Файл: Уманець А.В. та н. Grammar in Use.doc

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Ought to

Modal Use

Positive Forms

1. = Present

2. = Past

3. = Future

Negative Forms

1. = Present

2. = Past

3. = Future

You can use:

ought to recommendation


рекомендація / порада

1. You ought to stop smoking.

2. Margaret ought to have exercised more so she would be better prepared for the marathon.

3. Margaret ought to come to the fit-
ness center with us tonight.

1. Mark ought not drink so much.

2. Margaret ought not have run the marathon. She wasn’t in good shape.

3. Margaret ought not stay at home in front of the TV. She should go to the fit-
ness center with us.


ought to
assumption, expectation, probability

припущення / очікування / ймовірність

1. This stock ought to increase in value.

2. She ought to have received the package yesterday.

3. She ought to receive the package tonight.

Ought not is used primarily to express negative recommendations.

(Americans prefer should not)


* Remember that ought to loses the to in the negative. Instead of ought not to, we say ought not


Modal Use

Positive Forms

1. = Present

2. = Past

3. = Future

Negative Forms

1. = Present

2. = Past

3. = Future

You can use:


future action, prediction

майбутня дія / передбачення / прогноз

The marketing director will be rep-
laced by someone from the New York office.

The meeting will be over soon.

He thinks it will rain tomorrow.

The river will overflow its banks every spring.

The marketing director will not be replaced after all.

Fred will not be there. He has a previous obligation.



voluntary action, promising

бажана дія / обіцянка

I will take care of everything for you.

I will make the travel arrangements. There’s no need to worry.

I promise that I will write you every single day.

I will never forget you.

I will never give up the fight for freedom.





I will wash the dishes if you dry.

We’re going to the movies. Will you join us?




I will do my exercises later on.


Modal Use

Positive Forms

1. = Present

2. = Past

3. = Future

Negative Forms

1. = Present

2. = Past

3. = Future

You can use:


polite request offers

ввічливе прохання / запрошення

Would you mind if I opened the door?

Would you like another cup of tea? I would like the roast duck, please.





I would like to visit Canada soon.

My parents would like to meet your parents as soon as possible.

I wouldn’t like to see her.




1. If he were an actor, he would be in adventure mo-

2. If I had been president, I would have cut the cost of education.

3. If I were elected president next year, I would cut the cost of education.

1. If I were president, I would not raise taxes.

2. If I had been president, I would not have raised taxes.

3. If I were president, I would not sign the tax increase next week.


past of will

(минулий час від will)

I knew that she would be very successful in her career.

He told me he would be here before 8:00.

I said I wouldn’t help you.


regret or irritation

співчуття / роздратованість

I wish it would snow.

I wish you wouldn’t keep interrupting me.



воля / бажання

I would leave the table if I were you.

I wouldn’t leave the table if I were you.



repetition in past/ habitual activity

повторювана регулярна дія у минулому

When he was young, he would always do his homework.

When I was small, we would always visit relatives on Christmas Day.

When I was a kid, I wouldn’t go into the water by myself.

When he got older, he would never do his homework.

used to


Modal Use

Positive Forms

1. = Present

2. = Past

3. = Future

Negative Forms

1. = Present

2. = Past

3. = Future

You can use:

future action

(British form)

майбутня дія (британський варіант)

I shall be replaced by someone from the New York office.

I shall be there by 8:00.

I shall not be replaced after all.

I shall not be there. I have a previous obligation.




порада / звертання до співбесідника з метою дістати від нього вказівки

Shall we begin dinner?

Shall I help you?

Shall we move into the living room?



voluntary action

(British form)

добровільна дія / обіцянка (британський варіант)

I shall take care of everything for you.

I shall make the travel arrangements. There’s no need to worry.

I shall never forget where I came from.

I shall never give up the fight for freedom.




(British form)

неминучість / невідворотність

(британський варіант)

Man shall explore the distant regions of the universe.

We shall overcome oppression.

I’m afraid Mr. Smith shall become our new director.

Man shall never give up the exploration of the universe.

He shall not be held back.


Modal Use

Positive Forms

1. = Present

2. = Past

3. = Future

Negative Forms

1. = Present

2. = Past

3. = Future

You can use:


obligation or


обов’язок / необхідність

I should be at work before 9:00.

Do you think I should apply for that job?

