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Óчебный центр

"Ìосковский Ëицей"



пособие для изучàющих àнглийский язык

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Ìосквà -1999

À Ï. Ìиньяр-Áелоручевà Çàпàдноевропейское искусство от Äжотто до Ðембрàндтà


È.È. Ìàлининà кàндидàт филологических нàук

Í.Â. Âàсютинà кàндидàт филологических нàук

РЕКОМЕНДОВАНО кафедрой иностранных языков исторического факультета МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова

Ãигиенический сертификàт

№77. ÖÑ. 04. 952.Ï.01340.Ã98. от 03.03.98., выдàн Öентрàльным оргàном по гигиенической сертификàции издàтельской продукции издàтельству "Ìосковский Ëицей" нà учебные, художественные, нàучно-популярные издàния. Äействителен нà издàния, подписàнные в печàть до 03. 03. 2000 г.

Òексты нàстоящего пособия охвàтывàют пять веков зàпàдноевропейской живописи от Äжотто до Ðембрàндтà. Ýто дàет возможность обучàемым приобрести не только лингвистические знàния, усвоив обширный лексический мàтериàл, но и культурологические, поскольку последовàтельный хронологический переход текстов от одного художникà к другому позволяет создàть более или менее целостную кàртину рàзвития зàпàдноевропейской искусствà с XIII по XVII вв. Ñистемà упрàжнений нàпрàвленà нà усвоение лексического мàтериàлà и рàзвитие нàвыков устной речи.

Äàннàя книгà является первой чàстью циклà учебных пособий для изучàющих àнглийский язык и преднàзнàченà для студентов-искусствоведов, учàщихся клàссических гимнàзий, лицеистов и всех интересующихся искусством.

©Ìиньяр-Áелоручевà À.Ï.

©Îформление "Ìосковский Ëицей", 1999 ISBN 5-7611-0181-5

Èздàтельство "Ìосковский Ëицей" Àдрес: Ìосквà, ßрослàвское ш., д.2, корп. 1

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Íàстоящее пособие состоит из 16 уроков, включàющих тексты и упрàжнения. Ìàтериàлом дàнного пособия послужили оригинàльные тексты àнглоязычных искусствоведов. Òемàтикà текстов охвàтывàет пять веков зàпàдноевропейской живописи от Äжотто до Ðембрàндтà. Ýто позволяет обучàемым нс только усвоить чрезвычàйно обширный лексический плàст "языкà искусствоведов", но и создàть общее предстàвление об истории зàпàдноевропейского искусствà.

Îбъем пособия не позволяет остàновиться нà всех художникàх, которые внесли вклàд в мировую сокровищницу живописи. Â пособии предстàвлены тексты, посвященные крупнейшим европейским мàстерàм, рàботы которых окàзàли большое влияние нà рàзвитие всемирного искусствà. Ïособие состàвлено тàким обрàзом, что дàет возможность обучàемым проследить ход рàзвития зàпàдноевропейской живописи с концà XIII векà до середины XVII векà. Êàждый урок состоит из текстà, в котором крàтко излàгàются основные этàпы жизни и творчествà художникà, àнàлизируются его нàиболее знàчительные произведения, à тàкже упрàжнений, позволяющих проверить кàк общее понимàние прочитàнного, тàк и зàкрепить только что приобретенный лексический мàтериàл. Äля облегчения рàботы с пособием прилàгàется словàрь.

Ïредлàгàемые в дàнном пособии тексты являются оригинàльными, с незнàчительными сокрàщениями. Ïособие может быть использовàно не только студентàмиискусствоведàми, но и сàмым широким кругом читàтелей, интересующихся историей зàпàдноевропейской живописи.

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UNIT I GIOTTO (C.1267-1337)

The final break with the Byzantine tradition was accomplished by Giotto di Bondone. He was the first giant in the long history of Italian painting; he was a painter, a sculptor and an architect. Now Giotto is regarded as the father of modern painting, but even in his own day Giotto's greatness was recognized by his contemporaries. They listed him as one of the great men of the Florentine Republic, called him the pupil of Nature and said that Giotto revived the art of painting which had declined in Italy because of many invasions.

Giotto's masterpiece is the cycle of frescoes, dating from 1305-1306, illustrating the life of the Virgin and the life of Christ, that lines the interior of the Arena Chapel in Padua. The Redemption of man is the subject, and Jesus and Mary are the protagonists. The two side walls are covered with frescoes on panels arranged in three layers. Giotto painted the Vices on the north wall, and the Virtues on the south wall.

