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to the vastness of the landscape are tiny. They are on a level with the observer and the landscape is no longer fantastic but based on a real one. The landscape was derived from studies made outdoors but constructed in the studio. Although a prolific artist Annibale Carracci painted little later in life. He died at Rome and was buried in the Pantheon near Raphale.

Make sure you know how to pronounce the following words:

Baroque [b@Prok]; chariot [PtS{ri@t]; Bologna [b@Pl@unj@]; Pan [p{n]; caryatid [k{riP{tid]; Cyclops [Psaiklops]; Selena [siPlÖn@]; Paris [Pp{ris]; nymph [nimf]; Polyphemus [poliPfÖm@s]; Galatea [g{l@Pti@]; Bacchus [Pb{k@s]; Ariadne [{riP{dni]


Love of Gods - "Ìетàморфозы"

Landscape with the Flight into Egypt - " Ïейзàж с Áегством в Åгипет"


I. Read the text. Make sure you understand it. Mark the following statements true or false.

1.The pioneers of Baroque monumental painting in Florence were the brothers Carracci.

2.The major undertaking of Baroque painting in Rome was the gallery of the Palazzo Fornese, painted entirely by Ludovico Carracci.

3.The subject matter of the Love of the Gods was incompatible with the ecclesiastic status of its patron.

4.After the Mannerist interlude of public prudery a cardinal could commission frescoes on the subjects of ancient myths.

5.Divine love, conceived at the heart of the universe, is regarded as the motive power that draws together all the elements of the ceiling.

6.In the Love of Gods the Carracci established a new landscape with figures.

II. How well have you read? Can you answer the questions?

1.What was in progress in sixteenth-century Bologna? What kind of Renaissance did the Carracci try to form? What was the Carracci's aim?

2.What did the Carracci adopt for their ceiling frescoes from the Sistine Ceiling? Why did the Carracci apply simulated architecture and sculpture to the barrel vault?

3.What does the subject matter of the Love of Gods veil? How is the Love of Gods interpreted?

4.What gods and goddesses are pictured in the Love of Gods'?

5.What do the four smaller lateral scenes in the Love of Gods depict? What do the two horizontal framed pictures show? What do the end scenes represent? What does the central panel show? What comes to a climax in the central scene? What is flanked by Mercury, Paris, Pan and Selena? How are these gods pictured?

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6. What else did the Carracci establish in addition to the principles of ceiling painting? Where were these principles applied?

III. i. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

a revival of the Renaissance; a long Mannerist interlude; to commission ceiling frescoes; vigour and majesty; caryatids; illusionistic tradition; simulated marble and bronze statues; chariots of the god and the mortal; a barrel vault; gilded frames; the complex layer of forms; the subject matter; to flank pictures; to be incompatible with an ecclesiastic status; a heritage of masterpieces; accompanied by deities; to veil a deep meaning; horizontal framed pictures; a central panel; lateral scenes; unframed pictures; the triumph of divine love; public prudery; sacred figures; conceived at the heart of the universe; the motive power; to resolve all conflicts; an unforeseeable act of redemption; a superb creation; the substance and the drive; on the level; derive the landscape from studies made outdoors; to construct the landscape in the studio.

ii. -Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

мàтерия и энергия; кàртины в рàмàх; цилиндрический свод; великолепное творение; всеобщее хàнжество; продолжительный период Ìàньеризмà; силà и мощь; в сопровождении божеств; священные обрàзы; нàследие шедевров Ðенессàнсà; колесницы богов и смертных; не соответствовàть духовному стàтусу зàкàзчикà; искупление грехов; кàриàтиды; нàрисовàнные мрàморные и бронзовые стàтуи; сложный ряд форм; движущàя силà; боковые сцены; зàрожденный в центре вселенной.

iii.Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases.

iv.Arrange the following in the pairs of synonyms:

a)lateral; antiquity; to account for; to flank; to accept; to resolve; conceive; superb; sacred;

to panel;

b)divine; sidelong; ancient times; to explain; to connect; to receive; originate; excellent; to line; to solve.

IV. Match the names of the mythological personalities with the stories given below.

Galatea; Cyclops Polyphemus; Bacchus; Paris; Ariadne; Pan; Selena; Mercury.

1.She was the daughter of Minos [Pmain@s], the king of Crete [PkrÖt]. She gave a ball of thread to Theseus [PïÖsjüs] so that he could find his way back from the Labyrinth [Pl{birinï].

2.The god of shepherds and herds, he was extremely ugly. He was half-god, half-goat. He had a beard, horns on his forehead [Pfþrid] and a hairy body.

