is he?

  7. Is the new film worth seeing?

  8. Mr. Smith is busy examining the new program.

  9. He couldn't help telling her that her acting was marvelous.

  10. It's been a pleasure meeting you.

  11. If I were you I wouldn't insist on their returning tonight.

  12. I don't feel like going for a walk now.

  13. They did not think of staying there for more than three days.

  14. They do not seem to be interested in settling this problem.

  15. What are the reasons for refusing their invitation?

  16. Instead of going home they went for a drive.

  17. Instead of stopping the rain increased.

  18. The young man stood a moment without speaking.

Ex. 2. Translate into Russian, paying particular attention to the way the Gerund should be translated. State whether the Gerund is active or passive, perfect or non-perfect.

  1. Choosing a present for that boy was not an easy matter for me.

  2. On seeing the funny toy, the child burst out laughing.

  3. A lot depends on your pointing out the mistakes at once.

  4. Why don't you do the work properly without being reminded?

  5. He doesn't like praising people too often.

  6. He doesn't like being praised in the presence of his fellow-students.

  7. The boy was blamed for not helping his school-friends.

  8. The boy was blamed for not having helped his friend when the latter was in trouble.

  9. Everybody objects to the arrangement being cancelled without proper consideration.

  10. Who is responsible for the prices not having been fixed yet?

Ex. 3. Compare the use of the Noun and the Gerund.

I. a) The discussion of the report lasted two hours.

b) They finished discussing the report at two o'clock.

2. a) The unexpected engagement of a new actor surprised everybody.

b) Mr. Brown began engaging new actors quite unexpectedly.

3. a) The manager was surprised at Miss Polly's sudden cancellation of all her engagements.

b) The manager was surprised at her canceling all engagements so suddenly.

Ex. 4. Point out the doer of the action which the Gerund expresses, then translate the sentences into Russian.

1. We don't mind considering the matter again.

2. We don't mind your considering the matter again.

3. We don't mind the doctor's considering the matter again.

4. We don't mind the company considering the matter again.

Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with possessive pronouns or nouns in the possessive case where necessary.

  1. I'm tired of ... telling everybody my story.

  2. I'm tired of ... telling me the same story a hundred times.

  3. We'll be looking forward to ... joining us.

  4. We'll be looking forward to ... joining you.

A Telephone Talk

Mary: Excuse ... bothering you at this hour. Do you mind ... coming to see you now?

Ann: Of course I don't.

Mary: You remember ... promising to lend me your big dictionary, don't you?

Ann: Yes, I do. Come round and get it. I'll be looking forward to ... seeing you.

Mary: Oh, thank you. I'll be at your place in half an hour.

Ex. 6. Translate into Russian.

  1. I do not remember lending that book to anyone.

  2. Remember to lend this book to him.

  3. Will you stop listening to the radio, please?

  4. He stopped to say "good-bye" to us.

  5. Peter forgot buying a present for Ann yesterday.

  6. I hope you won't forget to buy a present for Johnny.

Ex. 7. Transform these sentences according to the models.

Model A: Are they still rehearsing? (to finish)

No, they have just finished rehearsing.

  1. Are they still discussing the problem? (to finish)

  2. Is it still raining? (to stop)

  3. Is the room-clerk still checking people in? (to finish)

  4. Has he been painting the picture long? (to begin)

Model B: I don't like when you are late.

I don't like your being late.

  1. I dislike when he is doing nothing.

  2. I don't mind if you open the window.

  3. I hate it when he sings.

  4. He dislikes it when she criticizes his essays.

Model C: What did he say about the novel? (to read)

He said it was worth reading.

  1. What did he say about the performance? (to see)

  2. What did he say about the lecture? (to attend)

  3. What did he say about the proposal? (to think over)

  4. What did he say about his article? (to read)

  5. What did he say about this matter? (to discuss)

  6. What did he say about this question? (to clarify)

Model D: You've told Ben about it, haven't you?

Yes, of course. I couldn't help telling him about it.

  1. You've encouraged Bill, haven't you?

  2. They agreed with his, didn't they?

  3. He changed his mind, didn't he?

  4. They have enjoyed the film, haven't they?

  5. She has read the article, hasn't she?

  6. He told the truth, didn't he?

Model E: I insist that you should borrow books from the


I insist on your borrowing books from the library.

  1. I insist that you should lend books to your friends.

  2. He insists that John should apologize to them.

  3. They insist that he should examine the documents.

  4. I insist that Mary should forgive them/

  5. She insists that we should look through the documents.

  6. They insist that he should settle the problem.

Model F: You should think it over before you give an answer.

You should think it over before giving an answer.

