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Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 18.11.2021

Просмотров: 1870

Скачиваний: 17

ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

I read this book.

Я читал эту книгу.

Личные местоимения в объектном падеже выполняют функцию дополнения (прямого или косвенного)

I saw him in the street.

Я видел его на улице.

He showed the picture to us.

Он показал картинку нам.

Possessive Pronouns

Притяжательные местоимения

Притяжательные местоимения выражают принадлежность и отвечают на вопрос чей? whose? Притяжательные местоимения имеют две формы: абсолютную и относительную:




Притяжательные местоимения



Ед. ч.



my мой, моя, моё, мои

mine мой, моя, моё, мои



your твой, твоя, твои

yours твой, твоя, твои





his его

her её

its его, её

his его

hers её

its его,её

Мн. ч.



our наш, наша, наше, наши

ours наш, наша, наше, наши



your ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши

yours ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши



their их

theirs их

Притяжательные местоимения в относительной форме всегда стоят перед именами существительными, к которым они относятся.

This is my flat.

Это моя квартира.

После притяжательного местоимения в абсолютной форме имя существительное не употребляется.

This is not my house. Mine is blue.

Это не мой дом. Мой - голубой.

Reflexive Pronouns

Возвратные местоимения

Возвратные местоимения образуются путем прибавления окончания self/selves к местоимениям my, our, your, him, her, it, them, one


Ед. ч.

Мн. ч.




неопределенно-личная форма











Возвратные местоимения употребляются в функции дополнения после рядя глаголов. Они соответствуют в русском языке:

  1. Частице -ся (сь), которая добавляется к глаголу для придания ему возвратного значения:

He washed himself.

Он умылся.

2. Возвратному местоимению себя (себе, собой):

He bought himself a new car

Он купил себе новую машину.

Возвратные местоимения употребляются для усиления значения существительного:

They saw it themselves.

Они сами это видели.

Reciprocal Pronouns

Взаимные местоимения

К взаимным местоимениям относятся местоимения each other друг друга и one another один другого:

They have known each other for many years.

Они знают друг друга много лет.

Demonstrative Pronouns

Указательные местоимения

Указательные местоимения имеют формы единственного и множественного числа

Ед. ч.

Мн. ч.

this этот, эта, это

these эти

that тот, та, то

those те

Наличие указательного местоимения перед именем существительным исключает употребление артикля перед существительным, к которому оно относится.

We live in that house.

Мы живем в том доме.

Местоимения this и these указывают на предметы, находящиеся в непосредственной близости к собеседнику, а местоимения that и those на более отдаленные предметы.

This is a pencil.

Это карандаш.

That pen is new.

Та ручка новая.

Interrogative Pronouns

Вопросительные местоимения

Who кто - именительный падеж

whom кого - объектный падеж

whose чей

what что, какой

which который, какой, кто, что

Who has taken the contract?

Кто взял контракт?

Whom did you write this letter to?

Кому ты писал письмо?

Whose documents did you take?

Чьи документы вы взяли?

What has happened?

Что случилось?

Which story did you like best?

Какой рассказ тебе больше понравился?

Indefinite Pronouns

Неопределенные местоимения

К неопределенным местоимениям относятся some, any, no (и их производные), none, much, many, little, few, all, both, either, neither, each, every (и его производные), other, one.

1. Some (в утвердительных предложениях) и any (в вопросительных и отрицательных) употребляются со значением несколько, какие-то, какие-нибудь перед существительными во множественном числе:

He showed me some books.

Он показал мне несколько книг.

Have you got any interesting books?

У вас есть (какие-нибудь) интересные книги?

2. Some и any употребляются со значением некоторое количество, немного, сколько-нибудь с неисчисляемыми существительными

I'd like some water

Мне бы немного воды.

Have you got any milk?

У вас есть молоко?

Any употребляется в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях со значением всякий, любой перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе и неисчисляемыми существительными.

Bring me any book you like. Принесите мне любую книгу.

Производные от some и any

Some и any в сочетании с one, body и thing образуют неопределенные местоимения someone, somebody кто-то, кто-нибудь, anyone, anybody кто-нибудь, something, anything что-нибудь. Эти местоимения в предложении служат подлежащим или дополнением:

Ask somebody to help.

Попроси кого-нибудь помочь.

Is anybody home?

Кто-нибудь есть дома?

Tell us something about your family.

Расскажите нам что-нибудь о вашей семье.

Местоимения no

No в сочетании с one, body и thing образуют отрицательные местоимения nobody, no one никто, и nothing ничто:

There is nobody in.

В помещении никого нет.

I can see nothing.

Я ничего не вижу.


Ex. 1. Use the corresponding pronouns instead of the following nouns:

A family, a daughter, parents, a dog, Robert, people, an orange, fruit, morning, a word, Helen, a boy, the sun, a man, a teacher, sister, a doctor, the King, a grandmother, pets, the Queen, animals, a horse, grammar, a fly, a teenager, police, a boy-friend, paper, a book, news, scissors, weather.

Ex. 2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the pronoun:

  1. The secret was between Bob and (I).

  2. I picked some apples from (they) tree.

  3. The car is not his, it is (they).

  4. Nice to see you. How is … family? (you)

  5. Who repaired that bicycle of … (you)? – Nobody, I repaired it …(сам).

Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the pronoun:

  1. This is my house. Do you like …?

  2. Sam is very nice. Do you know …?

  3. Those are your letters. Take … .

  4. He doesn’t like animals. He is afraid of … .

  5. Sally never drinks coffee. She hates … .

  6. He is so handsome! Look at … .

  7. I don’t need this magazine. You can take … .

  8. Where are my shoes. I can’t find … .

  9. Margaret is talking to you. Listen to … .

  10. What surprising news!. Have you heard …?

  11. I often eat fish, I love … !

  12. Tim always thinks about Mary. He loves … .

  13. I’ll be back in a minute. Wait for … , please.

  14. Your parents were so kind to you. Thank … .

  15. We are going to the party. Please join … .

Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the pronoun:

  1. This is my watch. … bought … yesterday.

  2. She didn’t come. What happened to … .

  3. What’s the matter with …? You look bad.

  4. Do you have a new dress? Show … to … .

  5. I’d like to have some biscuits. Can you pass … to … ?

  6. He needs the money. Give … to …, please.

  7. Sarah’s doctor is so kind! … did so much for … .

  8. We are very worried about you. Tell … what is happening.

  9. Who are these people? Nobody knows … .

  10. Mum and I have good neighbours. I like to talk to … .

  11. Sue seldom visits her parents. … often phones … .

  12. I don’t know Tim’s telephone number. Could you write … for …?

  13. My son saw a new Hollywood movie. But … didn’t like … very much.

  14. Kevin and Bess bought a washing machine. … are very proud of ….

  15. The scissors are very sharp. Be careful with … .

  16. Jack loves Sue. He offered … to marry … .

Ex. 5. Choose the correct form of the pronoun:

  1. Kate and (I, me) work together.

  2. We spent our holiday together with (them, they)

  3. My sister and (I, me) are good friends.

  4. It's (he, him).

  5. (She, her) writes to (he, him) every day.

  6. (We, us) enjoy playing tennis.

