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When I came round the second time it was in Robinson’s house. I was lying on a mattress on the floor, and as I moved I felt my shoulder hurting very painfully. I could see, facing me through the misty sunlight of a partly open door, a corner of the blue and green Lake. We seemed to be quite high on the side of a mountain.

I could hear someone moving in an inner room to my left. In a few moments I heard the voices of two men.

“I say! I called out. The voices stopped . Then one murmured something.

Presently a door opened at my left. I tried to twist round, but this was painful, and waited while a man entered the room and came to face me.

“ Where am I ?”

“ Robinson” he said

“Where? “

“ Robinson.”

He was short and square, with a brown face and greyish curly hair.

“Robinson” he repeated, “ In the North Atlantic Ocean. How do you feel?”

“Who are you ?”

“ Robinson.”

“ I think I must be suffering from concussion.” I said.

He said ,” I’m glad you think so, because it is true. To know you have concussion, when you have it, is one-third of the cure. I see you are intelligent.”

On hearing this I decided that I liked Robinson, and settled down to sleep. He shook me awake and placed at my a mug of warm tangy milk.

While I gulped it, he said.

“ Sleep is another third of the cure and nourishment is the remaining third “

“ My shoulder hurts, “ I said

“ Which shoulder ?”

I touched my left shoulder. I found it stuff with bandages.

“ Which shoulder ? “ he said

“ This one,” I said , “ it is bound up “

“Which shoulder? Don’t point. Think. Describe.”

“ That’s true. You will soon recover.”

A little fluffy blue-grey cat came and sat in the open door-way, squinting at me as Iagain it was dark and I was frightened.
1. The narrator lost consciousness

- never

- many times

- twice

- once

- three times
2.” I say!” means that :

- the narrator is unable to finish the sentence

- the narrator is scared

- the narrator wants to talk

- the narrator is in pain

- the narrator wants to attract someone’s attention

3.Which of the following faculties did the narrator quickly regain?

- sense of hearing

- memory of recent events

- sense of sight …

- use of coherent speech …

4. One of the reason for taking the banana boat was

- it was a great dream

- it was a nice thing to row

- it was adventurous

- it was cheaper

- there were no planes bound for right destination

5. The narrator is suffered from

- insomnia

- hunger

- fear

- stress

- concussion

6. The second question in italics shows that

- the narrator loves the life

- the narrator doesn’t feel like answering Robinson’s question

- the narrator thinks Robinson has misunderstand

- the narrator finds it hard to understand Robinson when he speaks

- the narrator thinks much about himself

7. Robinson is

- the name of a house

- the name of a village

- the name of a man

- the name of the animal

- the name of an island

8. The story is set in

- none of the above

- Portugal

- Santa Maria

- Madagascar

- the West Indies

9. The narrator

- will remain permanently crippled

- escapes with minor injuries

- is fatally injured

- knows that her mental faculties will be partially impaired

10. The first question in italics shows that

- the narrator has never heard the name before

- the narrator thinks Robinson is hard of hearing

- the narrator is hard of hearing

- the narrator wanted to be heard

- the narrator is confused

Theme № 4

Charlie Chaplin
He was believed to have been born on April 16, 1889. There is some doubt whether April 16 is actually his birthday, and it is possible he was not born in 1889. There is also uncertainty about his birthplace: London or Fontainebleau, France. There is no doubt, however, as to his parentage: he was born to Charles Chaplin, Sr. and Hannah Harriette Hill (aka Lily Harley on stage), both Music Hall entertainers. His parents separated soon after his birth, leaving him in the care of his unstable mother.

In 1896, Chaplin's mother was unable to find work; Charlie and his older half-brother Sydney Chaplin had to be left in the workhouse at Lambeth, moving after several weeks to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. His father died an alcoholic when Charlie was 12, and his mother suffered a mental breakdown, and was eventually admitted temporarily to the Cane Hill Asylum at Coulsdon (near Croydon). She died in 1928 in the United States, two years after coming to the States to live with Chaplin, by then a commercial success.

