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What exactly is a family? Our ideas on the subject may tend to be ethnocentric, for they are often based on the middle-class “ideal” family so relentlessly portrayed in TV commercials, one that consists of a husband, a wife, and their dependent children. This particular family pattern, however, is far from typical. A more accurate conception of the family must take account of the many different family forms that have existed or still exist both in America and in other cultures.

What characteristics, then, are common to all family forms? First, the family consists of a group of people who are in some way related to one another. Second, its members live together for long periods. Third, the adults in the group assume responsibility for any offspring. And forth, the members of the family form an economic unit – often for producing goods and services (as when all members share agricultural tasks) and always for consuming goods and services (such as food or housing). We may say, then, that the family is a relatively permanent group of people related by ancestry, marriage, or adoption, who live together, from an economic unit, and take care of their young. If this definition seems a little cumbersome, it is only because it has to include such a great variety of family forms.

Ex.5. Practice reading the word-combinations.

The most basic and ancient, fundamental social unit, victim of moral decay, irresistible social forces, industrialized societies, the statistics suggest, leading postindustrial society, men and women, to an unmarried mother, single-parent household, to be ethnocentric, relentlessly portrayed, dependent children, producing goods and services, relatively permanent group of people, cumbersome.

Ex.6. Read and translate the following words. Pay attention to the suffixes of:


Nouns: - ent, -er(-or), -ing, -ion(-tion,-sion), -ist, -ness, -ian;


Adverbs: -ly

name – nameless, namely

study – student, studentship, studious

academy - academic, academician

mother – motherless

comfort – comfortable, comforter, comfortless

pension – pensionable, pensioner

busy – business, businessman

manage – management, managerial

work – worker, working

visit – visitor, visitable

attract – attraction, attractive

young – younger, youngest

type – typist

marry – marriage, married

happy – happiness, happily

economy – economical, economist

teach – teacher, teaching

relate – relative, relation, relationship

discuss – discussion

differ – difference, different, differentiate

relentlessly – relentless, relentlessly

relate – relative, relatively

produce – productive, producing, production, productivity

Ex.7. Substitute the underlined words:

  1. I am a first-year student.

  2. I study at the Far Eastern Institute of Management.

  3. I am going to be a manager.

  4. Our family has a comfortable flat on the second floor.

  5. My grandparents are not very young.

  6. The adults in the group assume responsibility for any offspring.

  7. Such predictions are heard in all industrialized societies.

  8. American men and women begin sexual activity before marriage.

  9. The number of unmarried couples living together has tripled in less than two decades.

  10. New alternatives to traditional marriage are becoming steadily more common.

Prompts: a second- year student; the Pacific State University; a teacher; the ground floor; old; their children; the world; after getting married; twenty years; every-day matter.

Ex.8. Give three forms of the verbs

Be, do, go, have, get, begin, find, take, send, fall, become, think, come, see, sit.

Ex.9. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the fundamental social unit in every society?

  2. Who predicts the end of the family?

  3. What does the statistics suggest?

  4. What country is under the most pressure?

  5. Why do the great majority of both American men and women begin sexual activity before marriage?

  6. How many American marriages are expected to end?

  7. What is a family?

  8. What characteristics are common to all family forms?

  9. What does family consist of?

  10. What is the role of family in education of children?

Ex.10. Insert prepositions:

  1. The family is the most basic and ancient …. all institutions.

  2. Such predictions are heard …. all industrialized societies.

  3. The great majority …. both American men and women begin sexual activity … marriage.

  4. One … every five American births is … an unmarried mother.

  5. Our ideas are often based … the middle-class “ideal” family so relentlessly portrayed … TV commercials.

  6. Americans are staying single longer than ever and more than one adult … five now lives alone.

  7. The United States are …. the most pressure.

  8. About half … American marriages are expected to end … divorce.

  9. A more accurate conception of the family must take account … the many different family forms.

  10. We may say, then, that the family is a relatively permanent group … people related … ancestry, marriage, or adoption, who live together, from an economic unit, and take care … their young.

