Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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1985 – genetic fingerprinting

1986 – digital audiotape

1987 – 3D videotape

1988 – contact lenses.

1989 – high definition television

1993 – Pentium processor

1994 – microwave

1996 – web TV

1997 – cloning

1998 – …
b) Choose 3 most important technological innovations and write an essay, explaining your choice. Don’t forget to mention how people used to live before the following inventions changed society. Was life better or worse? Was it safer or more dangerous? In what ways? What problems it solved?

Get ready with the presentation

Famous Company”/ “Invention that changed the world”
Consider the following points:

  • the name of a Russian or international company famous in your sphere of knowledge / of the invention that you consider important in your sphere of knowledge;

  • history of the company / invention;

  • some important dates and facts about it;

  • present state;

  • explanation of your choice.


1. a) Match the words with their meaning:

1) demographic

a) different weather conditions

2) pollution

b) to try to discover; learn about

3) climate changes

c) an explosive device whose destructive power comes from the release of energy

4) to explore

d) the collection and analysis of broad characteristics about groups of people and populations

5) nuclear weapon

e) the whole of the human race, including both men and women

6) mankind

f) damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste

b) Fill in the gaps with the words from (a):

1. We went on an expedition to _______ the flora and fauna of the wood.

2. The company claims it is not responsible for the _______ in the river.

3. There have been monumental social and _______ changes in the country.

4. The peoples of the world will only be at ease if not a single _______ is left in existence.

5. Technological methods to cope with _______ will become very important.

6. One of the most serious challenges currently facing _______ was hunger.
2. a) Read the texts and answer the questions:

What country will be with the first largest economy in the world 2050?

How many people will be on Earth in 2050?

Why shall we take other resources?

Will our world be the same in 2050?

How many languages will people be able to speak?

Why will people live longer?

What do you think about a single world government?

Mark, 26

I think a lot of things will change in 2050. India will overtake China as the first largest economy in the world, but the country will have many problems with its demographics. The world will also have a lot of problems with the pollution and the climate changing. We will need to find other resources because there will be more than 9 billion people on Earth in 2050. We will also need to build spaceships to travel to other planets as we will have to take resources from these places. We will be able to explore the space and to find other habitable planets.

Monica, 25

Our world won’t be the same by 2050. We will improve our technology and everybody will be able to speak at least 5 languages. People will live longer and we won’t have health problems because we will improve our knowledge on medicine. We will also live in peace and the different countries won’t have nuclear weapons anymore. We will perhaps have a single world government as we already have the IMF (International Monetary Fund). I believe 2050 will be a great year for mankind!

b) Continue the following sentences according to the text:

Mark thinks that in 2050 India will _________. The world will have a lot of problems with _________. There will be more _________. We will need to build _________. We will be able __________.

Monica thinks that our world won’t be _________. We will improve _________ and everybody will be able _________. People will _________. The different countries won’t have _________. We will perhaps have _________.
3. a) Read the text and tick the topics the people write about:

 global warming  travel in space  computers

 diseases  cars  wars

What will the future be like?

1. In the future, I don’t think the people will have a computer, a mobile phone, a camera and things like that. They’ll just have one small computer. It will be as smart as a mobile phone and it will be a lot more powerful than today’s computers. In fact, it will do everything, like book holidays or order food from the supermarket. You won’t need a keyboard. You’ll just talk to it. You’ll say: “I want to fly to Moscow on Friday”. Then the computer will buy the tickets. So life will be a lot easier – as long as you don’t lose your little computer. (Akira, Japan)

2. Will we have cars in the future? Yes, I think we will, but they’ll be very different from today’s cars. First, they won’t use petrol or diesel, because we won’t have enough oil in fifty year’s time. Cars will probably use electricity or hydrogen. So they’ll be quieter and cleaner. And I think the roads will be safer, too, because you won’t actually drive your car. You’ll sit in it and the car’s computer will drive it. So there won’t be any accidents. (Berto, Brasil)

3. I don’t think the world will be a safer place in the future. I think it will be more dangerous – because of disease. People travel a lot now, so diseases move very quickly from place to place. In the future, travel will be faster and cheaper, because planes will be better. Sooner or later a new and very dangerous disease will appear. It will move quickly from one continent to another and millions of people die. (Magdi, Hungary)
b) Do the writers think life in the future will be better or worse?
c) What do you think will be in the future …

  • more dangerous?

