Файл: Учебнометодическое пособие по английскому языку Медицинская терминология на английском языке для педиатров. Н. Новгород Издво Нижегородской государственной медицинской академии, 2016. 111 с.docx
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Food Allergies
Food allergies can also present in infants and young children, and usually occur after the introduction of solid foods. Almost all children with food allergies will have some form of skin symptoms as a result of eating the culprit food, such as hives, swelling, itching or redness of the skin. These symptoms typically occur within a few minutes of eating the food, although can be delayed up to a couple of hours. Other symptoms of food allergies in young children can include nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, diarrhea, breathing difficulties (asthma symptoms), runny nose, sneezing, and lightheadedness. In some cases children can experience a severe allergic reaction, called anaphylaxis, which can be lifethreatening.
Nasal Allergies
Allergic rhinitis will occur in about 50 percent of those children with atopic dermatitis. While most children won’t start to experience allergic rhinitis until grade school age, some children develop it sooner. Most children with allergic rhinitis experience symptoms from pets, dust and mold at an earlier age and from pollens at a later age.
Asthma occurs in about 8% of all people, and is the most common chronic disease in children. The majority of cases of asthma are due to allergies. Asthma can occur at any age, although is most often seen in males in the pre-teen years and in females in the teenage years. Symptoms of asthma may include:
• Coughing. This can be the only symptom in some children who have “cough-variant asthma”. The cough is often dry, hacking, and worse at night and after exercise. Some children cough so hard that it causes them to vomit.
• Wheezing. This is a high-pitched, musical-like sound occurring with breathing in and out in children with asthma.
• Shortness of breath. Some children may get out of breath faster than their friends, and as a result become less active. Children with more severe asthma have shortness of breath at rest or wake-up with this during the night.
• Chest tightness. A child may describe this as a feeling of someone’s squeezing or hugging them. Other children say that the chest hurts.
• Other symptoms that are not specific to asthma include infants with feeding difficulties, children who are tired all of the time or who avoid sports and other activities, and children who have difficulties with sleeping.
Keep in mind that all those symptoms can be not due to asthma. Consult a doctor if your child has any of them.
Answer the questions:
1) What is allergy? In what age groups do allergies usually occur?
2) What kinds of allergies are typical for infants and young children?
3) What is atopic? How do you understand the term “atopic march”?
4) What other types of allergies can children have?
5) What are the symptoms of allergic dermatitis? Where is the rash usually located?
6) At what age does food allergy usually occur? How is it manifested?
7) How is the most severe and lifethreatening allergic reaction called?
8) When do children usually start to experience allergic rhinitis? What are the main causes of allergic rhinitis?
9) What are the symptoms of asthma (specific and non-specific)?
Insert a missed word (phrase):
An allergy is a ……. ……. of the ……. system. -
In infants and young children allergic disease occurs as ……. ……. or as ……. ……. . -
This pattern of progression from one form of allergic disease to another is called the “……. …….”. -
Someone can be allergic to various things (foods, environmental ……. such as ……., ……. and pet ……., for example). -
Atopic dermatitis, or ……. , is characterized by ……. , with ……. formation at the sites of ……. . -
Other symptoms of food allergies in young children can include ……. , ……. , stomach aches, ……. , breathing difficulties (asthma symptoms), runny nose, sneezing, and .……. . -
. In some cases children can experience a severe allergic reaction, called ……. , which can be ……. . -
……. ……. will occur in about 50 percent of those children with atopic dermatitis. -
……. can occur at any age, although is most often seen in ……. in the pre-teen years and in ……. in the teenage years.
Match the words (phrases) with their definitions:
4. Build the words from the letters:
1) l a l r e i g c; 2) o p l e l n; 3) n a d r e d; 4) d i e s r m t t a i; 5) i s d r e o d r.