Ex.11. Translate into English:

  1. Существует много людей, которые предсказывают конец семьи как системы, которую мы знаем.

  2. Такие предсказания слышны во всех развитых странах.

  3. Большинство американцев, и мужчины, и женщины, начинают сексуальную активность до брака.

  4. Один из пяти американских новорожденных рождается у незамужней матери, в большинстве случаев, у подростков.

  5. Половина американских браков заканчиваются разводом.

  6. Новая альтернатива традиционной семье, семья из одного родителя, становится наиболее распространённой.

  7. Наше представление о семье может быть этноцентрическим, потому что оно основывается на представлении среднего класса об «идеальной» семье, которое упорно изображается по коммерческому ТВ, где семья состоит из мужа, жены и их детей, зависимых от семьи.

  8. Более точная концепция семьи должна принимать во внимание различные формы семьи, существующие в Америке и в других странах.

  9. Первое, семья – это группа людей, которые так или иначе являются родственниками друг другу.

  10. Мы можем сказать, что семья – это родственная, постоянная группа людей, связанных общими предками, браком, усыновлением, которые живут вместе, формируют экономическую единицу, заботятся о своем молодом поколении.

Ex.12. Make up sentence using the following words and word-combinations:

  1. Full name, patronymic;

  2. A first-year student;

  3. To have a large family;

  4. Ancestry;

  5. Adults, children, offspring;

  6. Pressure, to take account of;

  7. Assume responsibility, divorce;

  8. Pregnancy, to take care of;

  9. Gender roles;

  10. To discuss family problems.

Ex.13. Retell the text according to the outline, add your own ideas:

  1. There are many people who predict the end of the family.

  2. The great majority of Americans begin sexual activity before marriage.

  3. Divorce.

  4. Single –parent household.

  5. What is “ideal” family?

  6. All family forms.

  7. What is a family?

Ex. 14. Study and remember the following phrases:

  1. Nice to meet you! - Рад встрече с тобой (вами)!

  2. I haven't seen you for ages. - Я не видел тебя вечность.

  3. That's right (that's wrong). - Правильно (неправильно).

  4. Really! - Разве? Вот как!

  5. As far as I know … - Насколько мне известно

  6. Fancy that - представь себе!

  7. sure – конечно

  8. certainly - несомненно, конечно

  9. by the way – кстати

  10. true - правда, точно

  11. not bad – неплохо

  12. That goes without saying. - Само собой разумеется.

  13. I wish you good luck. - Желаю удачи.

  14. See you later. - Увидимся позднее.

  15. My best regards to ... . - Передайте привет ... .

  16. So long. - До скорого свидания, пока.

  17. to my mind - по-моему

Ex. 15. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogue.

A.: Hi, Alice! Nice to meet you again! I haven't seen you for ages. They say you have got a new flat?

В.: That's quite right, we've got a new comfortable 4-room flat in a new block of flats not far from here. It takes me 15 minutes to get to the Academy.

A.: Really?! Congratulations! As far as I know you are five in the family. Do you all live together?

В.: Fancy that! The remarkable thing is that we practically never quarrel. Come and see us.

A.: With great pleasure! I think you are lucky to have a large and happy family.

В.: Sure I am. I love my family dearly.

A.: I know your father is a businessman, isn't he?

В.: True, my father is the chief manager of the joint venture, he is very busy. And my mother works as an economist.

A.: And your grandmother? Is she still working?

В.: Oh, no! She is 65 already; she has an old-age pension. But my granny is in very good health. She does most of the cooking and takes care of all of us. Of course, we all help her. And how are things with you?

A.: Not bad, thank you. I am a student of the Medical Institute now and I must say I am very happy.

В.: Oh, really? As for my brother Nick he is a student too. He studies at Technical University.

A.: Glad to have met you, Alice! And now I must be going. I have a lecture in history at 9 o'clock. Shall we meet again?

В.: That goes without saying! Call me at 212-476. I wish you good luck! See you later!

A.: My best regards to everybody in the family. So long!

Ex. 16. Complete the dialogue.

A.: Good evening! How is your family?

В.: ... .

A.: Not bad, thank you. To be exact ... .