  7. Will you give (her, she) and (I, me) some help?

  8. Helen and (they, them) are next-door neighbors.

  9. (My, me) aunt Susan is (my, me) mother's sister.

  10. (Our, us) relatives are coming to see (our, us) today.

  11. Tell (them, their) about it.

  12. Is this (you, your) dog? There is something wrong with (it, its) ear.

  13. Ask (him, his) if it's (him, his) car.

  14. George and Carol are having (them, their) lunch.

  15. He gave (me, my) (him, his) photograph.

Ex. 6. Fill in the blanks with Possessive Pronouns:

  1. Autumn has come. I like … beauty.

  2. I wash … hair every morning.

  3. Nelly saw peter with … wife.

  4. He has a bad memory. He can’t remember even … own name.

  5. This book is very old. … pages are yellow.

  6. I’ve got a relative in England. … aunt lives in Guilford.

  7. Some women are not happy with … looks.

  8. Charles is going to a picnic with ,,, girl-friend.

  9. Are you satisfied with … marks, Peter?

  10. Sally and I like Maths. It’s our favourite subject.

  11. Can I take … raincoat, Ann?

  12. Can you rely on … parents?

  13. There is a mouse under the table. I can see … tail!

  14. My parents often play cards with … neighbours.

Ex. 7. Choose the correct pronoun:

  1. Whose bag is it? Is it (your, yours) or his? – It’s (her, hers).

  2. (My, mine) task is easier than (your, yours).

  3. Look at those people. They are (our, ours) friends.

  4. It is not (their, theirs) house. (Their, theirs) is bigger.

  5. (Your, yours) problem is (my, mine) problem.

  6. Are (your, yours) hands warm? (Mine, my) are quite cold.

  7. Can we use (your, yours) telephone? (Our, ours) is out of order.

  8. Is this money (him, his) or (her, hers)?

  9. Meet Mr. Brown. He is a friend of (our, ours).

  10. . We look after (their, theirs) children and they look after (our, ours).

  11. I remember the house but I don’t remember (its, his) number.

  12. The children always make (their, theirs bed) in the morning.

  13. I told her (my, mine).

Ex. 8. Insert some, any, no and their derivatives.

  1. We did it without … difficulty.

  2. They have … time – they must go.

  3. My mother hoped that perhaps the school had … funds to give me a grant.

  4. You never ask me … questions. Is everything clear?

  5. Have … of the cakes.

  6. If you have … news, call me back.

  7. My mother hoped that perhaps the school had … funds to give me a grant.

  8. You have … fine flowers in your garden/

  9. Go and ask him for … more paper.

  10. Come … time you like.

  11. student can answer this question.

  12. Is your arm … better?

  13. If you want … money, feel free to ask.

  14. He doesn’t want … more pudding. You can take it away.

  15. She lives in … little village near London.

  16. Take … doll you like, Sue.

  17. Would you have … cheese with your tea?

Упр. 9. Insert some, any, no.

    1. There are … schools in this street.

    2. Are there … pictures in your book?

    3. There are … flowers here in winter.

    4. I can see … children in the yard. They are playing.

    5. Are there … new buildings in your street?

    6. There are … people in the park because it is cold.

    7. I saw … boys in the garden but Mike was not among them.

    8. They brought … good books from the library.

    9. Give me … tea, please. I am thirsty.

    10. Dinner was not yet ready, so she gave the children … bread and butter because they were hungry.

    11. Do you want … milk in your coffee?

    12. Have you got … time to spare? I'd like to ask you … questions.

    13. We haven't got … black stockings.

    14. Didn't you buy … potatoes yesterday?

    15. We didn't play … games in the yard because it was raining all day long.

Упр. 10. Insert some, any, no.

  1. There is … ink in my fountain-pen.

  2. Is there … snow in the street this morning?

  3. Are there … chess-players here?

  4. There are … diagrams in the new book.

  5. Are there … newspapers on the table?

  6. Was there … water in the glass or … milk?

  7. There was … soap in the box.

  8. There are … letters for you on the table.

  9. Were there … of our teachers at the stadium?

  10. There were … students from our group at the consultation last night.

  11. Will there be … concerts at the club next month?

  12. There were … yellow and green pencils on the table.

  13. People need … oxygen for breathing.

  14. I haven't got … clean contract-forms.

  15. I don't want … butter.

Ex. 11. Chose the proper pronoun.

1. There are (some, any) pictures in our text-book.

2. Are there (some, any) flowers in your room?

3. Do you study (some, any) foreign| languages?

4. Does your friend have (some, any) English magazines?

5. Were there (some, any) boys in your class at school?

6. I did not receive (some, any) letters yesterday.

7. There will be (some, any) pictures on the walls in my room.

8. Did you write (some, any) exercises tea the blackboard yesterday?

Ex 12. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1. I read some English magazines yesterday.

2. There were some new words in that text.

3. I wrote some letters last night.

4. My friend will know some foreign languages soon.

5. There are some German books in my book-case.

Ex. 13. Answer the questions paying attention to some и any.

  1. Do you study any foreign languages?

  2. Did you know any foreign languages last year?

  3. Do you read any English books?

  4. Have you got any interesting English books at home?

  5. Will there be any interesting English magazines at the office tomorrow?

  6. Have you got any friends in Leningrad?

  7. Did you receive any letters from your friends yesterday?

  8. Have you any children?

  9. Have you got any pictures of your daughter?

  10. Does your daughter (son) ask you any questions about your work?

  11. 11 Did you go to any park on Sunday?

  12. Were there any children there?

  13. Will there be any children in this park next Sunday?

  14. Have you got any questions?

  15. Did you have any lessons yesterday?

  16. Is there any garden near your house?

  17. Were there any flowers in your garden last year?

  18. Are there any flowers in your room to-day?

Ex. 14. Insert some or any.

  1. I bought cheese but I didn't buy ... bread.

  2. I'm going to the post office. I need … stamps.

  3. There aren't … shops in this part of town.

  4. George and Alice haven't got … children.

  5. Have you got … brothers or sisters?

  6. There are … beautiful flowers in the garden.

  7. Do you know … good hotels in London?

  8. 'Would you like … tea?' 'Yes, please.'

  9. When we were on holiday, we visited … very interesting places.

  10. Don't buy … rice. We don't need … .

  11. I went out to buy … milk but they didn't have … in the shop.

  12. I'm thirsty. Can I have … water, please?

Ex. 15. Complete the sentences using some, any and one of the following nouns:

air batteries cheese friends help languages letters milk shampoo photographs

  1. I want to wash my hair. Is there ... … .

  2. This evening I'm going to write … … .

  3. I haven't got my camera, so I can't take … … .

  4. Do you speak … foreign … ?

  5. Yesterday evening I went to a restaurant with … .

  6. Can I have … … ?

  7. The radio isn't working. There aren't … … .

  8. It's hot in this office. I'm going out for … … .

  9. 'Would you like. … …?

  10. .I can do this job alone. I don't need … … .

Ex. 16. Fill in the blanks with the derivatives of some, any, no.

