Файл: Методическое пособие по развитию навыков разговорного английского языка для курсантов эксплуатационной специальности.docx

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The Method of Treatment when Unloading and Keeping in the Port of Destination

Discharging. The operation from hold must be effected by chains. The discharging per sling depends on the weight per drum as well as chain hooks available per sling with an average weight of about 200/300 kg per item. Sometimes the drums must be put down by manpower on wooden pallets. The discharging from rail into shed or on quay must be done either by chains or, in case of wooden pallets, by manpower. In the latter case lift trucks, if available, can be used without danger to the packages. The keeping in the port of destination must be in wooden or stone sheds. If not available, the storing on open quay must take place on a wooden floor free from the ground and covered most carefully by tarpaulins.

First Aid.

  1. Call a doctor immediately when someone may have inhaled the vapour, or has been splashed by the liquid. Notify the doctor that the vapour has been inhaled or has got on the skin.

  2. When the liquid has got into the eyes immediately wash them with water.

  3. If the skin has been contaminated with a poisonous liquid immediately wash with water and soap.

  4. Clothing contaminated with a poisonous liquid must be taken off immediately.

carbolic acid – карболовая кислота

natric acid – азотная кислота

sulphuric acid – серная кислота

ammonia – аммиак

bleaching powder – хлорная известь

fireworks – фейерверк

lampblack – сажа

matches – спички

to throw off – выделять

to give off – выделять

to be jettisoned – быть выброшенным за борт в случае аварии (о грузе)

fumes are suffocating – пары удушливы

four packages per sling – 4 места на строп

to call for – требовать (что-либо)
dangerous, inflammable, explosive, to be liable to, spontaneous, to give off, fume, explosive, corrosive, poison, substance, carboy, to jettison, expansion, toxic, absorption vapour, owing to.
I. Образуйте прилагательные, используя суффиксы -ous, -able, -ive, -ible

от следующих существительных:

1) danger; 2) poison; 3) corrosion; 4) explosion; 5) combus­tion; 6) inflammation (воспламенение).

II. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на выра­жение to be liable to”:

Образец. Petroleum is liable to combustion.

Бензин подвержен воспламенению.

  1. Dangerous goods are all substances of an inflammable nature which are liable to spontaneous combustion (самовозго­рание).

  2. Wet sugar is liable to solidifying (затвердевание) in bags.

  3. Many gases are liable to expansion (расширение) while heating.

  4. Some edible goods are liable to rapid deterioration (порча) if transported without a refrigerator.

III. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на выра­жение owing to (из-за,

благодаря) и его эквиваленты (thanks to, due to, because of):

Образец. This package should be stowed on bottom owing to its heavy weight.

Это грузовое место следует уложить на дно из-за его большого веса.

  1. Stow carboys filled with sulphuric acid on deck because of its corrosive nature.

  2. Hydrochloric acid should be securely packed in glass car­boys due to its property to damage wood or metal.

  3. Matches must not be stowed in same compartment as explo­sives thanks to their combustible property.

  4. Inhalation of some poisonous liquids is very dangerous owing to their suffocating vapour.

  5. Owing to great risk of fire which is present with cotton cargoes, the handling, stowage and carriage of same calls for the greatest care and attention.

IV. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на выра­жение to give off (выде-

лять) и его эквивалент to throw off:

Образец. Bleaching powder throws off pungent fumes.

Хлорная известь выделяет едкие пары.

  1. Wet cotton throws off heat.

  2. Some dangerous cargoes give off poisonous vapours.

  3. Never stow rice together with the cargo which gives off strong odours.

V. Подберите из колонки справа слова противоположного зна­чения:

1. to give off

I. safe

2. dangerous

II. to absorb

3. to ignite

III. compression

4. expansion

IV. to extinguish

5. bottom stowage

V. top stowage

VI. Переведите на русский язык:

  1. In dealing with (имея дело с) such dangerous goods, it is necessary to consider the nature of the substance, both in itself and in relation to other substances, stowed with them, the flash­point, packing and marking, also place and method of stowage.

  2. Dangerous goods should be stowed in well-ventilated com­partments, as far away as possible from (как можно дальше от) engine, boiler-room and living quarters.

  3. Dangerous goods should be stowed in the square of the hatch, not overstowed by any other goods, so as to be readily and easily accessible.

  4. The indiscriminate (беспорядочный) stowage of dangerous goods on deck should be avoided, otherwise there will be a source of real danger to ship and crew.

