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______ gets instructions from the memory and carries out the operations required. On microcomputers this is done by a single silicon chip called a microprocessor.
(1) QWERTY стандартная для англоязычных стран клавиатура (первый ряд букв на которой начинается последовательностью QWERTY)
2.6. Complete the sentences by giving English equivalents to the Russian words/phrases.
1.(Требования к вводу) vary greatly from machine to machine.
2. Graphics are very important (для взаимодействия) between the human user and the computer.
3. The arithmetic unit of (цифрового компьютера) performs the actual work of computation and (вычислений).
4. It (выполняет) its work by the use of (логических цепей).
5. It receives information (вводимую в компьютер) and decides how and when to perform operations.
6. (Блок управления) is an administrative or switching section.
7. On microcomputers this is done by (кремниевая микросхема).
2.7. Translate into English.
Почти во всех компьютерах, как в «обыкновенных» (ordinary), так и супер, реализована (is realized / performed) та же самая конструктивная идея (design). Она состоит в том, что вся входящая и перерабатываемая информация (input and processed) хранится (is stored) в компьютере в форме некоторого множества двоичных разрядов (set of binary digits) или битов.
2.8. Put the words in the proper order to make a sentence.
1. graphics, for, the interface, between, are, the human user, very important, the computer.
2. computer, entered, is, usually, information, into, a keyboard, via.
3. from machine to machine, vary, input unit, greatly, requirements.
4. the memory, from, the Central processor, does, instructions, get.
5. the actual work, the arithmetic unit, of computation, of a digital computer, performs, of the text.
2.9. Study the vocabulary you may need to understand the text below. After that
create [krɪ'eɪt] (v) творить, создавать
tool [tu:l](n) инструмент; орудие труда
set in motion ['məυʃn] приводить в действие, приводить
в движение
breakthrough ['breɪkθru:] (adj) качественно новый
breakthrough innovation – крупное научное/техническое новаторство; прорыв (в науке)
originate [ə'rɪdžəneɪt] (v) 1) брать начало, происходить, возникать
2) давать начало, порождать; создавать
to originate a new style in music – создать новый стиль в музыке
conceive [kən'si:v] (v) задумывать
a well conceived plan – хорошо задуманный план
explore [ɪk'splɔ:] (v) исследовать; обследовать; изучать
interaction [̗ɪntər'ækʃn] (n) взаимодействие
proto type ['prəυtəυ taɪp] (n) прототип, пилотная модель
carve [kɑ:v] (v) резать, вырезать (по дереву или кости)
carved from horn – вырезанный из рога
carved in ivory – вырезанный из слоновой кости
carvedin stone – высеченный из камня
button ['bʌtn] (n) кнопка
to press the button – нажать кнопку
design [dɪ'zaɪn] (n) проект; конструкция; устройство
multiple ['mʌltɪpl] (adj) многократный; многочисленный
single ['sɪŋɡl] (adj) один; единственный
follow ['fɒləυ] (v) следовать, идти за
wheel [wi:l] (n) колесо; колёсико
cursor ['kɜ:sə] (n) курсор
purpose ['pɜ:pəs] (n) намерение, цель, назначение
on purpose – нарочно;
on purpose to... – с целью...;
to answer (или to serve) the purpose – годиться, отвечать цели
facilitate [fə'sɪləteɪt] (v) облегчать; способствовать;
patent ['peɪtnt] (adj) патентованный
patent ['peɪtnt], тaкжe ['pætnt] (n) – патент; запатентованный предмет, изобретение
patent office – бюро патентов
patent ['peɪtnt], тaкжe ['pætnt] (v) – патентовать; брать патент
(на что-л.)
