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Ex. 4. Read and translate the text.

Khabarovsk Territory

The Khabarovsk Territory is called the heart of the Far East not by chance. Located in the center of the Far-Eastern economic region it is the point of intersection of the most important transport ways connecting internal districts of Russia with the Pacific Rim Countries. It has a favorable geographic position, unique nature, rich natural resources, industrial and scientific potential, developed transport network and experienced personnel to expand its foreign economic ties, tourism and to attract foreign investors.

In the Middle Ages the Khabarovsk Territory was populated by the Tungus, the Manchus and the Nivkhs, in China these peoples are called «the Jurchens». Also it was the residence for Aur, Tungus, Natki and Gilyak tribes. Russian reclamation of the Khabarovsk Territory began in the XVII-th century and continued in the XX-th century.

The Khabarovsk Territory is one of the largest administrative-territorial units in the Russian Federation. Its area is 788.600 sq. km. The Territory stretches for 1800 kilometers from North to South. It borders on the Sakha Republic (Yakutiya), the Jewish Autonomous Area, the Primorski Territory, the Amur Region and the Magadan Region. The Khabarovsk Territory is washed by the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan.

The climate of the Khabarovsk Territory can be defined as a monsoon climate. Winter is long and severe. Summer is warm and humid. Climate conditions vary significantly from North to South and depend on the land relief and sea vicinity. The best period to visit the Territory is the end of summer while it is still warm and rainless: one may enjoy journey on foot or rafting. Winter is a perfect time for skiing and snowboarding.

The Khabarovsk Territory is rich in various natural resources: land, water, forest and other biological resources, numerous mineral resources. The Territory plays an important role in the economy of the Russian Far East and Russia due to such natural resources as timber, precious species of fish and fur animals, ferrous metals, water resources, etc. It is also rich in such mineral resources as coal, ores and gold. The Khabarovsk Territory is one of the largest suppliers of stanniferous raw materials.

There are more than 120.000 big and small rivers in the Khabarovsk Territory. One of the largest rivers accessible for sea-going ships is the Amur River. Energy resources of rivers are great, but their usage is limited because of salmon spawning.

The Khabarovsk Territory is also situated in the forest zone with highly diverse forests spread throughout the area of the Territory, although coniferous species dominate.

The population of the Khabarovsk Territory numbers about 2 million people. The density of the population in the Territory is 2.1 per square kilometer. The Territory is inhabited by more than 90 nations and nationalities such as the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Byelorussians, the Tatars and others.

The Khabarovsk Territory is the place of European and Asian cultures interaction, a great variety of nature, monuments and ancient history. One can meet traditional culture of native peoples in national villages. A unique archeological monument «Sikachi-Alyan petroglyphs» with petroglyphic drawing dated as of XII-th century B.C. was opened on the bank of the Amur River that is located in the distance of 75 km from Khabarovsk.

Post-text exercises

Ex. 5. Form derivatives from the following words and translate them into Russian:

    1. Model: to create - creation

to locate; to connect; to define; to occupy; to administrate; to transport; to attract, to limit, to extract.

    1. Model: territory - territorial

nature; industry; geography; biology, history.

Ex. 6. Give the English equivalents for the following word-combinations and use them in the sentences or situations of your own:

называться центром; Дальневосточный экономический регион, самые важные транспортные пути; международные экономические связи, благоприятное географическое положение; административно-территориальная единица, уникальная природа; полезные ископаемые; научный потенциал; простираться; граничить; занимать важное место; благодаря; быть расположенным; насчитывать; морские суда, поставщики, плотность населения, нерест лососёвых рыб, коренные народы, освоение земель, прогулки пешком, уникальный археологический памятник.

Ex. 7. Put questions to the underlined parts.

  1. The Khabarovsk Territory is located in the center of the Far Eastern economic region.

  2. It borders on the Sakha Republic (Yakutiya), the Jewish Autonomous Area, the Primorski Territory, the Amur Region and the Magadan Region.