  • more powerful?

  • easier?

  • quieter and cleaner?

  • safer?

  • faster and cheaper?

4. a) Match the opinions with the sentences:

1. I think the world will be a more dangerous place in the future. Sooner or later we won’t have any oil.

a) Transport will be a lot better, because people won’t travel to work every day.

2. In the future I think people will live longer. They’ll be healthier and a lot of today’s diseases will disappear.

b) Most people will live for over a hundred years.

3. I don’t think we’ll have shops in the future, so our cities will look very different.

c) In the next century we’ll only see elephants and tigers in zoos.

4. I think people will work from home in the future. They’ll use the Internet and videophones to communicate with work colleagues.

d) Then there will be wars between countries.

5. I think that we’ll lose a lot of animals in the future, because people will destroy the forests.

e) People will do all their shopping on the Internet.

b) What do the people say about these things? Complete the sentences.

1. There will be ________ about oil.

2. People will live longer, because some ________ will disappear.

3. There won’t be any ________ in our city centers.

4. People won’t ________ to work.

5. Tigers will ________ in the future.
5. A salesman is describing a new product to a customer. Complete what they say with will or won’t and a verb form from the box.

give  /  operate  /  deal  /  take  /  be  /  contact  /  install  /  provide / 

need  /  revolutionize  /  warm  / see

S: This is an excellent new material which _____ the use of solar panels.

C: I see, and how many hours of sunshine _____ we _____ to produce energy?

S: It _____ necessary to have sunshine. It _____ in daylight only.

C: _____ it _____ enough energy to warm the house in winter?

S: It _____ the building but you may probably need additional heating if it is very cold.

C: What about installation?

S: We _____ it for you. It _____ long and you _____ soon _____ how effective it is. We _____ you a two year guarantee and if there are any problems we _____ with them for free.

C: When will you be able to install it?

S: As soon as we receive your payment we _____ to discuss a suitable time.
6. What will the world be like in 2050? We asked two experts – here are their opinions. Use the words in brackets and will or won’t to complete the sentences:

1. Expert A: There won’t be any oil in the world in 2050. (There / not / be / any oil in the world / in 2050) 

Expert B: __________________________ (We / discover / lots more oil / in 2050)

2. Expert A: _____________________________ (No one / have / AIDS / in 2050)

Expert B: _______________________ (AIDS / still / be / a big problem in 2050)

3. Expert A: ______________________ (People / bicycles / use / walk / or / in 2050)

Expert B: _________________ (People / have / ’skycars’ / and fly through the air)

4. Expert A:_________________ (There / be / 10 billion people in the world in 2050)

Expert B: _________________ (There / not / be / 10 billion people in the world in 2050. / There / be / 8 billion)

5. Expert A: ___________ (China / have / the biggest economy in the world in 2050)

Expert B: ____________________ (India / have / the biggest economy in 2050)
7. Read the news report and fill in the gaps with Future Simple or to be going.

The TED enterprise is going to build (build) a huge factory on the edge of Detroit, it was announced yesterday. There _______ (be) at least three hundred warehouses and departments. When the project is complete, there _______ (be) hundreds of new jobs for local people. But not everyone is happy. “We _______ (fight) this plan”, said a spokesperson for the local Environment Group. “Just think what _______ (happen) to our countryside. When factories cover all the country, there _______ (be) no green field left. So we _______ (protest) tomorrow evening”.
8. Read the situations and the responses. Choose the verbs with will, to be going to, or in Present Continuous.

1. You come to the laboratory to see either Professor Johnson or Professor Peters. The technician tells you that Prof. Peters is away for two days.

Response: That’s OK. I’ll see / I’m seeing / I’m going to see Prof. Johnson.

2. A colleague asks you if you are free tonight. You have an arrangement to take your boss to the airport.

Response: No, I’m taking / I’ll take / I’m going to take my boss to the airport.

