Файл: Учебное пособие 2 по английскому языку Для студентов лечебного и педиатрического факультета (2 семестр) 2020 год.doc

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XVIII. Watch the video ‘Conduction system of the Heart and ECG principles’ and answer the questions

XX. Watch the video ‘Blood| Learn About Blood Composition And Its Functions’ and answer the questions:

XX. Watch the video ‘The Respiratory System. Inspiration and Expiration’ and check your predictions for the questions

VII. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the Paired Conjunctions:

XIII. Fill in the missing words in the passage below:

XIV. Match the organ diagram and the function:

XVII. Choose the right variant:

Multiple Choice Test

XVI.Watch the video ‘Human Body Nervous System’ and answer the questions:

XVI.Watch the video ‘Zoo of Microorganisms &Netherlands’ and answer the questions:

ambulatory visit

medical clinic

diagnostic nurse

doctor's center

house investigation

outpatient practitioner

health call

registered care

1. to observe 2. to prevent 3. to follow-up 4. to evaluate 5. to offer 6. to present with

XVI. Watch the video ‘Huawei Telepresence Telemedicine Solution’ and name the solutions telemedicine gives to the outpatient care.

XVIII. Watch the video ‘Stamford Hospital Inpatient Surgery Tour’ and answer the questions

XIII. Watch the video ‘Board Certified Pharmacists: An Integral Part of the Healthcare Team’ and check your predictions:


XIV. Watch the video ‘Meet the Team at the Ottawa Hospital’ and answer the questions:

I. Answer the questions:

XVI. Watch the video ‘Taking a Patient's History (Nurse/Patient)’ and check your predictions and fill in the chart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW-ZRo6GJnA

I. Answer the questions:

XVII. Watch the video ‘How to Diagnose Tonsillitis- Physical Examination For Tonsillitis’and answer the questions:

I. Answer the questions

XVI. Watch the Video ‘Medical treatment for refugee children in Canada’ and answer the questions:

XVII.Watch the video ‘Finn Bálor receives a unique medical treatment: Sept. 26, 2016’ and answer the questions:

I. Answer the questions:

XX. Watch the video ‘The Respiratory System. Inspiration and Expiration’ and check your predictions for the questions

XXI. Watch again and answer the following questions:

  1. Is the intra-pulmonic pressure or the intra-plural pressure less than the atmospheric air pressure? (in resting state)

  2. Why does the thoracic cavity become enlarged?

  3. What happens when the plural cavity expands?

  4. What is caused by the dropping of the intra-pulmonic pressure?

  5. What happens when the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax?

  6. What are contributing factors in the regulating of respiration?

  7. What happens when CO2 level increases?

XXII. Watch the video ‘Lungs and Pulmonary respiration and ventilation in humans’ and answer the questions:


  • What respiration is called ’pulmonary respiration’?

  • What stages does the mechanism of the pulmonary respiration include?

  • What regions is a thoracic cavity enclosed by?

  • What is a diaphragm?

  • What process does breathing include?

  • What is inspiration?

  • What is expiration?

  • Why does the diaphragm take no part in breathing in pregnant females?

  • What is spirometry?

  • What is spirometer?

  • What is a tidal volume? How many ml does it comprise?

  • What is vital capacity? How many liters does it comprise?

  • What is a residual volume? How many ml does it comprise?

  • What is an inspiratory reserve volume? How many ml does it comprise?

  • What is an expiratory reserve volume? How many ml does it comprise?


Grammar: Non-conjunction Subordinate Clauses, Revision Paired Conjunctions

Physiology of digestive system

1.Answer the questions:

  • What is a digestion?

  • Why is it important for a human body?

  • What stages of digestion do you know?

Word building
II. Read and translate the words of Latin-Greek origin.

enzyme [`enzaIm], bacterium [bxk`tIqrIqm] (pl. bacteria [bxk`tIqrIq]), substance [`sAbstqns], absorption [qb`zLpSn], peristalsis [,perI`stxlsIs], vitamin [`vitqmIn], lymph [lImf], sphincter [`sfINktq], mucous [`mjHkqs], gastric [`gxstrIk], lipid [`lIpId], metabolism [mq`txbqlIzm], synthesis [`sInTqsIs]
Active vocabulary

digestion [daI`GesCn] - пищеварение, усвоение пищи, ферментация

breakdown [`breIkdaun] –расщепление, измельчение

enzyme [`enzaIm] – фермент, энзим

gut flora [`gAt,flLrq] – кишечная флора

protein [`prqutJn] - белок

propulsion [prq`pAlSn] –продвижение вперёд, проталкивание, толчок

carbohydrate [,kRbq`haIdreIt] - углевод

ingestion [In`GesCn] – заглатывание, приём внутрь (лекарства)

