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Добавлен: 19.10.2020
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до деколонизации африканских государств в 60-х гг. XX-го века.
Впрочем, современная мировая политическая система претер-
певает значительные изменения.
Мировая политическая система изменила свою конфигу-
рацию после Второй мировой войны, когда была создана оче-
редная (после Лиги Наций) организация, которая только но-
минально была способна регулировать межнациональные
отношения — ООН. На деле, новая мировая политическая си-
стема представляла биполярный мир, состоящий из двух по-
литически оформленных полюсов.
Наконец, последней мировой политической системой, пред-
ставленной сегодня в международных отношениях, стала одно-
полярная международная система с единственным полюсом в
США. Остальные потенциальные плюса являются политически
неоформленными и не составляют полноценных элементов ми-
ровой политической системы, включая утративший статус по-
люса и, соответственно, политического образования, Советско-
го Союза.
Сегодня мировая политическая система представляет собой
либерально-демократическую конструкцию, проект либераль-
ной глобализации. Принципы, которые заложены в данном под-
ходе к построению политических отношений, позиционируют-
ся как общие для единой мировой политической системы, в то
время как они являются трансляторами политики и ценностной
системы лишь одной из множества социальных общностей. Тем
не менее, все очевиднее становится кризис нынешней полити-
ческой системы и ее институтов.
Теория многополярного мира на сегодня является един-
ственной альтернативой либеральной политической системе.
Она должна учитывать общественное сопротивление попыт-
кам унификации мировых социальных пространств, служащей
принципам и интересам либеральной политической системы.
геополитическими условиями, которые в свою очередь
Токмакова М. В.
Теория многополярного мира
представляют собой отношение географического пространства
к социальному. Таким образом, политическая система находится
во взаимосвязи с качественным пространством, разделенным
социокультурными, ценностными отличиями. Несоответствие
политической организации социальной и геополитической
специфике пространства влечет за собой сбой всей социально-
политической системы.
Теория многополярности в данном контексте должна объ-
яснять отношения, в которых находится международное поли-
тическое устройство и социальная, геополитическая сторона
международных отношений.
Разработка теории многополярного мира на сегодняшний
день является необходимой базой новому зарождающемуся
типу социального устройства и государственного образования,
а также новым, справедливым межгосударственным взаимо-
отношениям. Она требует переосмысления социологических
и политических основ международного взаимодействия, учи-
тывания социокультурных, ценностных характеристик обще-
ственного разнообразия.
Геополитика многополярного мира. Доклады и тезисы
Dr. Semih Koray
Professor, Deputy Chair in Charge of International Relations
(Workers’ Party, Turkey).
A multipolar world requires the initiative of the Developing
The first lesson to be drawn is perhaps that the creation of
a multipolar world cannot be left to spontaneity. It is, of course,
important to determine and analyze the objective national and social
forces that drag the world to a multipolar one, but it is even more
important to find ways and create institutions to coordinate and
combine these forces into an internationl front that will deter all
the attempts to reestablish unipolarity and force imperialism to a
strategic retreat.
It is clear that USA is on a decline due to its military failures
and the global economic crisis of the capitalist system. During the
Nineties, the center of world production has started to move from
the West to the East and still continues to do so. The US, however,
became during the the same period in a much stronger sense than
ever the center of financial capital. Whoever makes the world believe
that he is the master of the world and thus will shape its future can
thereby collect the rent of this hegemonial power via financial
instruments, as these are mainly tools of trading future profits in
the present time. Based on its military and ideological superiority
conjoined with the US dollar being used as the international means
of exchange and thus as reserve money, USA was able to collect
this rent, manipulate the distribution of goods and services to its
own favor via financial means and thus to consume more than it
produced during this period. On the one hand, this cannot be
sustained any more. On the other hand, USA would not voluntarily
give up its efforts to regain the worldmaster’s position, so long as
it seems achievable, no matter how adventurous the roadmap may
seem. The only force that is able to deter USA from doing so can be
created by turning the Developing World, i.e. Eurasia, into a more
organized and united front, which will also neutralize Europe, where
the centrifugal forces are becoming more and more visible.
It is interesting to note that USA has not been successful in
any open war it launched since the Second World War. But its
successes accomplished via manipulation of ethnic and religious
contradictions or by means of social engineering can hardly be
denied. During its present tactical retreat, it is focusing more on
these methods in an attempt to create new instruments that will
enable itself to start new attacks. It is within that framework that
one of the most crucial places the efforts of USA are concentrated
upon is Turkey and Turkey’s present ruling party AKP – the Justice
and Development Party. Let us now shortly consider the recent
developments in Turkey.
Turkey during the last decade
In the first term of AKP (2002 – 2007), the center of weight of the
government’s policies was located aroud Turkey becoming a member
of the European Union. It is no exaggeration to say that there was
not a single domestic or foreign issue (with the possible exception of
those directly concerning US.A as the invasion of Iraq) that was not
related to the potential membership of Turkey to the EU. It was very
clear from the outset that the West had not even the least intention
to accept Turkey to the EU. The plan was to keep Turkey bound
to the door of the EU without letting it enter, in order to prevent
Turkey from even seeking other alternatives in the East. One of the
major common denominators of the political party leaders, generals
and officers, rectors, journalists, intellectuals imprisoned under the
Ergenekon, Sledge-Hammer and similar operations is that they all
have been regarding Eurasia as an alternative to the West on the
Геополитика многополярного мира. Доклады и тезисы
international plane, that in a rather broad spectrum though, ranging
from just increasing the bargaining power of Turkey towards the
West to considering Eurasia as the geography where the future
civilization of mankind is being born.
In the second term of AKP (2007 – 2011), especially after
Obama took office in the US, things started to change drastically.
Membership to the EU was not even mentioned any more. The
additional influence of the global economic crisis on this change
cannot be denied, of course. The EU had also lost its charm due
to the economic difficulties that especially its southern members
were faced with. The substitute for the EU was now «regional
leadership of Turkey», or «New Ottomanism». Turkey becoming a
regional leader was subject to a particular constraint, which was not
spelled out as loud as the leadership part though, namely «regional
leadership by aligning Turkey’s stance along the interests of big
powers towards the region». The attitude of Turkey in the nuclear
issue towards Iran, its developing relations with Syria, its opposition
to Israel in the Palestinian issue, the growth of economic relations
with Eurasian countries lead to the question of whether there was
a shift in Turkey’s axis towards the East on the international plane.
An ideal Islamic partner country for USA
Although the more recent developments obviously show that
there has been clearly no such shift, it might yet be worthwhile to
look into the same issue from the viewpoint of USA during the same
period. The military failures of the US in Afghanistan, Iraq and in the
attack of Israel against Hisboullah in 2006 had made the following
clear to the US Administration: Military superiority is a must and a
big advantage in becoming the master of the world, but it does not
suffice. One needs to change the image of the US Administration
towards the world as well. In fact, image making has always been
accompanying US foreign policy. Just remember the US Foreign
Ministers within the last fifteen years: Madeleine Allbright female,
Colin Powell black, Condoleeza Rice both female and black, and
now Barack Obama black, Hillary Clinton female. Image making
Koray Semih.
Turkey's Position in the Struggle for a Multipolar World