Файл: Методическое пособие по развитию навыков разговорного английского языка для курсантов эксплуатационной специальности.docx

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“sound delivery” – сдача в неповреждённом (хорошем) состоянии

flowing goods – сыпучие грузы
to stow, stowage, broken stowage, preservation, to preserve, "sound” deli­very, rate, disposition, to avoid, to fasten, to prevent, bottom stowage, top sto­wage, deck stowage, chafing, breaking, crushing, leakage, flowing goods, handy cases, dimension, to fill.
I. Образуйте существительные от глаголов при помощи суффик­са -age и переведите их:

to stow, to leak, to break, to stop
II. Образуйте при помощи суффикса -ness существительные от следующих прилага-

тельных и переведите их:

seaworthy, unseaworthy, compact
III. Образуйте глаголы от следующих существительных и пере­ведите их:

preservation, deterioration, protection, distribution, contamina­tion, condensation
IV. Выберите из правой колонки слова, наиболее близкие по значению к словам ле-

вой колонки. Объедините их в пары и выучите:

  1. to stow

  2. to ensure

  3. sound

  4. to call for

  5. to help

  6. to shift

  7. to carry

  8. valuable

a) to place, b) to load) c) to trim

a) to give, b) to secure, c) to agree

a) good, b) strong, c) heavy

a) to question, to require, c) to ask

а) to treat, to assist, c) to support

a) to move, by to go, c) to carry

a) to bring, b) to transport, c) to deliver

a) precious, b) expensive, c) nice

V. Из следующих слов составьте предложения в Past Indefinite действительного за-

лога, затем поставьте к каждому предло­жению общий вопрос:

Образец.They protected deck cargo from shifting.

Did they protect deck cargo from shifting?





to protect








VI. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги или наречия: on, from, throughout, at, during

  1. Preserve the crewmen ... danger of injury.

  2. The speed of loading depends ... the degree of mechanisation.

  3. Port speed is the rate ... which a ship loads and discharges her cargo.

  4. The stevedore supervises the disposi­tion of cargo ... the ship.

  5. Badly fastened cargo may shift ... a storm.

VII. Пользуясь образцом, переведите следующие предложения:

Образец. Very often damage to fragile cargo arises from improper stowage.

Очень часто повреждение хрупкого груза происходит от небрежной


  1. Sagging of bagged cargo arises from extremely wide spaces between dunnage boards.

  2. Leakage of barrels arises from cracks.

  3. Deterioration of perishable goods arises from their improper storage at high temperature.

  4. Losses of working time arise from damaged cargo handling equipment.

  5. Dangerous list arises from improper stowage of cargo.

VIII. Переведите предложения, содержащие существительное rate(норма):

Образец. The rate of port speed is very high.

Норма грузовых операций в порту очень высокая.

  1. The rate of loading this vessel is 200 tons per one hatch.

  2. What is the rate of discharging grain cargo?

  3. We can increase the rate of port speed 10 per cent more.

IX. К предложениям в левой колонке подберите соответствующие им термины из

правой колонки:

  1. The rate at which a vessel is capable of loading and unloading her cargo.

  2. A plan showing the disposition of cargo throughout the vessel.

  3. The handling and placing goods in ship’s holds.

  4. Space which is lost and unoccu­pied by cargo in ship’s holds.

  5. Grain, sand, ore, coal.

I. stowage plan

II. port speed

III. broken stowage

IV. stowage

V. free flowing goods

X. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на значение слова avoid(избегать):

  1. A carefully drawn up stowage plan will help to avoid cargo claims.

  2. Avoid placing heavy cargo pieces on light ones.

  3. Avoid using damaged cargo gear.

  4. The stevedore was warned to avoid overloading the vessel.

  5. A reliable fastening the lorries carried on deck will help to avoid their shifting during a storm.

XI. Поставьте вопросы к различным членам предложения:

Образец. They drew up a stowage plan an hour ago.

What did they draw up an hour ago?

When did they draw up a stowage plan?

  1. The dockers stowed two extraweights on deck yesterday.

  2. They fastened the lorries quite reliable a quarter an hour ago.

  3. They left much unoccupied space around the packages two days ago.

  4. We consider it as “broken stowage”.

XII. Переведите

на английский язык:

  1. Правильная укладка предохранит (to protect) груз от по­вреждения.

