Файл: Учебнометодическое пособие по английскому языку Медицинская терминология на английском языке для педиатров. Н. Новгород Издво Нижегородской государственной медицинской академии, 2016. 111 с.docx

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7. Women who smoke during pregnancy give birth to babies who are ….. than babies of nonsmokers.

  1. lighter and smaller in all dimensions

  2. bigger

  3. lighter

  4. smaller

  5. heavier

8. The organ that maintains the developing fetus during pregnancy is called …...

  1. placenta

  2. uterus

  3. amniotic sac

  4. heart

  5. ova

9. ….. increases the risk of spontaneous abortions, bleeding during pregnancy, premature rupture of the amniotic sac, and fetal deaths and deaths of newborns.

  1. drinking alcohol

  2. exposing to chemicals

  3. maternal smoking

  4. taking hormones

  5. all the statements above

10. An abnormal developmental feature of offspring is called ….. .

  1. premature

  2. retardation

  3. rupture

  4. premature

  5. malformation

Lesson 2

Prenatal Development - Prenatal Environmental Influences (Part II)


Significantly [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəntli] – значительно

Maternal [məˈtə:nl] – материнский

To filter out – отфильтровать

Malaria [məˈlɛərɪə] – малярия

Syphilis [ˈsɪfɪlɪs] – сифилис

Venereal [vɪˈnɪərɪəl] – венерический

Widespread [ˈwaɪdspred] – широко распространенный

To contract ['kɔntrækt] – здесь: заразиться, заболеть

Cataracts [ˈkætərækt] – катаракта

Deafness [ˈdefnɪs] – глухота

Severity [sɪˈverɪtɪ] – серьёзность, степень серьёзности заболевания

Acquired [əˈkwaɪəd] immunodeficiency [ɪˌmjuːnəʊdɪˈfɪʃnsi] syndrome [ˈsɪndrəum] – синдром приобретенного иммунодефицита

Publicity [pʌbˈlɪsɪtɪ] – известность

Off-spring – отпрыск, здесь: ребёнок

Toxemia [tɔkˈsɪ:mɪə] – токсикоз

Preeclampsia [ˌprɪˌɪˈklæmpsɪə] – преэклампсия, тяжелая форма позднего токсикоза беременных

Buildup [ˈbɪldʌp] – здесь: накопление

Tissue [ˈtɪʃu:] – ткань

Protein [ˈprəuti:n] – белок

Convulsion [kənˈvʌlʃən] – конвульсия, судорога

Coma [ˈkəumə] – кома

Tremendous [trɪˈmendəs] – огромный, грандиозный

Toxicosis [təksɪˈkəuzɪs] – ранний токсикоз беременных

Gestational [dʒeˈsteɪʃən(ə)l] – гестационный, обусловленный беременностью, относящийся к беременности

Anoxia [ʌəˈnɒksɪə] – кислородное голодание, гипоксия

Epilepsy [ˈepɪlepsɪ] – эпилепсия

To some extent – в некоторой степени

Furthermore [ˈfə:ðəˈmɔ:] – кроме того, более того

Ova [ˈəuvə] – яйцеклетка

To deteriorate [dɪˈtɪərɪəreɪt] – портить, ухудшать, повреждать, разрушать

Sperm [spə:m] – сперма

Rh (rhesus) [ˈriːsəs] factor [ˈfæktə] – резус фактор

Antibody [ˈæntɪˌbɔdɪ] – антитело

To mate [meɪt] – здесь: заводить потомство

Rupture [ˈrʌptʃə] – разрыв

Capillary [kəˈpɪlərɪ] – капиллярный

Placenta [pləˈsentə] – плацента, детское место

To release [rɪˈliːs] – выпускать, выделять

To deprive [dɪˈpraɪv] – лишать, отнимать

Circumstance [ˈsə:kəmstəns] – обстоятельство

Fetal [ˈfi:tl] erythroblastosis [ɪˌrɪθrəʊbləˈstoʊsɪs] – эритробластоз плода, (тяжёлая гемолитическая анемия плода и новорождённого, возникающая в результате трансплацентарной передачи материнских антител на фоне несовместимости крови беременной и плода по Rh-фактору)

Incompatibility [ˈɪnkəmˌpætəˈbɪlɪtɪ] – несовместимость

Rhogam [ˌrəʊˈɡæm] — рогам, торговая марка анти-Rh-гаммаглобулина, используемого для предотвращения развития Rh-гемолитической болезни (Резус-фактор)

To induce [ɪnˈdju:s] – вызывать

Blood transfusion [trænsˈfju:ʒən] – переливание крови

In utero (лат.) [ɪnˈuterə] – внутриутробно
The Mother

Since the mother's body is the chief element in the fetus' environment, the mother's physical condition can significantly affect the baby's development.

