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Unit 6

Non-Finite Forms of the Verb

(Неличные формы глагола)

6.1. Infinitive

Инфинитив - неличная форма глагола, обладающая свойствами глагола и существительного, которая только называет действие, не указывая ни лица, ни числа. Инфинитив (неопределенная форма) отвечает на вопросы что делать? что сделать?

to order - заказывать, to buy - покупать, to sell - продавать.

I am glad to see you - Я рад Вас видеть.

Формалинным признаком инфинитива является частица to.

Глагольные свойства инфинитива

Инфинитив может иметь прямое дополнение:

I told him to post the letter.

Я сказал ему отправить письмо.

Инфинитив может определяться наречием:

I asked him to speak slowly.

Я попросил его говорить медленно.

Инфинитив имеет формы времени и залога:





to write

to order

to be written

to be ordered


to be writing

to be ordering



to have written

to have ordered

to have been written

to have been ordered

Perfect Continuous

to have been writing

to have been ordering


She doesn't want to ask you.

Она не хочет просить Вас.

Только две формы инфинитива Indefinite Active и Indefinite Passive имеют соответствия в русском языке:

to write - писать, to be written - быть написанным.

Для остальных форм инфинитива в русском языке соответствующих форм нет, и они не могут переводиться изолированно, вне контекста.

Indefinite Infinitive выражает действие, одновременное действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым:

We are happy to take part in this expedition.

Мы счастливы принять участие в этой экспедиции.

I want to be answered at once.

Я хочу, чтобы мне ответили сразу же.

Perfect Infinitive выражает действие, которое предшествовало действию, выраженному сказуемым:

We are happy to have taken part in this conference.

Мы счастливы, что приняли участие в этой конференции.

Свойства существительного

В предложении инфинитив может выполнять функции подлежащего, дополнения, определения, обстоятельства и входить в состав любого сложного сказуемого.

Функции инфинитива в предложении

  1. Подлежащее:

To be or not to be, that is the question.

Быть или не быть, вот в чем вопрос.

2. Часть сказуемого

а) His aim is to obtain these data.

Его цель - получить эти данные.

b) She must work much.

Она должна много работать.


а) He hopes to get the book.

Он надеется получить книгу.

b) I told him to go there.

Я велел ему пойти туда.

4. Определение:

a) She gave me a cable to read.

Она дала мне прочитать телеграмму.

b) The question to be discussed is very interesting.

Вопрос, который следует обсудить, очень интересный (страдательный инфинитив в функции определения переводится придаточным определительным предложением с оттенком модальности: который должен/будет обсуждаться)

c) He was the first to apply the new method of work.

Он первым применил новый метод работы.

5. Обстоятельство:

а) цели:

He worked hard to pass his examinations successfully.

Он усердно работал, чтобы сдать экзамены успешно.

b) следствия:

It is too cold to bathe today.

Сегодня слишком холодно, чтобы купаться.

Способы перевода инфинитива на русский язык:

  1. Неопределенной формой глагола или отглагольным существительным:

Our duty is to study well.

Наш долг - хорошо учиться.

  1. Придаточным определительным предложением, сказуемое которого имеет оттенок модальности (долженствования, возможности или стоит в будущем времени).

The experiment to be carried out is very important.

Опыт, который будет проведен (следует провести), очень важен.

  1. После слов first, second и других порядковых числительных, после слова the last инфинитив переводится личной формой глагола в том времени, в котором используется сказуемое английского предложения.

He was the first to look through the mail.

Он первым просмотрел почту.

  1. Инфинитивом, после союзных слов: чтобы, для того чтобы.

To understand the importance of this event you should know all the facts.

Чтобы (для того, чтобы) понять важность этого события, вы должны знать все факты.

  1. Существительным с предлогом для.

To improve my knowledge of English I read English books every day.

Для совершенствования знания английского языка я ежедневно читаю английские книги.

Инфинитив употребляется без частицы to в следующих случаях:

  1. После вспомогательных и модальных глаголов do, does, did, will, shall, can, may, must, should, would

Can I help you? - Я могу Вам помочь?

  1. В составе сложного дополнения с глаголами чувственного и физического восприятия: to see, to hear, to watch, to feel, to notice, и to make (заставлять), to let (позволять):

I saw him enter the office. - Я видел, что он вошел в офис.