3.He served as a herald of gods; there were wings on his helmet and his heels; and he bore a sceptre [Psept@].

4.He was the giant with supreme natural powers, he had one eye and tended his herds. He lived in a cave on the island of Sicily. He was a cannibal and did not have knowledge of wine. He was occupied only with his sheep.

5.He was the son of the king of Troy. Zeus gave him a difficult job of judging which of the three goddesses Hera, Athena or Aphrodite ought to receive the golden apple (the apple of discord) with the words: "To the most beautiful".

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6.The god of wine and gaiety. Wherever he went, he spread the culture of wine and the rituals associated with every stage of its cultivation.

7.The goddess of Moon, the daughter of the Titans [Ptait@nz] Hyperion [haiPpi@ri@n] and Thea [Pïi@].

8.The nymph who was loved by the shepherd Acis [Peisis] and by Cyclops Polyphemus. Polyphemus, jealous of Acis' success in winning the love of the nymph, crushed him under the rock, but the nymph turned him into a river.

V. Translate the text into English.

Àннибàле и Àгостино Êàррàччи и их двоюродный брàт Ëодовико основоположники бàрокко. Â 1585 в Áолонье они создàли "Àкàдемию нàпрàвленных нà истинный путь". Íовое нàпрàвление получило нàзвàние "болонский àкàдемизм". Ïринципы болонской Àкàдемии, которàя стàлà прообрàзом всех европейских àкàдемий будущего, нàблюдàются в творчестве Àннибàле Êàррàччи, сàмого тàлàнтливого из брàтьев. Èскусство Êàррàччи получило признàние и рàспрострàнение, тàк кàк отвечàло официàльной идеологии. Áрàтья Êàррàччи - художники монументàльно-декорàтивной живописи. Èх сàмое знàменитое произведение - роспись гàлереи Ôàрнезе в Ðиме нà сюжет "Ìетàморфоз" Îвидия, типично для бàрочной живописи.

Àннибàле Êàррàччи - родонàчàльник героического пейзàжà. Êàррàччи скрупулезно изучàл природу. Îн считàл, что для того, чтобы онà стàлà предметом изобрàжения, ее необходимо облàгородить (to polish). Ïейзàж с деревьями, руинàми, с мàленькими фигуркàми людей подчеркивàет величие природы. Èдеи Êàррàччи были рàзвиты его ученикàми, в творчестве которых принципы àкàдемизмà были почти кàнонизировàны.

VI. Summarize the text.

VII. Topics for discussion.

1.Carracci's ceiling painting.

2.Carracci's landscape.

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The real giant of seventeenth-century painting in Italy is Michelangelo Merisi, called Caravaggio after his native town in Lombardy. After studying with an obscure local master, he arrived in Rome around 1590. Considered a revolutionary painter Caravaggio was the leading artist of the Naturalistic School. He lived on the fringe of respectable society. His short life was marked by violence and disaster. Caravaggio was a lifelong rebel against convention. He shocked conventional people by representing religious scenes in terms of daily life. He was in chronic trouble with authority and had to flee Rome in 1606 after he killed a man in a brawl over a tennis match. During the next years he wandered around Italy. Caravaggio died of malaria in his thirty-seventh year on his return journey to Rome, with a papal pardon in sight. Nevertheless the style of this unruly genius revolutionized European art.

In 1597 Cardinal del Mount obtained for Caravaggio the commission to paint three pictures of Matthew and scenes from his life for the Contarelli Chapel in the Church of San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome. The greatest of these is the Calling of Saint Matthew, painted about 1599-1600, an event often represented but never in this soul-stirring way. The background is a wall in a Roman tavern; a window is the only visible background object. Matthew is seated "at the receipt of custom" (Matthew 9:9) with three gaudily dressed youths at a rough table on which coins are visible; figures and objects are painted in a hard, firm style that seems to deny the very existence of Venetian colourism. Suddenly, Christ appears at the right, saying, "Follow me". His figure is almost hidden by that of Peter. Christ shows only his face and his right hand, illuminated by a strong light from an undefined source at the upper right.

Despite his oft-expressed contempt for Renaissance masters, Caravaggio often visually, as if in a vernacular translation, quoted Michelangelo Buonarroti. Christ points along the beam of light with a strikingly real hand whose gesture repeats that of God the Father in the Creation of Adam. Matthew points to his own breast as if to say, "Who, me?" In this realistic scene happens the triumph of divine love. Christ instils a new soul in Matthew.

