Файл: Unit criminal justice grammar.docx

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, с тем чтобы в перспективе «провести реформу всего права Англии вплоть до его кодификации». Параллельно с ней действуют комитеты по пересмотру гражданского и уголовного законодательства, а также различные королевские комиссии, которым поручается подготовка отчетов о состоянии законодательства по определенному вопросу и внесению предложений по его совершенствованию. В результате осуществления ряда весьма последовательных реформ крупными консолидированными фактами ныне регулируется подавляющее большинство правовых институтов, хотя до сих пор ни одна отрасль английского права не кодифицирована полностью.

1.7.5 (a). Answer the following questions:

  1. What functions is the Law Committee charged with in the field of English law?

  2. Do committees and commissions, similar to the Law Committee, function?


1.8.1. Answer the questions on the text “Criminal Justice”.

  1. What is the essence of the Government’s for strategy for dealing with crime?

  2. What does the Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986 provide for?

  3. Are there similar provisions in the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1987?

  4. What does the public Order Act 1986 codify?

  5. What Act was established on a Serious Fraud in 1988?

  6. How is most legislation affecting criminal law sponsored in practice?

  7. Is there usually consultation between government departments and the legal profession, the police, the probation service and voluntary bodies?

  8. Who is responsible for this consultation in Scotland?

  9. How high is per cent of crime against property?

  10. What is the number of noticeable offences recorded by the police in England and Wales in 1987?

  11. How high are clear-up rates for certain very serious offences?

  12. What measures has the Government taken to prevent crime? 

1.8.2. Read the text the “Crime Prevention” and make comments on it.


Crime Prevention

In the past four years the Government has placed greater emphasis on crime prevention. Some 12 government departments have been brought together in a ministerial group to deal with crime prevention strategies. These include efforts to improve security on housing estates; to ensure that architects, planners and designers make new dwellings less easy to burgle; and to understand the root causes of crime. The Government is also seeking action by the European Community to encourage car manufacturers to design their product in such a way as to make it difficult for criminals to steal vehicles or their contents.

In 1986 five local projects were set with support from the Home Office to see how crime and could be reduced through coordinated action by local government, private businesses, the police and voluntary agencies. As part of the Government’s safer cities program, these successful are being extended on the same basis to some other urban areas. The establishment of local crime prevention panels has been encouraged and there are nearly 56,000 neighborhood watch schemes, some of which have succeeded in reducing crimes such as burglary. In 1988 Crime Concern, a national independent voluntary body, was formed to support local crime prevention activity and to promote best practices in it.

1.8.2 (1). Vocabulary Notes to text 1.8.2.

1)  to deal with crime prevention strategies – для разработки стратегий, для предупреждения (профилактики) преступлений;

2)  root causes of crime – основные причины преступления; 3) the European community – европейское общество;

4) the Home Office – Министерство внутренних дел.

1.8.3. Read the text “Criminal Injuries Compensation” and discuss it in the form of a dialogue, using cliches, set expressions and phrases, given below.


Criminal Injuries Compensation

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme provides compensation to victims of violent crimes (including violence within the family), to people hurt crimes (including violence within the family), to people hurt while trying to arrest offenders and prevent offences and to those bereaved as a result of violence. Compensation is assessed on the basis of common law damages and usually takes the form of a lump-sum payment. In 1986 – 87 just fewer than 29,600 cases were resolved by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board and over 48 million was paid in compensation. Under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 the court’s powers to make compensation orders are to be extended and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme will be established on a statutory basis: this means that victims of violent crime will be entitled – for the first time – to compensation as of right.

In Northern Ireland there is separate, statutory provision in certain circumstances for compensation from public funds for criminal injuries, and for malicious damage to property including the resulting losses of profits.

There has been a rapid growth in the number of locally run victim support schemes, which offer practical help to the victims of crime on a voluntary basis. The Government provides financial assistance, both to local schemes and to a national association.

1.8.3 (1). Commentary and Notes to text 1.8.3.

1) The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme – организация «Схема компенсации за нанесенный преступлениями ущерб»;

2) and to those bereaved as a result of violence – …и пострадавшим в результате насилия;

3) common law damages – нарушения общего права;

4) a lump-sum payment – единовременная выплата;

5) statutory provision – установленное законом обеспечение.