The equipment should be inspected regularly.


be sup-
posed to


(weak form)




рекомендація / порада

1. You should focus more on your family and less on work.

2. Frank should have eaten low-fat foods. That might have prevented his heart attack.

3. You really should start eating better.

1. Sarah shouldn’t call him.

2. You shouldn’t have ordered that chocolate dessert – you’re not going to finish it.

3. Sarah shouldn’t smoke when she visits Martha next week. Martha hates when people smoke in her house.

ought to



очікування / припущення з відтінком упевненості

1. By now, they should already be in Dubai.

2. They should have had our reply by now.

3. Susan should be in New York by next week. Her new job starts on Mon-

1. John shouldn’t tell Beatrice his plans.

2. Susan shouldn’t have arrived in New York until yester-

3. Susan shouldn’t arrive in New York until next week.

ought to, be supposed to




I should prefer iced tea

You shouldn’t say things like that.


I. Ask questions as in the pattern.

Pattern: Ask your groupmate if he can sing. – Can you sing?

1) if he/she can speak French;

2) if he could play the piano;

3) if she will be able to come to your place tomorrow;

4) if his/her father can repair a radio set;

5) if he can run 100 metres in 13 seconds;

6) if he can drink 5 glasses of water at once;

7) if her friend can play football.

  1. Complete the following sentences and say what you should/shouldn’t, can/can’t do.

Pattern: People shouldn’t smoke; they should eat lots of vegetables.

1. If you have a cold – you should

you shouldn’t

2. If you have a nosebleed – you should

you shouldn’t

3. If you are traveling in a plane – you can

you can’t

4. If you are eating peas – you should

you shouldn’t

5. If you are driving a car – you should

you shouldn’t

6. If you have no money – you should

you shouldn’t

7. If you lose your briefcase – you should

you shouldn’t

8. If you want to learn English – you should

you shouldn’t

9. If you want to buy a house – you should

you shouldn’t

III. Tick off what you can do and what you can’t do and complete the sentences below using the verb can.

drive can can’t

type can can’t

run a kilometre can can’t

dance can can’t

cook a meal can can’t

read Russian can can’t

ski can can’t

swim can can’t

speak French can can’t

fly a plane can can’t

play tennis can can’t

play the piano can can’t

walk twenty kilometers can can’t

skate can can’t

In my class everybody can

nobody can

some people can

IV. What I should do tomorrow

Cathy’s list Your list

- clean the kitchen -buy

- buy some soap -see

- see Matt Scott -

- phone John -

- pay telephone bill -

- post letters -

V.What do you think?

Should children watch TV a lot? Yes No Don’t know

Should people eat meat? Yes No Don’t know

Should people smoke? Yes No Don’t know

Should women work as bus-drivers? Yes No Don’t know

Should children leave school at 18? Yes No Don’t know

Should everybody does sport? Yes No Don’t know

Should everyone wash every day? Yes No Don’t know

Should………………………….. Yes No Don’t know

Explain the reasons for your opinions.

Pattern: – I think children should watch a lot of television because they see many interesting things.

- I don’t think children should watch television a lot because they see too much violence.

VI. Paraphrase the following using the verbs should and

A. 1. I advise you to buy this coat. 2. I advise you to go in for skating. 3. He advises you to read this book in the original. 4. I advise you to consult a doctor. 5. I don’t advise you to go there tonight.

B. 1. I think you must wait for them. 2. I think you mustn’t go there alone. 3. I think you must apologize to her. 4. I think she
must not punish the boy for it. 5. I think you had better read aloud.

C. 1. It’s a pity you did not come to my place yesterday. 2. It’s a pity he bought this camera. 3. It’s a pity they didn’t think about it before. 4. I’m sorry I went there. 5. It’s a pity you broke it.

VII. What would you like to do tonight?

  1. Put these activities in order of preference for yourself from 1-10.

  2. Put these activities in the order you think another student would have.

My order His / her order

- watching an old film on television

- reading a good book

- going to see a boxing fight

- going to a party

- listening to some records

- playing table tennis

- going out for a meal

- going to a disco

- washing clothes

VIII. Complete the sentences with must or can’t + suitable verb.

Pattern: You’ve been travelling all day. You must be very tired

  1. Brian has got three houses, four cars and a helicopter. He ___________ a lot of money.

  2. (The doorbell rings.) I wonder who that is. It ___________ Jim. He said he would come after 7 o’clock and it’s only 6:30 now.