Charlie first took to the stage when, aged five, he performed in Music Hall in 1894, standing in for his mother. As a child, he had to be in bed for weeks due to a serious illness. In 1900, his brother helped get him the role of a comic cat in the pantomime Cinderella at the London Hippodrome. In 1903 he appeared in 'Jim, A Romance of Cockayne', followed by his first regular job, as the newspaper boy Billy in Sherlock Holmes, a part he played into 1906. This was followed by Casey's 'Court Circus' variety show, and, the following year, he became a clown in Fred Karno's 'Fun Factory' slapstick comedy company.
1. According to the writer

A) Charlie Chaplin was exactly born on April 16, 1889

B) Charlie Chaplin’s birthday isn’t on April 16, 1889

C) People don’t know for sure his birthplace

D) His parents left him when they divorced

E) People aren’t sure about his parents’ job

2. The reason why Charlie and his brother had to stay at school for orphans … .

A) their mother was ill at that very moment

B) their mother didn’t have a job

C) their father died

D) their mother was getting medical help

E) their mother had constant headaches

3. The true statement

A) Chaplin’s mother died in the UK

B) She came to live with Charlie three years before she died

C) She died before Charlie became successful

D) She died on the stage

E) She didn’t care of Charlie when he got ill

4. Charlie Chaplin first appeared on the stage as a regular actor … .

A) in Music Hall in 1894

B) in Sherlock Holmes

C) in ‘Jim, A Romance of Cockayne'

D) in Court Circus

E) in Fun Factory

5. The second paragraph is about …. .

A) Charlie’s careless childhood

B) Charlie’s hard childhood

C) his careful mother

D) Charlie’s first steps on the stage

E) Charlie’s career

6. In the text asylum means

A) the right to stay in a country that you have come to because you were in

danger in your own country

B) senior citizens’ house

C) a hospital for people with mental illnesses

D) a place where people are protected from bad weather or from danger

E) conditions and processes relating to people’s health

7. His first serious job was … .

A) in the workhouse

B) atHanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children

C) at the Cane Hill Asylum

D) at Hippodrome

E) in Sherlock Holmes

8. He became a clown in Fred Karno's 'Fun Factory' slapstick comedy company in

A) 1903

B) 1905

C) 1906

D) 1907

E) 1908

9. From the text we can learn that … .

A) Charlie’s parents were both actors

B) his mother didn’t suffer from illnesses

C) the children had to stay at Lambeth for several days

D) Charlie’s brother wasn’t concerned about him.

E) Charlie didn’t have to be a success as a child.

10. The point the writer is making is …

A) children always repeat their parents’ fate

B) people shouldn’t forget their parents

C) parents and their children can be different

D) parents should consider their children’s opinion

E) parents shouldn’t separate at any cost

Theme № 5

Chinese Food – What a Way to Cook!
My interest in Chinese food started many years ago, when I had my first job. I was a young reporter for the Daily Journal in San Francisco. Our office wasn’t far from China town. I usually managed to arrange my schedule so that I could go there at least two or there times a week for a good meal.

The first time I ever ate Chinese food I loved it. And since then, it just tastes better and better tome. The first thing I loved I noticed was the fresh taste of the meat and vegetables. When I learned more about the food. I began to understand why it has this unique feature.

About 5000 years ago, China lost much of its wood because of overpopulation and poor management of its forests. This loss was very bad for the country of course, but it turned out to be very good for the food. Wood became very expensive and hard to get , so the Chinese had to either find a substitute for their valuable, so people found ways to economize. In order to economize in cooking they had to use very little wood. So they started cutting their meat and vegetables into small pieces before they put them in the hot oil. That way, the food cooked faster and they saved their fuel. The food prepared in this manner kept its fresh flavor –and it’s that flavor that attacts people to the art of Chinese cooking.

I often wonder if the Chinese appreciated their solution to that ancient energy crisis as much as I do now – whenever I eat Chinese food .

-Pete Maxwell. Staff Writer
1. Why was wood so valuable in ancient China?