5. Pay attention to the underlined words in the text. What parts of speech are they? Translate them into Russian.
Lesson 4
Progress Test
1. An allergy is ……….
coughing and sneezing -
a long-term respiratory condition -
a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system -
the inflamed skin -
a reaction to a substance ingested in food
2. This pattern of progression from one form of allergic disease to another is called …….
the allergic rhinitis -
asthma -
anaphylaxis -
the atopic dermatitis -
the “atopic march”
3. Allergic rhinitis will occur in about 50 percent of those children with ……. ……..
atopic dermatitis -
atopic march -
difficulties with sleeping -
food allergies -
low physical activity
4. Впредложении «In some cases children can experience a severe allergic reaction, called anaphylaxis, which can be lifethreatening» слово «lifethreatening» является ……..
герундием -
отглагольным существительным -
прилагательным -
причастием настоящего времени -
причастием прошедшего времени
5. Symptoms of asthma usually include ….. .
headaches and dizziness -
rash and blisters -
coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness -
indigestion and vomiting -
problems with vision and hearing
6. ….. is characterized by itching, with rash formation at the sites of scratching.
food allergy -
atopic dermatitis -
asthma -
allergic rhinitis -
atopic march
7. The majority of cases of asthma are due to ….. .
atopic dermatitis -
sore throat -
allergies -
allergic rhinitis -
health problems
8. … is a small bubble between the layers of the skin that contains watery or bloody fluid.
blister -
eczema -
rash -
hives -
9. A severe and rapid systemic allergic reaction to an allergen which can be lifethreatening is called ….
trigger -
allergy -
eczema -
anaphylaxis -
10. A long-term respiratory condition, in which the airways may unexpectedly and suddenly narrow, often in response to an allergen, cold air, exercise, or emotional stress is ….
allergic rhinitis -
food allergy -
asthma -
anaphylaxis -
atopic dermatitis
Lesson 4
Common Gastrointestinal Problems in Children
to affect ['æfekt] – затрагивать, влиять на что-либо, поражать
abnormality [ˌæbnɔːˈmælɪti] – отклонение от нормы, аномалия
to result from – следовать, являться результатом чего-либо
to impair [ɪmˈpeə] – ухудшать, ослаблять
constipation [ˌkɔnstɪ'peɪʃ(ə)n] – запор
esophageal [i:ˌsɔfəˈɡɪəl] – относящийся к пищеводу, пищеводный
reflux [ˈri:flʌks] – отток, обратное движение, отлив
idiopathic [ɪdɪəʊˈpæθɪk] – беспричинный, неизвестного происхождения
recurring [rɪ'kɜːrɪŋ] – повторяющийся, рецидивирующий
otherwise [ˈʌðəwaɪz] – иначе, здесь: в других отношениях, во всём остальном
bloating ['bləutɪŋ] – метеоризм
nausea ['nɔːsɪə] – тошнота
vomiting ['vɔmɪtɪŋ] – рвота
belching [ˈbelʧɪŋ] – отрыжка
to respond [rɪsˈpɔnd] to – реагировать, поддаваться чему-либо, отвечать
over-the-counter [ˌəuvəðə'kauntə] – продаваемый напрямую (в аптеке без рецепта)
laxative [ˈlæksətɪv] – слабительное средство
to relate [rɪˈleɪt] – иметь отношение, связывать
to rule [ru:l] out – исключить
bowel [ˈbauəl] – кишечник, кишка
stool [stu:l] – стул, дефекация
bulk-forming – вещество (например, клетчатка в пище), формирующее стул и облегчающее дефекацию
to maintain [meɪnˈteɪn] – поддерживать, сохранять в нормальном состоянии
tube [t(j)uːb] feeding – кормление через специальную носовую трубку
gastroenteritis [ˈɡæstrəʊˌentəˈraɪtɪs] – гастроэнтерит
dehydration [ˌdi:haɪˈdreɪʃən] – обезвоживание
E. coli [ˌkəʊˈlaɪ] – кишечная палочка (бактерия)
diarrhea [ˌdaɪə'rɪə] – понос, диарея
electrolyte [ɪ'lektrəlaɪt] – электролит
self-limited – самоограничивающийся, самокупирующийся
appendicitis [əˌpendɪˈsaɪtɪs] – аппендицит
belly button – пупок
quadrant [ˈkwɔdrənt] – сектор, квадрант
prompt [prɔmpt] – быстрый
identification [aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] – идентификация
ruptured ['rʌpʧəd] – разорванный
abscess [ˈæbsɪs] – гнойный абсцесс
Gastrointestinal or GI problems are among the most common medical conditions in children. According to the statistical data, functional gastrointestinal disorders, which are conditions that affect the gastrointestinal tract's normal function, occur at a rate similar to adults. Other common gastrointestinal problems in children include infections and anatomical abnormalities.