  3. I wonder why Tom isn’t at work today. I suppose he ______________ ill.

  4. Peter seems to know a lot about history. He _______________ a lot of books.

  5. I wonder where my umbrella is. You _____________ it on the train.

  6. John’s putting on his coat and hat. He _____________ out.

  7. She knew everything about our plans. She ____________ our conversation.

  8. I don’t understand how the accident happened. The driver ___________ the red light.

IX. Fill in the gaps. Make up sentences from this table usingmust,should.

Must or should England USA My country

- drive a car on the left right

- say when you have a drink ‘Cheers’ ‘Cheers’

- eat vegetables with a knife and fork a fork

- buy a train ticket before before

you get on you get on

- go to school when you are five six

- say when you cough ‘Excuse me’ ‘Pardon me’



Pattern: In England you must drive on the left.

In America you should eat vegetables with a fork.


X. Fill in must, mustn’t or needn’t in these sentences.
Example: In a restaurant you must pay the bill.

In a library you mustn’t shout.

In an office you needn’t wear a suit.

1. You wear white clothes when you play tennis.

2. You tip the waitress in a cafe.

3. You have a passport when you travel abroad.

4. You pay if you go to a museum.

5. You have a licence for a TV in England.

6. You eat chips with fish.

7. You say ‘Fine’ when somebody else says How do you do?’

8. You put milk in tea.

9. You buy a ticket before you get on the train.

10. You get your food yourself in a snack bar.

11. You get a receipt when you buy something in a supermarket.

XI. Match up two parts of the sentence to make one sentence.

1. If cows fly a) you may break your leg.

2. If you shave too quickly b) pigs have wings.

3. If you lose your purse c) you should send for the fire brigade.

4. If you fall downstairs d) you can drive a car.

5. If it’s sunny in the morning e) you should go to the police station.

6. If your house catches fire f) you may cut yourself.

7. If you have a licence g) it will rain at night.

8. If you have flu h) people can’t play tennis.

9 If you go to America i) you must stay in bed.

10. If it rains j) you ought to see the Statue of Liberty.

XII. Paraphrase the following using the verb may and might.

Example: I nearly lost my way. – I might have lost my way.

1. Perhaps he has bought the dictionary.

2. It is possible that they are in the park.

3. He nearly broke the window.

4. Mary nearly fell asleep.

5. I wish you had visited him in the hospital.

6. I wish he behaved properly.

7. Maybe it will rain tomorrow.

8. It is possible that they know each other.

XIII. Read the situation and write what you would say. Use modal verbs.

Example: You have got a pound note but you need some change. You ask somebody to help you. Can you change a pound?

  1. You want to borrow your friend’s camera. What do you say to him/her? ______________________________________________

  2. You want a cup of coffee. What do you say to waiter?


3. You want to invite someone to come and stay with you for the weekend. ______________________________________________

  1. You are in the classroom. You want to go out. What do you say to your teacher? _________________________________________

  2. You have to go to the airport but you don’t know how to get there. You ask a passer-by. ____________________________________

  3. You want to smoke a cigarette. What do you ask?


7. You have a car and you want to give somebody a lift. What do you say?


8. A friend has just come to see you in your flat. Offer him something to drink.


  1. You are in the post office. You want three stamps for Japan. What do you say?


  1. You’re on a bus. The woman next to you has finished reading her newspaper. Now you want to have a look at it. What do you say?


XIV. Translate into English using modal verbs.

1. Моя сестра вміє грати на скрипці. 2. Я хотіла відчинити вікно, але не змогла. 3. Він запитав лікаря, чи йому можна скористатися його телефоном. 4. Я могла б вивчити латинську мову дуже скоро. 5. Дозвольте звернутися до вас. 6. У читальному залі не дозволяється голосно розмовляти. 7. Ти можеш купити цю книжку, вона зараз у продажі. 8. Вам не треба було б працювати у тих людей. 9. Вам слід було послати її до школи. 10. Не грайте у футбол біля будинку. Ви можете розбити вікно. 11. Оксана, мабуть, зараз готується до екзамену з хімії. 12. Вам слід бути уважнішими на уроках. 13. Мої друзі не змогли купити квитків на концерт, тому вирішили завітати до мене. 14. У нашій школі є спортзал, де учні можуть займатися різними видами спорту. 15. Хлопець упав у річку, але на щастя, ми змогли врятувати його. 16. Куди ти поїдеш цього літа? Я ще не вирішила, але мабуть до Італії. 17. На уроці нам дозволяли користуватись словниками. 18. Не може бути, щоб вона зараз була дома. 19. Щоб потрапити на поїзд, я мушу встати о 6 годині. 20. Катя у лікарні. Ви б відвідали її.

XV. Using the modals in the box, complete the gaps.

Can could might should must have to

1. Ted’s flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He _________ be exhausted after such a long flight. He _________ prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest.

2. Hiking the trail to the peak _________ be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather changes. You _________ research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent.