Let her finish this work. - Пусть она закончит эту работу.

Don't make me do it. - Не заставляй меня делать это.

  1. В оборотах You'd better, I'd rather (sooner)-Вам бы лучше, я бы предпочел:

You'd better learn it by heart. - Вам бы лучше выучить это наизусть.

I would rather not post this letter. - Я предпочел бы не отправлять это письмо.


Ex. 1. Study the following chart, pay attention to the Passive Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. My friend was glad to have given you this book.

1. My friend was glad to have been given this book.

2. She doesn't want to ask you.

2. She doesn't want to be asked.

3. He had to translate this article without a dictionary.

3. The article had to be translated without a dictionary.

4. I wanted to answer at once.

4. I wanted to be answered at once.

Ex. 2. Give the passive forms of the following infinitives, translate them:

to use, to deliver, to read, to speak, to write, to have written, to do, to have used, to have attended, to show, to take, to ask, to inform, to say, to have translated, not to speak, not to write, not to go, not to see, not to do, not to want, not to eat, not to form.

Ex.3. Fill in the blanks with the particle "to" where necessary:

  1. I want … sing the new song, but I cannot … do it because I have no ear for music.

  2. Can't you … make your boy … prepare his lessons well?

  3. She wanted me … go there immediately.

  4. You may … do it when you like, only remember this is … be done well.

  5. We asked him … tell us the story in detail.

  6. He watched the old man … walk slowly uphill.

  7. I never meant … offend you.

  8. Let her … play as long as she wants.

  9. You must … do it at once.

  10. I would rather … take this book.

  11. You had better … go there.

  12. I would rather not … tell them about it.

  13. Let him … go there.

  14. I can … speak German.

  15. I saw her … leave the room.

Ex. 4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the functions on the infinitive:

  1. I have done all I could to help him.

  2. He agreed to help us.

  3. What makes you look like that?

  4. To invite friends and to go with them for a walk was his favourite entertainment.

  5. The next evening I went to see his house.

  6. The old lady's favourite occupation was to watch the children play.

  7. I am too busy to go there more than once a week.

  8. This is a good place to rest.

  9. Could you let me do it alone?

  10. It is impossible to go there today.

  11. It is necessary to finish our work in time.

  12. He ordered a taxi to be at the door at 9 o'clock.

  13. We have a lot of problems to solve.

  14. I shall buy some magazines to read on the journey.

  15. It is the only thing to do.

  16. His dream was to enter the University.

Ex. 5. Translate the sentences from English into Russian:

  1. There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.

  2. Our wish is to help you.

  3. I invited her to dine with us.

  4. I am anxious to continue my work.

  5. To help him was impossible.

  6. Everything was done to save him.

  7. Who has promised to go there at once?

  8. You should know how to spell the word.

  9. Who can lend me a pencil?

  10. I have to leave for Moscow next Thursday.

  11. The boys got up at 6 o'clock not to miss the train.

  12. She was the first to come to classes.

  13. To decide is to act.

  14. I have come here to talk to you.

Ex. 6. Find the Infinitive. Translate from English into Russian:

  1. To know a foreign language is necessary for many specialists.

  2. In order to know a foreign language well one must read and speak as much as possible.

  3. To solve this problem is extremely important.

  4. To solve this problem you have to make a great many experiments.

  5. To drive a car in a big city is very difficult.

  6. It takes the rays of the sun 8 minutes to get to the Earth.

  7. To help our fiends is our duty.

  8. Many of our students work hard to carry out their assignments as soon as possible.

  9. To avoid the accident the cars had to move very slowly.

  10. It takes me an hour to get to the institute.

  11. To get new magazines I had to go to the library.

  12. These houses are too small to be seen from there.

  13. He was too tired to be asked any questions.

  14. To calculate the age of our planet one must have much knowledge in different branches of science.

  15. He knew me too well not to believe me.

Ex. 7. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the functions of the Infinitives:

  1. The article to be translated is very difficult.

  2. The problem to be studied in the shortest time possible is very important.

  3. "You are the second to answer at the examination", said the teacher.

  4. That man was the last to appear.

  5. The new method to be used depends upon the natural conditions of the district.

  6. The factors to be considered are of great importance taking into account the further development of this method.

  7. The conference to be held in a few months will consider various way of establishing contacts among scientists of different countries.