  1. You should collect the necessary material before you start to write an essay.

  2. You should reserve a hotel room before you leave on business.

  3. You should think the offer over before you accept it.

  4. You should re-read the papers before you sign them.

  5. You should switch off the computer before you leave the room.

  6. You should clarify all the questions before you make a decision.

Model G: I see no reasons why they should leave tonight.

I see no reasons for their leaving tonight.

  1. I see no reason why they should criticize him.

  2. He gave up all hope that he would see them again.

  3. I don't like the idea that I should do everything myself.

  4. There is a way this problem can be settled.

Model H: I suppose Mr. Nelson saw the manager before


No, he left without seeing the manager.

  1. I suppose Mrs. Blake left a message before going away.

  2. I suppose he thought the offer over before accepting it.

  3. I suppose you made an appointment with him before going to see him.

  4. I suppose you made some changes before handing the paper.

  5. I suppose you revised the documents before signing them.

  6. I suppose you discussed the matter before making a decision.

Ex. 8. Complete these sentences using gerunds:

  1. The telephone went on … (to ring).

  2. Will you, please, stop … (to read)?

  3. Would you mind … (to repeat)?

  4. Your idea is worth … (to consider).

  5. Excuse my … (to interrupt) you.

  6. He dislikes … (to deal) with them.

  7. He gave up … (to learn) French.

  8. He does not feel like … (to go) in for politics.

  9. He couldn't help (to agree) with them.

Ex. 9. Make up sentences using gerunds after these words and word-combinations:

to start, to enjoy, to remember, to mind, to be busy, to be tired of, it's a pleasure, to thank for, to congratulate on, to depend on, plan for, reason for, before, instead of, besides, without.

Ex. 10. Open the brackets.

  1. I have no intention of (to stay) here any longer.

  2. She insisted on (to help) me.

  3. Are you fond of (to play) chess?

  4. He had very much experience in (to teach).

  5. There is no possibility of (to find) his address.

  6. There is little chance of (to see) her today.

  7. We have the pleasure of (to send) you our catalogues.

  8. I think of (to go) to the South in summer.

Ex.11. Complete (he sentences, using active and passive Gerunds.

1. He looked forward to пригласить

быть приглашенным

2. She prefers рассказывать новости

когда ей рассказывают новости

3. Do you remember винить кого-л. за эту ошибку?

что вас винили за эту ошибку?

4. I don't mind поехать в командировку

если меня пошлют в командировку

если его пошлют в командировку

послать письмо немедленно

чтобы письмо было послано немедленно

5. It depends on просмотрит ли он документы вовремя

будут ли документы просмотрены вовремя

6. He objected to делать работу наспех

чтобы она делала работу наспех

чтобы работа была сделана небрежно

чтобы собрание было отменено

чтобы это здание было снесено

Ex. 12. Answer the following questions:

a) using the Gerund as a direct object:

  1. Which do you like better, skiing or skating?

  2. What films do you consider worth seeing?

  3. Do you prefer booking seats for the theatre in advance? Why?

  4. Do you enjoy traveling by sea (by air, by rail)? Why?

  5. Do you remember taking your child to school for the first time? What do you remember about the day?

  6. Do your children obey you at once or do they need telling several times?

  7. What is your friend busy doing now?

b) using the Gerund as a prepositional object:

8. What are you looking forward to?

9. What are you fond of doing?

10. What do you do when you feel tired of doing one thing?

11 What do you praise (blame) people for?

12. Do you feel like going out when it rains (when the sun shines brightly)?

c) using the Gerund as an attribute:

13. Do you realize the importance of learning foreign languages? What about your friends? Have they much experience in dealing with languages?

14. What are your reasons for taking up English?

15. Do you take much interest in reading English books?

16. What ways of learning words do you find most effective?

17. How can you improve your English if you haven't much chance of speaking it?

18. Is it sensible to lose all hope of learning a language after the first difficulties? (Give your reasons.)

d) using the Gerund as an adverbial modifier:

  1. What arrangements do you make before starting on a holiday?

  2. You book a ticket in advance instead of leaving it to the last day, don't you?

  3. Do you ever go to another town without saying good-bye to your friends?

  4. What do you do on arriving at the place where you are going to spend your holiday?

  5. What do you do to enjoy yourself during a holiday besides swimming or lying in the sun?

  6. You gain a lot by visiting different places of interest, don't you?

c) using the Gerund as part of the predicate:

  1. When did Michael Douglas start acting in theatres?

  2. Why did Highsmith stop trying to pass the exam?

  3. Why did the graduates keep trying to get the job?

  4. Mr. Carrington went on sending his resume to employers, didn't he?

Ex. 13. Give as many combinations with the Gerund as you can and use them in sentences of your own.

to keep

to stop

to finish

to continue

to go on

to begin

to start

to sign the documents

to look through the letters

to praise

to find fault with

to look around

to write a message

to make arrangements