3. When you have a small child in the house, you _________ leave small objects lying around. Such objects _________ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.

4. Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous! It _________ have cost a fortune.

5. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don’t get enough water, they _________ die.

6. The book is optional. My professor said we _________ read it if we needed extra credit. But we _________ read it if we don’t want to.

7. Where is the spatula? It _________ be in this drawer but it’s not here.

8. _________ we pull over at the next rest stop? I really _________ use the bathroom and I don’t know if I _________ hold it until we get to Chicago.

9. We _________ invite Sally and her husband to come to the picnic on Saturday. We haven’t seen them in weeks, and they _________ really enjoy a nice day at the beach.

10. I was reading the book last night before I went to bed. I never took it out of this room. It _________ be lying around here somewhere. Where _________ it be?

11. Nancy said you didn’t need to buy her anything for her birthday, but I really think you _________ at least get her some flowers or a nice bottle of wine.

12. Nina said she would come over right after work, so she _________ be here by 6:00.

13. You _________ be kidding! That can’t be true.

14. Oh no! Frank’s wallet is lying on the coffee table. He _________ have left it here last night.

15. At first, my boss didn’t want to hire Sam. But, because I had previously worked with Sam, I told my boss that he _________ take another look at his resume and reconsider him for the position.

ЧАСИ ГРУПИ “Indefinite”










The Present Simple

Звичайна, регулярна, повторювана або постійна у теперішньому

Always, usually, often, seldom, rarely, sometimes, never, every day (month, week, year), in the morning(s), on Sunday(s)

She always comes in time.

I usually get up at 7 o’clock.

Вона завжди приходить вчасно.

Я звичайно встаю о 7 год.

Дія, яка виражає наукові та життєві істини

Our planet moves round the sun.

Наша планета рухається навколо сонця.

Запланована майбутня дія

to leave

to go

to come

to start

to arrive

I leave Kyiv tomorrow.

Завтра я виїжджаю з Києва.

Дія, що виражає почуття, думку, відносини

to see

to hear

to feel

to know

to think

to hate

to love

to like

I don’t see anything.

Who knows him?

Я нічого не бачу.

Хто його знає?

Дія часу, умови у підрядних реченнях



if, unless




as soon as

We’ll go for a walk if it stops raining.

Ми підемо на прогулянку, якщо дощ вщухне.

Дія, як частина розкладу

The meeting begins at 8.20 and ends at 9.20.

Зустріч починається о 8.20 і завершується о 9.20.

В інструкціях

First you boil the water. Then…

Спочатку скип’ятіть воду. Потім...

The Past Simple

одноразова або постійна дія в минулому, не пов’язана з теперішнім


the day before yester-day

last week (month, year)

the other day

in 1999


I finished my report yesterday.

My sister graduated from our university two years ago.

Я закінчила доповідь вчора.

Моя сестра закінчила наш університет два роки тому.

ряд послідовних дій в минулому

I dressed, went downstairs, had some coffee in the kitchen and went down to the garage


Я одягнувся, зійшов вниз, випив на кухні кави і пішов в гараж.

повторювана дія в минулому

many a time

every day (week, month)

She came many a time to our house (Gaskell).

We were at the hospital every afternoon (Hemingway).

Вона не раз приходила до нас.

Ми бували в лікарні щоденно після полудня.

у розповідях про минулі події, казках, оповіданнях


Once he entered the palace and saw a beautiful girl.

Якось він зайшов в палац і побачив прекрасну дівчину.

в питальних реченнях стосовно минулого




When did you see him?

Коли ти побачив його?

The Future Simple

одноразова постійна або повторювана дія в майбутньому


the day after tomorrow

next week (month, year)


I’ll go over with you tomorrow morning (Hardy).

I’ll come back in two days.

Я поїду з тобою завтра вранці.

Я повернусь через два дні.

ряд послідовних дій в майбутньому

Adele’ll come, clean the room and cook dinner.

Адель приїде, прибире кімнату і приготує обід.

запланована дія в майбутньому (will)

I’ll meet you at 5 o’clock.

Я зустріну тебе о 5 годині.

для вираження сподівань, надій

(shall, will)

to hope

to believe

to expect

to think

to be sure

I hope she’ll get the job.

Сподіваюсь, що вона отримає роботу.

для вираження згоди, обіцянки, пропозиції


Tom will do it for you.

Том зробить це для тебе.

для запитання поради чи пропозиції

(shall I / we)

Where shall I put my things?

Де можна покласти речі?

у формальних наказах

You will leave the office immediately.

Негайно звільніть офіс.