  1. There was … in the street because it was late.

  2. Did he say … about it? - No, he said … .

  3. Can … tell me how to get to the Public Library?

  4. That is a very easy question: … can answer it.

  5. "What shall I do now, Ma'am? I have done my work." -"You can do … you like."

  6. is all right, the patient is much better today.

  7. Is there … interesting in the program of the concert?

  8. I could see …: it was quite dark.

  9. I didn't take … money with me, so I couldn't buy … .

  10. My new eyeglasses are very good, I can see … now.

  11. I saw … near the wood that looked like a tent.

  12. Has … in the group got a dictionary?

  13. The question was so difficult that … could answer it.

  14. I am afraid I won't be able to find … in the office now: it is too late.

  15. knows that water is necessary for life.

Ex. 17. Fill in the blanks with the derivatives of some, any, no.

  1. The book is being looked for … but it can be found ….

  2. Sometimes he would sit silent and abstracted, taking no notice of ….

  3. I think there’s … wrong with my watch.

  4. has been here before us.

  5. That is my business and … else’s.

  6. At the party you’ll see … you haven’t met yet.

  7. I’m going to see him because I have … important to tell him.

  8. is better than … in a situation like this.

  9. has any right to interfere in this matter.

  10. It was clear that … has happened.

  11. Sometimes he would sit silent and abstracted, taking no notice of … .

  12. can become a member of the club.

  13. There was hardly … to occupy him.

  14. I’m expecting … at twelve o’clock.

  15. She had … to talk to, she was very lonely.

  16. If you can find … to do it, let me know.

Ex. 18. Insert some, any, no and their derivatives.

  1. I want … seats for Tuesday night. Are there … left? – No, there are … seats left. Every seat is reserved.

  2. Doctor, I think there’s … in my eye. … looks funny. – Let me have a look. I can’t see … . No, I’m sure there’s … there.

  3. There's … in the office! – I didn’t hear … .- Well, just have a look. – No, there’s … there. … has gone home.

  4. What are you looking for? – My pen. It’s in this room! – Where have you looked? – I’ve looked … and I can’t find it … .

  5. She said … to me but I didn't understand it.

  6. I went to the shop but I didn't buy … .

  7. has broken the window. I don't know who.

  8. There isn't … in the bag. It's empty.

  9. I'm looking for my keys. Has … seen them?

  10. Would you like … to drink?

  11. 'What's wrong?' 'There's … in my eye.'

  12. Do you know … about politics?

  13. I didn't eat … because I wasn't hungry.

  14. This is a secret. Please don't tell … .

Ex. 19. Complete the sentences using nobody, no one, nothing, anybody, anyone, anything.

  1. That house is empty. … lives here.

  2. Jack has a bad memory. He can't remember ... .

  3. Be quiet! Don't say… .

  4. I didn't know about the meeting. … told me.

  5. 'What did you have to eat? … . I wasn't hungry.'

  6. I didn't eat … . I wasn't hungry.

  7. Jenny was sitting alone. She wasn't with … .

  8. I'm afraid I can't help you. There's … I can do.

  9. I don't know … about car engines.

  10. The museum is free. It doesn't cost … to go in.

  11. I heard a knock on the door but when I opened it there was … there.

  12. She spoke very fast. I didn't understand … .

  13. 'What are you doing this evening?' '… . Why?'

  14. Helen has gone away. … knows where she is. She didn't tell where she was going.

Ex. 20. Use one of the derivatives of some, any, no.

  1. It's dark. I can't see … .

  2. Tom lives … near London.

  3. Do you know … about computers?

  4. Listen!’ ‘What? I can’t hear … ‘.

  5. What are you doing here?’ I’m waiting for … .’

  6. Please listen carefully. There's ... I want to tell you.

  7. Did … see the incident?’ No, … .

  8. We weren't hungry, so we didn't eat … .

  9. What's going to happen?’ ‘I don’t. … knows.'

  10. Do you know … in London?’ ’Yes, a few people.’

  11. What's in that cupboard?’ ‘… . It's empty.’

  12. I'm looking for my glasses. I can't find them … .

  13. I don't like cold weather. I want to live … warm.

  14. Is there … interesting on television tonight?

  15. Have you ever met … famous?

Ex. 21. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. Someone is waiting for you in that room.

2. He invited everybody to his country-house for the week-end.

3. There is something interesting on in our club to-day.

4. Everybody is proud of this week

5. They are laughing at something funny.

6. Somebody is knocking at the door.

7. He sees someone on the other bank of the river.

8.You will find this book somewhere.

Ex. 22. Answer the following questions paying attention to the indefinite pronouns.

  1. Is there anything on the table?

  2. Can you see anything on the walls of our class-room?

  3. *Did you read anything interesting last week?

  4. Did you read any interesting books last month?

  5. Did you invite anybody to dinner on your last day off?

  6. Will you invite any of your friends to dinner on your next day off?

  7. Why did you invite none of our students to your place for your last birthday party? (Why didn't you invite any of our students to your place ... ?)

  8. Why doesn't anybody come to the office on Sunday?

  9. I think that some books by Oscar Wilde are not difficult for you. Does everybody agree with me?

  10. Did any of you read English books last year?

Ex. 23. Translate the sentences into English using the pronouns in brackets.

(something, anything, nothing, everything, somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), nobody (no one), everybody (everyone), some­where, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere) '

1. I saw this man in Leningrad last year.

2. Can help me with this work?

3. I shall be very glad if we invite else to join our excursion.

4. can answer this difficult question.

5. I don't like this book, give me else.

6. If you don't find at home when you return, wait a little until I come back.

7. I don't like this dress, Mary. Put else on.

8. If it rains, we shan't go .

9. We returned home late and soon went to bed and fell asleep.

10. Can you buy such a book for me ?

I don't like to go shopping on Sunday, because there are usually very many people ____.

12. Is there ___ in the room?—No, there is there.

13. Is clear to you or shall I repeat the rule?

14. wants to go on an excursion, but as it is raining hard, we shall go to-day.

15. Ask else about it. I know about this matter (дело) and can't tell you .

16. As is clear to , I shall tell you else.

Ex. 24. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Если завтра будет холодно, мы никуда не поедем.

  2. Если кто-нибудь опоздает, мы не будем ждать. Все должны прийти вовремя.

  3. Здесь темнее, чем в той комнате. Я ничего не вижу.

  4. Все крепко заснут, как только доберутся до своих постелей.

  5. Расскажите нам что-нибудь интересное о своей жизни.

  6. Пойдем в магазин. Мне нужно купить что-нибудь к ужину.

  7. 7, Кто-то ждет вас в вашей комнате.

  8. Я тоже ничего не слышу. Говорите громче.

  9. Почему вы улыбаетесь? Разве в моем рассказе есть что-нибудь смешное?

  10. Если вы не будете работать над своими ошибками, ничто не поможет вам.

  11. Вас кто-нибудь приглашал вчера на этот" вечер?

  12. Дети сейчас загорают где-нибудь на берегу моря.

  13. 13.Почему вы не соглашаетесь поехать куда-нибудь в отпуск?

  14. Этот человек никогда никого не боится.

  15. Кто-нибудь еще хочет принять участие в нашей экскурсии?

  16. Почему никто из вас не слушает рассказ? Разве он не интересный?

