Файл: Л.А. Бердюгина Учимся задавать вопросы на английском языке.pdf

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Если вы не согласны с первой частью вопроса, давайте положительный ответ,

а если согласны – отрицательный.

Обратите внимание на несоответствие форм ответа в русском и английском

языках, когда первая часть вопроса –

отрицание: Yes = Нет, No = Да.

He doesn’t like skiing, does he?


Он не любит кататься на лыжах, не так ли?

Yes, he does.

No, he doesn’t.

Нет, любит.

Да, не любит.

She didn’t pass the exam, did she?


Она не сдала экзамен, не правда ли?


Yes, she did.

No, she didn’t.

Нет, сдала.

Да, не сдала.

4.2 Особые случаи (Specific cases)

Когда вы хотите попросить сделать что-нибудь для Вас, достаточно добавить к предложению с глаголом в повелительном наклонении “хвостики”

will/would you? или can/could you?


Open the window,

will you?

Turn off the light,

can you?

Help me with these things,

could you?

Phone his secretary,

would you?

После неопределённых местоимений

somebody/someone/everybody/everyone в

“хвостиках” используют местоимение they, а после nothing it. С местоимениями

nobody/no one/nothing “хвостики” –


Somebody told you,

didn’t they?

Everyone knows her,

don’t they?

No one asked me,

did they?

Nothing is wrong,

is it?

В вопросах с Let’s “хвостик” – shall we? (побуждение к совместным действиям) и will you? (просьба).

Let’s have a break, shall we? (побуждение к совместным действиям)

Let’s forget about that, will you? (просьба)

С конструкцией There + to be используют в “хвостиках” there.

There won’t be any problems, will there?

There’re some difficult questions, aren’t there?

В разговорной речи отрицательно-вопросительная концовка с I – aren’t I? в

британском английском и am I not? в американском английском.

I’m right, aren’t I? I’m happy, aren’t I?


Если в первой части вопроса употреблён модальный глагол ought, во второй части он заменяется глаголом should.

We ought to go, should we?

Интонация (Intonation)

Падение тона на “хвостике” означает: Я уверен, что я прав. Подтвердите это.

You’re Spanish, aren’t you?

You’ve passed the exam, haven’t you?

Повышение тона на “хвостике” означает: Я думаю, что я прав, но поправьте меня, если это не так.

She got married, didn’t she?

The train goes at ten doesn’t it?


Альтернативные вопросы предполагают выбор из двух возможностей и представляют собой общие или специальные вопросы. Альтернативы могут располагаться в различных частях вопроса.

5.1 Основные формы

Альтернативы находятся рядом друг с другом

Did you or he buy this book? Is it cold or warm outside?

Who of you Pete or Nick failed in mathematics?

Вторая альтернатива находится в конце предложения. Do you watch TV at weekends or play tennis? Does she take cream in her coffee or milk?

Did Mr. Mason buy the book or Mr. Brown?

Между двумя общими вопросами стоит разделительный союз or.

Does she take cream in her coffee or does she take milk? Is he at home or is he at work?

Did they stay at a hotel or did they stay at their friends’ in London?

Общий вопрос можно преобразовать в альтернативный, добавив or not? Do you study economics or not?

Have you seen him or not?


В специальных вопросах альтернативы находятся в конце предложения. When did you get up today, early or late?

What do you do at weekends, watch TV or play tennis? Who came to our university, American or British students?

Интонация (Intonation)

Первую альтернативу произносят с повышением тона, вторую – с понижением тона.

Are you going to the cinema or to the theatre? Does Mr. Black teaches English or French?

Если вопрос произносят как единое целое, тон повышают. Would you like to use it or not?



1.1Основная форма (Basic form)

I. Work in pairs or small groups. Read the song and try to reproduce it as dialogue.

Love Song

Does she love him? – Yes, she does. Is she happy? – Yes, she is.