  2. Эффективное (efficient) использование грузового прост­ранства зависит от (to depend on) эксплуатационных возмож­ностей (earning capacity) судна.

  3. В нашем порту очень высокая норма грузовых операций (the rate of port speed).

  4. Тщательно (carefully) составленный грузовой план помо­жет избежать (to avoid) претензий по грузу (cargo claims).

  5. При укладке груза (while stowing) необходимо обеспечить (to ensure) остойчивость и мореходность судна.

  6. Укладывайте груз так, чтобы избежать (to avoid) его под­вижки (shifting) во время шторма.

  7. Особое внимание уделите (pay special attention to) укладке бочек.

  8. Незаполненное грузом пространство образуется из-за (due to) пиллерсов, переборок, стоек переборок.

  9. При сыпучих грузах (for free flowing goods), при условии (provided) что они погружены надлежащим образом (properly), потеря грузового пространства не велика.

  10. Потеря грузового пространства очень велика (high) при погрузке (while loading) грузовых мест (cargo packages) не­правильной формы (irregularly shaped), таких, как (such as) котлы, машины, катушки кабеля и т п.

XIII. Переведите и выучите по частям диалоги:

Диалог № 1

Cargo Officer. — Why are your men stowing these irregularly shaped pieces close to the sides?

There will be too much space lost.

Stevedore. — Just a minute! Hey, foreman! Have you been told to stow these pieces according to

the stowage plan?

Foreman. — I have, but those people from the warehouse didn't deliver the cases of uniform di-

mensions in time, that is why my fellows have placed ten reels of cable to the side.

Stevedore. — Shift them a little bit (немного) and secure a vacant space for handy cases. They

will fill unoccupied space, otherwise the ship administration will consider it to be

“broken stowage”.

Foreman. — What handy cases do you mean?

Stevedore. — Tea packages and canned goods. They are al­ready on quay.

Foreman. — All right. Everything will be done immediately.

Cargo Officer. — Thank you gentlemen. But still bear in mind that you are responsible for full


Диалог № 2

Stevedore. — Second Officer, let’s go to hold No 3. I’ve exami­ned its space thoroughly and I

think there will be much space lost, since the cargo to be loaded comprises irregu-

larly shaped and heavy pieces.

Cargo Officer. — What will cause “broken stowage”?

St. — These pillars and bulkheads stiffeners will prevent us from compact stowage. I recom-

mend you to make some changes in cargo disposition. Let’s load pieces of uniform dimen

sions here, and boilers, printing machinery and locomotives in hold No 4. The lost space

will be much more smaller.

С. O. You are right. I’ll consult the master. Suppose he’ll agree.

St. — All right! Settle the problem as quickly as possible.

Correct dunnaging of cargo is extremely important. Dunnage may be defined as any material used when stowing a cargo with a purpose to protect it from possible damage.

Dunnaging serves the following purposes, according to the nature of the cargo carried:

  1. to protect it from contact with water from the bilges, leakage from other cargo, from the ship’s side or from double-bottom tanks;

  2. to protect it from contact with moisture or sweat which con­denses on ship’s sides, frames, bulkheads, etc., and falls down on the cement caps, from which it finds its way into the bilges;

  3. to prevent chafage of packages.

For ordinary cargoes the permanent ceiling or dunnage is suf­ficient provided it is dry, clean and free from oil stains.

Where the condition of permanent dunnage is other, additional dunnaging and matting are necessary.

Dunnage must be dry, clean, sound and free from stains which may contaminate cargo in contact with it. The use of dunnage retaining the odour of a previous cargo is to be avoided. The types of dunnage materials best suited to any particular cargo are as follows: boards, battens, cardboard, cordwood, tarpaulins, mats, plywood.

The selection of dunnage for some cargoes depends on a kind of cargo.

With a bagged cargo size is the criterion for selection. Wide boards are preferable to smaller sizes, for, by placing the former closely together a flooring is formed which does not prevent air circulation, yet it prevents the sagging of the bags, between the boards.

The considerable top weight of a bagged cargo will cause bot­tom bags to tear by sagging through narrow, widely spaced and badly laid dunnage.