  3. The Territory is separated from Sakhalin by the Tatar Strait.

  4. The Khabarovsk Territory is washed by the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan.

  5. It has favourable conditions to expand its foreign economic ties, tourism and to attract foreign investors.

  6. The climate of the Khabarovsk Territory can be defined as monsoon.

  7. The Khabarovsk Territory is rich in various natural resources.

  8. There are more than 120.000 big and small rivers in the Khabarovsk Territory.

  9. The density of the population in the Khabarovsk Territory is 2.1 per square kilometer.

  10. The Territory is inhabited by more than 90 nations and nationalities.

Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Хабаровский край расположен в центре российского Дальнего Востока.

  2. Освоение земель Хабаровского края русскими началось в 17 веке.

  3. Хабаровский край - один из самых крупных регионов Российской Федерации.

  4. Его площадь - 788,6 тысяч квадратных километров.

  5. Территория края простирается с севера на юг почти на 1800 километров и с запада на восток на 125-750 километров.

  6. Климат края - муссонный. Для него характерны холодная зима и влажное жаркое лето.

  7. Хабаровский край обладает разнообразными природными богатствами, биологическими ресурсами, многочисленными полезными ископаемыми.

  8. Край играет важную роль в экономике российского Дальнего Востока и России благодаря природным богатствам.

  9. В крае более 120 000 больших и малых рек. Одна из самых больших рек, доступных для прохода морских судов, - река Амур.

  10. Население Хабаровского края насчитывает около 2 млн. человек.

  11. В крае проживает более 90 наций и национальностей.

Ex. 9. Insert prepositions where necessary.

  1. The Khabarovsk Territory is the point ... intersection ... the most important transport ways connecting internal districts … Russia ... the Pacific Rim Countries.

  2. The Khabarovsk Territory is one ... the largest administrative-territorial units ... the Russian Federation.

  3. It is separated ... Sakhalin ... the Tatar Strait, and is separated ... the Kamchatka Region ... the Sea of Okhotsk.

  4. The Territory borders ... the Sakha Republic (Yakutiya), the Jewish Autonomous Area, the Primorski Territory, the Amur Region and the Magadan Region.

  5. It is washed ... the Sea ... Okhotsk and the Sea ... Japan.

  6. Climate conditions vary significantly ... North ... South, and depend ... the land relief and sea vicinity.

  7. The Territory is rich ... various natural resources.

  8. It plays an important role ... the economy ... the Russian Far East and Russia due ... such natural resources as timber, precious species ... fish and fur animals, ferrous metals, water resources, etc.

  9. One ... the largest rivers accessible ... sea-going ships is the Amur River.

  10. The Territory is inhabited ... more than 90 nations and nationalities.

Ex. 10. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why is the Khabarovsk Territory called the heart of the Far East?

  2. What countries and regions do the transport ways of the Khabarovsk Territory connect?

  3. What conditions does the Territory have to expand its foreign economic ties, tourism and to attract foreign investors?

  4. What is its area?

  5. Is the Khabarovsk Territory located in the center of the Russian Federation?

  6. What seas is it washed by?

  7. How can the climate of the Khabarovsk Territory be defined?

  8. What biological resources is the Khabarovsk Territory rich in?

  9. What mineral resources is the Khabarovsk Territory rich in?

  10. What is the population of the Territory?

Ex. 11. Read the dialogue and put it into reported speech.

Nick: Hello, Peter!

Peter: Hello, Nick!

N.: It's been a long time since I saw you last. What a pleasant surprise!

Where have you been all this time?

P.: Oh, I've been to Alaska on business.

N.: Was it successful?

P.: Fine, thanks. How are things with you?

N.: Very much the same. Thank you. Did you enjoy your stay in Alaska?

P.: Oh, very much. It's a vast, exotic and wonderful land. Alaska occupies the north-western part of North America. It's the 49th state of the USA.

N.: But as far as I know the coast of Alaska was discovered by the Russian pioneers in the 17th century. This discovery was officially fixed by Chirikov's expedition in 1741. Don't you remember when Alaska was sold to America?

P.: In 1867 for 7.2 mln. dollars.

N.: What natural resources is Alaska rich in?

P.: Alaska's primary resources of revenue are based оn the extraction of resources: fish, timber, coal, gold, and of course, oil. Second to these is tourism. They make a lot of money up there every year simply because so many people want to see this wonderful land for themselves.

N.: I've read that the climate is mild there. What's the weather like in winter?