В.: As far as I know your son ... .

A.: You are quite right, he ... .

В.: I see. And what about your husband? Does he work now?

A.: Oh, certainly! He ... .

В.: То my mind ... .

A.: I am of the same opinion. … .

В.: Thank you. Our talk was a real pleasure for me. Good bye!

A.: … .

Ex. 17. Reproduce the dialogue. Work in pairs

Family Album

Woman: Good afternoon.

Man: Good afternoon.

Woman: Is your wife in?

Man: No, Olga isn't at home yet. She's due at five. Won't you sit down?

Woman: Thank you. It's a fine day, isn't it?

Man: Oh, yes, very warm and sunny. Would you like to have a look at our family album?

Woman: With pleasure.

Man: Here it is.

Woman: Who are these people?

Man: They are our grandparents. These man and woman are Olga's parents, my mother-in-law and my father-in-law. And here are my parents.

Woman: I see. Your mother is very young and beautiful in this picture.

Man: And father? He's still a very handsome man, isn't he?

Woman: How old is he now?

Man: He's 67, but he's still very handsome. And this is our son Pavel. He's nineteen. He's a student.

Woman: What a serious young man! And your daughter? Is she also a student?

Man: Not yet. She's still at school. These are my niece and nephew, our children's cousins. They are schoolchildren too.

Woman: What a lovely face! Who's this?

Man: This is Olga's cousin, my sister-in-law. Her mother, Olga's aunt, is a very famous actress and her husband is an artist. And a very good one, too. His son is also an artist.

Woman: This is a very old photo. Who's this funny little baby? A boy, isn't it?

Man: Yes, and a very big boy now.

Woman: Oh! It's not you, is it?

Man: But it is!

Ex. 18. Learn the bits of conversation and reproduce them. Compose short dialogues on the analogy of those given below.


  • Is your cousin much older than you, Mary?

  • If you mean Cyril, he's two years my senior. But he isn't my cousin, he is my elder brother.

  • Oh! I thought Phil was your only brother!

  • There are three of us. Phil is the eldest, I am the youngest.


  • Fancy! Meg and Andrew have got married.

  • I can't say I'm surprised. I have expected it for months. It's a love match, I'm sure.

  • More than this. It's a case of love at first sight. They've been in love with each other since they first met at Uncle Robert's.


- I say, Ann. Don't you know the happy news?

  • What sort of news?

  • I'm an aunt. Mary gave birth to a baby last night.

  • Congratulations! A boy or a girl?

  • A boy. But it's just the same to me. I'm the happiest of aunts.

  • How is Mary?

  • Quite all right. Michael is in the seventh heaven.

  • Who does the boy resemble?

  • You silly! We haven't seen him yet. And then it's a bit too early to speak of any family likeness.


  • You have always been so fond of your grandmother. Is she still alive?

  • I'm glad to say she is.

  • How old is your grandmother now?

  • Granny is on the wrong side of 80.

- Is she? Fancy! I should never think so! She doesn't look her age at all. Your granny has lived a long and interesting life, hasn't she?

- Oh, yes. She has known many outstanding people and has done a lot of good to those around her.


  • Is your family big, Mr. Morton?

  • Not very. To be exact, very small. I am alone.

  • You have never married, have you?

  • No. In fact I am a bachelor.

  • I hope you don't mind my asking, but aren't you thinking of marrying some day?

  • That's all right, Mr. Brown. Well, one can never tell.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. if you mean если ты имеешь в виду

  2. love match брак по любви

  3. love at first sight любовь с первого взгляда

  4. to give birth to a baby родить ребёнка

  5. to be in the seventh heaven быть на седьмом небе

  6. family likeness семейное сходство

  7. to be on the wrong side of (о возрасте) за ... лет

  8. to look one's age выглядеть на свой возраст

  9. to be exact если быть точным

  10. bachelor холостяк

  11. you don't mind doing smth. вы не возражаете против чего-либо

  12. one can never tell кто знает

Ex. 19. Make up your own dialogue on the theme "My Family".