In 1601 Caravaggio painted the Conversion of Saint Paul. It was a favourite subject during the Counter-Reformation. This scene was usually shown with a vision of Christ descending from heaven, surrounded by clouds and angels. Against a background of nowhere Saul has fallen from his horse toward us, drastically foreshortened. He hears the words; but his servant hears nothing and looks down at his master unable to account for the light that shines all around and has blinded Saul. In this picture climax reaches the stage of cataclysm.

Caravaggio's paintings were condemned by Bolognese artists and critics in Rome, and some were even refused by the clergy. Nonetheless, a decade after his tragic death Caravaggio's everyday naturalism, his hard pictorial style, his intense light-and-dark contrasts had inspired a host of followers in Rome, Naples, Spain, France, the Netherlands. His revolutionary art must be considered a major factor in the formation of two of the greatest painters in the 17-th century Rembrandt and Velazquez.

Make sure you know how to pronounce the following words:

Caravaggio [kÓrÓPvÓddÆou]; Rembrandt [Prembr{nt]; Matthew [Pm{ïjü]; Saul [sþl]; Lombardy [Plömb@di]; Netherlands [PneD@l@ndz]


Calling of Saint Matthew - "Ïризвàние àпостолà Ìàтфея"

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Conversion of Saint Paul - "Îбрàщение Ñàвлà"

"at the receipt of custom" (Matthew 9:9) - "у сборà пошлин"


I. Read the text. Make sure you understand it. Mark the following statements true or false.

1.Caravaggio's life was happy and eventless.

2.The style of this genius revolutionized European art.

3.Caravaggio never rebelled against convention.

4.The Calling of Saint Matthew is a realistic painting.

5.Saint Paul was pictured drastically foreshortened.

6.Caravaggio's naturalism inspired a great number of followers in Europe.

II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?

1.Where was Caravaggio trained? What society did Caravaggio live in? What was Caravaggio's relationship with authority?

2.How did Caravaggio protest against convention?

3.How did Caravaggio arrange the figures in the Calling of Saint Matthew? What did Caravaggio deny in this painting?

4.What was Caravaggio's attitude to the Renaissance masters? How did Caravaggio quote Michelangelo in the Calling of Saint Matthew? What was the source of this quotation?

5.What was the favourite subject during the Counter-Reformation? How did Caravaggio picture it? Did Caravaggio paint Saul against a background of nowhere? Was it Caravaggio's greatest achievement? What were his other achievements?

6.How were Caravaggio's paintings treated by artists and critics during his life-time? Did this attitude change after his death?

III. i. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

a background of nowhere; a hard, firm style; light-and-dark contrasts; pictorial style; drastically foreshortened; a long-life rebel; conventional people; to represent religious scenes in terms of daily life; an unruly genius; to obtain a commission; scenes from smb's life; to represent an event in the soul-stirring way; a background object; to deny the existence of; the realistic scene; Venetian colourism; to quote; gaudily dressed youths; a vernacular translation; the beam of light; to instil a new soul; to descend from heaven; an unidentified source of light; Renaissance masters.

ii. Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

изобрàжàть религиозный сюжет кàк повседневное событие; луч светà; обывàтели; венециàнский колоризм; перевод нà нàродный язык; вдохнуть новую душу; тяжелый, жесткий стиль; цитировàние; изобрàзительный стиль; свет без укàзàния источникà; зàкàзчики откàзывàлись от кàртин; ниспровергàть клàссические трàдиции художников Ðенессàнсà;

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спустя десятилетие; излюбленный сюжет; божественнàя любовь; нейтрàльный фон; единственный рàзличимый предмет нà зàднем плàне; реàлистические сцены; новàторское искусство.

iii. Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases.

IV. Here are descriptions of some of Caravaggio 's works of art. Match them up to the given


1.Christ points along the beam of light with a strikingly real hand whose gesture repeats that of God the Father in the Creation of Adam.

2.Against a background of nowhere he has fallen from his horse toward us, drastically foreshortened.

a.Conversion of Saint Paul

b.Calling of Saint Matthew

V. Translate the text into English.

Ìикелàнджело Ìеризи, известный кàк Êàрàвàджо, дàл нàзвàние реàлистическому течению в искусстве, которое нàшло последовàтелей во всей Çàпàдной Åвропе. Êàрàвàджо брàл темы из окружàющей действительности. Ðеàлистические принципы сделàли Êàрàвàджо нàследником Ðенессàнсà, дàже несмотря нà то, что он чàсто вырàжàл свое презрение к великим художникàм Ðенессàнсà. Êàрàвàджо утверждàл принципы реàлистического искусствà, бросив вызов общепринятым нормàм. Êàртины нà религиозные сюжеты он писàл кàк жàнровые. Ãерои произведений Êàрàвàджо — кàртежники, гàдàлки, àвàнтюристы. Èх изобрàжениями Êàрàвàджо положил нàчàло бытовой живописи. Êàрàвàджо нàклàдывàл крàску широкими мàзкàми, выхвàтывàя из мрàкà светом нàиболее вàжные чàсти композиции. Ýтà контрàстность световых пятен создàвàлà àтмосферу внутреннего дрàмàтизмà. Ãерои Êàрàвàджо помещены в простую обстàновку. Èногдà произведения Êàрàвàджо были нàстолько реàлистичны, что зàкàзчики откàзывàлись от них. Èскусство Êàрàвàджо породило истинных последовàтелей его художественного методà, получившего нàзвàние "кàрàвàджизмà".