mastication [,mxstI`keISn] - жевание, пережёвывание, измельчение

to expose [Ik`spquz] - подвергать, обнажать, открывать

digestive juice [daI`GestIv,GHs]- пищеварительный сок

saliva [sq`laIvq]– слюна

to swallow [‘swOlou] - глотать

to chew [CH] = to masticate - жевать

passage [`pxsIG] - проход

pancreatic juices [,pxNkrI`xtIk] - сок поджелудочной железы

hydrochloric acid [`haIdrqklPrIk ,xsId] - соляная кислота

mucus [`mjHkqs] - слизь
Useful vocabulary

to assimilate [q`sImIleIt] - усваивать, ассимилировать

extrinsically [ek`strInsIkqlI] - внешне, под влиянием внешнего воздействия

intrinsically [In`trInsIkqlI] - внутренне

absorption [qb`zLpSn] - всасывание, поглощение

segmentation [,segmen`teISn] - дробление, разделение на части,

lumen [`lHmqn] – просвет потока

to trigger [`trIgq] - запускать, инициировать

cardiac sphincter [`kRdIxk ,sfINktq] - кардиальный сфинктер

pyloric sphincter [pAI`lPrIk] - привратниковый сфинктер

ileocecal sphincter [,IlIq`sJkql] - подвздошно – слепокишечный сфинктер (клапан, заслонка)

to churn [CWn] - взбалтывать, встряхивать, перемешивать

terminal [`tWmInql] - терминальный, конечный

debris [`deIbrJ] - инородные вещества, остатки продукта

stool [`stHl] (feces [`fJsJz]) - испражнения

mainstay [`meInsteI] - основа, опора

to drain [dreIn] – стекать, осуществлять дренаж

III. Read and translate the following word combinations paying attention to the word formation:

to digest– digested - undigested - digestion - digestive, to absorb - absorbed - absorption, to propel - propelled – propulsion, gastric - gastrointestinal, fat - fatty - fat-soluble, to break - broken down - breaking down - breakdown, to chew – chewed – chewing, to swallow – swallowed - swallowing, acid -acidic, intestine - intestinal, to trigger – triggering, protein - glycoproteins, saliva – salivary, esophagus - esophageal, mucus - mucous, pancreas - pancreatic, to secrete – the secretion

IV. Read and translate the following word combinations

to turn into energy and waste products, the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components, neural and endocrine regulatory mechanisms, to ensure food can be properly processed, an example of propulsion, the voluntary process of swallowing and the involuntary process of peristalsis, to expose more of the surface area to digestive juices, to consist of localized contractions of circular muscle, to mix food with digestive juices, to facilitate absorption, to break down complex food molecules into their chemical building blocks, the passage of food and liquid between the esophagus and stomach, to empty contents into the small intestine, to help kill off bacteria coming via food, mixed and churned with gastric juices, transformed into a semi-liquid substance, trillions of bacteria, yeasts, and parasites living in our intestines, the main pancreatic source of enzymes, a number of functions in carbohydrate metabolism

V. Read and translate the sentences with Non-conjunction (Asyndetic) Subordinate Clauses

a) 1.This book the student is reading is very interesting. 2. I know he is in the laboratory. 3. The method of gastric secretion Ivan Petrovich Pavlov originally demonstrated in famous experiments with dogs has played a great role in understanding of digestive processes. 4. The faculty my brother in trains dentists.5. My friend you know well has entered the Medical University. 6. The methods of investigation a scientist had included in his work helped him to determine the origin of the disease. 7. We know many different organs have essential roles in the digestion of food

b) 1. Scientists have determined gastrointestinal system is responsible for the breakdown and absorption of various foods and liquids needed to life. 2. Food has to be broken down into tiny little pieces it can be absorbed and used by the body. 3. One knows digestion begins in the mouth. 4. A sphincter food is allowed to enter is located at the end of the esophagus. 5. The site most of the chemical and mechanical digestion is carried out is the small intestine. 6. The treatment on gastric ulcer the patient began a month ago is quite effective. 7. We know well the liver is responsible for glycogen storage, plasma protein synthesis, and drug detoxification. 8. The function of the digestive system is to break down the foods you eat, release their nutrients, and absorb those nutrients into the body. 9. The small intestine is the workhorse of the system the majority of digestion occurs, and most of the released nutrients are absorbed. 10. Hormones several endocrine glands as well as endocrine cells of the pancreas, the stomach, and the small intestine secret contribute to the control of digestion and nutrient metabolism.

VI. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Желудок - это отдел желудочно-кишечного тракта, в котором происходит секреция. 2. Испытание, которое проводят учёные, очень важны для понимания химических процессов в кишечнике. 3. Желчный пузырь, в котором хранится запас желчи, играет важную роль в процессе пищеварения в тонкой кишке. 4. Исследователи установили, что пищеварительный тракт состоит четырёх слоёв ткани.

VII. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the Paired Conjunctions:

1. Mucus serves both as a protective barrier and as a lubricant inside of the GI tract. 2. Hydrochloric acid helps both to digest food chemically and to protect the body by killing bacteria present in our food. 3. Gastric juice is secreted in response to vagal stimulation, either directly by electrical impulses or indirectly by stimuli received through the senses. 5. The digestive system uses both mechanical and chemical activities to break food down into absorbable substances. 6. If the food is neither chewed nor moistened in the mouth it can’t be properly digested further. 7. Propulsion includes both the voluntary process of swallowing and the involuntary process of peristalsis. 8. Mechanical digestion is a purely physical process that does not influence either the chemical nature of the food or the nutrient quality. 9. Absorption of this substance may occur either in the small intestine or the large intestine. 10. The digestion of proteins into peptides and amino acids may occur either in the stomach or in the small intestine. 11 The pancreas has both the exocrine function and the endocrine function. 12. The produced bile can be either drained directly into the duodenum or stored in the gallbladder.
VIII. Read and translate the text.