  8. This young scientist's report will be discussed at the meeting to be held on the 23-rd of January.

  9. The articles to be found in this magazine will help you to solve the problem you are working at.

  10. Our plant is to fulfil this order as soon as possible.

  11. Many research workers of our institute asked to be invited to take part in this expedition.

  12. They are glad to have passed their examinations successfully.

  13. He is glad to have begun working at this problem.

  14. The problem was so interesting that they wanted to be answered their questions at once.

  15. They wanted to supply us with the necessary documents.

Ex. 8. Transform the sentences according to the model:

Model: He was the first who passed all the exams.

He was the first to pass all the exams.

  1. She was the last who learned the news.

  2. This document was the first that was studied in detail at that time.

  3. He was the third who translated the article so well.

  4. This student was the last who left the laboratory.

  5. My friend was the first who passed Economics.

  6. This student was the last who answered the teacher's questions.

  7. The secretary was the first who looked through the mail.

  8. She was the first who refused to leave her motherland.

  9. Mr. Green was the last who met this foreign delegation.

  10. He was the first who went to the airport to meet a friend of his.

Ex. 9. Translate the sentences. Define the functions of the Infinitives.

  1. To know Russian literature is to know Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov and Gorky.

  2. The best way to learn about a country is to read a lot.

  3. He said he would try to get on the afternoon flight.

  4. I am happy to have met him.

  5. I regret to say he thinks too much if himself.

  6. I'd like you to join us. Will you give me your room number?

  7. I understood you to have changed your mind.

  8. I consider your paper on mouth diseases (to be) brilliant.

  9. Everyone in the lobby heard the assistant-manager speak to Dr. Lee.

  10. He watched the curtain go up.

  11. I myself saw Peter hand the papers to Dr. Bailey.

  12. Do you mean to say it was his father who made him go into politics?

Ex. 10. Transform the sentences according to the models:

Model A: I'm glad I've told you about that.

I'm glad to have told you about that.

  1. I'm glad I've lent him the book.

  2. He's sorry he's given up college.

  3. She's glad she's checked herself.

  4. He is happy he's apologized to her.

Model B: The text's too long. It can't be translated today.

The text's too long to be translated today.

  1. The text is too difficult. It can't be translated without your help.

  2. The theatre is too small. It can't seat more than 220 people.

  3. The work is too difficult. It can't be completed without Peter's help.

  4. The novel is too difficult. It can't be read by first-year students.

Model C: Is John a talented coach? (to consider)

Yes, I consider him (to be) a talented coach.

  1. Is Jane a very good friend? (to consider)

  2. Is he a good goalkeeper? (to find)

  3. Is Mr. Mitchell a kind man? (to know)

  4. Is Mary a promising painter? (to believe)

Model D: Has John filled in the form? (to see)

Yes, I saw him fill it in.

  1. Have they rehearsed the play yet? (to watch)

  2. Did Peter agree to join them? (to hear)

  3. Did Mr. Smith examine the documents? (to see)

  4. Did they congratulate Jane on her success? (to hear)

Model E: It is expected they will arrive tomorrow.

They are expected to arrive tomorrow.

  1. It is expected Peter will beat the record tomorrow.

  2. It is known Mr. Evans will deal with the matter.

  3. It is said Bill prefers boating to swimming.

  4. It is believed Ann's son is a promising physicist.

Model F: The wind is getting stronger. (to seem)

The wind seems to be getting stronger.

  1. Ben is doing well at college. (to appear)

  2. John Burton is dealing with this matter. (to seem)

  3. He met them when he was in London. (to happen)

  4. They are losing the game. (to seem)

Model G: It is certain that their team will win the game.

Their team is certain to win the game.

  1. It is certain that the new performance will be popular with the audience.

  2. It is likely he will give up smoking.

  3. It is unlikely that John will change his mind.

  4. It is certain that she will forgive him.

  5. It is likely that they will agree to his offer.

Ex. 11. Respond to these questions according to the models.

Model A: Will John take part in the meeting?

Yes, he's certain to take part in it.

  1. Will he apologize to his mother?

  2. Will they confirm the reservation?

  3. Will he fix the clock?

  4. Will the performance be a success?

Model B: Do you know Mr. Green?

Yes, I happen to know him.