  17. Каждый из вас должен помнить эти слова отца", сказала мать своим детям.

  18. Может ли кто-нибудь из вас спеть эту песню?

  19. Никто не забудет героический подвиг (deed) Матросова.

Ex. 25. Fill in the blanks with many, much, few, little

  1. My grandmother brought us … apples from her garden.

  2. Tom Canty had … clothes.

  3. The boy is ill and can eat … food.

  4. I have … time, so I can't go with you.

  5. He has … English books.

  6. I have … money, so we can go to the cinema.

  7. This girl works very … and she knows nothing.

  8. Mother gave us … apples and we were very glad.

  9. Please, don't put …pepper on the meat.

  10. There were … plates on the table.

  11. I never eat … bread with soup.

  12. Why did you eat so … ice-cream?

  13. She wrote us … letters from the sanatorium.

  14. of these students don't like to look up words in the dictionary.

  15. of this work was too difficult for me.

Ex. 26. Fill in the blanks with many, much, few, little.

  1. Nowadays we are very busy and we see … of our old friends.

  2. I have so … things to do that I don’t know which to do first.

  3. I didn’t get … to eat when we had dinner with the Greens.

  4. We got to the stadium quickly because there was… traffic.

  5. Mother gave us … apples so we were very glad.

  6. This lemon drink is very sour; if you put … sugar in it, it will be sweeter.

Ex. 27. Fill in the blanks with few, little.

  1. There is … friendship in the world, and least of all between equals. Francis Bacon.

  2. Men of … words are the best men. William Shakespeare (Henry V).

  3. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so …. Winston Churchill.

  4. Never before have we had so … time in which to do so much. Franklin Roosevelt.

  5. A country having a … inflation is like a woman being a little pregnant. Leon Henderson.

  6. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother. William Shakespeare (Henry V)

  7. Death is one of the … things that can be done as easily lying down. Woody Allen.

Ex. 28. Chose the correct variant: little or a little, few or a few?

  1. It is … use trying to change her mind.

  2. Could you possibly give me … help?

  3. teenagers in the village could read.

  4. Slowly … children began coming to school.

  5. I only need … minutes to get ready.

  6. She only wanted … love kindness.

  7. Nadia drank … coffee and no alcohol.

  8. Unfortunately, he had … friends.

Ex. 29. Fill in the blanks with many, much, few, little.

  1. Nowadays we are very busy and we see … of our friends.

  2. We are looking forward to our vacation. We are planning to spend … with my folks.

  3. Into each life, … rain must fall. (a 1saying)

  4. I drove along the edge of the sea. There were not … people about.

  5. I have so … things to do that I don’t know which to do first.

  6. My sister spends so … money on her clothes that she has none left for holidays.

  7. She was glad to see me because I was Russian and she knew … Russian. People.

  8. He was so happily absorbed in the building of his house that events outside it affected him … .

  9. He knew he was not a good teacher, and he intended to do … of that.

  10. I didn’t get … to eat when we had dinner with the Greens.

  11. Driving to the stadium was easy. We got there quickly because there was … traffic.

  12. days ago I met a very interesting person.

  13. Since the family is very poor, the children have … clothes.

Ex. 30. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Как можно так много курить! Вы совсем не беспокоитесь о своем здоровье.

  2. Чудесный праздник! Как много гостей! А ведь должно прийти еще больше к восьми часам!

  3. Он больше молчал, не вступая в общий разговор. Но то, что он говорил, было всеми услышано, потому что он не говорил много.

  4. Этим летом мало дождливых дней, все больше солнечных.

  5. У меня совсем не было сегодня свободного времени, поэтому я мало ел. Сейчас я очень голоден.

  6. Моросил мелкий дождь, поэтому на улицах было мало прохожих.

  7. Я могу поделиться этим рецептом с вами. Его секрет в том, что нужно класть много масла и сахара на дно сковороды.

  8. Летом мальчику было очень скучно, потому что очень мало его друзей осталось в городе.

  9. Туристам музей очень понравился, потому что там было много известных полотен и мало людей.

  10. Там были Грины, Смиты, Клинтоны и еще много людей, которых я не знаю.

  11. Ты мало читаешь. Это может повредить тебе на вступительных экзаменах.

  12. В библиотеке осталось очень мало книг, которые Алиса не прочитала.

  13. Много уже сказали, но мало сделали.

  14. В октябре в саду было уже мало цветов. Все понимали, что скоро наступит зима.

  15. Через минуту я спущусь вниз к гостям.

Ex. 31. Fill in the blanks with many, much, few, little (Give two variants where possible).

  1. Our teacher gave us home-work the day before yesterday.

  2. Our teacher will give us home-work tomorrow too.

  3. We usually see men and women in the parks on Sundays.

  4. Our office received telegrams in the morning.

  5. Did your friend do work yesterday?

  6. Will you spend .time on this translation?

  7. Did you read English books last year?

  8. How questions did your teacher ask you at the last lesson?

  9. How work did this engineer give those workers?

  10. When shall we have new interesting films?

Ex. 32. Answer the following questions paying attention to many, much, little, few.

  1. How many English lessons did you have last month?

  2. Did you have much or little work to do last month?

  3. Did your friend have few or many English lessons last week?

  4. Did you spend much time on your English last year?

  5. Did your friend spend much or little time on his French last year?

  6. Who spends little time on his German?

  7. Do you usually ask many questions at your lessons?

  8. Does your teacher always give you little home-work?

  9. Will your teacher give you much home-work on Saturday?

  10. Did you receive many or few letters last month?

  11. Do you spend much or little time with your family?

  12. When will you have little work to do at the office?

Ex. 33. Chose one of the words in brackets.

1. There are too (much, many) people at the library now. I shall come here tomorrow.

2. Did you read (little, few) in your childhood?

3. My friend brought me (much, many) interesting books to read yesterday.

4. The doctor advised my father not to walk (much, many).

5. There is (much, many) fresh air (свежий воздух) in this room.

6. Did you have (much, many) work to do last night?

7. Does your son read (little, few)? —No, he does not. He reads (much, many).

8. Let him think (a little, a few).

9. I attended (a little, a few) lectures here last year.

10. Please, give me (a little, a few) money (деньги).

11. We spent (a little, a few) days in the country and then came back to Moscow.

12. There are (a little, a few) mistakes in your dictation.

13. You know German (a little, a few), try to translate this sentence. It's not difficult at all.

14. My little son knows (a little, a few) English words.

Ex. 34. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the words много, мало, немного (несколько).

1. В нашем городе много высоких зданий.

2. Вчера я встретил здесь своего товарища, мы немного поговорили, а затем пошли в наш клуб.

3. Несколько лет тому назад, в этом городе было мало широких улиц.

4. В прошлом месяце мы прочитали несколько английских книг.

5. В вашем доме много детей? — Да.

6. Мой брат вернется из Ленинграда через несколько дней.

7. Этот мальчик знает много английских слов, потому что он много читает по-английски.

8. Я не знаю французского языка, но он мне очень нравится. Скажите несколько слов по-французски, пожалуйста.

9. Разрешите мне немного подумать.

10. Если вы немного подумаете, вы вспомните это правило. Оно совсем нетрудное.

