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Добавлен: 27.11.2019
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Страница 31
silencer_status = 0 0 - нет,1 - несъемный, 2 - можно ставить глушитель
grenade_launcher_status= 0 0 - нет,1 - несъемный, 2 - можно ставить подствольник
zoom_enabled = true Вкл/выкл возможность зума
scope_zoom_factor = 50 значение зума
scope_name = wpn_addon_scope название прицепляемого прицела
scope_x = 47 положение прицела на картинке, x
scope_y = 0 положение прицела на картинке, y
silencer_name = wpn_addon_silencer название глушителя
silencer_x = 218 положение глушителя на картинке, x
silencer_y = 9 положение глушителя на картинке, y
grenade_launcher_name= wpn_addon_grenade_launcher название подствольника
grenade_launcher_x = 126 положение подствольника на картинке, x
grenade_launcher_y = 24 положение подствольника на картинке, y
Свойства оружия
Скопируем файл из папки:
Назовем его ak101.ltx.
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
$spawn = "weapons\ak-101" ; name and section in level editor
$npc = on
$prefetch = 8
scheduled = off ;[] option for ALife Simulator
Cform = skeleton
min_radius = 30 ; [] for AI
max_radius = 100 ; [] for AI
description = enc_weapons1_wpn-ak101
ef_main_weapon_type =2
ef_weapon_type =6
holder_range_modifier = 1.0 ; во сколько раз увеличивается eye_range
holder_fov_modifier = 0.7 ; во сколько раз увеличивается eye_fov
Cost = 2;4000
weapon_class = assault_rifle
ammo_limit = 210
ammo_elapsed = 30
Новое оружие мы будем делать на базе оригинальных конфигурационных файлов. Со-
здадим АК101 на базе конфигов АК74.
Отредактируем свойства по своему усмотрению (но лучше - в соответствии с достоверной
информацией о характеристиках оружия, т.к. АК101 - всё-таки оружие реально существую-
щее). Редактирование конфигов оружия подробно описано в отдельном уроке. В данном слу-
чае конфиг был составлен таким образом:
Class = WP_AK74 ; class of the weapon that corresponding to
CPP class
Страница 32
ammo_mag_size = 30
fire_modes = 1, -1
ammo_class = ammo_5.56x45_ss190, ammo_5.56x45_ap
grenade_class = ammo_vog-25, ammo_vog-25p
launch_speed = 0
hand_dependence =1
single_handed =0
Slot = 2
animation_slot =2
inv_name = wpn-ak101
inv_name_short = wpn-ak101
inv_weight = 3.3
inv_grid_width = 5
inv_grid_height = 2
inv_grid_x = 11
inv_grid_y = 29
kill_msg_x = 0
kill_msg_y = 28
kill_msg_width = 84
kill_msg_height = 28
;params of weapon recoil
fire_dispersion_base = 0.15;0.2
control_inertion_factor = 1.1f;1.25f
cam_relax_speed =6;5;3.5; 0.15
cam_dispersion = 0.1;0.15
cam_dispersion_inc = 0.2;0.3
cam_dispertion_frac = 0.8;0.9
cam_max_angle = 10.0
cam_max_angle_horz = 20.0
cam_step_angle_horz = 1.1;1
fire_dispersion_condition_factor = 5.7;5
misfire_probability = 0.0055;0.003
misfire_condition_k = 0.06;0.05
condition_shot_dec = 0.00035;0.0001
fire_point = 0,0.216,0.638
fire_point2 = 0,0.216,0.730
flame_particles = weapons\generic_weapon05
smoke_particles = weapons\generic_shoot_00
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grenade_flame_particles = weapons\generic_weapon01
shell_point = 0,0.216,0.174
shell_particles = weapons\generic_shells
PDM_disp_base = 1.0
PDM_disp_vel_factor = 1.3
PDM_disp_accel_factor = 1.3
PDM_crouch = 1.0
PDM_crouch_no_acc = 1.0
; ttc
hit_power = 0.36, 0.4, 0.43, 0.46
hit_impulse = 140
hit_type = fire_wound