collaboration [kə̗læbə'reɪʃn] (n) сотрудничество; совместная
to work in collaboration with… – сотрудничать c…
collaborate [kə'læbəreɪt] (v) – сотрудничать
graduate student ['ɡrædjυət̗stju:dnt] (n) аспирант
cathode-ray tube [̗kæθəυd'reɪtju:b] (n) электронно-лучевая трубка
extension [ɪk'stenʃn] (n) расширение, развитие
capability [̗keɪpə'bɪlətɪ] (n) 1) способность
2) pl (потенциальные)
augmentation [̗ɔ:ɡmen'teɪʃn] (n) увеличение, прирост,
stage [steɪdž] (v) организовывать, осуществлять
to stage a demonstration – устроить демонстрацию
fall [fɔ:l] (n) (амер.) осень
debut ['deɪbju:] (n) дебют
to make one's debut – дебютировать
edit ['edɪt] (v) редактировать
contribution [̗kɒntrɪ'bju:ʃn] (n) вклад (денежный, научный и т. п.)
lasting contribution – прочный вклад
enhance [ɪn'hɑ:ns] (v) увеличивать, усиливать,
enhancecompetitiveness – повышать конкурентоспособность
2.10. Work in pairs and discuss what you know about the first computer mouse and its inventor.
Now read Paragraphs 1, 2 of Text B and answer the questions:
1. What is SRI International?
2. When did Doug Engelbart conceive of the computer mouse?
3. Who built the first proto type of the computer mouse?
4. What was the first computer mouse based on?
5. What is the patent name of a computer mouse?
2.11. Scan Text B and say what these dates refer to?
early 1960s 1964 1968 2000
2.12 Read the text and complete the summary below.
The First Mouse
D r. Douglas C. Engelbart and his team at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) International created many of the concepts and tools that set the global computer revolution in motion. The first computer mouse was one of many breakthrough innovations originating at SRI.
Doug Engelbart conceived of the mouse in the early 1960s while exploring the interactions between humans and computers. Bill English, then the chief engineer at SRI, built the first proto type in 1964. The first computer mouse was based on a carved block of wood with a single red button. Designs with multiple buttons followed soon. A single wheel or a pair of wheels was used to translate the motion of the mouse into cursor movement on the screen. Doug Engelbart was the inventor on the basic patent for what was then called the "X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System." For Doug, the mouse was one part of a much larger technological system whose purpose was to facilitate organizational
learning and global online collaboration.
When Doug Engelbart was a graduate student in electrical engineering, he began to imagine ways in which all sorts of information could be displayed on the screens of cathode ray tubes, and he dreamed of "flying" through a variety of information spaces.
At the heart of his vision was the computer as an extension of human communication capabilities and a resource for the augmentation of human intellect. In 1968 Doug Engelbart with the group of young computer scientists and electrical engineers staged a 90-minute public multimedia demonstration at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco.
It was the world debut of personal computing when a computer mouse controlled a networked computer system to demonstrate hypertext linking, real-time text editing, multiple windows with flexible view control, cathode display tubes, and shared-screen teleconferencing. Video clips of the demonstration are available at http://sloan.stanford.edu/MouseSite/1968Demo. html.
In 2000, Doug Engelbart was awarded the National Medal of Technology – the United State's highest technology honor – recognizing innovators who have made lasting contributions to enhancing America's competitiveness and standard of living and whose solid science has resulted in commercially successful products and services.
(Courtesy of SRI International, Menlo Park, CA) http://www.tryengineering.org
2.13. Complete the summary.
2.14. Look at “-ing” words in bold type in Text B. Do they function like nouns?
Do you know that…?
Translate the sentences with the -ing form words from Text B into Russian.
2.15. Change these sentences, replacing it by an –ing form of the verb and the rest of the phrase, if there is one. Start each sentence with the words in brackets:
1) Most children watch television a lot. They begin it when they are very young, and continue it all their lives. (Most children begin…)
2) My friend works on his notebook during the classes at University. He likes it. (My friend likes…)
3) Most computer manufacturers don’t use the term “laptop” anymore. They stopped it completely. (Most computer manufacturers stopped …)
4) More and more people buy a mobile computer today. They prefer it to a desktop computer. (More and more people prefer …)
5) A lot of alternative free computer software could be found today. Some users practise to install it on their computers. (Some users practise…)
6) A lot of people search the Internet. They look for necessary information through it. (A lot of people prefer…)
7) WiFi has become more wide-spread. Students recommend to use it in free zones in cafes. (Students recommend…)
8) Computers penetrate in almost all spheres of humans’ life. Some experts consider it too dangerous. (Some experts consider…)
Now give your own examples.