In one of the early scenes, Joachim among the Shepherds, Joachim, father of the Virgin, takes refuge with shepherds in the wilderness after his expulsion from the Temple. Humiliated, his head bowed, he stands before two shepherds, one of whom scans his companion's face to see whether they dare to receive the outcast. The dog, the symbol of fidelity leaps in joyful greeting. Giotto accepted one scale for the figures and another for the surroundings including the animals and the sheepfold. For all his ability to project three-dimensional forms, Giotto is far from having the notion of visual unity. His landscape has an expressive purpose. The cubic rocks form a definite stage in space limited by the blue background. It does not represent the sky; it is an ideal heavenly colour that continues behind all the scenes. In order to emphasize the three-dimensionality of Joachims's figure, Giotto has designed his halo foreshortened in perspective.

Giotto's Madonna and Child Enthroned, of about 1310, is a ceremonial representation of the Virgin as Queen of Heaven. The distant space is ruled out by the traditional background. Giotto introduced light and inward extension in a direct and convincing manner. He placed the throne above a marble step and the Virgin sits firmly within it. The angels kneeling in the foreground are solid. The angels and saints firmly stand on either side of the throne. Light without indication of source, models the forms so heavily that they resemble sculptural masses. Giotto's miracle lay in his ability to produce for the first time on a flat surface three-dimensional forms. Giotto's facial types and drapery motives recall Gothic sculptures.

In the Raising of Lazarus the composition divides into two groups: one centred around Lazarus, who has just risen from the tomb and is still wrapped in graveclothes is read together with the rock; the other beginning with prostrate Mary and Martha, culminates in Christ, who calls the dead man forth by a single gesture of his right hand against the blue. The calm authority is contrasted with the astonishment of the surrounding figures.

In the Lamentation Giotto has enriched the dialogue between life and death. Instead of burst of grief he has staged a tragedy. The figures grieve in the manner possible to their individual personalities. Giotto added to the scene mourners who turn their backs to the spectators; one upholds Christ's head, the other - his right hand. Mary with one arm around Christ's shoulder searches his countenance. Only the angels can cry in pure grief, each half-hidden in clouds to show that they are supernatural. In this scene Giotto's brushwork is as calm as in the other. He achieved this effect not only by the arrangement of figures but also by the diagonal line of the rock, descending toward the faces of Mary and Christ. At the upper right, as if to typify the desolation of the scene a bare tree stands against the blue. Giotto expected his observers to remember that in accordance with the medieval legend, the Tree of Knowledge was withered after the sin of Adam and Eve and made fruitful again after the sacrifice of Christ.

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Make sure you know how to pronounce thefallowing words:

Giotto [‘dÆotou]; Jesus Christ [‘dÆÖz@skraist]; Mary [‘me@ri]; Madonna [m@‘don@]; Virgin [‘v@:dÆin]; Martha ['mà:T@]; fresco ['freskou]; Adam ['{d@m]; Eve [i:v]; Arena Chapel [@'ri:n@'¶{pl]; Byzantine [bi'z{ntain]; Padua ['p{dju@]; Florentine ['florentain]; Lazarus ['l{z@r@s]; Redemption [ri'dempn]; recognise ['rekegnaiz]; layer ['lei@]; contemporaries [k@n'temp@r@riz]; shepherd ['ep@d];

masterpiece ['ma:st@pi:s]; perspective [p@'spektiv]; accomplish [@'kompliS]; medieval [medi'i:vl]; wilderness ['wildnis]; sacrifice [s{krifais]; expulsion [ik'spölSn]; angels ['eindÆ@lz]; surface ['s@:fis].


Joachim among the Shepherds - "Âстречà Èоàкимà с пàстухàми"

Raising of Lazarus - "Âоскрешение Ëàзàря"

Lamentation [l{men'teiSn] -"Îплàкивàние"

Madonna and Child Enthroned - "Âеличàние" ("Ìàестà" из Îньиссàнти)

Redemption - Èскупление Ãрехов

The Vices and the Virtues - Ãрехи и Äобродетели protagonist - глàвный герой

Joachim ['j@u@kim] - Èоàким


I. Read the text. Mark the following statements true or false.

1.Giotto's greatness is recognized only today.

2.Giotto produced cubic forms on a flat surface.

3.Jesus and Mary are the protagonists of Giotto's frescoes.

4.In Giotto's frescoes the figures float through the heavens.

5.The composition is centred around Lazarus.

6.In the Lamentation to typify the desolation of the scene Giotto depicted a bare tree against the blue background.

II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?

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1.How was Giotto characterized by his contemporaries?

2.What did Giotto represent in the frescoes that line the interior of the Arena Chapel in Padua? What is the subject of these frecoes?

3.What did Giotto introduce in his works of art?

4.What is depicted in one of Giotto's earliest frescoes? What device did Giotto use to emphasize the three-dimensionality of Joackim's figure? What scale did he recognize for the figures and for the surroundings?

5.How did Giotto represent the figures in the Madonna and Child Enthroned? How did Giotto depict the throne? How is the background painted? What models the form in the Madonna and Child Enthroned? What do Giotto's figures resemble?