Does he know it? – Yes, he does. Yes, he knows it. Will she kiss him? – Yes, she will.

Will she leave him? – Yes, she will, if she has to. Does he love her? – Yes, he does.

Is he happy? – Yes, he is.

Does she know it? – Yes, she does. Yes, she knows it. Will he kiss her? – Yes, he will.

Will he leave her? – Yes, he will, if he has to. Are they happy? – Yes, they are.

Are they lucky? – Yes, they are.

Do they know it? – Yes, they do. Yes, they know it. Will he find somebody now?

Will she find somebody too? Yes, they will.

Yes, they will, if they have to.


II.Ask questions which can be answered Yes or No.

1.We had dinner at the cafeteria.

2.They study here every day.

3.Jane drives carefully.

4.My mother makes breakfast every morning.

5.Our family has lunch at 1 o’clock.

6.The history of Sumo wrestling goes back over 2000 years.

7.Bill speaks English correctly.

8.The student knew the answer.

9.Students frequently work at night.

10.The child slept well last night.

11.The best coffee grows in Brazil.

12.The car costs $3,000.

*III. Ask questions with do, does, did or with am, is, are, was, were.

1.The classes begin at eight o’clock.

2.Mother is always telling her what to do.

3.They had coffee and bread-and-butter for breakfast.

4.The lecture was very interesting.

5.She understands French a little.

6.The problems are easy.

7.Bill came from England.

8.He was in a hurry.

9.The group of tourists is arriving tonight.

10.I am wrong.

11.Lisa is good at maths.

12.The students were tired.

IV. Transform the following statements with auxiliary and modal verbs into questions.

1.The students are working in the laboratory.

2.You should work hard.

3.Everyone has heard the news.

4.They will go to the library after the classes.

5.The report is being discussed at the meeting.

6.The students were waiting for their lecturer.

7.These engineers have travelled abroad on business.

8.The boy had studied French before he came here.

9.You must leave right now.

10.Mary has been writing her composition for six hours.

11.We may practise pronunciation in the language laboratory.

12.John can’t come by the 11 o’clock train.

13.I would like to stay at home.


V. Take it in turns to ask and answer the following questions.

Examples: Are you a student?

Yes, I am.

No, I’m not.

Does he like it?

Yes, he does.

No, he doesn’t.

Is she writing?

Yes, she is.

No, she isn’t.

Have you been to Paris?

Yes, I have.

No, I haven’t.

1.Do you want to learn English?

2.Is English difficult for you?

3.Are you hungry?

4.Do you like to visit your friends?

5.Is the weather warm today?

6.Can you lend (занять) me some money?

7.Have you finished your homework?

8.Are your group-mates working in pairs now?

9.Was it difficult for you to enter the University?

10.Does your friend have difficulty with English?

11.Is English your native language?

12.Did you have an examination last week?

13.Has she passed her exam yet?

14.Is he going to study tonight?

VI. Complete the Yes/No questions, as in the example.

Example: I’ll be at home this evening. -------

> Will you be there at 7 o’ clock?

He likes sports. -------

> Does he like tennis?

1.She bought some tea. ______ any coffee?

2.They visited Milan. ______ Paris?

3.He’s got two cousins. ______ any sisters?

4.I speak English. ______ French?

5.The manager’s gone out. ______ to bank?

6.She works six hours a day. ______ on Saturday?

7.Ann can play the piano. ______ the guitar?

8.I’m going to the theatre. ______ on your own?

9.Mother is going on business the other day. ______ to Moscow?

VII. Work in pairs. Ask your partner if she/he:

1) is a student;

8) gave up smoking;

2) studies at the University;

9) should speak to his/her English teacher;

3) is a first-year student;

10) will help you with your homework;

4) can play the piano;

11) would like to visit London;

5) reads much around his/her subject;

12) is waiting for somebody;

6) needs a lot of practice in English;

13) has ever been in love;

7) read War and Peace by Tolstoy;

14) has been working at his report.