P: Right you are. It's not cold. 15оC below zero, even 21оС below zero temperatures are still recorded almost every year, the coldest being 26оС below zero. This tremendous range of temperatures lends a special zest to life for Alaska's residents. Summer is frantic, three-or-four month burst of activity.

P.: Thanks a lot for your excellent information. If I have a chance I'll visit Alaska. Good-bye.

N.: Good-bye.

Ex. 12. Act as an interpreter. Sum up the dialogue.

A.: Where is the Khabarovsk Territory situated?

B.: Хабаровский край расположен в центре российского Дальнего Востока. Это один из самых крупных административных, экономических, транспортных регионов Российской Федерации.

A.: What countries does it border on?

B.: Хабаровский край граничит с республикой Саха (Якутия), Еврейской автономной областью, Приморским краем, Амурской и Магаданской областями.

A.: What is its area?

B.: Территория края простирается с севера на юг почти на 1800 километров и с запада на восток на 325-750 километров.

A.: What natural resources is the Khabarovsk Territory rich in?

B.: Хабаровский край обладает большими и разнообразными природными богатствами - земельными, водными, лесными и другими биологическими ресурсами, многочисленными полезными ископаемыми.

A.: What mineral resources is the Khabarovsk Territory known for?

B.: На территории Хабаровского края имеются залежи каменного и бурого угля, крупные запасы апатитовых и железных руд. В пределах Хабаровского края добывается золото. Хабаровский край - один из крупнейших поставщиков оловосодержащего сырья.

A.: What is the population of the Territory?

В.: В крае проживает около 2 млн. человек. Плотность населения составляет 2,1 человека на 1 кв. км. На территории края проживают более 90 наций и национальностей: русские, украинцы, белорусы, татары и др. Среди малочисленных народов Севера - нанайцы эвенки, ульчи, нивхи, эвены.

Ex. 13. Speak on the topics:

  1. Geographical position of the Khabarovsk Territory.

  2. The climate of the Khabarovsk Territory.

  3. Natural resources of the Territory.

  4. Population of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Texts for Extra Reading

Ex.14. Read and translate the text

Brief Geographical Outline of Great Britain

The British Isles lie to the north-west of the continent of Europe and consist of two main islands, the larger of which is Great Britain, the smaller is Ireland. These two and over five hundred small islands are known collectively as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The total land area of the United Kingdom is 244,1 square kilometers, it is the 75th place among other countries of the world. Great Britain is made up of England, Wales and Scotland.

The north-west of Great Britain is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. In the west the country is also washed by the Irish Sea. The eastern coast is open to the waters of the North Sea. The south - eastern tip of Great Britain is separated from France by the English Channel which is 32 kilometers wide at its narrowest point.

The island of Great Britain is quite distinctly divided into two parts: mountainous (north and west) and lowland, sometimes hilly (south and east).

The rivers of Britain are short, their direction and character are determined by the position of the mountains. Due to the humid climate the water level is always high. The rivers seldom freeze in winter, most of them remain ice-free but they are not navigable for ocean ships.

England has no large lakes, but the Lake District in the north-western part of the country is known for its beauty. There are 16 lakes there.

England has a mild climate. Rainfall is plentiful during the whole year. On the average Britain has 204 rainy days a year, with the maximum in Scotland and the minimum in the estuary of the river Thames.

The most important natural resources of England are coal and iron.

Coal is the mineral that contributes much to the development of many industries in Britain. By the absolute deposits of coal Great Britain claims the sixth place in the world and is one of the most world important coal basins along with Russia, the USA and several other countries.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. the total area общая площадь

  2. to be surrounded быть окружённым

  3. quite совершенно, полностью

  4. distinctly отчётливо, ясно

  5. to be divided быть разделённым

  6. to be determined определяться

  7. plentiful обильный, изобильный

  8. on the average в среднем

  9. estuary устье (реки)

  10. to contribute делать вклад

  11. to claim претендовать

Ex. 15. Find English equivalents through scanning the text. Use them in the sentences of your own.

Британские острова; состоять из двух главных островов; Соединённое Королевство; общая площадь; окружена; омываться; на западе страны; восточное побережье; пролив Ла-Манш; делятся на две части; гористая и низменная; определяться; из-за; несудоходные реки; сырой климат; в среднем; развитие многих отраслей промышленности.