2.16. Think of any piece of hardware you would like to know more about.
anti-virus software ['æntɪ'vaɪrəs] антивирусная программа
data (sing. – datum) ['deɪtə] данные
application (program) [̗æplɪ'keɪʃn] прикладная (программа)
package ['pækɪdž] пакет
(suite) [swi:t] набор, комплект
(Internet protocol suite набор
протоколов Internet)
word processor ['prəυsesə] текстовый редактор
source program [sɔ:s] входная программа
supervisor program ['su:pəvaɪzə] управляющая программа
linkage editor ['lɪŋkɪdž] ['edɪtə] компоновщик
routine [̗ru:'ti:n] подпрограмма
object module ['ɒbdžɪkt] ['mɒdju:l] объектный модуль
spreadsheet ['spredʃi:t] программа обработки
электронных таблиц
compile [kəm'paɪl] составлять, компилировать
compiler [kəm'paɪlə] компилятор
CPU (central ЦП (центральный процессор)
processing unit)
load module [ləυd] загрузочный модуль
mainframe computer ['meɪnfreɪm] 1. универсальный компьютер
2. компьютер обычных
compatible (with) [kəm'pætəbl] совместимый
capability [̗keɪpə'bɪlətɪ] cпособность
мн. (потенциальные)
fetch [fetʃ] выборка
desktop publishing настольное издательство
developer’s tools инструментарий разработчика
execute ['eksɪkju:t] выполнять
convert ['kɒnvɜ:t] превращать; переделывать
3.1. How would you describe what computer software is to someone who knows nothing about computers? Work in pairs or small groups.
Software is like a recipe. It contains a list of ingredients (called variables) and a list of directions (called statements) that tell the computer what to do with the variables. The variables can represent numeric data, text, or graphical images.
recipe ['resəpɪ] (n) рецепт (тж. кулинарный)
ingredient [ɪn'ɡri:dɪənt] (n) составная часть, ингредиент
variable ['veərɪəbl] (n) переменная (величина)
statement ['steɪtmənt] (n) формулировка
3.2. Read the text and try to describe computer software using the key vocabulary in bold type.
Computer software is a general term that describes computer programs. Such terms as software programs, applications, scripts, and instruction sets all fall under the category of computer software. Therefore, installing new programs or applications on your computer is synonymous with installing new software on your computer.
Software can be difficult to describe because it is "virtual." It consists of lines of code written by computer programmers that have been compiled into a computer program. Software programs are stored as binary data that is copied to a computer's hard drive, when it is installed. Since software is virtual and does not take up any physical space, it is much easier (and often cheaper) to upgrade than computer hardware.
While at its most basic level, software consists of binary data, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and other types of media that are used to distribute software can also be called software. Therefore, when you buy a software program, it often comes on
(1) QWERTY стандартная для англоязычных стран клавиатура (первый ряд букв на которой начинается последовательностью QWERTY)
2.6. Complete the sentences by giving English equivalents to the Russian words/phrases.
1.(Требования к вводу) vary greatly from machine to machine.
2. Graphics are very important (для взаимодействия) between the human user and the computer.
3. The arithmetic unit of (цифрового компьютера) performs the actual work of computation and (вычислений).
4. It (выполняет) its work by the use of (логических цепей).
5. It receives information (вводимую в компьютер) and decides how and when to perform operations.
6. (Блок управления) is an administrative or switching section.
