Файл: Уманець А.В. та н. Grammar in Use.doc

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VII. Extend the statements using the Future Continuous Tense.

Model: - Don’t call me at six. (have a bath)

- Don’t call me at six. I shall be having a bath.

  1. Don’t ring them up at seven in the morning. (sleep)

  2. Don’t send us any letters in July. (travel)

  3. Don’t leave the child alone. (cry)

  4. Don’t come to see her after lunch. (type)

  5. Don’t tell Granny about it. (grumble)

  6. Don’t expect him to come at five. (work)

VIII. Fill in the missing forms.




She is working at her report.

Was she working at her report?

She won’t be working at her report.


Nick was listening to the radio.


Nelly is writing a letter.





Pete will be skating on the pond.

They are talking about the weather.




Mother was washing up.




Will he be preparing for his examination.

I am having dinner.





She won’t be waiting for you.


They were dancing.


IX. Translate into English.

  1. Куди ти йдеш? – Я йду додому.

  2. Не шуміть! Діти сплять.

  3. Де ти була о третій годині? – Я працювала в саду.

  4. Ми вчили англійську мову весь день вчора.

  5. Зараз вчитель читає новий текст, а студенти слухають його уважно.

  6. Що ти тут робиш? – Я чекаю на своїх друзів.

  7. Вони вечеряли, коли задзвонив телефон.

  8. Вони вчили нові слова, поки я перекладав текст.

  9. З ким наш викладач працюватиме завтра з 9 до 11 ранку? – Вона даватиме консультацію студентам 3 курсу.

  10. Коли ви будете складати екзамен з англійської мови?

X. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. When the teacher entered the classroom he saw that the students discussed some news.

  2. The weather was nice, the sun was shine brightly.

  3. He is doing his morning exercise every day.

  4. I am talking to my groupmate when I saw Peter enter the room.

  5. Father worked in the garden when it began to rain.

  6. Be quiet, children. Mother sleep.

  7. The family had dinner when the bell rang.

  8. At this time tomorrow we are having an English club.

  9. Don’t wait for me. I work.

  10. I know they spend their holidays in Italy now.

XI. Make up a story using the Present Continuous Tense.

  1. Look out of the window and say what you see and hear.

Model: It is snowing (raining). People are hurrying up and down the street. A boy is walking with a dog…

  1. Imagine that you are at a party. Look around and say what the guests are doing.

XII. Read the story and say if Mr. Hawk is happy. Explain.

This is a page from Mr. Hawk’s diary written one day before the end of his two weeks’ holiday in North Wales.

Tomorrow I shall no longer be there. The sea will be rolling and telling the tales of distant lands. The sands will be dreaming in the sunshine. The grass will be swaying in the south-west wind. The pebbles will be waiting for the touch of my feet… But I shall not come. I shall no longer be here. I shall be listening to the bitter song of the wheels on the rails, to the bitter song of return to my office. And again I shall be working eight hours a day. Day after day the typewriters and dictaphones, the voices and noises will be killing me eight hours a day…”




(Граматичні особливості)









e. g.




The Present Perfect

дія, що завершилась до моменту мовлення і той хто говорить, має на увазі результат цієї минулої дії, її важливість на момент мовлення

ever = коли-небудь

never = ніколи

already = вже

yet = ще

just = щойно

recently = нещодавно

so far = до цього часу

up to now = до цього часу

this week = цього тижня (року)

today = сьогодні

+ S + have (has) + V(ed) (III форма)

? Have (has) + S + V(ed) (III форма)

- S + have
(has) + not +
V(ed) (III форма)

She has al-
ready worked in the garden.

Вона вже працювала в саду.