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder
This group of conditions often results from impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal system. They include common disorders in children like constipation and gastro-esophageal reflux disease, or GERD, and other, less common conditions, like cyclic vomiting syndrome (/CVS/ is a rare idiopathic disorder characterized by recurring periods of vomiting in an otherwise normal child or adult).
Functional GI conditions often present with unexplained abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, passage of gas and belching. These are chronic, recurrent conditions; their symptoms come and go, and may initially respond to therapies like over-the-counter laxatives. According to the IFFGD, 40 to 50 percent of visits to pediatric gastroenterologists relate to these conditions. Physicians usually rule out other serious conditions before making the diagnosis of functional gastrointestinal disorders.
Constipation and GERD
According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, constipation is a symptom, not a disease. It is defined as having less than three bowel movements in a week, the stools being hard, dry and small. Constipation in children often occurs due to inadequate fiber or water uptake. Diet modification, over-the-counter laxatives and bulk-forming agents can help maintain bowel regularity in children.
Children with reflux, often present with frequent vomiting or belching, abdominal pain or discomfort, and can often aspirate the refluxed stomach contents, causing cough and pneumonia. Treatment includes anti-reflux medicines, special diet and, if necessary, tube feeding and surgery.
Gastrointestinal infections, or gastroenteritis, are a common cause for dehydration and abdominal pain in children. Bacterial causes, for example with Salmonella or E. coli, are also common in children, bloody diarrhea being a typical symptom in these conditions. Children with gastroenteritis have vomiting, diarrhea, and run the risk of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Most of these infections are self-limited and do not require antibiotics.
Anatomical Abnormalities
Appendicitis is one of the most common anatomical GI problems in children. Children with appendicitis initially have pain around the belly button, which then moves to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. Other symptoms include fever, vomiting and loss of appetite. Prompt identification with an ultrasound or a CT scan and surgical correction are necessary to avoid long-term complications, a ruptured appendix or an abscess being among them.
Answer the questions:
Do functional gastrointestinal disorders occur in children more often than adults? -
What is Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder? What symptoms are typical for this group of conditions? How are FGD usually treated? -
What is constipation? When is a child considered to have constipation? -
What are the causes and treatment of constipation? -
How is reflux manifested? How is this condition treated? -
What is gastroenteritis? What risk do children with gastroenteritis run? Why? -
What are the symptoms and complications (if not treated) of appendicitis? How is appendicitis diagnosed and treated?
Insert a missed word (phrase):
Other common ……. problems in children include ……. and ……. ……. . -
They include common disorders in children like ……. and ……. ……. disease and other, less common conditions, like ……. ……. . -
Treatment includes ……. medicines, special diet and, if necessary, ……. ……. and ……. . -
....... is a common cause for ……. and abdominal pain in children. -
Children with gastroenteritis have ……. , ……. , and run the risk of dehydration and ……. ……. . -
Most of these infections are ……. and do not require ……. . -
Children with ……. initially have pain around the ……. ……. , which then moves to the right lower ……. of the ……. . -
Prompt identification with an ……. or a ……. ……. and surgical correction are necessary to avoid long-term complications, a ……. ……. or an ……. being among them.
Match the words (phrases) with their definitions:
4. Build the words from the letters:
1) s l a o m e n l a l; 2) d o b a i m l n a; 3) t i e s n n t i; 4) s s a c b e s; 5) s h m a t o c.