Ex. 16. Ask one of your fellow-students:

Model: what this text is about - What is this text about?

if it is difficult - Is it difficult?

  • where Great Britain is situated;

  • what the country's full name is;

  • how many islands the United Kingdom of Great Britain consists of;

  • what countries Great Britain is made up of;

  • what oceans and seas Great Britain is washed by;

  • what river in Great Britain is the most important;

  • if the Thames is as long as the Volga;

  • if the Thames is the longest river in England;

  • if the British Isles were part of the continent at one time;

  • what the climate of England is;

  • how many rainy days Britain has;

  • what city the capital of Great Britain is.

Ex. 17. Retell the text.

Ex. 18. Translate the text. Do it in writing.

The British climate has a bad reputation, which is partly justified. What's the forecast in Britain? It's mainly showers and sunny intervals since there's too little sunshine in the country. The British love to complain about the weather. They practically always mention it when they greet people. However, there are rarely extremes of cold or heat in Britain and when temperatures drop below 0оC or raise above 32оC nobody is prepared.

All over the world Britain is famous for its fogs. The smoke-fogs (smog) of big towns were in the past really unhealthy and dangerous to traffic. Much of the smog was caused by the burning of coal in fire places, though smoke from factories contributed to the trouble. A Clean Air Act was passed by Parliament in 1956, giving local councils power to control smog in big cities; the effects of the plan have been noticeable. But in everyday life for the business of heating houses, for example, many English people in country places remain loyal to the open coal fire although it causes much work and adds to the pollution of the air.

Ex. 19. Render the text into English.

На Британских островах, отделённых от Западной Европы проливом Ла-Манш, расположилась Великобритания, а официально - Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. По форме правления это государство является конституционной монархией.

Площадь Великобритании - 244,1 тысяч кв. км, население составляет 56 млн. человек. Государственный язык - английский.

В состав Соединённого Королевства входят Англия, Уэльс, Шотландия, Северная Ирландия.

Англия – историческое ядро Соединённого Королевства – раскинулась в южной и средней частях самого крупного из Британских островов – Великобритании.

Уэльс занимает юго-западную часть острова Великобритания, Шотландия же – его северную часть, а также прилегающие острова: Гебридские, Оркнейские и Шетлендские.

Северная Ирландия расположена в западной части Соединённого Королевства на острове Ирландия, втором по величине острове.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. the English Channel пролив Ла-Манш

  2. the Hebrides Гебридские острова

  3. the Orkneys Оркнейские острова

  4. the Shetlands Шетлендские острова

Ex. 20. Read the text.

  1. Say what you have learned from the text about the geographical position and the climate of the USA.

United States of America

The United States of America is situated in the central part of the North American continent. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. In the north it borders on Canada and in the southwest on Mexico.

The total area of the USA is over 9 mln. square kilometers.

The continental part of the USA consists of two highland regions and two lowland regions. The highland regions are the Appalachian Mountains in the east, and the Cordillera in the west. The Appalachian Mountains run parallel to the Atlantic coast almost from the Gulf of Mexico into Canada. Their highest peak is 2,000 meters high. The Cordillera stretches along the Pacific coast with the Sierra Nevada in the south and the Rocky Mountains continuing into Canada and Alaska in the north. Their highest point in the USA is 4,540 meters in the Sierra Nevada.

Between the Cordillera and the Appalachian Mountains are the central lowlands, which are called the prairie, and the eastern lowlands called the Mississippi Valley.

To the north of the Mississippi Valley, on the border of Canada are the Great Lakes (Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario). The St. Lawrence River and the Erie Canal connect the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean.

The principal rivers of the USA are the Mississippi, the longest river in the world (7,330 kilometers), which flows into the Gulf of Mexico, the Colorado and the Columbia, which flow into the Pacific Ocean, and the Hudson River, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

The climate in the USA differs greatly from one part of the country to another. The coldest climate is in the north, where there is heavy snow in winter and the temperature may go down to 40 degrees below zero. The south has a subtropical climate with temperatures as high as 49 degrees in summer. Hot winds flowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast. The heaviest rains in the country are in the Washington region and the climate in the Gulf of Mexico area is also very damp. The region around the Great Lakes is known for its changeable climate.

  1. Retell the text.