The Past Perfect

дія, що завершилась до певного моменту в минулому або раніше іншої минулої дії

by 2 o’clock = до 2 години

by that time = до того часу

by the 1st of September = до 1-го вересня

before she ca-
me = до того як вона прийшла

+ S + had + V

(has) + V(ed) (III форма)

? Had + S +
V(ed) (III форма)

- S + had +
not + V(ed) (III форма)

She had worked in the garden by
5 o’clock

Вона працювала в саду до 5 години вчора

The Future Perfect

дія, що завершиться до певного моменту або до початку іншої дії в майбутньому

by 2 oclock = до 2 години

by that time tomorrow = до того часу завтра

before she comes = до того як вона прийде

+ S + shall (will) + have + V(ed) (III форма)

? Shall (will) + S + have + V(ed) (III форма)

- S + shall (will) + not + have +
V (ed) (III форма)

She will have worked in the garden by
5 o’clock.

Вона працюватиме в саду до 5 години


I. Respond to the imperatives according to the model.

Model: - Open the window!

- But I have already opened it.

  1. Take the book to the library.

  2. Cut the bread.

  3. Switch the TV set off.

  4. Water the flowers.

  5. Drink some hot milk.

  6. Lay the table for breakfast.

  7. Send the magazines to Fred.

  8. Ask him what he means.

II. Extend the following according to the model.

Model: Fred is having breakfast. (Mary)

Mary hasn’t had breakfast yet.

  1. I am doing my cooking. (She)

  2. He is taking a bath. (She)

  3. She is writing an essay. (You)

  4. We are reading stories by Thomas Hardy. (They)

  5. Bob is sweeping the carpets. (Tom)

  6. She is watering the flowers-beds. (I)

  7. She is doing her homework. (Her sister)

  8. I am drinking tea. (My brother)

III. Ask questions beginning with “Have you ever…?” and give answers.

  1. teach a child to count to ten

  2. hold a newborn baby

  3. think about the meaning of life

  4. feed pigeons in the park

  5. tell a little white lie

  6. put off doing your homework

  7. catch a fish

  8. buy a refrigerator

  9. sell a car

  10. cut your own hair

  11. lose the key to your house

  12. have the flu

  13. sleep in a tent

  14. make a birthday cake

  15. build sand castles

  16. spend one whole day doing nothing

  17. feel terrible about something

  18. send a telegram

  19. sit on a cactus

  20. win money

IV. Complete the sentences.

M odel: I have been here since 9 o’clock

for 20 minutes

1 . I have had this book since …

for …

2 . I have been in this city since


3 . I have known him since


4 . I have lived in this house since


5 . He has been married since


6 . I have had o driver’s license since


7 . I have been up since


8 . She has had this car since


V. Add tag questions to the following and give the expected answers.

Model: You have seen that film, haven’t you?

Yes, I have.

  1. Ann has left for London.

  2. You have already eaten lunch.

  3. Kate has already finished her work.

  4. You haven’t forgotten about them.

  5. Susan and Steve have been married for five years.

  6. You have talked to Mike.

  7. He has passed his English exam.

  8. They have read the novel in the original.

VI. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.

  1. Carol and I are old friends. I (to know) …. her for ten years.

  2. I (to have, not)… any problems since I (to come)… here.

  3. Mike (to be)…. a pupil since he (to be)…. six years old.

  4. Since we (to start)… doing this exercise, we (to complete) … six sentences.

  5. I am studying English at this school. I (to be)… at this school since the beginning of September. I (arrive)… here on August 30, and my classes (to begin)… on September 1.

  6. When you (to go) to the cinema last? I’m afraid I (not to be) to the cinema for a few months.

VII. Answer the questions.

Model: Is his article ready? (to write)

Yes, he has written it.

  1. Are her rooms clean? (do)

  2. Does she know the poem? (learn)

  3. Is our dinner ready, mother? (cook)

  4. Does he know how nice the cake is? (taste)

  5. Do you know the rules? (learn)

  6. Has John gone home? (leave)

  7. Do you know the news? (hear)

VIII. Find out you understood the sentences correctly.

Model: St.A: She has left already.

St.B: You mean she is not here. Don’t you?

St.A: Yes, I do. You can’t speak with her.

  1. She has left school already.

  2. She has been to England.

  3. He has seen the film.

  4. He has fallen ill.

  5. Her dream has come true.

  6. They have gone to London.

  7. The teacher has come.

  8. I have read this book.

IX. Find out whether your friend:

  1. has read any detective story by A. Christie, has read it in the original, has enjoyed it, has read anything else by her, is reading any detective story now, likes detective stories.