Ex. 20. Speak on the following topics:

  1. Your Friend's Family

  2. Family Problems that Worry You

  3. Your Future Family

Ex. 21. Find a picture representing a family and describe it.

Ex. 22. A. Read the dialogue and role-play it.

Nick: Mum, I want to tell you something important.

Mother: What is it, dear?

Nick: I'm going to get married.

Mother: Get married?! You must be joking.

Nick: Nothing of the kind. It's my final decision. I'm not a child any more.

Mother: Good heavens! But you are only 18. I hope you are not serious.

Nick: Absolutely serious.

Mother: But who is that poor thing?

Nick: It's Helen, you know her. Helen is a dream of a girl, the sweetest girl I've ever met! I can't see my life without her.

Mother: Oh, no! Helen is out of the question. She is too young. She can't even cook, likes good clothes and doesn't work yet. Your marriage is sure to fall on my shoulders.

Nick: Don't worry. It's not as bad as that. We are going to live with her family.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. nothing of the kind ничего подобного

  2. to be out of the question исключаться; не может быть и речи

  3. to fall on smb.'s shoulders взвалить (бремя, ответственность) на чьи-то плечи

В. Answer the questions:

  1. What is Nick going to do?

  2. Why does his mother object to his decision?

  3. Is the situation familiar to you?

Texts for Extra Reading

Ex 23. Read and translate the text. Prepare it in writing.

Japanese Family

Work plays a very important role in Japan. A Japanese says "I belong to my company", not "I work for my company". Because work is so important, a child, especially a boy, must work hard indeed. He begins to study seriously as soon as he starts going to school, because if he doesn’t pass all his exams he can’t go to a good university- and so he can’t get the good job that he needs! A Japanese mother usually helps her children so that they will pass their school exams. Because of this system Japanese children don’t have as much time to play as children in many other countries.

A lot of Japanese parents "arrange" marriages for their children. This is because they feel that marriage does not only affect the young couple, but that it affects the whole family. They believe that it is important that the young couple has the same interests and that they come from the same social background. Sometimes parents go to a "matchmaker". A matchmaker’s job is to find two similar young people and arrange for them to meet. If they like each other, a marriage is arranged for them.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. to arrange договариваться, улаживать, устраивать,

  2. to affect влиять

  3. the same social background одинаковый социальный уровень (происхождение)

  4. matchmaker сваха

Ex. 24. Agree or disagree. Use the phrases: "Yes, I think so" or "No, I don't think so".

  1. Work is not very important for Japanese that is why he says, "I belong to my family".

  2. If a Japanese does not work and study hard he can't get the good job that he needs.

  3. Japanese parents think that marriage affects not only the young couple but it affects the whole family.

  4. A matchmaker arranges business affairs of a young Japanese couple.

Ex. 25. Answer the questions:

  1. Does work play a very important role in Japan?

  2. Why must a Japanese child study and work hard?

  3. Why do many Japanese parents "arrange" marriages for their children?

  4. What is a matchmaker's job?

Ex. 26. Retell the text.

Use the introductory phrase "This text is about ...", "The text deals with ..."

Ex. 27. Read the text.

American Family

The United States has many different types of families. While most American families are traditional, comprising a father, a mother and one or more children, many families are headed by one parent, usually a woman. In a few families there are no children. These childless couples may believe that they would not make good parents; they may want freedom from the responsibilities of child rearing; or, perhaps they are not physically able to have children. Other families in the United States have one adult who is a stepparent. A stepmother or a stepfather is a person who joins a family by marrying a father or a mother.

Americans tolerate and accept these different types of families. In the United States people have the right to privacy and Americans do not believe in telling other Americans what type of family group they must belong to. They respect each other's choices regarding family groups. Families are very important to Americans. One sign this is true is that Americans show great concern about the family as an institution. Many Americans believe there are too many divorces. They worry that teenagers are not obeying their parents. They are concerned about whether working women can properly care for their children.

Families give Americans a sense of belonging and a sense of tradition. Families give Americans strength and purpose.