6.What is represented in the Raising of Lazarus? What groups are distinguished in the fresco? How are they arranged? How did Giotto show the perspective in this fresco?

7.What does the Lamentation depict? How did Giotto group the grieving figures? What medieval legend is connected with the Tree of Knowledge?

III. i Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

to be recognized by the contemporaries; protagonist; ceremonial representation; to revive the art of painting; a cycle of frescoes; to line the interior; in the wilderness; to arrange frescoes in three layers; to cover walls with frescoes; to fresco the walls; to form a definite stage in space; frescoes on panels; cubic rocks; three-dimensional forms; a limited space; wrapped in graveclothes; according to the medieval legend; against the blue background; an ideal heavenly colour; Queen of Heaven; to take shelter; firmly stand; to recognize one scale for the figures and another for the surroundings; master's masterpiece; the miracle lies in; light without indication of source; to produce for the first time; to design a halo; to introduce light and inward extension; to group the figures; to resemble sculptural masses; foreshortened in perspective; visual unity; to rule out the distant space; to add mourners; in the foreground; in the background; facial types; to receive an outcast; brushwork; Redemption; Tree of Knowledge; a withered tree; the sin of Adam and Eve; shepherds and sheepfold; on a flat surface.

ii. Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

Èскупление грехов; рàсписывàть стены фрескàми; тип лицà; впервые изобрàзить; Ãрехи и Äобродетели; нà фоне голубого небà; мàзки остàются спокойными; признàнный современникàми; нàпоминàть готические скульптуры; шедевр великого художникà; нà плоской поверхности; ввести свет и внутреннее прострàнство; обрàзовàть определенную ступень в прострàнстве; огрàниченное прострàнство; глàвный герой; роспись нà доске; пàрàдное изобрàжение; нà одной из первых сцен; подчеркнуть объемность форм; небесно голубой цвет; исключить глубинное прострàнство; нà переднем плàне; цикл фресок; принять изгоя; зàсохшее дерево; пàстухи; овчàрня; дописàть плàкàльщиц; передàть прострàнство; грех Àдàмà и Åвы; зрительное единство; изобрàзить нимб; сгруппировàть фигуры; рàсположить фрески в три рядà; жертвоприношение; укороченный в перспективе; свет без укàзàния источникà.

iii. Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases.

iv. Translate the following groups of words into Russian:

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accomplish - accomplished; paint - painter - painting; revive -revival - revived; illustrate - illustrator - illustration; arrange - arrangement; face - facial - faceless; space - spatial - spaceless; surround - surroundings; three-dimension - three-dimensional - three-dimensionality; ceremony - ceremonial - ceremonialism.

v. Arrange the following in the pairs of synonyms:

a) to accomplish; flat; extension;

to represent; observer; heaven; to design; three-

dimensional; perspective; to produce; to line;


b) spectator; to show, to picture, to present, to portray, to depict; panorama; to create; to finish; to cover; sky, paradise; to draw; cubic, solid; prostrate; prolongation.

vi. Arrange the following in the pairs of antonyms:

a)to accept; to accomplish; to rule out; three-dimensional; to produce; to recall; to decline;

b)flat; to revive; to forget; to include; to reject; to start; to break.

IV. Here are descriptions of some of Giotto's works of art. Match them up to the given titles.

1.The angels and saints firmly stand on either side of the throne.

2.The man wrapped in graveclothes is read together with the rock.

3.Humiliated, his head bowed, he stands between two shepherds.

4.The persons grieve in the manner possible to their individual personalities.


b.Raising of Lazarus

c.Joachim among the Shepherds

d.Madonna and Child Enthroned

V. Translate the text into English.

Êонец XIII - нàчàло XIV вв. в европейской живописи знàменуется переходом от условных трàдиций средневековья к реàлистическим трàдициям эпохи Âозрождения и связàн с именем Äжотто, который впервые ввел свет и внутреннее прострàнство. Êомпозиции Äжотто просты. Â Êàпелле дель Àренà в Ïàдуе цикл фресок из 38 сцен нà тему "Èскупление Ãрехов", глàвными героями которых являются Õристос и Ìàрия, Äжотто рàсположил в три рядà. Ñюжеты из Åвàнгелия художник предстàвил кàк реàльные события. Âместо условного золотого фонà визàнтийских мозàик Äжотто ввел пейзàжный фон. Îн добился трехмерного прострàнствà определенным рàсположением (arrangement) фигур нà плоскости стены. Â отличие от визàнтийских фигур, висящих в прострàнстве, герои Äжотто твердо стоят нà ногàх.

VI. Summarize the text.

VII. Topics for discussion.

1. Giotto's style and characters.

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2. Giotto as the father of modern painting.