1.8.3 (2). Cliches, set expressions and phrases. Let me tell you about… – Разрешите рассказать вам о (схеме компенсации)…

I would like to know… – Я бы хотел знать…

Will you kindly inform us about… – Будьте любезны о (размере компенсации)…

Could you say a few words about … – Не могли бы вы сказать несколько слов о (форме компенсации)…

Could you inform us about … – Не могли бы вы нас проинформировать (о факте уголовного правосудия 1988)…

I would add that… – Я бы добавил, что… 

I'm well aware about… – Я хорошо знаю о (решении этого вопроса в Северной Ирландии)…

I’d like to sum up… – Я бы хотел подвести итог (сделать резюме) (нашей беседы)…



1.9.1. Read the text “Measures to Combat Terrorism” (part I) and make a synopsis of it in Russian. 

Measures to Combat Terrorism (Part I)


Legislation to protect the public against terrorism has given the authorities exceptional powers for dealing with and preventing terrorist activities, while taking account of the need to achieve a proper balance between the safely of the public and the rights of the individual. While acknowledging that the special powers make inroads into civil liberties, the Government believes that they should continue in force as long as a substantial terrorist threat remains. Nobody can be imprisoned for political beliefs; all prisoners, except those awaiting trial, have been found guilty in court of criminal offences. 

The Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Acts 1978 and 1987 give the security forces in Northern Ireland special powers to search, question and arrest suspected terrorist; allow the Secretary of State to proscribe terrorist organizations; and provide for certain serious offences to be tried by a judge sitting alone without a jury to obviate the dangers of intimidation of jurors. The 1987 Act makes provision for statutory time limits to be improsed on the time an accused person may be held in custody awaiting trial although these powers so far have not been invoked. The maximum period for which the police can hold a suspected terrorist on their own authority has been reduced from 72 to 48 hours. Statements obtained by the use or threat of violence are inadmissible in court.

The Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1984 (first introduced in 1974), which is applicable throughout the United Kingdom, provides for the exclusion from Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the United Kingdom of people connected with terrorism related to Northern Ireland affairs and for the proscription of terrorist organizations in Great Britain. It also gives the police powers to arrest people suspected of being involved in terrorism (whether international or hours relating to Northern Ireland) without warrant and hold them for 48 hours and, with the approval of the Secretary of State, for up a further five days.

Both Acts are reviewed annually by an independent person reporting to the Government. The Emergency Provisions Acts are renewable each year by Parliament. The Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act expired in 1989 and the Government is proposing that its replacement should have no limit on its time-span but should continue to be reviewed annually by Parliament.

1.9.1 (1). Commentary and Notes to text 1.9.1.

  1. While acknowledging that the special powers make inroads into civil liberties… – сознавая, что особые силы ущемляют гражданские свободы…

  2. …provide for certain serious offences to be tried by a judge sitting alone without a jury to obviate the dangers of intimidation of jurors – обеспечивают при явно серьезных преступлениях судопроизводство с участием одного судьи без присяжных во избежание опасности запугивания присяжных заседателей.

  3. The Emergency Provisions Acts – акты чрезвычайных положений.

1.9.2. Read the additional text “Measures to Combat Terrorism” (part II) for 6 minutes and think over its contents. Give the annotation of it in Russian.

Measures to Combat Terrorism (Part II)


The security forces in Northern Ireland are subject to the law and can be prosecuted for criminal offences. An independent commission deals with complaints made against police officers.

The Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1975 makes it possible to try in Northern Ireland a person accused of certain offences committed in the Irish Republic. It also enables evidence to be obtained in Northern Ireland for the trial of offences in the Irish Republic. Reciprocal legislation is in force in the Irish Republic. One of the aims of the Anglo-Irish Agreement signed in November 1985 is to improve security co-operation in combating terrorism. The accession of the Irish Government to the European Convection on the Suppression of Terrorism in 1986 is expected to increase the prospects of securing extradition from the Republic of people accused or convicted of terrorist crimes in Britain.

Britain attaches importance to international action to combat terrorism and plays an active part in the work of a group of European Community ministers (known as ‘Trevi’), which facilitates the confidential exchange of information and intelligence about terrorism affecting member countries. Britain believes that there should be no concessions to terrorist demands and that international co-operation should take place on tracking down and arresting terrorist and on impeding the movement of international terrorists from one country to another.