- There are many woods

- The loss of the wood was hard for the country

- Wood became very expensive

-The wood was valuable

- China lost many woods

2. … why Chinese food has unique feature

- He learnt a lot of about food

- He learned about medical properties

- He thought it was comforting

- He managed to go to the restaurant

- He felt great

3. How did the Chinese prepare their food for cooking ?

- Cutting their meat and vegetables into small pieces

- They didn’t save their fuels

- They loved cooking

- To economize in cooking

- They use very little wood

4. The reason of losing much wood

- Because of bad weather conditions

- Because of over population

- Because of many floods

- Because of much fire

- Because of good management of its forest

5. The true statement

- I lived in Chine many years

- I noticed the food wasn’t the fresh taste of the meat and vegetables

- I was a young doctor

- I didn’t love eating Chinese food

- The office was near China town

6. Do the Chinese value their solution to the ancient energy crisis so much

- The ancient energy crisis very useful

- They love their Motherland

- They prefer being wise

- They don’t know anything about valuation

- They appreciate their solution

7. An ancient Chinese cooking is …

- Saving fire wood

- Using many vegetables

- cutting meat and vegetables

- Fast food preparation

- Keeping its fresh flavor

8. The Chinese are …

- careless

- Happy

- fearless

- patient

- Patriotic

9. How did the Chinese energy problem help their cooking ?

- To economize in cooking

- To use much wood

- To search the wood in another countries

- To have to use very little wood

- To cook faster

10. The text is about …

- Chinese cooking

- The population

- The art Chinese cooking

- Chinese food

- Good meal of the Chines

Theme № 6

Sports and games in Kazakhstan
People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities.

Many people in Kazakhstan do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, boxing, table tennis (Ping-Pong), swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children's daily activity in the kindergartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges.

Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our republic. There are different sporting societies clubs and complexes. They are used for international and world competitions. The most popular sport in Kazakhstan is boxing.

Kazakh boxers are generally well known in the world. In last three Olympic Games their performance was assessed as one of the best and they had more medals than any country in the world except Cuba and Russia (in all three games). In 1996 and 2004, two Kazakh boxers (VasiliyJirov in 1996 and BakhtiyarArtayev in 2004) were recognized as the best boxers for their techniques with the Val Barker trophy, awarded to the best boxer of the tournament.

Kazakh boxers performed well in the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia. Two boxers, BekzatSattarkhanov and YermakhanIbraimov, earned gold medals. Other two boxers, BulatJumadilov and MukhtarkhanDildabekov, earned silver medals.
 1. Which statement about sports in Kazakhstan is correct according to the text?

A) Physical education is an optional lesson for school students.

B) Kazakhstan plans to make boxing the main sport of the country.

C) Kazakhstan pays attention to the development of professional sports.

D) Gymnastics is a compulsory part of student's daily activity in the University.

2. What is the main idea of the text?

A) Preparation of Kazakh athletes for the Olympics.

B) There are hundreds of sports.

C) History of boxing in Kazakhstan.

D) Status of sport in Kazakhstan.

3. Which paragraph answers the question «What sport is the most prevalent in Kazakhstan?»?

А)Paragraph 3

B) Paragraph 1

C) Paragraph 4

D) Paragraph 2

4. Which sentence contradicts the text?

A) Sport divides people into different classes.

B) In Kazakhstan, many people like to play sports.

C) Kazakh boxers are known all over the world.

D) Kazakh boxers were awarded with the Val Barker trophy.

5. “Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments.” What does this sentence mean?

A) Members of the government are fond of sports

B) Sports are supported in Kazakhstan at the state level.

C) Sport is important for the country's development strategy

D) sports development is included in the educational system

6. What expression is true about the total number of medals of Kazakhstan in boxing for the last three Olympiads?

A) Kazakhstan had more medals than any country in the world.

B) Cuba and Russia had more medals overall.

C) Kazakhstan had more medals in 1996, and in 2004 Cuba and Russia.

D) Kazakhstani boxers have won silver medals for three years.