3. A colleague asks you if you have any plans for the next weekend.

Response: Yes, I’m meeting / I’ll meet / I’m going to meet my colleagues for a business meal.

4. A friend asks you what the future holds for oil prices.

Response: Most people seem to think they’re falling / they’re going to fall / they’ll fall next year.

5. A colleague wants to arrange a meeting for Monday.

Response: Sorry, that’s not good – I’m / I’m being / I’ll be in London on Monday.
9. Open the brackets. Use the Future Continuous Tense.

1. – I wonder what I _______ (do) this time next year.

– I expect you still _______ (study) at the University.

2. – What are you doing next Monday?

– I _______ (work) as usual.

3. – What _______ you _______ (do) at 7 p.m.?

– I _______ (write) a report.

4. This time next month the snow _______ (melt) and skiing will be over.

5. At 5 p.m. we _______ (have barbeque), you are welcome to join.

6. Don’t disturb me in the evening. I _______ (prepare) for the exam.

10. Watch a video “What would it be like to live on the moon?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5V2tcg1BvQ and answer the following questions:

1. Is living on the moon possible?

2. How will humans deal with the cosmic radiation?

3. What will the inhabitants eat?

4. What are the challenges and benefits of building a lunar colony?
11. a) Think about the topics in the box. How do you think they will change in the future? Make some notes.

communication  /  technology  /  work habits  /  cities  /

the environment  /  transportation  /  food

Example: Communication: I think we will probably have … .
b) Write a short paragraph about the future 50 years from now. What will happen in the world? What kind of person do you think you will be in 50 years?

 1. a) Match the words with their meaning:

1) gap year

a) the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life

2) backpacking

b) to help someone emotionally or in a practical way

3) purpose

c) travelling or going camping while carrying your clothes and other things that you need in a backpack

4) career

d) a year between leaving school and starting university that is usually spent travelling or working

5) responsible

e) extremely important or necessary

6) success

f) having control over something and the duty of taking care of it

7) essential

g) the process of protecting someone or something and providing what that person or thing needs

8) care

h) a reason of what you do

9) to support

i) the achieving of great results

b) Fill in the gaps with the words from (a):

1. A knowledge of Spanish is ________ for this job.

2. When I went ________ through Europe after I quit school I went to this island off the coast of Sicily.

3. I was thinking about maybe taking ________.

4. Mira’s going to be very weak for a long time after the operation, so she’ll need a lot of ________.

5. It’s a ________ job for which I’ve been well rewarded.

6. She manages to successfully combine family life and ________.

7. The book I bought isn’t exactly what I wanted, but it will serve my ________.

8. The company’s ________ is a result of its business model.

9. He has a wife and four children ________.
2. a) These people are going to graduate from university soon. What are they going to do then?

Sally (Britain)

What am I going to do when I graduate from university? Well, first, I’m going to have a long rest, so I’m going to go on holiday with my family. Then, in August, I’m going to travel to Vietnam to teach English in a school for two years. It’s going to be very different from life in England.


(the Czech Republic)

After university, I’m going to travel round the world with two friends. First, I’m going to work in a bottle factory near my home to earn some money. Then, in October, we are going to fly to Bangkok. We are going to go backpacking in Thailand, Indonesia, and some other countries. After that, we’re going to fly to New Zealand and look for jobs there. It’s going to be great.



When I graduate from university, I’m going to go to Canada for a year. I want to improve my English. I’m going to work in a hotel in a ski resort at lake Louise. That’s going to be great, because I love skiing. I’m not going to leave Taiwan until September, so I’m going to work in my parents’ bookshop first.