  2. has read any novel by .., has read it in Ukrainian, has read anything else by him, is reading any English book now, reads a lot.

  3. has received his grants, has spent it already, has borrowed any money from his friends, has lent money to anybody, has ever done it.

X. Complete the sentences using Past Perfect.

Model: I was tired (to work). – I was tired after I had worked the whole day.

  1. They started discussing their plan (to come).

  2. He helped his mother about the house (to finish).

  3. He invited his friends to the party (to win).

  4. Her coat was wet (to walk).

  5. He understood the meaning of the telegram (to read).

  6. She tore up the letter (to read).

  7. They settled the quarrel (to talk).

  8. She was very upset (to fail).

XI. Answer the questions in the Future Perfect Tense.

Model: – Will you be asleep if I call on you?

Oh no, I shall have got up by that time.

  1. Will your sister be having dinner if I call for her at six? (have dinner)

  2. Will your brother be at home at nine o’clock on Sunday? (leave for the country)

  3. Will you still be watching TV at eleven o’clock tomorrow? (switch off)

  4. Will he still be a student next September? (graduate)

  5. Will the Browns still be living in their old flat? (more to a new flat)

  6. Will the children be decorating the New Year tree when the guests arrive? (decorate)

XII. Answer the questions in the Future Perfect Tense according to the model.

Model: – Shall I find him in if I come at six? (go)

I am sure he will have gone already.

  1. Will you still be cooking dinner at twelve tomorrow? (do the cooking)

  2. Will you help Granny look for her glasses when you come back? (find)

  3. Shall I see Mike in town when I return? (arrive)

  4. Will Helen be at home if I ring her up at eight? (come)

  5. Will you be repairing the bicycle at nine? (do)

  6. Will the students still be taking their exams in the middle of June? (pass)

XIII. Fill in the missing forms.




Peter has learnt the poem by heart.

Had Peter learnt the poem by heart.

Peter won’t have learnt the poem by heart.


Jane had swept the floor.

Helen has watered the flowers.



Kate will have dusted the furniture.

Ann had bought some bread.


I have laid the table.



Bob won’t have cleaned his coat.

Has she made
a chocolate cake?


They hadn’t had their breakfast.



Will mother have washed up.

XIV. Translate into English.

  1. Коли ви прийшли, я вже виконав всі домашні завдання.

  2. До того часу, коли ви подзвонили, гості ще не зібрались.

  3. Я ніколи не був у Лондоні. Я би дуже хотів поїхати туди.

  4. Допоможіть мені, будь ласка. Я загубила ключ і не можу потрапити в свою квартиру.

  5. Давайте підемо в їдальню. – Ні, дякую. Я щойно пообідала.

  6. Ви вивчали англійську мову до того, як вступили до університету?

  7. Він ніколи не бачив таких гарних картин. Музей йому дуже сподобався.

  8. Вона була певна, що бачила цю жінку раніше.

  9. Скільки нових слів ви вивчили в цьому місяці?

  10. Я закінчу роботу до 7 годин вечора.

XV. Сorrect the mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. Have you seen this wonderful performance last Sunday?

  2. I have just did it myself, believe me.

  3. He has seen the film two days ago.

  4. She you already finish the work.

  5. She had answer the letter yesterday.

  6. We got home before it began to rain.

  7. I know George. I know him for a long time.

  8. Alice is in London since last Monday.

XVІ. Translate into English.

  1. Минулого року ми їздили до Києва на виставку. З того часу я не був у Києві.

  2. Сьогоднішні газети повідомили про візит іноземної делегації.

  3. Скільки років ви вивчаєте англійську мову? – Два роки.

  4. Цього року багато студентів нашого університету побували в Криму.

  5. Я не можу їхати з тобою, я ще не склав екзамену з літератури.

  6. Я дуже рада, що він погодився на нашу пропозицію.

  7. Хто щойно вийшов з кімнати? Не знаю, я нічого не помітила.

  8. Ми щойно говорили з деканом про це.

  9. Я ніколи не чула такої гарної музики.