Ex. 35. Answer the questions using a little или a few.

  1. 'Have you got any money?' 'Yes, ….

  2. 'Have you got any envelopes?' 'Yes, ….

  3. 'Do you want sugar in your coffee?' ‘Yes, …, please.'

  1. 'Did you take any photographs when you were on holiday?' 'Yes, ….'

  2. 'Does your friend speak English?' 'Yes, ….'

  3. 'Are there any factories in this town?’ 'Yes, ….'

Ex. 36. Fill in the blanks with a little or a few and one of the words given below.

Air, chairs, days, friends, letters, milk, Russian, times.

  1. Last night I wrote … … to my family and friends.

  2. Can I have … … in my coffee, please?

  3. 'When did Julia go away?' ' … … ago.'

  4. 'Do you speak any foreign languages?' 'I can speak … ….

  5. 'Are you going out alone?' 'No, I'm going with … ….

  6. 'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, … ….

  7. There wasn't much furniture in the room -just a table and … ….

  8. I'm going out for a walk. I need … fresh ….

Ex. 37. Fill in the blanks with little/a little, few/a few.

  1. There was … food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

  2. 'When did Sarah go out?' '… minutes ago.'

  3. I can't decide now. I need … … time to think about it.

  4. There was … traffic, so we arrived earlier than we expected.

  5. The bus service isn't very good at night - there are … buses after 9 o'clock.

  6. 'Would you like some soup?' 'Yes, … please.'

Unit 5



Глаголом называется часть речи, которая обозначает действие или состояние лица или предмета. Глагол отвечает на вопрос: что делает лицо или предмет? что делается с лицом или предметом?

The students go to the library twice a week.

Студенты ходят в библиотеку два раза в неделю.

They went to the library yesterday.

Вчера они ходили в библиотеку.

5. 1. Формы глагола

Глагол имеет личные и неличные формы.

1. Личные формы глагола выражают лицо, число, наклонение, время, залог. К личным формам относятся формы глагола в трех лицах единственного и множественного числа во всех временах действительного и страдательного залога в изъявительном и сослагательном наклонении. Они служат в предложении сказуемым и всегда употребляются при наличии подлежащего, с которым глагол-сказуемое согласуется в лице и числе.

He is working in the library now.

Сейчас он работает в библиотеке

They are working in the garden now.

Они работают в саду.

К личным формам глагола относится также форма повелительного наклонения:

Come in, please.

2. Неличные формы глагола - инфинитив, герундий, причастие выражают действие без указания лица, числа и наклонения. Они не могут быть сказуемым в предложении, а выполняют другие функции.

I have come to get some books.

Я пришел, чтобы получить книги.

Английский глагол имеет четыре основные формы:

  1. инфинитив

  2. прошедшее неопределенное время

  3. причастие прошедшего времени

  4. причастие настоящего времени

По способу образования прошедшего неопределенного времени и причастия прошедшего времени все глаголы делятся на две группы: правильные и неправильные.

Правильные глаголы образуют прошедшее неопределенное время и причастие прошедшего времени путем прибавления к форме инфинитива окончания -ed:

to work worked worked

to translate translated translated

К неправильным глаголам относятся глаголы, образующие прошедшее неопределенное время и причастие прошедшего времени не путем прибавления к форме инфинитива окончания -ed, а другими способами:

to begin began begun

to speak spoke spoken

to send sent sent

to put put put


Простое неопределенное время

Причастие прошедшего времени































































was, were








































































































































везти, ехать















































5.2. Глаголы to be и to have

Глаголы to be, to have употребляются как смысловые (to be быть, to have иметь), вспомогательные (для образования сложных форм глагола) и могут имеет модальное значение (долженствование, необходимость)

To be

To have


Лексическое значение - смысловой глагол

  1. быть, являться, находиться

He is in the office.

Он (находится) в офисе.

  1. глагол-связка

He is a doctor.

Он врач.

иметь, владеть, обладать

He has a family.

У него есть семья (он имеет…)


Грамматическое значение - вспомогательный глагол (не переводится)

а) для образования времен группы Continuous (Progressive)

I am waiting for the teacher.

b) для образования страдательного залога (Passive Voice)

He is often invited here.

Его сюда часто приглашают.

для образования времен группы Perfect

I have already seen this film.

Я уже посмотрел этот фильм.


Модальное значение - эквивалент модального глагола must

to be to + V - выражает долженствование, необходимость совершения действия согласно договоренности или заранее намеченному плану:

He is to come in time.

Он должен прийти вовремя.

to have to + V - выражает необходимость совершить действие в силу определенных обстоятельств, переводится должен, нужно, приходится, надо

He has to get up early on weekdays. Ему приходится (он должен) вставать рано в рабочие дни.

Формы глагола to be




1 лицо ед. ч. - I

2 лицо ед. ч. -You

3 лицо ед. ч. - He, she, it

1 лицо мн. ч. - We

2 лицо мн. ч. - You

3 лицо мн. ч. - they













shall/will be

will be

will be

shall/will be

will be

will be

Для образования отрицательной формы используется отрицательная частица not, которая ставится непосредственно после глагола: He is not (isn't) a student. He was not (wasn't) sleeping.

Для образования вопросительной формы личная форма глагола to be ставится перед подлежащим: Is he a student? Was he sleeping?

Формы глагола to have




1 лицо ед. ч. - I

2 лицо ед. ч. -You

3 лицо ед. ч. - He, she, it

1 лицо мн. ч. - We

2 лицо мн. ч. - You

3 лицо мн. ч. - they













shall/will have

will have

will have

shall/will have

will have

will have

Для образования отрицательной формы используется отрицательная частица not, которая ставится непосредственно после глагола: He has not (hasn't) any books on history. У него нет книг по истории. I had not (hadn't) any time to rest. У меня не было времени для отдыха.

Когда глагол to have употребляется в сочетании с некоторыми существительными, он утрачивает свое основное значение иметь, обладать, и образует с ними смысловое целое: to have dinner обедать, to have breakfast завтракать, to have a rest отдыхать, to have a talk поговорить. В этих случаях отрицательная и вопросительная формы образуются с помощью глагола to do:

When do you have dinner? Когда вы обедаете?

We don't have dinner at home on weekdays. Мы не обедаем дома в рабочие дни.


Ex. 1. Define the function of the verb to be and translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. The book is on the table.

  2. The table is in the middle of the room.

  3. She'll be there all the day.

  4. Kitty was here for the holidays.

  5. John was at the meeting too.

  6. It was only last year.

  7. Twice two is four.

  8. How much is the fish?

  9. The trouble was we didn't know her address.

  10. I hear you've been to Switzerland this summer.

  11. Mr. Black and Mr. White were at school together when they were boys.

  12. He was ill at ease.

  13. Are you in earnest?

  14. Your time is up.

  15. The children are not up yet.

Ex. 2. Use "to be" or "to have" in Present Simple.