The process of digestion is a fascinating and complex one that takes the food we place in our mouth and turns it into energy and waste products. Digestion involves the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components by enzymes and hormones until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body. The food is propelled forward within the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) that stretches from the mouth to the anus accompanied by the accessory organs (tongue, salivary glands, teeth, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas). Also bacteria in the GI tract (gut flora) help with digestion. The time it takes for food to travel from entering the mouth to be excreted as waste is around 30-40 hours.

The digestive system breaks nutrients into parts using mechanical and chemical activities: proteins break into amino acids, fats break into fatty acids and glycerol, and carbohydrates break into simple sugars. The GI tract has many functions to perform to ensure food we eat can be properly processed, digested, broken down and then any unused materials pushed out of the body. The processes of digestion include six activities: ingestion, propulsion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.

The first, ingestion, onerefers to the entry of food into the alimentary canal through the mouth. Here the food is chewed and mixed. Food leaves the mouth when the tongue and pharyngeal muscles propel it into the esophagus. This act of swallowing is an example of propulsionreferring to the movement of food through the digestive tract. It includes both the voluntary process of swallowing and the involuntary process of peristalsis which act to propel food along the GI tract. Mechanical digestion is a purely physical process that does not change the chemical nature of the food. Instead, it makes the food smaller. It includes mastication, or chewing, as well as tongue movements.

In chemical digestion, starting in the mouth, digestive secretions break down complex food molecules into their chemical building blocks (e.g. proteins into separate amino acids), it is completed in the small intestine. Food that has been broken down is of no value to the body unless it enters the bloodstream. This occurs through the process of absorption which takes place primarily within the small intestine. In defecation, the final step in digestion, undigested materials are removed from the body as feces.

Digestion begins in the mouth. A brain reflex triggers the flow of saliva, watery solution including different chemicals. It moistens the food while the teeth chew it up. Amylase, the digestive enzyme found in saliva, starts to break down starch into simpler sugars before the food even leaves the mouth. The swallowing of food happens when the muscles in the tongue and mouth move the food into the pharynx and consequently into the esophagus through which ingested food passes from the throat to the stomach. The stomach stores swallowed food and liquid, mixes the food and liquid with digestive juice it produces, and slowly empties its contents into the small intestine. The small intestine is the site where most of the chemical and mechanical digestion is carried out. The duodenum is the part the bile and pancreatic juices enter the intestine. Ileum function is to absorb vitamin B12 and bile salts. The large intestine absorbs water and any remaining nutrients and changes the waste from liquid into stool.

The function of the pancreas is to produce enzymes breaking down all categories of digestible foods (exocrine function) and to secrete hormones affecting carbohydrates metabolism (endocrine function). The liver plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in carbohydrate metabolism (glycogen storage). The liver produces and excretes bile that emulsifies fats and neutralizes acids in partly digested food. Some of the bile drains directly into the duodenum, and some is stored in the gallbladder.
IX. Read the sentences and say if they are True or Falls:

  1. The process of digestion takes the food placed in the mouth and turns it into energy and waste products.

  2. The food is propelled backward within the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract).

  3. Proteins break into fatty acids and glycerol.

  4. Mechanical digestion does not change the chemical nature of the food.

  5. Absorptiontakes place primarily within the large intestine.

  6. Digestion begins in the esophagus.

  7. The stomach stores swallowed food and liquid, mixes the food and liquid with digestive juice it produces, and slowly empties its contents into the pancreas.

  8. Hydrochloric acid is secreted in the liver.

  9. The large intestine absorbs water and any remaining nutrients and changes the waste from liquid into stool.

  10. The liver produces and excretes bile that emulsifies fats and neutralizes acids in partly digested food.

X. Match two parts of the sentence:

  1. Digestion involves

  2. The time it takes for food to travel from entering the mouth to be excreted as waste

  3. Neural and endocrine regulatory mechanisms work

  4. The digestive system uses mechanical and chemical activities

  5. Saliva moistens the food while

  6. The lower cardiac sphincter controls

  7. Tiny projections called villi line

  1. the small intestine which absorbs digested food into the capillaries.

  2. is around 30-40 hours.

  3. to break food down into absorbable substances.

  4. the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components by enzymes and hormones.

  5. to maintain the digestive activity.

  6. the passage of food and liquid between the esophagus and stomach.

  7. while the teeth chew it up and make it easier to swallow.

XI. Make a word combination:

gastrointestinal digestion

accessory system

salivary organs

digestive intestine

mechanical juice

hydrochloric glands

gastric acid

small tract
XII. Fill in the words and word combinations from the Word Bank: