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Марихуана: мифы и факты

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Marihuana Research Findings: 1976, Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse (1977); 

Cohen S., Stillman


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39. «Access to Cannabinoids and Marijuana for Research and Treatment», Appendix III, pp. 175—76 in Mechoulam

R. (ed), Cannabinoids as Therapeutic Agents, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (1986).


Randall R.C.

 (ed), Marijuana, Medicine and the Law, Washington, DC: Galen Press (1988), pp. 27—50.

41. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Marihuana and Health, Sixth Annual Report to the U.S. Congress from

the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (1976).

42. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Marihuana and Health, Seventh Annual Report to the U.S. Congress from

the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (1977); National Institute on Drug Abuse (1980), см. № 37.

43. Drug Policy Office, Federal Strategy for Prevention of Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking, Washington, DC:

The White House (1982).

44. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Marijuana and Health, Ninth Report to the U.S. Congress from the

Secretary of Health and Human Services (1982), p. 5.

45. 54 Federal Register 53767 (29 December 1989).

46. In the Matter of Marijuana Rescheduling, Docket 86—22, Opinion, Recommended Ruling, Findings of Fact,

Conclusions of Law, and Decision of Administrative Law Judge. Washington, DC: Drug Enforcement Administration
(6 September 1988).

47. Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics and NORML v DEA, 15 F.2d 1131 (D.C. Cir. 1994).

48. 57 Federal Register 10499 (26 March 1992).


Cotton P. 

(1992), см. № 17; «U.S. Rescinds Approval of Marijuana as Therapy», New York Times (11 March

1992), p. A21.


Voelker R.

 «Medical Marijuana: A Trial of Science and Politics» Journal of  the American Medical Association

271: 1645 (1994).

51. Drug Enforcement Administration Press Release, «Response to JAMA Article Titled «Marihuana as Medicine»,

Washington, DC (20 June 1995).

52. Drug Enforcement Administration (1994), см. № 1.


Doblin R.

 «Medical Marijuana Research: NIDA Just Says No to Science», Newsletter of the Multidisciplinary

Association for Psychedelic Studies 5, 4: 11—13 (1995); 

Lehrman S.

 «U.S. Drug Agencies Resist Medicinal%Pot

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Okie S.

 «Plan to Test Drug's Effectiveness in Bureaucratic

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McCaffrey B.

 Director of National Drug Control Policy, Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, Teenage

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55. Office of National Drug Control Policy, The Administration's Response to the Passage of California Proposition

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U.S. Acts to Overcome States' Easing of Law», New York Times (31 December 1996), p. 1.


Lapey J. 

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Voth E.A. 

The International Drug Strategy Institute Position Paper on the Medicinal Applications of Marijuana,

Drug Watch International, Omaha (no date); 

Gorman T.J.

 Marijuana is NOT a Medicine, Santa Clarita, CA: California

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Gwynne P.

 «Trials of Medical Marijuana's Medical Potential Languish as Government Says Just Say No»,

The Scientist 9, 23: 1—2 (1995).

58. American Public Health Association, Access to Therapeutic Marijuana / Cannabis, Resolution 9513 (1995).

59. Federation of American Scientists, Medical Use of Whole Cannabis (1994).

60. See Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics and NORML v DEA, 15 F.2d 1131 (D.C. Cir. 1994).

61. «Choice for Surgeon General Favors Medicinal Marijuana Use», Washington Post (20 December 1992), p. A16.

62. Therapeutic Use of Marijuana, Resolution of the National Association of Attorneys General (25 June 1983).

63. Resolution Calling for the Reclassification of Marijuana to Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act,

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (May 1987).

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Марихуана: мифы и факты


Kassirer J.R.

 «Federal Foolishness and Marijuana», New England Journal of Medicine 336: 366—67 (1997).


Grinspoon L., Bakalar J.B.

 «Marihuana as Medicine: A Plea for Reconsideration», Journal of the American

Medical Association 273: 1875—76 (1995).

66. «A Medical Opinion on Marijuana», New York Times (31 January 1997); «Lift the Ban on Using Marijuana

for Medicine», USA Today (11 January 1994); «Out%of%Touch Marijuana Ban Ill Serves Patients», USA Today (2
January 1997); «Reducing the Drug War to Absurdity» Chicago Tribune (11 July 1995); «Giving Suffering Patients
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Wisconsin (27 September 1993); «Let Doctors Prescribe Pot», Albany Times Union (4 January 1993); «Medical Use
of Marijuana: Let Doctors Decide», The Star Tribune, Minneapolis (23 March 1992).


Beldon, Russonello

 «American Voters' Opinions on the Use and Legalization of Marijuana», national random

poll conducted for the American Civil Liberties Union, New York (1995); The Field Institute, poll of California voters'
support for Proposition 215 (1996); Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (1996), см. № 56; Lake Research, Inc.
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Hearn W.

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71. Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Act, Section 505 (d) (7).


Pertwee R.G. 

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Dansak D. 

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Administration Hearing, Docket 86—22 (1987), pp. 149—58 in Randall R.C. (ed), Cancer Treatment and Marijuana,
Washington, DC: Galen Press (1990); 

Vinciguerra V. et al.

 (1988), см. № 6; 

Chang A.E. et al.

 (1979), см. № 6;

Hepler R.S., Petrus R. 

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Gingrich N. 

«Legal Status of Marijuana», Journal of the American Medical Association 247: 1563 (1982).



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