Families serve many functions. They provide a setting in which children can be born and reared. Families help educate their members. Parents teach their children values - what they think is important. They teach their children daily skills, such as how to ride a bicycle. They also teach common practices and customs, such as respect for elders and celebrating holidays. The most important job for a family is to give emotional support and security.

Ex.28. Give English equivalents to the following word-combinations:

бездетные пары; типичная американская семья; воспитание ребенка; освободиться от ответственности; отчим; стать хорошими родителями; мачеха; право на личную жизнь; повиноваться родителям; выполнять много функций; уважение к старшим; моральная поддержка; забота.

Ex. 29. Give Russian equivalents to the following word-combinations:

family patterns; childless couples; responsibility of child-rearing; stepparent; the right to privacy; a sense of tradition; to earn money; emotional support and security; family groups; to obey the parents; daily skills; good relationship; to teach daily skills; respect for elders; concern about the family as an institution.

Ex. 30. Answer the following questions:

  1. What types of families exist there in the USA?

  2. What is the attitude of Americans to the types of family groups?

  3. Why is a family important to Americans?

  4. Why do some couples prefer to be childless?

  5. What sense do families give to Americans?

  6. What functions do families serve?

  7. What is the most important job for a family?

Ex. 31. Read the text

Family Patterns

Throughout history, family composition has affected children's lives in important ways. The size and structure of the family and its capacity to sustain itself has played a critical role in how children are raised, their level of formal education, and whether or not they participate in the labor force. The principal household structures are nuclear, extended, and blended. The nuclear household contains two generations, parents and children. Extended families are multigenerational and include a wide circle of kin and servants. In blended households–the result of divorce or the death of a spouse followed by remarriage and a new generation of children–mothers and fathers can be both biological parents and stepparents simultaneously.

Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society,


Ex. 32. Speak on your idea of an ideal family, its form and characteristics.


Ex. 1. Read the following words and word-combinations:

  1. intersection пересечение

  2. to connect соединять

  3. internal внутренний

  4. district район

  5. Pacific Rim Countries страны Тихоокеанского региона

  6. reclamation освоение земель

  7. unique уникальный, единственный

  8. to expand расширять

  9. to attract привлекать, притягивать

  10. to stretch простираться

  11. to border (on) граничить

  12. to define определять

  13. condition условие

  14. favourable благоприятный

  15. significant важный, значительный

  16. to depend (on) зависеть

  17. numerous многочисленный

  18. timber лесоматериал

  19. precious драгоценный

  20. species род, порода, вид

  21. ferrous metals черные металлы

  22. coal уголь

  23. ore руда

  24. stanniferous содержащий олово

  25. raw materials сырье

  26. accessible доступный

  27. coniferous хвойный

  28. density плотность

  29. to spread распространять, простираться

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following sentences. Find the verbs and define the tense.

  1. The Khabarovsk Territory is called the heart of the whole Far East.

  2. It is located in the center of the Russian Far-Eastern economic region.

  3. The Territory is separated from Sakhalin by the Tatar Strait.

  4. The Khabarovsk Territory is washed by the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan.

  5. The climate of the Khabarovsk Territory can be defined as a monsoon climate.

  6. Energy resources of rivers are great, but their usage is limited because of salmon spawning.

  7. In the Middle Ages the Khabarovsk Territory was populated by the Tungus, the Manchus and the Nivkhs.

Ex. 3. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense and voice form.

  1. The Khabarovsk Territory (to locate) in the center of the Far-Eastern economic region.

  2. The Territory (to separate) from Sakhalin by the Tatar Strait.

  3. The climate can (to define) as a monsoon climate.

  4. The island of Sakhalin (to wash) by the Sea of Okhotsk in the east and by the Tatar Strait in the west.

  5. Kamchatka (to separate) from Alaska by the Bering Strait.

  6. The climate of Murmansk (to influence) by the warm currents of Gulf- stream.

  7. Most of the Siberian industrial centers (to situate) along the Transsiberian railway line.

  8. Two-thirds of the island of Ireland (to occupy) by the Irish Republic.

  9. Several specialized centers (to be engaged) in tourists visit organization.

  10. Vast minerals (to hide) in the interiors, not all of them used and explored.