7. On microcomputers this is done by (кремниевая микросхема).
2.7. Translate into English.
Почти во всех компьютерах, как в «обыкновенных» (ordinary), так и супер, реализована (is realized / performed) та же самая конструктивная идея (design). Она состоит в том, что вся входящая и перерабатываемая информация (input and processed) хранится (is stored) в компьютере в форме некоторого множества двоичных разрядов (set of binary digits) или битов.
2.8. Put the words in the proper order to make a sentence.
1. graphics, for, the interface, between, are, the human user, very important, the computer.
2. computer, entered, is, usually, information, into, a keyboard, via.
3. from machine to machine, vary, input unit, greatly, requirements.
4. the memory, from, the Central processor, does, instructions, get.
5. the actual work, the arithmetic unit, of computation, of a digital computer, performs, of the text.
2.9. Study the vocabulary you may need to understand the text below. After that
count how many words/word combinations you’ve known before -
elicit words/word combinations you would like to learn
create [krɪ'eɪt] (v) творить, создавать
tool [tu:l](n) инструмент; орудие труда
set in motion ['məυʃn] приводить в действие, приводить
в движение
breakthrough ['breɪkθru:] (adj) качественно новый
breakthrough innovation – крупное научное/техническое новаторство; прорыв (в науке)
originate [ə'rɪdžəneɪt] (v) 1) брать начало, происходить, возникать
2) давать начало, порождать; создавать
to originate a new style in music – создать новый стиль в музыке
conceive [kən'si:v] (v) задумывать
a well conceived plan – хорошо задуманный план
explore [ɪk'splɔ:] (v) исследовать; обследовать; изучать
interaction [̗ɪntər'ækʃn] (n) взаимодействие
proto type ['prəυtəυ taɪp] (n) прототип, пилотная модель
carve [kɑ:v] (v) резать, вырезать (по дереву или кости)
carved from horn – вырезанный из рога
carved in ivory – вырезанный из слоновой кости
carvedin stone – высеченный из камня
button ['bʌtn] (n) кнопка
to press the button – нажать кнопку
design [dɪ'zaɪn] (n) проект; конструкция; устройство
multiple ['mʌltɪpl] (adj) многократный; многочисленный
single ['sɪŋɡl] (adj) один; единственный
follow ['fɒləυ] (v) следовать, идти за
wheel [wi:l] (n) колесо; колёсико
cursor ['kɜ:sə] (n) курсор
purpose ['pɜ:pəs] (n) намерение, цель, назначение
on purpose – нарочно;
on purpose to... – с целью...;
to answer (или to serve) the purpose – годиться, отвечать цели
facilitate [fə'sɪləteɪt] (v) облегчать; способствовать;
patent ['peɪtnt] (adj) патентованный
patent ['peɪtnt], тaкжe ['pætnt] (n) – патент; запатентованный предмет, изобретение
patent office – бюро патентов
patent ['peɪtnt], тaкжe ['pætnt] (v) – патентовать; брать патент
(на что-л.)
collaboration [kə̗læbə'reɪʃn] (n) сотрудничество; совместная
to work in collaboration with… – сотрудничать c…
collaborate [kə'læbəreɪt] (v) – сотрудничать
graduate student ['ɡrædjυət̗stju:dnt] (n) аспирант
cathode-ray tube [̗kæθəυd'reɪtju:b] (n) электронно-лучевая трубка
extension [ɪk'stenʃn] (n) расширение, развитие
capability [̗keɪpə'bɪlətɪ] (n) 1) способность
2) pl (потенциальные)
augmentation [̗ɔ:ɡmen'teɪʃn] (n) увеличение, прирост,
stage [steɪdž] (v) организовывать, осуществлять
to stage a demonstration – устроить демонстрацию
fall [fɔ:l] (n) (амер.) осень
debut ['deɪbju:] (n) дебют
to make one's debut – дебютировать
edit ['edɪt] (v) редактировать
contribution [̗kɒntrɪ'bju:ʃn] (n) вклад (денежный, научный и т. п.)