  1. Does Jim know who's won the game?

  2. Did you meet the Smiths in Paris?

  3. Did you see James Burton play golf?

  4. Did you see the new French film?

Model C: Does she know Mr. Brown? (to have met him before)

No, she doesn't seem to have met him before.

  1. Does she know his last novel? (to have read it)

  2. Have they heard the news? (to have heard it)

  3. Does he know he was wrong? (to realize it)

  4. Does he know geography well? (to be good at it)

Ex. 12. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. I can't hear a word, though he seems to be speaking.

  2. I'm happy not to have let you down.

  3. I felt that to send the letter to the brother would only pain him uselessly.

  4. We were sorry to find out that most of the museums we wanted to see that day were closed.

  5. We didn't expect the boy to turn up so soon.

  6. One of the students was suddenly taken ill and had to be operated on immediately: he had to miss quite a number of lessons.

  7. He was very sorry to have missed so many lessons just before the exam.

Ex. 13. Translate into English, using the same structures as in the models:

Model 1: a) My grandfather likes to be asked about his work at the factory.

b) I hate to be made fun of.

  1. Мой друг попросил, чтобы ему разрешили съездить в Ленинград на два дня.

  2. Инженер хотел, чтобы ему показали весь завод.

  3. Никто не любит, когда его наказывают.

  4. Мальчик не хотел, чтобы его хвалили в присутствии (in the presence of) других учеников.

  5. Он не хотел, чтобы над ним смеялись.

Model 2: a) Can you lend me an English book to read?

b) This is an interesting subject to give a talk on.

  1. Это интересный фильм, который можно посмотреть.

  2. Это интересный факт, который можно упомянуть в докладе.

  3. Вот человек, на которого можно положиться.

  4. Это весьма неудобный момент для того, чтобы связаться с ним по телефону.

Model 3: My friend was the next to turn up.

  1. Кто первым поднял этот вопрос?

  2. Он единственный (из нас) бросил курить.

  3. Он вторым пришел к финишу.

  4. Он последним изменил свое отношение к этому вопросу.

  5. Он хочет следующим делать сообщение по прочитанной книге.

  6. Он единственный упомянул этот факт.

Model 4: I hesitated a little which book to choose.

  1. Я знаю, что нужно делать, чтобы избежать таких ошибок.

  2. Покажите мне, пожалуйста, как это делается.

  3. Я не могу решить, какую книгу выбрать для доклада.

  4. Я не знал, как связаться с вами.

  5. Преподаватель объяснит Вам, как использовать это правило.

  6. Он спросил меня, как устроить эту встречу.

Ex. 14. Translate into English using Infinitives:

  1. Чтобы начать свой бизнес предпринимателю (entrepreneur) не хватает 35 тыс. долларов.

  2. Это позволяет основному партнеру защитить свои личные вклады (personal assets).

  3. Нельзя ожидать от предпринимателя, чтобы он хорошо знал все правовые вопросы (legal issues), но он обязан иметь общие знания для того, чтобы эффективно управлять делом.

  4. Торговая марка (trademark) - это слово, имя, символ, эмблема, которую использует бизнес для отождествления (identify) своих товаров и возможности отличить их от других.

  5. Чем лучше финансовое положение в компании, тем легче будет продать акции (stocks).

  6. Он имел восьмилетний опыт работы (experience) в промышленности и хотел открыть свою собственную фирму.

  7. Соглашение между двумя сторонами обычно включает предложение (offer) что-либо сделать.

  8. Однако, обычно необходим какой-либо долг для того, чтобы (in order for) дать компании возможность расти.

  9. Коммерческий директор (sales manager) сможет найти большие фирмы, желающие заплатить ему больше.

  10. Многие большие фирмы тратят огромные суммы денег на исследование рынка (market research) и все-таки они делают ошибки в попытке предсказать (trying to predict) поведение потребителя, которые дорого им обходятся.

  11. Эти находки удобны для (comforting to) любого, кто планирует войти в малый бизнес.

  12. Необходима значительная подготовка и опыт, если компания, которая занимается строительным бизнесом (company in the construction business) надеется эффективно завершить его.

  13. Они согласились инвестировать (invest) 25 тыс. долларов каждый, чтобы помочь начать дело.

  14. Необходимо принять решение, какую продукцию производить и/или какую услугу оказывать (to render).

Ex. 15. Define the tense and the voice of Infinitives. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. The company with an excellent location may have to advertise less than the company with a less desirable location.