1.9.2 (1). Vocabulary notes to text 1.9.2.

1)    complaint – жалоба;

2)    trial of offences – судебное разбирательство преступлений (правонарушений);

3)    reciprocal legislation – взаимное двустороннее законодательство;

4)    accession – присоединение;

5)    to secure extradition – обеспечить выдачу преступника другому государству, экстрадиция;

6)    Trevi=European Community ministers;

7)    to facilitate – способствовать, облегчать;

8)    concession to sth. – уступка чему-л.;

9)    to track down – выслеживать;

10)  to impede – препятствовать.




2.1.1. Look through the table to see the form of  Participle I in the Active and the Passive Voice in the Indefinite and Perfect Tenses and the way it is translated.

2.1.2. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the form of Participle I and the Voice of it. 

  1. The police must investigate any case, involving death or serious injury.

  2. The police investigated the case, having involved serious injury.

  3. Having made particular efforts, the police obtained good relations with school.

  4. The efforts of the police, having been coordinated to produce good relations with the community, resulted in preventing crime.

  5. The Metropolitan Police provide certain national police  services, including the maintenance of a national record of all criminals and crimes to which local police forces may refer.

  6. Moving mostly in cars rather than on foot, the police are less obviously in contact with the public.


2.2.1. Read the text quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information is of primary importance or new to you.

2.2.2. Write down the law terms, known to you, in Russian.

2.2.3. Write a list of international words, used in the  text. Use your dictionary to check their exact meaning.

2.2.4. Find in the text the number of civilian staff, employed the police authorities.


2.3.1. Read the text “Status and Duties”. 2.3.2. Rearrange the points of the plan according to the text “Status and Duties”: § Police codes.

  • § Handling complaints against the police.

  • § The duties of the police.

  • § Police/Community relations. § Civilian staff of the police.

2.3.3. Pick out the law terms from the text, which you do not know. Refer to a dictionary or glossary if necessary.



2.4.1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “Status and Duties” and translate the given sentences.

1. sue [sju:] v – преследовать судебным порядком, возбуждать дело против коголибо.

If you don’t complete the work, I will sue  you (for damages).

to sue for sth. – просить о чем-л.  He sued for a divorce.

2. commit – совершать (преступление); to commit suicide – покончить жизнь самоубийством; to  commit an error – совершить ошибку; to  commit a crime – совершить преступление; to commit to flames – предать огню; to commit sb. for trial – предавать кого-л. суду. The  magistrates committed him for trial at the Old Bailey.

3. abuse – 1) оскорбление, брань; 2) плохое обращение; 3) злоупотребление; 4) неправильное употребление.

We must put a stop to political abuses.

The word “****” is often used as a term of abuse. abuse  – оскорблять.

4. allegation – 1) голословное предупреждение; 2) заявление (особенно перед судом, трибуналом).

These are serious allegations.

5. to supervise – смотреть, наблюдать за чем-л., надзирать, заведовать.

The chief clerk supervises the work of the department. I supervised the workers loading the lorry.

supervisor – надзиратель.

6. complaint – жалоба.

The road-works caused much complaint among local residents. You have no grounds/cause for complaint. She submitted a formal complaint.

7. injury (to sb, sth) – телесное повреждение, вред, ущерб, нарушение прав другого лица.

In the crash he suffered severe injuries to the head and arms. If you try and lift that suitcase you’ll do yourself an injury!

injure – 1) ушибить, ранить; 2) испортить, повредить что-л., кого-л.; 3) оскорбить, обидеть, унизить кого-л.

He was slightly injured in the crash.

He injured his health by smoking.

Malicious gossip injured her reputation. She had an injured look.

8. investigate – 1) расследовать, разузнавать, наводить справки; 2) исследовать, изучать.

The police are investigating the murder.

Applicants for government posts are always thoroughly investigated before being appointed. Businessmen always investigate the market for a product, ways of increasing profits.

investigator – исследователь, испытатель, следователь.

These accident investigators find out the causes of air crashes.

9. offender – 1) правонарушитель, преступник; 2) обидчик, оскорбитель. Mr. X is a persistent offender.

first offender – преступник, судимый впервые; old offender – рецидивист;

offence – 1) обида, оскорбление; 2) проступок, нарушение чего-л.(against), преступление. 

criminal offence – уголовное преступление; an offence against  the law