Among the maternal factors known to influence the fetus are disease, age, diet, reactions associated with a certain blood component, and prolonged stress.


Since the placenta cannot filter out extremely small disease carriers, such as viruses, children can be born with malaria, measles, chicken pox, mumps, syphilis, or other venereal diseases that have been transmitted from the mother.

Rubella is the most widespread of the viruses that have a teratogenic effect. If a pregnant woman contracts rubella, she is likely to give birth to a child with a congenital abnormality such as heart disease, cataracts, deafness, or mental retardation. Interestingly, there is not a direct relationship between the severity of the disease in the mother and its effect on the fetus. For example, women who have had mild attacks of rubella have given birth to babies with severe abnormalities.

Although rubella might be the most widespread disease, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is by far the most frightening and the one that has received the most publicity. The disease is usually transmitted from the mother through the uterus during pregnancy or is acquired by the off-spring at birth.

Toxemia (especially late toxemia or preeclampsia) is a frightening condition that is potentially fatal for the mother and the fetus. It is characterized by high blood pressure, swelling, and weight gain due to a buildup of fluid in the body tissues, and the presence of protein in the mother's urine. In severe cases the woman may go into convulsions or coma, placing a tremendous strain on her, which is carried over to the fetus. Women with toxemia frequently give birth to premature babies or to babies smaller than average for their gestational age. Toxemia, however, can be treated through medication and diet. Early toxemia or toxicosis occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and usually terminates after 12 weeks. This condition is very often met and considered to be not so dangerous.

Anoxia is a condition in which the brain of the baby does not receive enough oxygen to allow it to develop properly. Anoxia can cause certain forms of epilepsy, mental deficiency, cerebral palsy, and behavior disorders. If the amount of brain damage is not too severe, however, it may be possible to compensate for the disorder to some extent.


Teenage mothers and those over thirty-five years of age have a higher risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and some birth defects than mothers in the prime childbearing years. Some of the reasons are fairly obvious. Very young mothers have not yet completed their own development, and the reproductive system may not be quite ready to function smoothly or effectively. In older women the reproductive system may be past its most efficient functioning. In both cases, pregnancy puts an extra strain on a body that is not fully able to bear it. Furthermore, a woman's ova may deteriorate with age, leading to a greater risk of birth defects. Women have all their ova in partly developed form when they are born. So a woman who becomes pregnant at age thirty-seven, for example, is "using" an ovum that has been more or less exposed to thirty-seven years' worth of harmful chemicals, radiation, virus infections, and whatever else has happened to her body. This may explain why, for instance, Down syndrome is most common in children born to mothers over forty years of age.

It is quite possible that men's sperm may also be susceptible to chemicals and radiation effects over time. Furthermore, there may be genetic disorders that cause changes in sperm structure.

The Rh Factor

When blood containing the Rh factor (that is, Rh-positive blood) is introduced into blood without the Rh factor (Rh-negative blood), antibodies to combat the Rh factor are produced.

If an Rh-negative woman mates with an Rh-positive man, the resulting child may have Rh-positive blood.

Any small rupture in the capillaries of the placenta will release the Rh factor into the mother's bloodstream, causing her body to produce the antibodies needed to fight it. The antibodies in the mother's blood will then cross the placenta into the fetal bloodstream and attack its Rh-positive red blood cells, depriving the fetus of oxygen. The result may be a miscarriage, possible brain defects, or even death to the fetus or newborn child. Only in circumstances involving an Rh-negative mother and an Rh-positive child does this danger exist.

This condition in the child is called fetal erythroblastosis. Firstborn children are not threatened so much, because the mother's blood has not had time to produce a large amount of antibodies, but the risk increases with each pregnancy. In the past, erythroblastosis was always fatal, but now medical techniques can minimize the harmful effects of Rh incompatibility.