VII. Вставьте нужные по смыслу слова:

  1. I. gives off

    II. is liable to

    III. well removed

    IV. extinguish

    V. causes
    These carboys must be kept (до­статочно удаленными) from


  1. Nitric acid (выделяет) poisonous fumes if heated.

  2. This substance (подвержено) spon­taneous combustion.

  3. High temperature (вызывает) se­vere expansion of drums.

  4. (Тушите) a fire with dry chemical.

VIII. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения:

  1. They loaded 4 packages per sling, not more. (how many?)

  2. They have put down boxes with matches by manpower to­day. (what?)

  3. Lifttrucks help to carry carboys with sulphuric acid to the warehouse. (where?)

  4. The poisonous vapour created an explosive atmosphere in the hold yesterday. (when?)

  5. They should call a doctor immediately since the liquid has been inhaled by two crewmen. (whom?)

IX. К каждой группе слов подберите соответствующее опреде­ление:

1. Wheat, barley, cats, rye

I. heavy weights

2. Butter, fish, fruit, meat

II. free flowing goods

3. Locomotives, boilers, lorries

III. edible goods

4. Acids, chemicals, explosives

IV. dangerous car­goes

5. Instruments, cotton, sugar etc.,

V. general cargoes

packed in bags, bales and cases.

X. Выучите диалоги:

Диалог № 1

Cargo Officer. — When will you start unloading? We have dangerous cargo on deck and it is

desirable to unload it as soon as possible.

Stevedore. — What kind of cargo?

С. O. — Different goods. Here is the cargo plan. Have a look, please.

St. — Oh! 90 drums of sulphuric acid, 100 drums of nitric acid and 50 drums of ammonia. But

why have you stowed nitric acid close to ammonia? Don’t you know that nitric acid

drums should be well removed from ammonia?

С. О. — I do. But the drums were shifted during the storm and it was impossible to separate them.

St. — Well, we’ll unload them first.

Диалог № 2

Stevedore. — Call the second officer, please.

Watchman. — All right, just a minute.

Second Officer. — What’s wrong?

St. — Some carboys with hydrochloric acid are broken. Can you see the pool formed on deck?

S. О. — I see. We’ll wash it off.

St. — No, don’t use water. Have you got any sand or whiting?

S. O. — Surety. There is some sand on board.

St. — Tell your men to absorb the liquid with sand. Do it quickly, otherwise wooden flooring

and even metal deck will be destroyed.

S. О. — All rightl Hey! Boatswain take two fellows and ask them to sand the deck.

St. — Put the damaged carboys aside, please.

Before loading a ship a cargo plan must be drawn up. This document is usually drawn up at the Chief Controller’s office since this office directs cargo work in the sea-port. While abroad the Agent and the Master draw up a cargo plan. When the plan is ready the stevedore may begin loading. Firstly, he secures the necessary number of gangs, secondly he supplies the tackles which the dockers need in their work and at last the stevedore supervises the correct tonnage allotment for the holds. He checks up if cargoes are slowed and trimmed properly. Even stowage of cargoes secures a reliable stability of the ship loaded.

Before starting loading the crewmen clear the hatches and get ready the winches, derricks and cranes, if any. They roll back the tarpaulins from the hatches, remove the hatchboards or any other hatch covers, remove the beams. When everything is done, they consider the hatches to be cleared and ready for loading.

Different kinds of cargoes are loaded by corresponding equip­ment and appliances. For example, cases call for steel slings, nets and pallets; bags require cargo nets and canvas slings. Extraweights, if any, are usually loaded by either heavy derricks, the lifting capacity of which is over 5 tons, or by quay cranes.
Chief Controller's Office – Главная диспетчерская

while abroad – при нахождении за границей.

to get ready – подготовить.

the correct tonnage allotment – правильное распределение тоннажа
to load, loading, to draw up, gang, to be ready, to get ready, to supply, tackle, to correct, allotment, to check up, properly, reliable, stability, derrick, to remove, sling, pallet, quay crane.
I. Выберите из колонки соответствующие предлоги или на­речия:

  1. Who will draw ... a cargo plan?

  2. Where is the stevedore? He is … the Chief Controller’s office.

  3. The list of the vessel was caused by improper tonnage allotment ... the holds.

  4. Heavy weights are loaded ... power­ful cranes.

  5. The lifting capacity of this floating crane is ... 100 tons.

I. over

II. by

III. at

IV. up

V. for

II. Выберите из скобок слово, близкое по значению:

to draw up (a—to get up; b—to make up)

to check up (a—to connect; b—to correct)

to remove (a—to take off; b—to return)

reliable (a—capable; b—stable)

to consider (a—to control; b—to suppose)

III. Выберите из скобок слова противоположного значения:

usually (а—often; b—never; с—seldom; d—as a rule)

correct (a—right; b—wrong; d—certain)

properly (a—carefully; b—carelessly; c—safely; d—secu­rely)

to start (a—to commence; b—to finish; с—to continue)

heavy (a—easy; b—light; с—hard; d—handy)
IV. Задайте вопрос, пользуясь образцом:

Образец.Ask him if the Master draws up a cargo plan.

Does the Master draw up a cargo plan?

Ask him if the stevedore begins loading when the plan is ready.

Ask him if the stevedore supplies the necessary number of gangs.

Ask him if the stevedore supervises the correct tonnage allot­ment.

Ask him if he checks up the number of cargoes stowed.

Ask him if the crew clears the hatches before loading.

Ask him if the Chief mate supposes that the water collected in bilges was pumped out.
V. Измените сложноподчиненное предложение в простое, ис­пользуя «Определи-

тельный инфинитивный оборот». Переве­дите на русский язык:

Образец. They considered that the hatches are cleared.

They considered the hatches to be cleared.

  1. The master considers that the floating crane is necessary.

  2. The stevedore believes that the cargo pieces are stowed pro­perly.

  3. We know that cargo work is directed by the Chief Control­ler office.

VI. Переделайте в страдательный залог:

Образец. They drew up a cargo plan yesterday.

The cargo plan was drawn up yesterday.

  1. The Chief stevedore sent the boy to the office.

  2. The crewmen got the holds ready for loading.

  3. The stevedore secured four gangs.

  4. They loaded a locomotive on deck.

  5. The floating crane unloaded the extraweight on quay.

VII. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Грузовой план должен быть составлен до начала по­грузки.

  2. Стивидор может начинать погрузку.

  3. Мы не можем начинать погрузку, так как грузовой план не готов.

  4. Сколько бригад вы обеспечите для погрузки?

  5. Какой такелаж вам нужен для работы?

  6. Кто будет наблюдать за правильным распределением тон­нажа?

  7. Подготовьте лебедки и грузовые стрелы для погрузки.

  8. Освободите люки и подготовьте к выгрузке тяжеловесы, если они имеются.

  9. Бимсы были сняты двумя матросами.

  10. Тяжелые ящики требуют стальных тросов для погрузки.

VII. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. When must a cargo plan be drawn up?

  2. What’s the name of the document showing the disposition of cargoes in the holds?

  3. What must the crewmen do before starting loading?

  4. What appliances are used for loading cases, bagged cargo and extraweights?

  5. What can you load with a heavy derrick?

  6. What’s the lifting capacity of usual ship’s derricks?

IX. Выучите диалоги:

Диалог № 1

Stevedore. — We load the cargo evenly, but why has the ship a list to starboard?

Cargo Officer. — Just a minute, I’ll have a look at a list meter. Yes, the list reaches 15 degrees to

starboard. Are you sure that your men have distributed heavy packages evenly?

St. — Absolutely! Check the ballast tanks, please.

С. О. — I shall try to pump the ballast to portside tanks. Suppose it will help to lessen the list.

Диалог №2

Stevedore. — Please, arrange electric light for holds. It’s getting dark and my men can’t stow

packages properly.

Cargo Officer: — All right! I’ll tell the watch electrician to arrange the light. Please, stop

stowing until the light is given, otherwise the accident may happen.

St. — O’key! Thank you!

Диалог № 3

  • The ship was moored two hours ago. Why don’t you begin loading?

  • There are ten heavy lifts to be loaded on the bottom of holds Nos 1 and 3, but the quay cranes are not ready.

  • When will they be ready?

  • In half an hour.

  • All right. Don’t lose time, please.

Диалог №4

  • We have very valuable cargo to be slowed on tweendeck of hold No 2. Please, clean the hold space better.

  • How many packages are you going to stow on tweendeck?

  • One hundred and ten pieces.

  • Where are they now?

  • In a single-floor shed just opposite your ship.

  • I see! Hey! Boatswain send some men to clean the hold better and check if spar ceiling is quite all right.