7.How many boxers from Kazakhstan stood on the podium at the Sydney Olympics?

A) 2



D) 0

8. Which Kazakhstani boxers stood on the highest platform of the podium at the Sydney Olympics?

A) BekzatSattarkhanov and YermakhanIbraimov

B) VasiliyJirov and BakhtiyarArtayev

C) BulatJumadilov and MukhtarkhanDildabekov

D) BakhtiyarArtayev and BulatJumadilov

9. What is the Val Barker trophy?

A) an award for more medals in boxing

B) а prize for two gold medals in boxing in a row

C) а consolation prize in boxing

D) a prize that is awarded to the most technical boxer of the Olympic Games

10. How is sport in Kazakhstan supported by the state?

А) There are different sporting societies clubs and complexes.

B) Sport is paid much attention to in educational establishments.

C) All necessary facilities are provided for people in Kazakhstan: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields.

D) all of the above

Theme № 7

The newspaper article
The heaviest April snowfall for twenty years blanketed much of Britain yesterday, bringing chaos to roads and trapping air travellers on grounded flights. The country braced itself for a grim week of hail, sleet and snow, with forecasters predicting blizzards and plummeting temperatures. From Scotland to the south coast, millions yesterday woke up to thick snow. Areas of southern England were under 8 centimetres of snow. Around 220 flights were cancelled and many more de layed. Coastguards rescued the crews of two boats lost in the Solent in a blizzard and a 32 foot yacht with six people on board suffered engine failure and was towed to Bembridge, Isle of Wight, after radioing for help. The Meteorological Office warned that freezing conditions in central England, Wales and Scotland overnight will cre ate dangerous driving conditions today, and motorists were warned not to travel unless absolutely necessary.
1.What was the result of the blizzard in Britain? The country was covered in … .

A) snow

B) ice

C) water

D) mud

2.How did the snow affect people’s lives?

A) Flights were on time

B) Flights were cancelled

C) The people enjoyed it

D) People travelled

3.What does “a grim week” mean?

A) Cloudy

B) Gloomy

C) Fantastic

D) Exciting

4.What did the forecasters say about the weather? There would be … .

A) rains

B) mist

C) a rainbow

D) a snow blast

5.What happened to the yacht?

  1. The passengers got sick

  2. They lost their way

  3. There were problems with the engine

  4. The crew was inexperienced

6.Who warned the public about dangerous driving conditions?

A) The coastguards

B) The Meteorological Office

C) The Airport Service

D) The News Feed

7.Who saved the boats and a yacht? The … .

A) sailors

B) firemen

C) coastguards

D) policemen

8.Where did the coastguards pull the yacht to? To … .

A) Solent

B) Bembridge

C) Dartmouth

D) Liverpool

9.Why did the coastguards tow the yacht? Because the people … .

A) sent an SOS

B) were tired of sailing

C) lost their way

D) were seasick

10.What did the forecasters advise drivers to do? To … .

A) stay at home

B) enjoy the weather

C) travel a lot

D) revise the rules
Theme № 8

The letter
To: Ms Jane Perry

From: Ms Mary Brown

Subject: Duties required during vacation job replacement

I have just been informed that you will be replacing me for the six weeks when I am away on my home leave. Therefore, at Mr Wendell’s suggestion, I’m providing you with a gen eral list of the duties you will be required to perform as my substitute: a. to log incoming correspondence b. to file correspondence c. to answer phone calls d. to receive visitors and give out information on our programme e. to scheduleMr Wendell’s appointments f. to prepare the agenda for weekly contract reviews.

My office mate Ms Charlotte King has agreed to assist you with any problems that may arise. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me before 1 December.

I hope you will enjoy the job.

Mary Brown
1.Who is the letter written by?

A) Ms Jane Perry

B) Ms Mary Brown

C) Ms Charlotte King

D) Mr Wendell

2.What kind of letter is it? A letter of … .

A) refusal

B) complaint

C) invitation

D) information

3. For how long will Ms Brown be away? For a … .