lasting contribution – прочный вклад
enhance [ɪn'hɑ:ns] (v) увеличивать, усиливать,
enhancecompetitiveness – повышать конкурентоспособность
2.10. Work in pairs and discuss what you know about the first computer mouse and its inventor.
Now read Paragraphs 1, 2 of Text B and answer the questions:
1. What is SRI International?
2. When did Doug Engelbart conceive of the computer mouse?
3. Who built the first proto type of the computer mouse?
4. What was the first computer mouse based on?
5. What is the patent name of a computer mouse?
2.11. Scan Text B and say what these dates refer to?
early 1960s 1964 1968 2000
2.12 Read the text and complete the summary below.
The First Mouse
D r. Douglas C. Engelbart and his team at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) International created many of the concepts and tools that set the global computer revolution in motion. The first computer mouse was one of many breakthrough innovations originating at SRI.
Doug Engelbart conceived of the mouse in the early 1960s while exploring the interactions between humans and computers. Bill English, then the chief engineer at SRI, built the first proto type in 1964. The first computer mouse was based on a carved block of wood with a single red button. Designs with multiple buttons followed soon. A single wheel or a pair of wheels was used to translate the motion of the mouse into cursor movement on the screen. Doug Engelbart was the inventor on the basic patent for what was then called the "X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System." For Doug, the mouse was one part of a much larger technological system whose purpose was to facilitate organizational
learning and global online collaboration.
When Doug Engelbart was a graduate student in electrical engineering, he began to imagine ways in which all sorts of information could be displayed on the screens of cathode ray tubes, and he dreamed of "flying" through a variety of information spaces.
At the heart of his vision was the computer as an extension of human communication capabilities and a resource for the augmentation of human intellect. In 1968 Doug Engelbart with the group of young computer scientists and electrical engineers staged a 90-minute public multimedia demonstration at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco.
It was the world debut of personal computing when a computer mouse controlled a networked computer system to demonstrate hypertext linking, real-time text editing, multiple windows with flexible view control, cathode display tubes, and shared-screen teleconferencing. Video clips of the demonstration are available at http://sloan.stanford.edu/MouseSite/1968Demo. html.
In 2000, Doug Engelbart was awarded the National Medal of Technology – the United State's highest technology honor – recognizing innovators who have made lasting contributions to enhancing America's competitiveness and standard of living and whose solid science has resulted in commercially successful products and services.
(Courtesy of SRI International, Menlo Park, CA) http://www.tryengineering.org
2.13. Complete the summary.
Doug Engelbart always dreamed of the computer as an _____ of human communication capabilities and a _____ for the growth of human intellect. When he was a graduate student, he began to imagine ways to _____ all sorts of information on the screens of cathode ray tubes. In the early 1960s Doug Engelbart explored the ______ between humans and computers. It was the time when he _____ of the computer mouse. The first computer mouse ____ ____ was built by Bill English the chief engineer at SRI in 1964. It was based on a carved block of wood with a red button. A single wheel was used to _____ the motion of the mouse into cursor movement on the screen. The world _____ of a computer mouse took place in San Francisco in 1968. In 2000, Doug Engelbart got the National Medal of Technology – the United State's _____technology award. |
2.14. Look at “-ing” words in bold type in Text B. Do they function like nouns?
Do you know that…?
A Verb + “-ing” that functions like a noun is a gerund. Some verbs that can be followed by a gerund: Admit avoid consider deny enjoy finish start continue miss practise suggest (dis)like keep mind miss recommend resist understand Gerund is also follows after prepositions (like a noun). (e.g. He’s interested in working with students.) A gerund can be the subject of a sentence. (e.g. Working too long on a computer is bad for your eyes.) A gerund can also be the object of certain verbs. (e.g. I enjoy surfing the Web). It is possible to turn a verb (phrase) into the object of certain other verbs by putting it into the –ing form words (e.g. instead of ‘Sarah reads a lot; she likes it’ we can say ‘Sarah likes reading’ and instead of ‘Jack plays a lot of computer games; he enjoys it’ we can say ‘Jack enjoys playing computer games’). |
Translate the sentences with the -ing form words from Text B into Russian.