Everyone wants to reach something in life. Each age has its own purposes and achievements. I think about it a lot. When I’m 30 for example, I’d like to have a good job and career. I’d like to meet my life companion and start our new life together. Surely people in this age are ready to have a family and children. A lot of people become more responsible because in the future it will help to reach success. At 30 it’s absolutely essential to develop your personal skills and qualities, to improve yourself. This period of life is a base for your success in older age. For example, at the age of 50 I want to have a calm and peaceful life, I want to travel, read books and take care of my grandchildren. I believe that if you don’t do anything at 30, then at 50-60 you will not have any spare time for rest, as you’ll still have to work to support yourself.

b) Now match the names with the activities:


is going to

travel round the world.

have a good career.

work in a hotel.

teach English.

develop personal skills.

work in a factory.

go to Canada.

have a family.

c) Answer these questions about the students:

1. What are they going to do before they travel?

2. Which countries are they going to travel?

3. Are they going to find job?

4. Where are they going to work?

3. Read the interview and complete the gaps using the following:

going to  /   planning to  /  would like  /  hoping to

A number of students choose to take a gap year between leaving school and going to university. Alice Haar, our reporter, interviewed Jane, a school leaver who is ________ take a gap year.

Alice: So, Jane, you’ve finished school! What are you ________ do next?

Jane: Well, first of all, I ________ do some voluntary work in South Africa. I ________ work there for three months. I ________ study environmental science at university, so I ________ gain some experience of working in a different climate.

Alice: Wow! That sounds amazing!

Jane: Well, I hope so! I ________ study climate change, and so I ________ travel to places where climate’s changing. I ________ go to Antarctica next year.
4. Imagine you’re going to take a gap year after university. Make your plans and write about yourself.

1. What are you going to do before you leave?

2. Where are you going to go for your gap year?

3. What are you going to do there?

4. Who are you going to go with?

5. When are you going to leave?
5. Complete the conversation. Put in the Future Continuous form of the verb.

Dan: I’m going to go into business when I leave college. Five years from now I’ll be running (run) a big company. I expect I _______ (earn) lots of money.

Ann: I don’t know what I _______ (do). What about you, Vicky? What you _______ (do), do you think?

Vicky: I’m too lazy to do any work. I intend to marry someone very rich. I _______ (give) parties all the time. We _______ (have) a cook who _______ (do) all the work, of course. And you _______ (get) invitations.

Ann: You’re joking, aren’t you? I expect you _______ (play) in a theatre. That’s what you really want to do, isn’t it?
6. a) Read the speech and complete the sentences with be going to or the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Welcome, students, and thank you for coming today! As you know, we’re all here because of your efforts to help Redview Community College become a better place of learning! With your help, we now have enough money to begin improvements.

First, we are replacing (replace) all the old computers in the library with new ones. The technician _______ (come) in on Monday to begin work. The librarian _______ (order) new reference materials. They _______ (be) here by next semester.

We _______ (expand) our recycling program. I _______ (meet) with some people from the environmental studies program this afternoon to finalize the details.

The biggest news is that we _______ (build) a new student center. It _______ (have) a food court, a large bookstore, and conference rooms for student groups to meet in. We think that the builders _______ (start) next week. Unfortunately, it _______ (not be) ready until next year.

I hope you’re looking forward to the great new services on campus! Thank you, once again, for all of your help!
b) Write three information questions about the speech. Use Present Continuous and be going to + verb. Ask your group.
7. a) Write things you or people you know plan to do in the future with be going to.

1. I am going to choose my major next year.

2. My best friend __________________________ in a week or two.

3. My family and I _________________________ in the future.

4. I _____________________________________ next semester.
b) Write things you or people you know have already planned to do in the future with Present Continuous.

1. I am meeting a friend for dinner tonight.

2. My best friend __________________________ tomorrow.

3. My family and I _________________________ later today.

4. I _____________________________________ on the weekend.
8. Write sentences with Present Continuous for future plans already made using the words in column 1. Then write sentences with be going to for future plans using the words in column 2.

Future plans already made

Future plans


visit her family tonight

not travel to Paris next week


study this afternoon

graduate in May


drive to Los Angeles tomorrow

not fly to Chicago next week


not play tennis in two hours

watch tennis on TV this weekend


not go to the pool later

swim at the beach next Saturday


take an exam later this morning

help her classmates study in a few days

Future plans already made Future plans

Max is visiting his family tonight. He isn’t going to travel to Paris next week.

__________________________ __________________________________
9. Put in will, won’t or a form of be going to. There may be more than one answer.

Janet: Someone told me you and the family ______ go and live in Alaska. Is it true?

