Файл: Министерство внутренних дел Российской Федерации Нижегородская.odt

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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varies considerably, from 16 Articles in the first Chapter to 48 in the second one, four articles in the eighth chapter. All in all, there are 137 Articles in the first Section and in the whole Constitution. The second Section is very short and it has no Chapters and Articles as structural subunits. It is structured in a specific way. It consists of nine regulatory and prescriptive Points. Their sense is very concrete and, actually, it becomes clear from the subheading of the Section: “Final and Transitory Provisions”. It explains in a plain language how the new constitution should start its operation. The fact is that the previous constitution has acted from April 1978 to December 12 1993. And, naturally, it stops or terminates its execution from this date onwards.

The significance of the first Section is extremely great and exceptional. You can see it from the name of the first Chapter - “The Fundamentals of the Constitutional System” and from the names of each Chapter. For instance, the name of the second Chapter is “The Rights and Liberties of Man and Citizen”.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. When was the acting Russian Constitution adopted?

  2. What is the structure of the Constitution (in your reply use the words: “section”, “chapter”, “article”)?

  3. What is the mission of the Preamble?

  4. Which of the sections is structured in a specific way?

  5. What is the heading of the first Chapter?

1. Read text 3 to find the answers to the following questions:

  1. Is there any difference between the names “Russian Federation:” and “Russia”?

  2. What greatest value does the Constitution proclaim?

  3. Who is the carrier and the only source of power in the Russian Federation?

  4. How can the sovereign people execute their power?

  5. What is the highest manifestation of the people power?


The Structure and Content of the Russian Constitution

Article 1 (Chapter 1) proclaims that Russia is a democratic federative lawful state with a republican form of government. The names Russia and the Russian Federation are equivalents.

Article 2 (Chapter 1) reads that a man, his rights and liberties are the highest values. The recognition, observance and protection of the rights and liberties of man and citizen are the duties of the state.

A key principle of the Russian idea of sovereignty and source of power is disclosed in the third Article (Chapter 1), point one: “The multinational people is the carrier of the sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation”. Point two develops the principle: “The people execute their power directly and also through the organs of state power and organs of local self-government”. Point three goes on: “Referendums and free elections are the highest manifestations of the power of the people”. It concludes with the following statement: “No one can usurp power in the RF. Seizure of power or usurpation of plenary powers are prosecuted by federal law.”

Chapter 2 occupies a remarkable place in the Constitution because it deals with “The Rights and Liberties of Man and Citizen”. It contains - starting with the 17th Article and finishing with the 64th article – 48 Articles, the biggest number of Articles in one Chapter. There are such important provisions which determine the whole life of man and citizen. Among them we shall cite only a few. A.17, p.1: “The RF recognizes and guarantees the rights and liberties of man and citizen according to the generally accepted principles and norms of international law and in accordance with this Constitution”. The same article, Point 2: “The fundamental rights and liberties are inalienable and belong to every (one) from birth.”

Article 25 (Ch.2) guarantees sanctity of the home; everyone is free to determine and practice his own national identity and use his own native tongue. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of faith.

The Constitution has many innovations. For example, Article 34 asserts that every citizen has the right to freely use his capacities and property for entrepreneurial and other kinds of economic activity, not forbidden by law. In this respect Article 35 is extremely important: “The right of/to private property is protected by the state … No one can be deprived of his property otherwise but by the court decision”.

The Constitution and the Constitutional Law are the most fundamental notions in jurisprudence. They define the key concepts of theory and practice of law. All other branches of law derive from the Constitution. The greatest value of the Constitution for an average citizen lies in the fact that having proclaimed certain rights and freedoms the State itself assumes obligation to guarantee their protection and realization.
2. Look through texts 2, 3 and match the underlined English words and expressions with the following Russian equivalents:

причины и цель; отдельная клаузула (статья); особый жанр юридического документа; значительно варьирует; всего; структурно более мелкая часть; регуляторный, предписывающий; заключительные и переходные положения; на простом языке; заканчивает свое исполнение; значение; основы конституционного строя; права и свободы человека и гражданина; демократическое федеративное правовое государство; республиканская форма правления; высшие ценности; признание, соблюдение и защита; основной принцип; суверенитет; властные полномочия; носитель суверенитета; народ использует свою власть напрямую; узурпировать власть; признает и гарантирует; основные права и свободы неотъемлемы; принадлежат каждому по рождению; неприкосновенность жилища

  1. Make up a plan of the text. Arrange the following tips in the proper logical order:

the importance of the Constitution; Article 2 (Ch.1); a key principle; December 12, 1993; popular referendum; Preamble; 2 Sections; Chapters; Articles; 137 Articles; the second Section; the first Section; A.2 (Ch.1); the name of the Second Section.