XVІІ. Translate into English.

  1. Петро закінчив школу до того, як його батьки переїхали до Києва.

  2. Коли я зайшла до залу, збори ще не починалися.

  3. Моя сестра закінчила університет до того, як я туди вступила.

  4. Дощ уже перестав, коли ми вийшли.

  5. У поїзді вона згадала, що залишила книжку вдома.

  6. Моя тітка була хвора уже кілька днів, коли я дізналася про це.

  7. Він уже пішов, коли Олена ввімкнула радіо.

  8. Коли батьки повернулися додому, діти вже лягли спати.

  9. Всі прийшли на вокзал до 7 години.

10. До того часу як ви подзвонили, гості ще не зібралися.

ЧАСИ ГРУПИ Perfect Continuous

(“Perfect Progressive”)











The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Виражає тривалу дію, що починалась в минулому і продовжується до

моменту мовлення або завершується.

for, since, for a long time, all morning, these 2 days,

since when, till, until,

lately, recently, how long.


S + have/has been + Ving

Sam has been

talking on the

phone for half an


Сем розмовляє по телефону уже півгодини.


Have/Has + S + been +Ving?

S + have/has + not + been + Ving

The Past Perfect Continuous

Вживається для позначення дії, яка тривала протягом деякого часу до певного моменту в минулому.

Результат цієї дії очевидний у минулому.

for, since, how long,

before, until, as long as.


S + had been + Ving

They had been looking for a house for six months before they found one they liked.

Вони шукали будинок протягом 6 місяців, поки знайшли той, який їм був до вподоби.


Had + S + been + Ving?

S + had + not + been + Ving

The Future Perfect Continuous

Виражає дію, що триватиме протягом деякого часу до певного моменту у майбутньому

by... for, since, during, by the time, until, before


S + shall/will +have been +Ving

By the end of next month, she will have been teaching for twenty years.

В кінці наступного місяця її викладацький стаж становитиме 20 років.


Shall/Will + S + have been + Ving?

S + shall/will + not + have + been+Ving

Shall not = shan’t

Will not = won’t


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect

Dear Connie,

I hope you are enjoying yourself at the university. I’m sure you 1)... have been studying... (study) hard. Everything is fine here at home. Billy 2)... (just/receive) his school report. It was bad, as usual. He 3)... (decide) to leave school next year and find a job. Tracy 4)... (go) to the gym every day for the past two weeks. She 5)... (try) to get in shape for the summer. She 6)... (already/plan) her holiday. Your father 7)... (sell) the old car and he 8)... (buy) a new one.

Anyway, write soon. Love, Mum.

II. It is 11 o’clock. The following people all started work earlier this morning. Look at the information and say how long they have been working and how much work they have done so far, as in the example.

Example 1. Janet has been typing since 9 o’clock/for two hours. 2. She has typed twenty letters so far.





9 o’clock/type

20 letters


10 o’clock/clean the house

2 rooms


8 o’clock/examine patients

9 patients


7 o’clock/deliver parcels

25 parcels


9 o’clock/read her book

50 pages

III. Draw conclusions.

Model: They moved to Lviv in 1999, so they… (live)in Lviv for … years.

They moved to Lviv in 1999, so they have been living in Lviv for … years.

  1. Mr. White came to work at 9.00 and began to work at his report. It is 11.00 now, so he … (work) for 2 hours.

  2. Ann started to go to the intensive courses of English in September. She is doing well. She … (study) for … months already.

  3. At 4 o’clock Nick’s mother told him to do his homework. It is 6 o’clock already. The boy … (do) nothing all this time. He is so lazy!

  4. The scientist began his research 2 years ago, so he … (work) at the problem for 2 years.

  5. It started raining in the morning. Now it is 5 o’clock, so it … (rain) all day long.

IV. Make up sentences by matching situations (1-6) and reasons (a-f).

Model: 1-f. I was very hungry because I hadn’t eaten for a day.

  1. I was very hungry.

  2. I couldn’t get into the house.

  3. I was shocked.

  4. I had to walk.

  5. I decided not gamble anymore.

  6. I couldn’t get this job

    1. I hadn’t filled in the form.

    2. I had lost all my money.

    3. the last bus had gone.