A bale or a general cargo may be dunnaged efficiently almost with any types of wooden boards or battens provided they fulfill the requirements of cleanliness. The boards or battens, however, should be selected in accordance with the sizes of the packages or bales necessary for a compact stow.

Appropriate wooden dunnage may be laid prior to the commen­cement of loading a bagged cargo, for, with most bagged cargoes a complete tier is first laid over the floor of the hold.

General cargo, however, due to different shapes and sizes, will break up and misplace any previously laid dunnage. It is better therefore to have a liberal supply of dunnage available in the compartment and use it as required when stowing the packages.

Double dunnage should also be laid. The first tier is arranged athwartships in order to provide water courses toward the bilges, and the upper tier fore and aft.
provided it is dry, clean ...при условии, что он сухой, чис­тый ...

materials best suited ...материалы, которые больше всего подходят

size is the criterionразмер является критерием до начала

prior to the commencementдо начала

liberal supply of dunnageзд. достаточное количество подсти­лочного материала

dunnage, sweat, permanent dunnage, to contaminate, board, batten, card­board, cordwood, tarpaulin, mat, plywood, flooring, commencement, to mis­place, liberal supply, athwartships.
I. Выберите из колонки соответствующие предлоги:

  1. Sound dunnage protects cargoes from contact … water

  2. These skins were damaged owing to leakage ... barrels.

  3. Condensed moisture and sweat fall down on the cement caps and find their way. ... the bilges.

  4. Dunnage must be free ... stains.

  5. This dunnage material is suited ... any cargo.

  6. A hold should be dry and free ... any odour of a previous cargo.

  7. Compact stowage depends ... the sizes of the cargo packages.

  8. What is the criterion ... selection of dunnage?

  9. Prevent the sagging of the bags ... the boards.

  10. The boards and battens are necessary … a compact stowage.

I. from

II. with

III. to

IV. into

V. on

VI. for

VII. between

II. Переведите и выучите следующие предложения:

Dunnage prevents cargoes from breakage




III. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение слова “provided”

(при условии, если только):

Образец. We can use the dunnage, remained from a pre­vious cargo, provided it is free of


Мы можем использовать подстилку, остав­шуюся от предыдущего груза,

если только она без пятен.

  1. They will stow barrels in hold No 1, provided they are not leaky.

  2. I’ll ask Chief stevedore to come, provided he is at the of­fice.

  3. We can stow cotton cargo, provided the holds are dry and well ventilated.

  4. The extraweight will be loaded by a ship’s derrick, provi­ded its safe working load is sufficient.

  5. These boards may be used for dunnaging, provided they do not retain any offensive odour of a previous cargo.

IV. Выберите из скобок слово, которое соответствует смыслу предложения:

  1. With a bagged cargo (а—weight; b—size) is the criterion for selection the dunnage.

  2. The use of dunnage retaining the offensive odour is to be (a—recommended; b—avoided).

  3. Wide boards used for a bagged cargo (a—prevent air cir­culation; b—give a good air circulation).

  4. A good flooring (a—prevents the sagging of the bags; b— makes the sagging of the bugs easier).

  5. General cargo may be dunnaged with (a—any types of wooden boards; b—tarpaulins only).

  6. When you load bagged cargo place dunnage boards (a— apart from each other; b—closely together).

  7. Bags may (a—leak; b—sag) between the badly laid boards.

  8. Heavy top bags will (a—tear; b—break) bottom bags.

  9. To prevent sagging the bagged cargo through wide spaces between the boards, place the dunnage (a—badly; b—properly).

V. Выберите из правой колонки соответствующие определения к каждой группе

слов в левой колонке:

1. Boards, battens, cardboard, ply­wood.

2. Leakage, breakage, crushing.

3. Boxes, cases, carboys, bales, bags.

I. packing

II. damage to cargo

III. dunnage materi­als

VI. Вставьте нужные слова, выбрав их из правой колонки:

  1. Dirty dunnage may (запачкать) clean cargo packing.

  2. When stowing the packages it is better to have (доста- точное количество) of dunnage.­

  3. For bagged cargo (двойная под стилка) should be laid.

  4. ­Top bags may cause bottom bags to tear by (провисани- ем) between badly laid boards.

  5. These narrow boards are (уложены с большими промежутками).­

I. double dunnage

II. contaminate

III. a liberal supply

IV. sagging

V. widely spaced