  1. You... welcome.

  2. The metro station... far from my house.

  3. Mary and Nelly... friends.

  4. She ... out.

  5. It... 5 o'clock now.

  6. She ... a nice flat.

  7. We ... a little child. She ... four.

  8. They... a big car. It ... red.

  9. How ... you?

  10. How old ... Mary?

  11. How many children ... they?

  12. What country ... she from?

  13. We ... well.

  14. They ... a small cottage. It ... far away.

  15. She ... at home.

  16. She ... no time.

  17. He ... bad habits.

  18. How far ... it from here?

  19. It ... easy to ask him about it.

  20. It ... not good of her to say so.

  21. She ... two mistakes in the test. Her mistakes... bad.

  22. They ... glad to see her.

  23. It ... a rainy day,... he an umbrella with him?

Ex. 3. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

  1. Her name is Lucy.

  2. Ted is nine.

  3. Her face is round.

  4. He is nice.

  5. It is a good film.

  6. My flat is fine.

  7. I am happy.

  8. They are clever.

  9. His cat is black.

  10. We are at school.

  11. You are pale.

  12. Her baby is in bed.

  13. It is a nice day.

  14. They are late.

  15. She has a white dress.

Ex. 4. Translate into Russian paying attention to the modal meaning of to be, to have.

  1. Roy was to make many friends in literary circles.

  2. They were to sign the contract last week.

  3. We were to finish our work in a week, but we couldn't do it.

  4. She was to make this dress next day.

  5. They asked us to leave on Monday but because of two days delay with the visit we had to book tickets for Wednesday.

  6. I was to arrive a day later and couldn't warn any of my friends of the change.

  7. When asked why he was so late, he told me that he had missed the train and had to wait for another one.

  8. The article is to be ready in time.

  9. He was disappointed because he was to share a meal with Smith in a restaurant.

  10. He had to have written a new book in six months but he could not do it.

  11. He knows that he has to take great pains with the book to make it good.

  12. He has to cope with many difficulties as he goes through life.

Ex. 5. Fill in interrogative and negative forms of the verb to be in the proper tense.

  1. Last year she … 22, so she ... 23 now.

  2. Today the weather … nice, but yesterday it … very cold.

  3. I … hungry. Can I have something to eat?

  4. I feel fine this morning but I … very tired last night.

  5. Where … you at 11 o'clock last Friday morning?

  6. Don't buy those shoes. They … very expensive.

  7. I like your new jacket … it expensive?

  8. This time last year I … in Paris.

  9. 'Where … the children?' 'I don't know. They … in the garden ten minutes ago.

  10. We … happy with the hotel. Our room ...very small and it …very clean.

  11. George … at work last week because he … ill. He … better now.

  12. Yesterday … a public holiday so the shops … closed. They … open today.

  13. Sue and Bill at the party yesterday? - Sue … there but Bill … .

  14. Where … my keys?’ - ‘I don't know. They … on the table but they … there now’.

  15. You … at home last night. Where … you?

Ex. 6. Use have/has got or haven’t/hasn’t got.

  1. Sarah … a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

  2. They like animals. They … three dogs and two cats.

  3. Charles isn't happy. He … a lot of problems.

  4. They don't read much. They … many books.

  5. 'What's wrong?' 'I … something in my eye.'

  6. Where's my pen?’ ‘I don't know. I … it.’

  7. Julia wants to go to the concert but she … a ticket.

  8. I'm not feeling very well. I … a headache.

  9. It's a nice house but it … a garden.

  10. Most cars … four wheels.

  11. Everybody likes Tom. He … a lot of friends.

  12. I'm going to the dentist this morning. I … a toothache.

  13. He can't open the door. He … keys.

  14. An insect … six legs.

  15. We must hurry. We … much time.

  16. They … a four-year-old son.

  17. You … a big car.

  18. We … many English books.

  19. He … many uncles and aunts.

  20. The house … five floors.

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. Ане восемнадцать лет. Она - студентка.

  2. У них новая квартира.

  3. У меня нет автомобиля.

  4. У него большая семья.

  5. Мамы нет дома, она на работе.

  6. Семь часов. Пора вставать. Холодно. У вас есть камин?

  7. Дом моих родителей недалеко от Москвы.

  8. Ее брат - миллионер. У него два «Мерседеса».

  9. Студенты в аудитории, у них сейчас лекция.

  10. Эта книга есть у нас в библиотеке.

  11. Фильм неинтересный.

  12. Она говорит, что у нее нет времени.

  13. Ты сейчас занята?

  14. Сколько вам лет?

  15. Интересно, дома ли она сейчас. В это время они обычно обедают.

  16. Летом здесь очень жарко, но у нас есть бассейн.

  17. Спроси его, почему он сердится.

  18. По вечерам они всегда бывают дома.

  19. Цветы были такие свежие!

  20. - Директора нет. - Очень жаль.

  21. - Катя дома? - Да, но она занята. У нее много работы. - Очень жаль.

  22. Брайан был здесь минуту назад. Интересно, где он.

  23. - Где вы обычно обедаете? - В кафетерии.

  24. Я устала. Давайте отдохнем.

  25. . Желаю вам приятного путешествия!

  26. - У вас есть вопросы? - Нет, все ясно.

  27. - У тебя есть сигареты? - Нет, я некурящий.

  28. - Что мы возьмем на обед? - Я возьму только салат. Я не голодна.

  29. Джон сейчас на Средиземном море.-

5.3. Действительный залог (The Active Voice)

Форма действительного залога показывает, что подлежащее совершает действие, выраженное глаголом-сказуемым. Для выражения времени совершения действия английский глагол имеет систему глагольных времен, включающую 4 группы:

Indefinite /Simple

(Неопределенные, простые)

Continuous /Progressive




Perfect /Continuous


Present (настоящее)



is asking

is going

have asked

has gone

have been asking

has been going

Past (прошедшее)



was asking

was going

had asked

had gone

had been asking

had been going

Future (будущее)

will ask

will go

will be asking

will be going

will have asked

will have gone

will have been asking

will have been going

5.3.1. Времена группы Indefinite / Simple

обозначают факт совершения действия в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем.

Глагол в Present Simple обозначает обычно происходящее, постоянное действие, сопровождающееся следующими показателями совершения действия: always всегда, often часто, seldom редко, never никогда, from time to time время от времени, as a rule как правило, every day (week, year) каждый день (неделю, год), usually/generally (обычно).

Сказуемое в Present Simple имеет форму инфинитива без частицы to: V1. В 3-ем лице единственном числе к основе глагола добавляется суффикс -(e)s: V1 + -(e)s:

I read. Я читаю.

He reads. Он читает.

We teach. Мы преподаем.

She teaches. Она преподает.

Для образования отрицательной и вопросительной форм используется вспомогательный глагол do (does). Основной глагол используется в первой форме без частицы to.

I do not read English.

Я не читаю по-английски.

Do you read newspapers?

Вы читаете газеты?

She does not teach History.

Она не преподает историю.

What does she teach?

Что она преподает?

Глагол в Past Simple обозначает обычно происходящее, постоянное действие в прошлом, сопровождающееся следующими показателями совершения действия: все выражения со словами yesterday (вчера), last (прошлый), ago (тому назад); the other day (на днях в прошлом), in 1945 (в 1945 году).

Сказуемое в Past Simple образуется с помощью суффикса -ed, который добавляется к основе правильных глаголов, у неправильных глаголов - это вторая форма: V-ed = V2

She asked many questions yesterday.