2.15. Change these sentences, replacing it by an –ing form of the verb and the rest of the phrase, if there is one. Start each sentence with the words in brackets:
1) Most children watch television a lot. They begin it when they are very young, and continue it all their lives. (Most children begin…)
2) My friend works on his notebook during the classes at University. He likes it. (My friend likes…)
3) Most computer manufacturers don’t use the term “laptop” anymore. They stopped it completely. (Most computer manufacturers stopped …)
4) More and more people buy a mobile computer today. They prefer it to a desktop computer. (More and more people prefer …)
5) A lot of alternative free computer software could be found today. Some users practise to install it on their computers. (Some users practise…)
6) A lot of people search the Internet. They look for necessary information through it. (A lot of people prefer…)
7) WiFi has become more wide-spread. Students recommend to use it in free zones in cafes. (Students recommend…)
8) Computers penetrate in almost all spheres of humans’ life. Some experts consider it too dangerous. (Some experts consider…)
Now give your own examples.
2.16. Think of any piece of hardware you would like to know more about.
Find information about its history and inventor(s). -
Share this information with your group.
Unit 3
Computer Software
anti-virus software ['æntɪ'vaɪrəs] антивирусная программа
data (sing. – datum) ['deɪtə] данные
application (program) [̗æplɪ'keɪʃn] прикладная (программа)
package ['pækɪdž] пакет
(suite) [swi:t] набор, комплект
(Internet protocol suite набор
протоколов Internet)
word processor ['prəυsesə] текстовый редактор
source program [sɔ:s] входная программа
supervisor program ['su:pəvaɪzə] управляющая программа
linkage editor ['lɪŋkɪdž] ['edɪtə] компоновщик
routine [̗ru:'ti:n] подпрограмма
object module ['ɒbdžɪkt] ['mɒdju:l] объектный модуль
spreadsheet ['spredʃi:t] программа обработки
электронных таблиц
compile [kəm'paɪl] составлять, компилировать
compiler [kəm'paɪlə] компилятор
CPU (central ЦП (центральный процессор)
processing unit)
load module [ləυd] загрузочный модуль
mainframe computer ['meɪnfreɪm] 1. универсальный компьютер
2. компьютер обычных
compatible (with) [kəm'pætəbl] совместимый
capability [̗keɪpə'bɪlətɪ] cпособность
мн. (потенциальные)
fetch [fetʃ] выборка
desktop publishing настольное издательство
developer’s tools инструментарий разработчика
execute ['eksɪkju:t] выполнять
convert ['kɒnvɜ:t] превращать; переделывать
3.1. How would you describe what computer software is to someone who knows nothing about computers? Work in pairs or small groups.
Now read the description below. Do you like it? Why/Why not?
Software is like a recipe. It contains a list of ingredients (called variables) and a list of directions (called statements) that tell the computer what to do with the variables. The variables can represent numeric data, text, or graphical images.
recipe ['resəpɪ] (n) рецепт (тж. кулинарный)
ingredient [ɪn'ɡri:dɪənt] (n) составная часть, ингредиент
variable ['veərɪəbl] (n) переменная (величина)
statement ['steɪtmənt] (n) формулировка
3.2. Read the text and try to describe computer software using the key vocabulary in bold type.
Computer software is a general term that describes computer programs. Such terms as software programs, applications, scripts, and instruction sets all fall under the category of computer software. Therefore, installing new programs or applications on your computer is synonymous with installing new software on your computer.
Software can be difficult to describe because it is "virtual." It consists of lines of code written by computer programmers that have been compiled into a computer program. Software programs are stored as binary data that is copied to a computer's hard drive, when it is installed. Since software is virtual and does not take up any physical space, it is much easier (and often cheaper) to upgrade than computer hardware.
While at its most basic level, software consists of binary data, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and other types of media that are used to distribute software can also be called software. Therefore, when you buy a software program, it often comes on