VI. Summarize the text.

VII. Topics for discussion.

1.Caravaggio's style and characters.

2.Caravaggio's mode of life and work.

3.Caravaggio's artistic legacy.

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UNIT XI POUSSIN (1593/94-1665)

Nicolas Poussin is the embodiment of the Classical spirit. His paintings are the product not only of great imagination and pictorial skill but also of a discipline and control that grew firmer as the painter aged. Born in the small town in Normandy, Poussin went to Paris in his late adolescence. He had access to the royal collection of paintings where he was impressed by the works of Raphael and Titian, and to the royal library where he studied engravings after Raphael. After two trips to Italy, Poussin settled down in Rome in 1624. It was unlikely that he would ever enjoy official success. The world of nobles, popes, and monarchs was not for him. Poussin made only one large altarpiece for St. Peter's, and was dissatisfied with it.

An attempt by King Louis XIII to have Poussin work on ceiling painting for the Long Gallery of the Louvre ran afoul of the artist's refusal to consider ceiling paintings different from those on walls, and to turn over the execution of vast projects to assistants. The latter objection ruled out the customary colossal Baroque monumental commissions.

Poussin's paintings reflect his interest in antiquity and in Stoic philosophy. In his early work the Inspiration of the Poet, painted about 1628-29, Classical figures are arranged before a landscape in low afternoon light. Poussin attempted to recapture the magic of Titian through warm colouring unified by soft glazes and through subtle and surprising passages of lights and darks, especially the way light touches the edge of Apollo's lyre and part of his cheek, leaving the rest in shadow. This is an allegorical scene in keeping with seventeenth century ideas, the poet (it is easy to view him as a painter) owes his gifts to divine inspiration. About 1630 an illness gave Poussin a break during which he could formulate the theoretical basis of his art. Poussin abandoned his earlier lyrical style in favour of the grand manner, which required first of all a subject - drawn from religion, history or mythology -that avoided anything 'base' or 'low'. Poussin maintained that the subject must be so clarified in the painter's mind, that he will not block the essence of narrative with insignificant details. Then the painter must consider the conception, that is, the recounting of the story in an impressive way. Then the artist must devise the composition which must not be so carefully constructed that it looks laboured, but should flow naturally. Last comes the style or manner of painting or drawing.

At another point Poussin explained his theory of the modes of painting by analogy with the modes or scales in Greek music, and mentioned five, the Dorian, the Phrygian, the Lydian, the Hypolydian and the Ionic. He carried his ideas of the modes systematically into execution. His Rape of the Sabines, of about 1636-37, exemplifies the Phrygian mode adapted to 'frightful wars'. The picture fulfils all Poussin's requirements for the grand manner. The subject is lofty; the conception is powerful; the composition effortless and natural for all its references to ancient and Renaissance statuary figures and groups; and the style beyond all praise. The composition is staged in a limited space, flanked on one side by the temple portico in which Romulus stands and limited at the rear by a basilica.

A later work, the Holy Family on the Steps, of 1648, is probably in the Hypolydian mode, which 'contains within itself a certain sweetness which fills the soul of the beholders with joy. It lends itself to divine matters, glory and Paradise'. The pyramidal composition suggests the Madonna groups of Leonardo and Raphael which Poussin knew and studied. Like Tintoretto, he arranged little draped wax figures on a stage with the lightning carefully controlled and with a backdrop of landscape and architecture. He would experiment with figural relationships till he found the right grouping, then build a larger arrangement of modelled and draped figures and paint from it, referring to reality only when necessary. The grave, ideal quality of Poussin's art triumphs in Classical compositions arranged before simple, cubic architecture that bypasses the Baroque, the Renaissance, and the Middle Ages, going straight back to Roman models. While the faces of his

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figures often appear standardized and almost expressionless, the grandeur of Poussin's art appears in the balance of forms, colour, and lights. Such compositions inspired Ingres in the early 19-th century, formed the basis for the still life and figure paintings of Cezanne in the late 19-th and early 20-th centuries.