    4. I’d lost my keys.

    5. somebody had stolen my car.

    6. I hadn’t eaten for a day.

V. Choose the correct answer.

1. Do you know ... she had been working there before she retired?

a) when b) how long c) how long ago

2. We have been training ... six month.

a) since b) for c) while

3. I am tired. I have been working very hard ....

a) just b) so far c) lately

4. ... they reach York, they will have been travelling for five hours

a) before b) by the time c) as soon as

5. I am sorry. I had been waiting for the train ... ten o'clock It eventually arrived at 10.30.

a) for b) since c) just

VI. Complete the dialogue and act it out.

Sue. Eric! Call the waiter again!

Eric. I ... (try / have been trying) to call him.

Sue. Eric! We ... (sit / have been sitting) here for twenty minutes, I am not going to wait any longer!

Eric. I am sorry, dear, but he ... (is talking / has talked / has been talking) to that girl.

Sue. Yes, he ... (is talking / has talked / has been talking) to her since we came in.

Eric. Waiter!

Waiter. Yes, sir. Do you want the bill?

Eric. The bill! We ... (didn't see / haven't seen) the menu yet.

VII. Join the following pairs of sentences into one introducing the necessary changes.

Model. My brother began to do this exercise 20 minutes ago. He is still doing it. My brother has been doing this exercise for 20 minutes.

  1. It began to snow 3 hours ago. It is still snowing.

  2. They began to study English 5 years ago. They are still studying it.

  3. They began to read for their exam in English literature 3 days ago. They are still doing it.

  4. She began to cook meat 2 hours ago. She is still doing it.

  1. Alan began to watch an interesting programme on TV an hour ago. He is still doing it.

VIII. Underline the correct tense form.

    1. Carol had been working / was working for the company for twenty years before he retired.

    2. It had been raining / was raining all day and the roads were very wet.

    3. He had been waiting / was waiting for Jessica for two hours, so he was bored.

    4. She had been working / was working hard that day, so she was tired.

    5. They had been skating / were skating together for two years before they entered the competition.

IX. Transform the following sentences into special questions.

  1. By the time she finished work, we shall have been waiting for her more than an hour.

  2. Kate will have been staying here for three weeks by next Monday.

  3. They will have been flying for three hours by the time the stewardess serves dinner.

  4. By the end of the year the Warretts will have been living in their house for 10 years.

  5. By the end of next month Alec will have been running his own business for eight years.

X. Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from the list in the Present Perfect Continuous, Past or Future Perfect Continuous.

Try, work, scream, snow, argue, build.

  1. He is tired. He ... hard.

  2. Everything is white. It ... all night.

  3. Не is confused. He ... to solve the problem all morning.

  4. John had a headache. His baby sister ... for half an hour.

  5. Emily was angry. She ... with her parents for an hour.

  6. Ted hopes he ... his own house by the time he is thirty

XI. Use the appropriate form of the verb in parenthesis.

  1. They ... (to study) hard all morning, so they were tired.

  2. By the time Kim finishes the race, he ... (to run) for two hours.

  3. We ... (to live) in the house for a year before we decorated the kitchen.

  4. For more than a year he ... (to try) to get permission to extend his house rent.

  5. The children are wet to the skin. - No wonder. They ... (to walk) in the rain all morning.

XII. Translate the following sentences using Perfect Continuous Tenses.

  1. Вона виглядає стомленою. Гадаю, вона знову читала цілу ніч.

  2. Ольга складає екзамени з історії уже годину.

  3. Наступного місяця буде 30 років з того часу, як він працює в нашому університеті.

  4. Він не дуже добре почувається останнім часом.

  5. Вибачте за безладдя, я фарбувала кімнату ці три дні.

  6. Він вивчав цю справу довго, перш ніж подав свої пропозиції.

  7. Зайшовши в кімнату, вона почула запах сигарет. Хтось курив там до цього.

  8. Телефон дзвонив вже декілька хвилин коли нарешті він взяв слухавку.