  2. Identify three types of business that would have to pay for materials or labour before receiving payment from the customers.

  3. Companies also need to understand the way in which each of these factors influences customer behavior.

  4. It is therefore impossible to establish laws to cover all possible situations.

  5. These changes are difficult to monitor because their impact on sales is often very subtle.

  6. In order to determine if a name or trademark is already in use, a trademark search should be completed.

  7. We are prepared to take a more detailed look at the differences in the income data.

  8. It the debts are not repaid personal assets will be seized and liquidated to repay the debt.

  9. Many leasing contracts allow part of the payments to be applied to the purchase price.

  10. The effect of the credit policy on the company's cash also needs to be considered.

  11. The better the financial position of the company, the easier it will be to sell the stock.

  12. They like to be able to determine for themselves how they are doing.

  13. The work of management centres on what to be managed - the organization itself.

  14. The entrepreneurs cannot assume that it will be easy to go back to the bank to get more funds.

  15. For some organizations the objective is to produce a product and earn ; profit.

Ex. 16. Choose the correct form:

  1. Several possible courses of action are being studied (to determine, determining, have been determined) what should be done to make 19x2 profitable.

  2. Firms with too much debt often find that all of their profits go to the bank or finance company (to repay, being repaid, repaying) the loan.

  3. Management is kept planning ahead sufficiently (ensured, ensuring, to ensure) that funds will be available when purchase of equipment become necessary.

  4. Company X was bought out by a new group of stock-holders who required that the company establish an integrated budgeting system (controlling, to control, has controlled).

  5. All changes must be in writing and initiated by the lessee (entrepreneur) and lessor (to prevent, preventing) future problems.

  6. He used first year in business (had experimented, experimenting, to experiment) with different methods of operations.

  7. The layout must consider all of these functions and provide adequate space (completing, to complete) the jobs efficiently.

  8. The Dun & Bradstreet organization conducts annual surveys (will determine, to determine, determining) the causes of failure.

  9. Careful control must be exercised by management in the planning stage (being ensured, ensuring, to ensure) that a firm's long-run needs are properly evaluated.

  10. Great care must be taken in working with these kinds of costs (preventing, to prevent) «fat» from building up in an organization.

  11. An entrepreneur may find it better (paying, has paid, to pay) a slightly higher rate to obtain a more favourable repayment schedule.

Ex. 17. Translate into Russian:

  1. The reaction of the firms already in the industry is to fight back, usually by lowering prices.

  2. The first step in the segmentation process is...to eliminate non-profit organizations.

  3. The purpose of these regulations is to ensure that each outlet is run in a uniform, correct manner.

  4. The best advice is to spend a week or two actually doing the work before you decide to pursue a particular franchise.

  5. Small Business Administration (SBA) is to help small business complete in our economy.

  6. The point of this competitive analysis is to uncover opportunities and make an assessment of the attractiveness of the industry.

  7. The only way to avoid the problems is to use normalized overhead rating and to place any under - or overapplied overhead in a balance sheet clearing account of some type.

  8. For some organizations the objective is to produce a product and earn a profit.

  9. Thus, the first objective of the company is to earn a profit on the funds committed to it.

  10. management is largely powerless to change the attendant costs over the short run.

Ex. 18. Find the correct word:

  1. Many stores use the free flow design to ... a certain atmosphere or to ... browsing (to show, to create, to describe, to encourage).

  2. An entrepreneur may find it better to ... a slightly higher rate to ... a more favourable repayment schedule (to have, to obtain, to earn, to pay).

  3. Great care must be taken in working with these kinds of costs to ... «fat» from building up in an organization (to create, to find, to prevent).

  4. Careful control must be exercised by management in the planning stage to ... that the firm's long-run needs are properly evaluated (to ensure, to cover, to see).

  5. The Dun & Bradstreet organization conducts annual surveys to ... the causes of failure (to determine, to notice, to object).

  6. Firms with too much debt often find that all of their profits go to the bank or finance company to ... the loan (to ask for, to repay, to waive).

  7. Management is kept planning ahead sufficiently to ... that funds will be available when purchases of equipment become necessary (to make sure, to understand, to ensure).

  8. Company X was bought out by a new group of stock-holders who required that the company establish an integrated budgeting system to ... operation (to test, to control, to inspect).