  1. Give a summary of the text using the above exercises.


1. Study the following phrases:

Asking for opinions


  1. What do you think about ...?

  2. What are you views on ...?

  3. What do you feel about ...?

  4. What’s your opinion of ...?

  5. What are your feelings about ...?

  6. Have you got any comments on ...?

  7. Could I have your reaction to ...?

  8. Do you have any particular views on ...?

  9. Don’t you agree, ...?

  10. I think X knows more about this than I do.

  11. I expect X will agree with me when I say ....

  1. That’s a good idea.

  2. Good.

  3. Why don't you ...?

  4. Go on.

2. Make up a dialogue using the phrases above and role-play the conversation with your partner.




The Executive Power in the UK

1. Grammar Focus:

Infinitive Constructions:

Complex Object

2. Topic Activities

(Reading & Speaking):

.Text 1. The Executive Power in GB

Text 2. The Political Party System

Text 3. Who Governs Britain?

3. Conversation & Writing Practice:



Complex Object

Сложное дополнение


«Complex Object»



объектное местоимение

+ инфинитив


п одлежащее


придаточного дополнительного предложения, вводимого союзами ЧТО, ЧТОБЫ, КАК, КОГДА


всего предложения

Subject + Verb

главное предложение

(Pro)noun + Infinitive…..

придаточное предложение

В английском языке дополнение может состоять из группы слов, в состав которой входят существительное или местоимение в объектном падеже и инфинитив. Такое дополнение называется сложным (Complex Object).

На русский язык Complex Object переводится придаточным до­полнительным предложением, вводимым союзами что, как, чтобы, когда. При этом существительное или объектное место­имение становится подлежащим придаточного предложения, а инфинитив – сказуемым.


  1. I know Peter to drivea car very carefully.

Я знаю, что Питер водит машину очень осторожно.

  1. I want him to drive my car.

Я хочу, чтобы он вёл мою машину.

  1. Isawhimdrive. Я видела, как он водит.

  2. I like him to drive. Мне нравится, когда он за рулём.

1. Practise translating the sentences with Complex Object:

  1. Kevin’s parents don’t want him to live a very merry life.

  2. They want him to get qualification in the first place.

  3. My parents want me to study law.

  4. I want my friend to help me.

  5. He wants his wife to clean the house regularly.

  6. She wants her husband to make more money.

  7. We know him to have found a well-paid job.

  8. The boss wants them to work overtime.

  9. I know Paul to have given up smoking.

  10. We know her to sing lovely.

  11. I know the food to be awful in that restaurant.

  12. We know this student to rank top in the group.

  13. The Police wanted the witness to describe the criminal.

  14. The policeman wanted the suspect to answer his questions.

  15. He wants her to introduce him to her parents.

  16. We know Chris de Burgh to have had a smashed hit with his song “Lady in Red”.

  17. He doesn’t want anyone to know that he is a born loser (прирож­дённый неудачник).

  18. I know you not to do your homework regularly.

  19. The teacher wants us to study hard.

  20. We know the British public to be obsessed with the details of Royal family life.

  21. The young woman wanted the lawyer to counsel her for divorce proceedings.

Глаголы, вводящие «Complex Object»


Тип инфинитива

в сложном дополнении


1) желание и потребность:

to want хотеть; to wish, to desireжелать; should/ would like – хотел бы; to likeпредпочитать; etc.


(инфинитив с частицей to)
1) He wants me to help him.

Он хочет, чтобы я ему помог.

2) предположение:

to expectожидать; to think – думать, полагать; to believe – полагать, считать; to suppose – предполагать; to consider – считать); to find – находить, что ….

2) We expected Tom to be late.

Мы ожидали, что Том опоздает.

I believe it to rain soon.

Я полагаю, что скоро пойдёт дождь.

3) знание, осведомленность:

to know – знать; to state – констати­ровать; to note – отмечать; to report – сообщать

3) I know him to have arrived.

Я знаю, что он уже приехал.