After the birth of an Rh-positive child, the Rh-negative mother can be given an injection of the drug Rhogam to reduce the buildup of antibodies in her blood. If this is not done, future Rh-positive children will be endangered by the high antibody level. A doctor who suspects an Rh incompatibility between mother and fetus can measure her antibody level and induce labor if the antibody count becomes too high. Immediate and complete blood transfusions to the newborn infant can then eliminate the mother's antibodies from its blood. If the fetus is not yet mature enough to survive after birth, a blood transfusion will be performed in utero.


  1. Answer the questions:

  1. What maternal factors influence the baby's development?

  2. What abnormalities can a child have, if a pregnant woman contracts rubella?

  3. How is AIDS usually transmitted from the mother to the future baby?

  4. What is toxemia characterized by? What can happen in severe cases?

  5. What are the symptoms of early toxicosis?

  6. What is anoxia? How can it damage the future baby’s health?

  7. Why do teenage mothers and those over thirty-five years of age have a higher risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and some birth defects than mothers in the prime childbearing years?

  8. Can man’s age influence the future child’s health? Why yes/not?

  9. What types of Rh factor can people have?

  10. What problems can occur if an Rh-negative pregnant woman carries Rh-positive child? What is fetal erythroblastosis?

  11. Is Rh incompatibility curable?

  12. What medical care is provided to the mother and her child in case of their Rh incompatibility?

2. Insert a missed word (phrase):

1) After the birth of an Rh-positive child, the Rh-negative mother can be given an injection of the drug ……. to reduce the buildup of antibodies in her blood.

2) If the fetus is not yet mature enough to survive after birth, a blood transfusion will be performed ……. .

3) Early toxemia or ……. occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and usually terminates after 12 weeks.

4) Although ……. might be the most widespread disease, ……. is by far the most frightening and the one that has received the most publicity.

5) ……. have not yet completed their own development, and the ……. may not be quite ready to function smoothly or effectively.

6) Women have all their ……. in partly developed form when they are born.

7) Any small ……. in the ……. of the ……. will release the Rh factor into the mother's ……., causing her body to produce the ……. needed to fight it.

  1. Match the words (phrases) with their definitions:

  1. maternal

  2. venereal

  3. deafness

  4. antibody

  5. preeclampsia

  6. coma

  7. gestational

  8. anoxia

  9. fetal erythroblastosis

  10. blood transfusion

  1. a complication of pregnancy, characterized by hypertension and damage to the linings of the blood vessels of the brain, liver, lungs and kidneys, which can lead to multiple organ failure, convulsions, coma and death. The only cure is delivery of the child;

  2. a protein produced by B-lymphocytes that binds to a specific antigen;

  3. a state of sleep from which one may not wake up, usually induced by some illness of trauma;

  4. derived from the mother as opposed to the fetus during pregnancy, related through the mother;

  5. related to pregnancy;

  6. disabling or fatal blood disorders in the infant due to Rh incompatibility with his mother;

  7. is generally the process of receiving blood products into one's circulation intravenously;

  8. sexually transmitted;

  9. a condition in which a tissue or environment or a fetus is partially or totally deprived of oxygen;

  10. the lack or loss of the ability to hear.

  1. Build the words from the letters:

  1. l a e v i r e n; 2) l a n r m t e a; 3) l p a n e t c a; 4) x o t i a i m; 5) a e f l t.

  1. Pay attention to the underlined sentences in the text. What voices and tenses are used in them?

Lesson 3

Progress Test

1. ….. is the most widespread of the viruses that have a teratogenic effect on fetus.

a) measles

b) mumps

c) rubella

d) malaria

e) chicken pox

2. ….. is usually transmitted from the mother through the uterus during pregnancy or is acquired by the off-spring at birth.


b) toxemia

c) anoxia

d) FAS

e) hyperactivity

3. ….. is characterized by high blood pressure, swelling, and weight gain due to a buildup of fluid in the mother’s body tissues, and the presence of protein in the mother's urine.

  1. anoxia

  2. rubella

  3. teenage mother’s pregnancy

  4. late pregnancy

  5. toxemia

4. … age can be the cause of inborn defects and health problems of the child.

a) both mother’s and father’s (if they are both in the risk group)

b) only mother’s

c) only father’s

d) neither mother’s, nor father’s

e) grandparents’

5. If an Rh-negative woman carries an Rh-positive child, her body produces the antibodies which fight Rh-positive red blood cells of the fetus, causing …..

a) fetal dermatitis

b) fetal erythroblastosis

c) allergic reactions

d) specific weaknesses of the mother

e) anemia in the infant

6. ….. occursin the first trimester of pregnancy and usually terminates after 12 weeks.