  9. All changes must be in writing and initiated by the lessee (entrepreneur) and lessor to ... future problems (to prevent, to promote, to realize).

  10. He used first year in business to ... with different methods of operation (to examine, to communicate, to experiment).

Ex. 19. Translate into Russian:

  1. The new outlet was large enough to contain a small full-line grocery store.

  2. The company established an integrated budgeting system to control operations.

  3. The SB A sponsors several programs that have been established to help entrepreneurs.

  4. The company may generate enough sales volume to correct the cash shortage.

  5. Contractors of large construction projects often need short-term loans to pay for materials and labour costs.

  6. The company must buy the material and then pay wages for several weeks to produce the orders.

  7. In order to prepare segments, it is necessary to keep records of sales by individual segment.

  8. People start business to establish a livelihood or to supplement their existing one.

  9. Owners of small businesses almost always provide money to establish the firm.

  10. He went to a consultant to determine a course of action.

  11. The entrepreneur is $ 35,000 short of the total needed to start the business.

  12. This allows the general partner to protect personal assets.

  13. The entrepreneur cannot expect to be an expert on all legal issues but should have a general knowledge to manage the business effectively.

  14. A trademark is a word, name, symbol, or device that a business uses to identify its goods and distinguish them from those of others.

  15. The better the financial position of the company, the easier it will be too sell the stocks.

  16. He had eight years of experience in the industry and wanted to open his own firm.

  17. An agreement between the two parties normally involves one offering to do something.

  18. However, some debt is usually needed in order for a company to grow.

  19. The sales manager may have found large firms willing to pay him a greater salary.

  20. May large firms spend huge amounts of money on market research and still make costly errors in trying to predict consumer behavior.

  21. These findings are comforting to anyone planning to enter small business.

  22. Considerable training and experience are necessary if a company in the construction business hopes to compete effectively.

  23. They agreed to invest $ 25.000 each to help start the business.

  24. Deciding on the products to produce and/or the service to render.

Complex Subject

Сложное подлежащее

1. Complex Subject состоит из грамматического подлежащего и инфинитива, стоящего после сказуемого, выраженного личной формой глагола. Между подлежащим и инфинитивом существует логическая связь субъекта и предиката.

Не is expected to come back tonight.

Ожидают, что он вернется сегодня вечером.

She is said to have checked out.

Говорят, что она уже выехала из гостиницы

2. Инфинитив, входящий в конструкцию Complex Subject, может употребляться в формах Continuous, Non - Continuous, Perfect и Non-Perfect Active и Passive.

He is known to be preparing for the examinations.

Известно, что он готовится к экзаменам.

The delegation is known to have left for home.

Сообщают, что делегация уже выехала домой.

The translation is understood to have been typed.

Полагают, что перевод уже напечатан.

Не seems to have been speaking for quite a while.

Кажется, он уже довольно долго говорит.

3. Конструкция Complex Subject употребляется, когда сказуемое выражено:

а) глаголами to know, to believe, to consider, to report, to say, to think, to understand, to see, to hear и др. в форме Passive Voice.

He is said to prefer swimming to boating.

Говорят, что он предпочитает плавание катанию на лодке.

Everyone is believed to have filled in the customs declaration.

Полагают, что все уже заполнили таможенные декларации.

б) глаголами to seem, to appear (казаться, представляться), to happen, to prove (оказываться), to turn out (оказываться) и др. в форме Active Voice.

Не appears to know geography better then the others.

Кажется (по-видимому), он знает географию лучше, чем другие (студенты).

The young man turned out to be an excellent centre-forward.

Молодой человек оказался отличным центральным нападающим.

Do you happen to know his sister's name?

Вы случайно не знаете, как зовут его сестру?

в) глаголом to be в сочетании с прилагательными likely вероятный, unlikely маловероятный, certain определенный, bound непременный, обязательный.

Their plans are likely to change in the future.

Их планы, вероятно, в будущем изменятся.

They are certain to agree with you.

Они определенно согласятся с вами.

She is unlikely to lend you the textbook.

Вряд ли (маловероятно, что) она даст вам учебник.

They are bound to join us.

Они обязательно (непременно) присоединятся к нам.

Complex Object

Сложное дополнение

В английском языке после некоторых переходных глаголов употребляется конструкция, называемая Complex Object.