Make sure you know how to pronounce the following words:

Poussin [püPs{n]; Normandy [Pnþm@ndi]; lyre [Plai@]; Paris [Pp{ris]; Louvre [Plüvr@]; Greek [PgrÖk]; Dorian [Pdþri@n]; Phrygian [PfridÆi@n]; Lydian [Plidi@n]; Hypolydian [haip@uPlidi@n]; Ionic [aiPonik]; Sabines [Ps{bainz]; Cezanne [seiPzÓn]


Inspiration of the Poet- "Âдохновение поэтà"

Rape of the Sabines - "Ïохищение Ñàбинянок"

Holy Family on the Steps - "Ñвятое семейство нà ступенях хрàмà"


I. Read the text. Make sure you understand it. Mark the following statements true or false.

1.Nicolas Poussin embodies the Renaissance spirit.

2.Poussin made a lot of altarpieces.

3.Poussin was fond of ceiling painting.

4.Poussin invented five modes or scales in music.

5.Poussin formulated the theoretical basis of his art in 1648.

6.Poussin worked in the grand manner early in life.

II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?

1.What do Poussin's paintings reflect?

2.What did Poussin attempt to recapture in the Inspiration of the Poett?

3.What were the main theoretical principles of Poussin's art? How did Poussin connect painting and music?

4.With what Poussin's painting is the Phrygian mode associated? Why? What is the subject of this painting?

5.Why is the Holy Family on the Steps associated with the Hypolydian mode? Whose influence can be traced in this painting?

6.How did Poussin paint his monumental compositions? Where does Poussin's art triumph? Where does its grandeur appear? Who was inspired by Poussin's compositions?

III. i. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

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the embodiment of the Classical spirit; pictorial skill; the royal collection of paintings; the theory of modes; to study engravings; to work on ceiling painting; by analogy with; the execution of vast projects; colossal Baroque monumental commissions; the interest in antiquity; to arrange figures before a landscape; passages of lights and darks; statuary figures; an allegorical scene; to be in keeping with; to owe one's gifts to; divine inspiration; to formulate a theoretical basis of; to abandon the lyrical style; wax figures; the essence of narrative; insignificant details; to bypass the Baroque; to devise a composition; the manner of painting.

ii. Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

интерес к àнтичности; по àнàлогии с; божественное вдохновение; лирà Àполлонà; создàть àлтàрный обрàз; обрàщàться к действительности; избегàть низкого в искусстве; откàзàться от лирического стиля; в соответствии с идеàлàми; восковые фигуры; вдохновлять художников; воплощение духà клàссицизмà; претворить в жизнь грàндиозные плàны; рàсписывàть потолок; сформулировàть основы теории клàссицизмà; теория музыкàльных лàдов; незнàчительные детàли; торжество композиции клàссицизмà.

iii.Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases.

iv.Arrange the following in the pairs of synonyms:

a)expound; soft; monarch; rule out; subtle; analogy;

b)sovereign; exclude; smooth; interpret; faint; comparison.

IV. Here are descriptions of some of Poussin's works of art. Match them up to the given titles and describe them.

1.It contains within itself a certain sweetness which fills the soul of the beholders with joy.

2.The light touches Apollo's lyre and part of his cheek

3 The subject is lofty, the conception is powerful, the composition effortless and natural.

a.Rape of the Sabines

b.Holy Family on the Steps

c.Inspiration of the Poet

V. Translate the text into English.

Íиколà Ïуссен - создàтель клàссического нàпрàвления в живописи. Ïредметом искусствà клàссицизмà провозглàшàлось только прекрàсное; идеàлом клàссицизмà служилà àнтичность. Ïуссен интересовàлся àнтичным искусством и искусством Âозрождения. Â 1623 г. Ïуссен отпрàвился в Èтàлию. Ñ 1624 г. он жил в Ðиме. Âлияние кàрàвàджизмà чувствуется в некоторых рàботàх Ïуссенà. Òемы полотен художникà рàзнообрàзны: мифология, история. Âетхий Çàвет, Íовый Çàвет. Â нàчàле 40-х годов в творчестве Ïуссенà произошел перелом.

 1640 г. Ïуссен приехàл в Ïàриж по приглàшению короля Ëюдовикà XIII. Ïервый период творчествà Ïуссенà зàвершился, когдà в буколические темы ворвàлàсь темà смерти.  40-50-е годы колористическàя гàммà Ïуссенà стàновится все сдержàнней. Îсновное внимàние уделяется рисунку и скульптурности форм. Ëучшими у позднего Ïуссенà остàются пейзàжи, в которых человек трàктуется кàк чàсть природы.