  1. toxemia

  2. toxicosis

  3. anoxia

  4. mumps

  5. AIDS

7. ….. is a condition in which the brain of the baby does not receive enough oxygen to allow it to develop properly.

  1. coma

  2. preeclampsia

  3. toxemia

  4. anoxia

  5. measles

8. ….. have a higher risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and some birth defects than mothers in the prime childbearing years.

  1. teenage mothers and those over thirty-five years of age

  2. only mothers over thirty-five years of age

  3. only teenage mothers

  4. only mothers over forty years of age

  5. women of all age groups

9. Among the maternal factors known to influence the fetus are ….. .

  1. diseases

  2. age and diet

  3. reactions associated with a certain blood component

  4. prolonged stress

  5. all the factors above

10. The word which means “related to pregnancy” is ….. .

  1. venereal

  2. maternal

  3. gestational

  4. prenatal

  5. tremendous

Lesson 3

The Progression of Allergies in Children



Hypersensitivity [ˌhaɪpəˌsensɪˈtɪvɪtɪ] – повышенная чувствительность

Disorder [dɪsˈɔ:də] – нарушение, заболевание, расстройство

Immune [ɪˈmju:n] - имунный

Allergic [əˈlə:dʒɪk] – аллергический

Atopic – атопический, аллергический

Dermatitis [ˌdə:məˈtaɪtɪs] – дерматит

Eczema [ˈeksɪmə] – экзема

Toddler – ребёнок, начинающий ходить

Asthma [ˈæsmə] – астма

Atopic march [mɑ:tʃ] – переход от одной формы аллергического заболевания к другой

Trigger [ˈtrɪɡə] – причина, вызывающая ту или иную реакцию

Mold [məʊld] – плесень

Dander [ˈdændə] - перхоть

To scratch – царапать, чесать

Blister [ˈblɪstə] – волдырь, водный пузырь

To flake [fleɪk] – отслаиваться. шелушиться

To ooze [uːz] – сочиться, выделять жидкость

To worsen [ˈwə:sn] – ухудшать(ся)

To involve [ɪnˈvɔlv] – включать в себя

To occur [əˈkə:] – случаться, происходить

Solid [ˈsɒlɪd] – твердый

Culprit [ˈkʌlprɪt] – вызывающий проблему (здесь: аллергию)

Hives [haɪvz] - крапивница

To delay [dɪˈleɪ] – отложить

Lightheadedness – головокружение, дурнота

Anaphylaxis [ˌænəfɪˈlæksɪs] – анафилактический шок (аллергическая реакция немедленного типа)

Lifethreatening [ˈlaifˈθretnɪŋ] – угрожающий жизни

Nasal [ˈneɪzəl] – носовой;

Rhinitis [raɪˈnaɪtɪs] – ринит, насморк

Grade school – начальная школа

Male [meɪl] – мужчина (особь мужского пола)

Female [ˈfi:meɪl] – женщина (особь женского пола)

Cough [kɔf] – кашель

Hacking [ˈhækɪŋ] – отрывистый, сухой

Wheezing [ˈwiːzɪŋ] – хрипение, дыхание с присвистом

High-pitched [haɪ ˈpɪtʃt] – пронзительный, со звуками высоких частот

To get out of breath – запыхаться

Tightness – сжатие, сдавливание

To squeeze [skwi:z] - сжимать

To hug [hʌɡ] – крепко схватить, прижать

An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Allergies present in different ways in different age groups.

In infants and young children allergic disease occurs as atopic dermatitis (eczema) or as food allergies. Children with atopic dermatitis are at increased risk of developing allergies and asthma, which are more likely to occur in the toddler years to school-age. This pattern of progression from one form of allergic disease to another is called the “atopic march”. Atopic is a term that physicians use to mean that someone is allergic to various things (foods, environmental triggers such as pollens, molds and pet dander, for example).

Atopic Dermatitis

Typically this is the earliest manifestation of allergies, is seen in 10 to 20 percent of all children, and frequently seen during infancy. Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is characterized by itching, with rash formation at the sites of scratching. The rash is typically red and dry, may have small blisters, and can flake and ooze over time. In infants and very young children, this rash involves the face (especially the cheeks), chest and trunk, back of the scalp and may involve the arms and legs. The location of the rash changes in older children to classically involve the skin in front of the elbows and behind the knees. Food and environmental allergies have been shown to worsen atopic dermatitis.