Вчера она задала много вопросов.

He taught History at the University 20 years ago.

Двадцать лет тому назад он преподавал историю в университете.

Для образования отрицательной и вопросительной форм Past Simple используется вспомогательный глагол did. Основной глагол используется в первой форме без частицы to.

She did not ask any questions.

Она не задавала вопросов.

Why did she ask many questions?

Почему она задавала много вопросов?

He did not teach at the university.

Он не преподавал в университете.

What did he teach at the university?

Что он преподавал в университете?

Глагол в Future Simple обозначает действие, которое будет происходить в будущем, и сопровождается следующими показателями действия: все выражения со словами tomorrow завтра, next следующий; soon скоро, one of the days на днях в будущем, in в значении через (in 5 years - через 5 лет), in 2025 (в 2025 году).

Сказуемое в Future Simple образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола will (shall) и первой формы основного глагола без частицы to.

She will ask many questions at the conference tomorrow.

Завтра на конференции она задаст много вопросов.

He will teach at the university next year.

В следующем году он будет преподавать в университете.

Для образования отрицательной и вопросительной форм используется вспомогательный глагол will (shall). Основной глагол используется в первой форме без частицы to.

She will not ask any questions at the conference tomorrow.

Она не будет задавать вопросы на конференции завтра.

When will she ask questions?

Когда она будет задавать вопросы?

He will not teach at the university next year.

В следующем году он не будет преподавать в университете.

Where will he teach next year?

Где он будет преподавать в следующем голу?


Ex. 1. Open the brackets:

  1. -... your brother (to live) in Moscow?-No, he (not). He (to live) in Kiev.

  2. There (to be) a policeman at the door.

  3. -... you (to like) reading books?-Yes, I ... . I (to like) to read very much.

  4. She (to be) pretty and friendly.

  5. There (to be) some mistakes in your dictation.

  6. Where (to be) the nearest bus stop, please?

  7. -(To be) the shops open at 8 o'clock? -No, they (to be) close*

  8. It (to sound) interesting.

  9. You (to be) a teacher, … n't you?

  10. The Hays (to seem) to be a really happy family.

  11. When it... cold, we (to put on) warm clothes.

  12. (To be) that hotel expensive?

  13. He (to think) he (to be) right.

  14. The sweater (to be) nice, the trousers (to be) nice, too.

  15. Bad news (to travel) fast.

  16. My hair (to be) not clean. I must wash it.

  17. Mary (to teach) Mathematics at school.

Ex. 2. Use the Present Simple Tense instead of the Infinitive in brackets:

  1. The swimming bath (to open) at 9.00 and (to close) at 18.30 every day.

  2. What time the banks (to close) in Britain?

  3. I have a car but I (not to use) it very often.

  4. Where your father (to come) from?’ – ‘He (to come) from Ireland.’

  5. I (not to understand) the word “deceive”. What “deceive” (to mean)?

  6. What you (to do)?’ – ‘I (to be) an electrical engineer.’

  7. Ann (not to go) to the library very often. She (to have) a great number of books at home.

  8. They often (to interfere with) your work. Why you (to allow) them to make such a noise? Why you (not to tell) them to be quiet?’ – ‘Oh, but they can’t. Children always (to be) noisy.’

  9. Who (to come) here most often?

  10. He (not to approve) of your behavior.

  11. Ted never (to feel) at ease here. He (to be) too shy, he (not)?

  12. I never (to complain) of anything. Rita (not to complain) either.’ – Oh, but she (to do)!’

Ex. 3. Ask all possible types of questions to the following sentences:

  1. Carol lives in a very nice cottage with her family.

  2. I usually get up early because I hate being late to my office.

  3. No one lives in that house now. They believe it’ haunted.

  4. Pete always reads some pages from one book or another before going to bed.

  5. We seldom see each other these days, I don’t know why.

  6. Gerry goes to the video arcade every day.

  7. It takes him hours to get there.

  8. This newspaper is two days old.

  9. Lots of people enter this University every year.

  10. I enjoy reading books. They are so fascinating.

  11. The milkman brings us milk very early.

  12. Phil enjoys sports, but he doesn’t enjoy music at all.

Ex. 4. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Его родители живут в Москве, и он навещает их каждый месяц.

  2. Почему вы не хотите воспользоваться такой прекрасной возможностью?

  3. В это время он всегда занимается, и родственники стараются не мешать ему.

  4. Я не знаю, почему он всегда опаздывает. Наверное, он живет далеко от университета.

  5. Почему ты так редко к нам заходишь? – Я сейчас очень занят. Мы репетируем каждый день.

  6. Гарри очень редко гуляет с собакой (to walk ones). У него очень мало свободного времени.

  7. Разве вы не хотите пойти с нами на дискотеку?

  8. Почему Мэри так редко бывает на занятиях? – Она часто болеет.

  9. Мой брат ходит в школу каждый день, а мы учимся пять дней в неделю.

  10. Почему вы никогда не приходите на занятия вовремя?

  11. Кто знает перевод этого слова?

  12. Наш поезд отправляется в 18.00; у нас еще есть время.

  13. Что означает это выражение?

  14. Мне никто никогда ничего не рассказывает.

Ex. 5. Use the Past Simple Tense instead of the Infinitive in brackets:

  1. I (not to go) to work yesterday because I (not to be) very well.

  2. Tom (not to shave) this morning because he (not to have) time.

  3. We (not to eat) because we (not to be) hungry.

  4. She (not to be) interested in the book because she (not to understand) it.

  5. Fred (to be) very upset yesterday. His parents (not to allow) him to go out.

  6. Where you (to go) last Christmas?

  7. We (to look) at her for a moment with surprise.

  8. Eric (to switch on) the wireless and (to sit down) beside it.

  9. She (not to smile) when she (to see) him.

  10. Three o’clock (to strike), and four, and half-hour (to ring) but Dorian (not to stir).

  11. When Eddy (to leave) in the morning he (to take) her photograph with him.

  12. The stranger (to climb) into his car and (to drive away), and when he (to notice) later that his speedometer (to indicate) seventy-five, he (to laugh) at himself but (not to slow down).

  13. Bart’s train (to get) into Central about half past five, and he (to go) to the serviceman’s hostel and (to have) a bath and a sleep.

Ex. 6. Open the brackets:

  1. There isn't a cloud in the sky, but it (to be) cloudy in the morning.

  2. Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she (to finish) it later yesterday afternoon.

  3. Every day I help Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I (not /to help) her much.

  4. Tom isn't playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he (not /to play) tennis yesterday.

  5. We generally have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we (to have lunch) later.

  6. Now my brother smokes a lot, but he (not/to smoke) before.

  7. The Frasers live in a four-room apartment, but last year they (to live) in a small house in the country.

  8. I don't eat meat at all, but the other day I visited my friends and (to eat) pork there.

  9. My Dad always goes to work by car, but last week he (to go) to work on foot.

  10. The weather is nice today, but it (be) bad yesterday.

  11. We rarely watch television, but last week we (to watch) a lot of interesting programs.

  12. - Do you often see Tom? - Not often, but I (to see) him at the party the other day.