Complex Object обычно состоит из существительного в общем падеже или личного местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива с to или без to, что зависит от глагола-сказуемого.

Не wants you to help him.

Он хочет, чтобы вы помогли ему.

She asked Ann to show her the letter.

Она попросила Анну показать ей письмо.

I saw Peter give her the book.

Я видел, как Петр дал ей книгу

Конструкция Complex Object чаще всего переводится на русский язык дополнительными придаточными предложениями, вводимыми союзами как, что, чтобы.

1. Конструкция Complex Object с инфинитивом с to употребляется:

а) после глаголов, обозначающих умственную деятельность: to think, to'consider, to believe, to know (считать, полагать), to expect (ожидать, полагать), to suppose (полагать, предполагать), to find (находить, полагать), to understand (полагать, понимать) и др.

I don't expect them to get back before next Tuesday.

Я полагаю, что они не вернутся раньше следующего вторника.

Everyone believes him to be a promising artist.

Все считают его способным художником.

I understood him to say that he would help them.

Я понял (я полагал), он сказал, что поможет им.

б) после глаголов и сочетаний, выражающих желание, ожидание: to wish, to want, should (would) like и др.

I wish the matter to be settled today.

Я хочу, чтобы этот вопрос был разрешен сегодня.

I'd like you to help me with the translation.

Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы помогли мне сделать перевод.

в) после глаголов, обозначающих принуждение, приказ, разрешение, просьбу: to order приказывать, to force заставлять, to tell, to ask, to allow велеть, просить, позволять, разрешать и др.

Не told his assistant to get everything ready.

Он велел (приказал) своему помощнику все подготовить.

The customs officer asked the young man to open his suitcase. Таможенник попросил молодого человека открыть чемодан.

2. Конструкция Complex Object с инфинитивом без to. употребляется:

а) после глаголов физического восприятия: to see, to hear, to feel чувствовать, to watch наблюдать, to notice замечать и др.

For a while he watched people come in and go out.

В течение некоторого времени он наблюдал за тем, как люди входили и выходили.

Everyone heard the assistant-manager apologize to him.

Bce слышали, как помощник управляющего извинился перед ним.

б) после глаголов to make заставлять, to let позволять.

"Will you let me lend this book to Peter?" Jim asked his mother.

«Разреши мне дать Питеру эту книгу»,— Джим попросил свою маму.

to finish this work tomorrow,

to be finishing this work now.

tohave finished this work (already).

We believe (believed) him

to be sent to the conference.

to have been sent to the conference as our representative.

Мы полагаем (полагали), что



закончит работу завтра, заканчивает сейчас работу.

закончил эту работу уже.

пошлют на эту конференцию,

послали на эту конференцию, в качестве нашего представителя.

Перевод инфинитивных конструкций

Конструкция "Сложное подлежащее" переводится на русский язык двумя способами:

1 способ:

"Сложное подлежащее." переводится на русский язык сложно-подчиненным предложением с союзом "что". Сказуемое английского предложения переводится на русский язык главным безличным предложением, а подлежащее, выраженное существительным или местоимением, переводится подлежащим придаточного предложения, инфинитив - сказуемым придаточного дополнительного предложения с союзом "что".

This method is believed to give good, results.

Полагают, что этот метод дает хорошие результаты.

2 способ:

Сохраняется порядок, слов английского предложения. Существительное или местоимение переводится подлежащим, глагол - вводным словом, а инфинитив - глаголом в личной форме, который служит сказуемым в предложении.

This method is believed to give good results

Этот метод, как полагают, дает хорошие результаты

Конструкция "Сложное дополнение" передается придаточным дополнительным предложением с союзами что, чтобы, как. При этом союз ставится сразу после глагола, вводящего данный оборот. Инфинитив переводится глаголом в личной норме в функции сказуемого дополнительного придаточного предложения, а стоящее перед ним существительное (или местоимение в объектном падеже) - существительным в именительном падеже (или местоимением в объектном падеже) и становится подлежащим. Простой инфинитив передается сказуемым в настоящем или прошедшем времени. После глагола expect - полагать, hope - надеяться, ожидать, инфинитив обычно переводится будущим временем. Перфектный инфинитив всегда передается глаголом в прошедшем временем.

Не wanted me to come on Sunday.

Он хотел, чтобы я пришел в воскресенье.