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V.I.Karasik. Language of Social Status.
The language of social status is a system of various indices reflecting the inequality or equality relations of people who belong to different social strata and groups.
Such relations are manifest in traditions, values, norms of behaviour and rules of communication and hence constitute the basic element of human culture naturally finding multidimensional reflections in language.
The social status of a person is one of the fundamental concepts in sociology, social psychology, ethnography, cultural anthropology and - last, but not least - in linguistics. Linguistic study of the social status of a person has been carried out in the present book with the objective (1) to describe verbal and nonverbal types of expression of the notion under consideration, (2) to integrate in linguistics the results achieved in other branches of the Humanities concerning the category of social status and thus to broaden the scope of linguistics, and (3) to find out the categorial semantic features which constitute the core of linguistic explanation in various fields of research with the help of the notion of status as an object of interest to many linguists whatever their schools or departments are..
The social status of a person has been analysed in the present book from the point of view of social linguistics, pragmalinguistics and linguistic semantics.
The sociolinguistic approach to the problem under study made it possible to find out different indices of life styles, interpersonal contacts and speech varieties, to describe the ways of expressing deference and politeness and to analyse the norms of etiquette given in the formulaic patterns of behaviour and in the meanings of words denoting the etiquette situations.
The pragmalinguistic approach to the social status of a person was useful in the sense that it has revealed the situational characteristics of inequality communications, such as status vector types (descending and ascending), certain agent types found in the situations described (agent, respondent, super-agent, etc), status motivation features (motivating and neutral features), basic and additional speech act component types which have the status meaning and combinatory types of the analysed components as
specified in the synonymic explanation of the verb meaning connected with speech acts of request, apology, etc.
The semantic approach to the category of status resulted in the categorial formula including external and internal semantic features, the former placing the category of status in a line with such homogeneous notions as modality, evaluation, emotiveness, deixis, etc. and the latter making the conceptual frame of the category of status as consisting of status index, status vector and status representation. The status index reflects the fact that a given verbal or nonverbal means of expression is a sign of status, the status vector signals the relations of inequality, and the status representation describes in the oppositive structure the way deference is expressed (honorific expression or honorific plus self-humiliating expression). Categorial features of status have been analysed in English lexis. Two types of words expressing the social status meaning have been described: the words functioning in the language for the sake of status manifestation (mainly terms of address) and the words including the status meaning component as well as the other kinds of components. The main types of componential status features have been described in detail as status plus modal, status plus personal, status plus evaluative (pejorative) and status plus stylistic component combinations.
The linguistic study of the social status of a person undertaken in the present book explains various interrelations between language and culture as represented in word meanings, speech act types, categorial features and value clusters and thus enables us, hopefully, to prove the important role of linguistics in the integral system of human knowledge.
Глава 1. Социолингвистический аспект социального статуса
1.1. Подходы к изучению социального статуса человека..
1.2. Социальный статус человека как социолингвистиче-
ская категория....................................
1.3. Индикация социального статуса человека............
1.3.1. Индикация стиля жизни.........................
1.3.2. Индикация человеческих контактов..............
1.3.3. Индикация речи................................
1.4. Оценка социального статуса человека...............
1.4.1. Уважение как оценка статуса человека..........
1.4.2. Вежливость как оценка статуса человека........
1.5. Этикет и социальный статус человека...............
1.5.1. Этикет как поведение..........................
1.5.2. Этикет как норма..............................
Глава 2. Прагмалингвистический аспект социального статуса
2.1. Социальный статус человека как прагмалингвисти-
ческая категория..................................
2.2. Структура статусно-маркированной ситуации.........
Глава 3. Лингвосемантический аспект социального статуса
3.1. Социальный статус человека как лингвосемантиче-
ская категория....................................
3.1.1. Определение категориальных признаков..........
3.1.2. Выделение категориальных признаков............
3.1.3. Описание категориальных признаков.............
3.2. Специализированное выражение социального статуса
3.3. Компонентное выражение социального статуса
3.3.1. Типы компонентных признаков статуса...........
3.3.2. Модально-статусное значение...................
3.3.3. Персонально-статусное значение................
3.3.4. Оценочно-статусное значение...................
3.3.5. Стилистико-статусное значение.................
Предметный указатель.......................................
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