  13. I (to get) to the market myself last time, but now I (not/to remember) how to get there.

  14. I sleep well, but last night I (not /to sleep) at all.

  15. I usually come home from school at 2.00 p.m., but last week I (to be) on duty and (to come) home a little later.

  16. It seemed impossible for him to win, but he (to win).

Ex. 7. Open the brackets:

  1. I walked quickly because I (to feel) cold.

  2. It (to take) him two hours to get to London.

  3. Helen (to prefer) tea to coffee.

  4. My husband (to speak) to his boss last week.

  5. Five years ago my Dad (to sell) his farm and (to buy) a business in a small town.

  6. He (to meet) Mary and (to fall) in love with her at first sight.

  7. As soon as the bus (to stop), Jill (to get off).

  8. Three weeks later I (to leave) for Moscow.

  9. How you (to cut) your finger?

  10. Jack (to try) to remember what he had done last April.

  11. Yesterday Mr. Watson (to drink) too much at the party.

  12. Looking through the paper, the teacher (to find) several mistakes.

  13. Julius Caesar (to found) the Tower of London.

  14. Ten minutes ago I (to hear) a strange noise.

  15. Edward (to make) up his mind to escape from prison.

  16. When you (to write) to your parents last time?

Ex. 8. Ask questions to the underlined parts of the sentences:

  1. Last year he didn’t go to the South because of the exams.

  2. They came to visit his friend yesterday.

  3. He went to the concert two days ago.

  4. He had breakfast at 8.30.

  5. His mother came to his school and had a long conversation with his teacher.

  6. These students were usually late for their lectures last year because they had transport problems.

  7. She didn’t tell him the truth.

  8. He wanted to learn the whole story.

  9. Robert took his driving test last week.

  10. No one wanted to learn the truth: everyone was afraid.

  11. Jane asked her mother to buy her a pullover.

  12. Tom bought a lot of Christmas presents for his friends.

  13. Last year Mary worked as a babysitter in this family.

  14. Yesterday we went to the concert together. It was great!

Ex. 9. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the forms of the verbs:

  1. Она подняла трубку и набрала номер телефона Алисы.

  2. Он вернулся позавчера, верно?

  3. В дверь снова постучали. Они не ответили, и вскоре стук прекратился.

  4. Это был незабываемый вечер.

  5. Он положил книги на стол, выключил свет и вышел из комнаты.

  6. Ее семья в прошлом году переехала в Лондон.

  7. Он хорошо написал тест, и преподаватель похвалил его.

  8. Когда Дэнни уехал в Лондон? – Позавчера. Я проводил его. Он не хотел уезжать и выглядел очень расстроенным.

  9. Кейт вздохнула с облегчением. Этот ужасный день наконец-то закончился (to be over). Она выключила компьютер, еще раз оглядела комнату, щелкнула выключателем и заперла дверь.

  10. Письмо пришло вчера, верно? Кто принес его? Почему вы не отдали мне его сразу?

  11. Кто вчера уходил из кабинета последним и не запер дверь?

  12. Вчера я пошел в библиотеку. Я хотел взять словарь, но библиотека была, к сожалению, закрыта. Я пришел поздно.

Ex. 10. Open the brackets using the Future Simple Tense:

  1. I (to be) very busy at the beginning of June. We (to have) our exams.

  2. He (to come) to see me in a year’s time.

  3. He (to have dinner in ten minutes.

  4. This day (to come) sooner or later.

  5. It (to be) very slippery tomorrow, I’m afraid.

  6. He (to behave) as usual, I’m afraid. You know how such people are.

  7. You (to go) to the Opera with me tonight?

  8. Who (to join) me? Perhaps I (to drive) to town this weekend.

  9. No one (to believe) you, I hope. And I also hope you (to stop) imagining things and talking nonsense.

  10. I (not to go) to that party, my dear. Your sister’s usual guests (to bore) me to death again.

  11. You (to help) or not?

  12. How long you (to be away)? I (to miss) you.

  13. I don’t think he (to make) a really good travel agent.

Ex. 11. Ask questions to the underlined parts of the sentences:

  1. I think I will get up earlier tomorrow morning.

  2. We shall meet our friends next week.

  3. He will pack his bags tomorrow morning, he is too busy tonight.

  4. I shall read ten chapters tomorrow.

  5. I am tired. I shall go and have a nap before dinner.

  6. There will be a party on Sunday at the Wilsons’.

  7. I’ll walk five miles tomorrow.

  8. They will write a test tomorrow at their French lesson.

  9. A crowd of admirers will come to the airport to see him off.

  10. I won’t buy this hat. It’s old-fashioned.

  11. Nelly will go on a round-the-world trip with her friends.

  12. He will return the book tomorrow.

  13. I’m so exhausted. I think I’ll go and have a bath. I’ll try to relax.

Ex. 12. Ask questions using the prompt words in brackets:

  1. She will go to school next year. (When? Who?)

  2. I think they’ll come to see us next week. (Who? When?)

  3. She will see her friend at the cinema. (Whom? Where?)

  4. Tomorrow she’ll have breakfast earlier than usual. (When? Why?)

  5. It will snow tonight. (When?)

  6. Their group will go to London next month. (Who? When? Where?)

  7. Ron will help her to pass her exam, I’m sure. (Who? Whom? What?)

  8. I’ll never want to see him again. (Whom? Why?)

  9. Those happy days will never come again. (Why?)

  10. .Tina will bring this new record tomorrow: be sure to come. (Who? What? When?)

  11. Leave the newspaper alone: I’ll read it in the evening. (When? Who?)

  12. Tomorrow our in-laws will visit us. (Who? When?)

  13. They will go to the seaside in spring or in summer. (Who? When? Where?)

  14. He’ll never lend you money: he’s too greedy for that. (What? Why?)

Ex. 13. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Я думаю, что он придет на этот вечер.

  2. Надеюсь, ребенок попадет в хорошие руки.

  3. Не приходите завтра в два часа: он будет занят.

  4. Эта зима будет очень холодной.

  5. Я уверен, что он подпишет все документы.

  6. Кто пойдет завтра с нами в театр?

  7. Вы напишите мне, не правда ли?

  8. Я не уверена в том, что он примет ваше предложение.

  9. Вы отправите это письмо сегодня?

  10. Я думаю, мы еще увидимся до отъезда.

  11. Ты думаешь, мы успеем к отходу поезда?

  12. Боюсь, он заблудится.

  13. Надеюсь, он больше не будет так себя вести.

  14. Не торопите меня. Я все расскажу с самого начала.

  15. Ты покажешь мне картину?

  16. Мы вымоем посуду позже.

  17. Ты расскажешь мне обо всех своих приключениях?

  18. Я все узнаю – рано или поздно, так или иначе.

5.3.2. Времена группы Continuous/Progressive

обозначают действие, которое происходит в определенный момент в настоящем, прошлом или будущем.

Глагол в Present Continuous обозначает действие, которое происходит в настоящий момент и сопровождается следующими показателями совершения действия: now сейчас, at the moment в данный момент, still все ещё.

Сказуемое в Present Continuous образуется с помощью личной формы вспомогательного глагола to be в настоящем времени (is, am, are) и ing-формы основного глагола.