Graham: Yes, it is. I ______ work for a building company.

Janet: That ______ be interesting.

Graham: I hope so. It ______ be something different. It ______ certainly be a lot colder than London.

Janet: When ______ you ______ leave?

Janet: Oh, so it ______ be long now. Jerry and I ______ be sad to see you go.

Graham: Oh, we ______ be back some time. We ______ be there forever. And you can always come to Alaska and see us.

Janet: Well, that isn’t a bad idea. We ______ visit my sister in Vancouver next summer.

Graham: Oh, that’s great. We ______ see you next summer then.
10. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. Sometimes both are possible.

1. I’m starting / going to start a new online course in a few weeks.

2. I’m going to study / studying web design, but I’m not sure where yet.

3. However much things change, we are always going to need / will always need teachers.

4. Jobs of the future will need / are needing technological skills.

5. The course is going to start / starts next week.

6. I hope I’ve passed my course. Ill get / am getting my results tomorrow morning.

7. Apparently a successful app designer can earn thousands a day! I think I’ll change / change my career.

8. I think my job will change / is changing in the future.
11. a) As the way we live changes, so will the way we work. Many jobs we take for granted will disappear, and most of today’s students will end up in jobs that haven’t even been invented yet. Guess what the future jobs of a garbage designer, nostalgist, re-wilder and auto transport analyst might involve? Discuss with a partner.

b) Check your ideas by matching the jobs (1–4) and the definitions (a–d).


a specialist in turning waste into better quality products, like old toothbrushes into bracelets, or old magazines into woven place mats or pots for plants.


an interior designer for the wealthy elderly who can recreate the setting of the senior’s preferred time and place if they wish to relive their past, from a small-town 1970s living room to a 1980s university dorm room.

Garbage designer

a specialist who is responsible for handling the problems that need a human touch: finding and helping lost transit users, developing strategies for improving service, and making sure the transport system is running smoothly and efficiently.

Auto transport analyst

a type of farmer hired to undo environmental damage to the countryside caused by people, factories and cars. Removing fences to restore flight paths for birds, tearing up roads and replacing them with forests, and reintroducing native species are just some of the tasks rewilders will engage in.

c) Search for some more jobs of the future in Internet.
12. Discuss with a partner. What do you think will happen to the following traditional jobs? Which ones will change the most? How do you think they will change?

Constructions worker / Teacher / Lawyer / Farmer
13. Write a paragraph about your plans for the future. What do you hope to do a year from now? What are you going to do many years from now?


 1. a) Match the words with their meaning:

1) X-rays

a) a usual or fixed way of doing things

2) disruptive

b) using a system of radio signals rather than wires to connect computers, mobile phones, etc. to each other

3) routine

c) a type of radiation that can go through many solid substances, allowing hidden objects such as bones and organs in the body to be photographed

4) wireless

d) changing the traditional way that an industry operates, especially in a new and effective way

5) to allocate

e) involving a nerve or the system of nerves that includes the brain

6) neural

f) to distribute resources or duties for a particular purpose

b) Insert the words from a) to the sentences:

1. The Center Street Bridge will get only a ________ inspection.

2. She had an ________ to see if any of her ribs were broken.

3. The local council has decided not ________ funds for the project.

4. Implementing ________ technologies is never easy.

5. Some people suffered severe ________ damage as a result of the disease.

6. They have a plan to link 700 office buildings to the Net via a high-speed ________ network.
2. a) Read the text and identify the areas of the future inventions.

Future Inventions

How far will technology advance in 20, 30, even 50 years from now? How will it affect our lives? Future inventions will both make life easier and save energy. Here are some technologies and scenarios predicted by science fiction writers, futurists and technology experts.

One of the future inventions that is progressing is the use of robotic surgery. Having robots do routine surgery will be nothing. One of the future inventions that will be considered disruptive technology is robots doing major surgery. Robots in the surgical rooms will be equipped with compact X-rays, MRI machines, lasers, scalpels and other equipment. They will be able to draw blood and analyze the data against huge medical databases. They will make diagnoses and conduct treatment much more quickly than is humanly possible.