Файл: Курсовая работа по дисциплине Процессы и аппараты химической технологии на тему Adsorption.docx

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Категория: Курсовая работа

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Добавлен: 07.11.2023

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Adsorption is considered as a type of a sorption process that mainly involves the collection of molecules by the external  or internal surface (walls of capillaries or crevices) of solids or liquids.Whereas the most confused with this word - absorption means a substance penetration into the actual interior of crystals, of amorphous solids blocks or liquids.

There are two main types of adsorptions that are physisorption and chemisorption. Both of them can be differentiated according to their bonding forces, such as Van der Waals and chemical forces respectively. Also, it is crucial to note that chemical adsorption in much stronger than physical adsorption.

There are different operation modes of adsorption process that include adsorption in agitated vessels and in continuous-flow tanks, fixed-bed adsorption as well as moving-bed adsorption.

To be technically effective in industrial operations, an adsorbent material must possess a high internal volume which is accessible to the components being removed from the fluid. Moreover, the adsorbent material must obtain sufficient mechanical properties along with kinetic ones that were explained in this course work in a detailed way.

The main morphological features of the adsorbents are surface area (influences on mass transfer rate), particle size (extremely important when working with nanomaterials), pore size (effects on adsorption capacity) and density.

Adsorption process can be used in much kind of applications. For instance, to cope with the challenges of air pollution, to separate noble gases, to purify a water, to get rid of undesirable moisture content, to implement adsorption chromatography and ion exchange as well.

The main example of adsorption process application that was covered in this course work is regarded to wastewater treatment. According to the criteria, such as type of water and type of adsorbent, the water treatment can be implemented. For instance, adsorption works for drinking and waste water purification, and in order to implement them we have a specific range of adsorbents that are activated carbon, synthetic zeolites, oxidic and polymeric adsorbents. Furthermore, in order to decrease the costs of adsorption process, the low-cost material can be applied, such as natural materials (wood, coal, peat, etc.), agricultural by-products (sawdust, sunflower stalks, straw) and industrial by-products (fly ash, palm oil ash, red mud, etc.)

According to the information provided in this course work, we can conclude that adsorption is a quite useful in terms of purification and separation processes, and with help of possessing the knowledge about adsorbents’ properties, their chemical structure, special features, we are then able to identify how to use them and we can understand in which application areas they can be applied.


Main references:

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  2. Tien C. Introduction to Adsorption,1-6. [Electronic Resourse] / Principles of Adsorption and Adsorption Processes. // Adsorbent materials. Access mode: https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780128164464/introduction-to-adsorption - screen title.

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  4. Thomas, W. J., & Crittenden, B. Adsorbent materials Access mode: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780750619592500033 -screen title.

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