fire_distance = 1700
bullet_speed = 1000
Rpm = 750
use_aim_bullet = true
time_to_aim = 1.0
;params when silencer is attached
;similar to corresponding params without prefix silencer_
silencer_hit_power = 0.38
silencer_hit_impulse = 120
silencer_fire_distance = 250
silencer_bullet_speed = 600
hud = wpn_ak101_hud
Position = -0.026,-0.172,0
orientation = 0,0,0
;--STRAP PARAMETERS-----------------------------------------------------------------
strap_position = -0.16,-0.40,0.15
strap_orientation = -10,-5,10
strap_bone0 = bip01_spine2
strap_bone1 = bip01_spine1
visual = weapons\ak-101\wpn_ak101
light_color = 0.6,0.5,0.3
light_range = 5
light_var_color = 0.05
light_var_range = 0.5
light_time = 0.2
ph_mass = 5
scope_status = 2
Страница 34
silencer_status = 2
grenade_launcher_status = 0;2
zoom_enabled = true
scope_zoom_factor = 50
scope_name = wpn_addon_scope
scope_x = 42
scope_y = 3
silencer_name = wpn_addon_silencer
silencer_x = 218
silencer_y = 13
grenade_launcher_name = wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
grenade_launcher_x = 116
grenade_launcher_y = 23
;sounds (name of the sound, volume (0.0 - 1.0), delay (sec))
snd_draw = weapons\ak74_draw
snd_holster = weapons\generic_holster
snd_shoot = weapons\ak74_shot_0
snd_shoot1 = weapons\ak74_shot_1
snd_shoot2 = weapons\ak74_shot_2
snd_shoot3 = weapons\ak74_shot_3
snd_empty = weapons\gen_empty, 0.5
snd_reload = weapons\ak74_reload, 0.7, 0.35
snd_shoot_grenade = weapons\gen_grenshoot
snd_reload_grenade = weapons\gen_grenload, 1.0, 0.8
snd_switch = weapons\groza_switch, 1.0, 0.5
;params when silencer is attached
;similar to corresponding params without prefix silencer_
;silencer_flame_particles = weapons\generic_weapon01
silencer_smoke_particles = weapons\generic_shoot_00
snd_silncer_shot = weapons\w_ak74_shot1
silencer_light_color = 0.6,0.5,0.3
silencer_light_range = 0.01
silencer_light_var_color = 0.05
silencer_light_var_range = 0.5
silencer_light_time = 0.2
allow_inertion = true
;similar to corresponding params in weapon section but for 1st person view
Страница 35
shell_point = -0.065000,0.000000,-0.045000
shell_dir = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
fire_point = 0.09,0.020,-0.06
fire_point2 = 0.30, 0.00, 0.05
fire_bone = wpn_body
Orientation = 0, 0, 0
Position = 0, 0, 0.05
visual = weapons\ak-101\wpn_ak101_hud
grenade_bone = wpn_grenade
; animation names
anim_idle = idle
anim_idle_aim = idle_aim
anim_reload = reload
anim_draw = draw_wo_gl
anim_holster = holster_wo_gl
anim_shoot = shoot
; animation names
; attached grenade launcher [GRENADE fire mode]
anim_idle_g = idle_grenade
anim_idle_g_aim = idle_g_aim
anim_reload_g = reload_grenade
anim_shoot_g = shoot_grenade
anim_switch_grenade_on = switch_grenade
anim_switch_grenade_off = switch_grenade_off
anim_draw_g = draw_grenade_mode
anim_holster_g = holster_grenade_mode
; attached grenade launcher [NORMAL fire mode]
anim_idle_gl = idle_w_gl
anim_idle_gl_aim = idle_w_gl
anim_reload_gl = reload_w_gl
anim_draw_gl = draw_w_gl
anim_holster_gl = holster_w_gl
anim_shoot_gl = shoot_w_gl
anim_idle_sprint = idle_sprint
;HUD offset in zoom mode (to all)
zoom_offset = -0.112400,0.016800,-0.115000
zoom_rotate_x = 0.000200
zoom_rotate_y = 0.017500
zoom_hide_crosshair = true
;(use CONSOLE: hud_adjust_mode 0,1,2, then keys WSADQE and P to show current value in