Файл: Отчет о прохождении производственной (преддипломной) практики Cтудентка 5 курса переводческого факультета группа 5021.docx
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6. Right customer:
Order mix-ups, address errors and other mishaps communicate a lack of respect for the customer and inattention to detail. An ERP system that automates outbound logistics can minimize errors and maximize a company’s supply chain execution.
7. Right price:
It’s important that your pricing be competitive for the geographic area and the industry to turn your inventory regularly and at a good margin. It is also imperative to adjust pricing—up or down—according to demand. To succeed here, companies need continuous insights into profitability ratios and unit margins.
4 Areas to Get Started With Business Logistics
Successful logistics is equal parts strategy and planning. Your strategy should encompass tactics to make the movement of goods work in your favor. Your plan should outline all the steps your company will need to take to bring your strategy to life.
1. Spatial management:
Logistics requires sufficient space for goods; warehouse and material handling equipment; and people to receive, store, pick, package, label and ship goods. Your warehouse management strategy should focus on making wise use of space so that goods are handled efficiently while keeping square footage and maintenance costs as low as possible.
2. Management & staffing:
One of the greatest expenses in any warehouse is staffing, so reducing picking time is a money saver. Inventory management software can show staff exactly where items are shelved and the best routes to take when pulling more than one item. Is your business seasonal? Plan for the necessary upsizing and downsizing in staffing to meet demand. You’ll need policies to guard against theft without making your people feel over-policed. Then there are benefits packages, workers’ comp insurance and other HR-related functions that are crucial to a well-managed logistics team.
3. Equipment:
Logistics requires specialized equipment, such as a truck fleet, conveyor belts, robotics and forklifts or some combination, depending on the type of materials or goods your company handles and how much of the work you outsource. Besides the capital expense, managing equipment and related issues including maintenance, insurance and depreciation, requires careful planning and tracking.
4. IT infrastructure:
Your IT infrastructure must to be optimized to accommodate functions from online ordering and purchasing to warehouse automation and other technologies key to your logistics strategy.
Enterprise resource planning software (ERP) integrates a variety of applications that together constitute the flow of information within the company. This happens to also make ERP a powerful logistics tool as it enables effective order fulfillment.
Three top areas where ERP benefits logistics are inventory control, staff management and product distribution.
For example, fleet operators can manage asset distribution and maintenance based on information, such as work orders and parts inventory, pulled from ERP systems and feed that data back into the information flow as tasks are completed. Similarly, inventory control and supply chain insights can be automatically routed to reports, such as ledgers and the balance sheet, purchasing reports and automated ordering, and fleet and employee scheduling.
Transportation and logistics are central to your company’s success as it is the physical manifestation of transactions and without transactions there is no business. Managing logistics is also critical to the company’s financial health in that it can add or subtract money from the bottom line. Using software such as RPA, ERP, warehouse management, supply chain management, and others, a company can add efficiencies, cut costs and gain control over this important business aspect.
Why logistics is important
It doesn’t matter how fantastic your product is if it’s not reaching your customer where and when they need it. That is why logistics is so essential for business success. Meeting customer demand is the central pillar of the supply chain and logistics’ overarching function.
But that’s not all. By digging a little deeper, we will realize that logistics is important for the everyday functioning of so many core business processes.
Logistics teams use real-time data to optimize supply chain efficiency. By tracking the movement of merchandise, roadblocks can be identified to prevent further disruptions.
Supply chain
Without logistics, supply chains would descend into chaos. Logistics ensures that merchandise arrives in the right place at the right time and streamlines every step along the way.
In today’s fast-paced marketplace, delivery time expectations are becoming shorter. Logistics is essential to maintaining distribution networks and the timely and safe transportation of goods to meet customer demand.
Good logistics will put in place reliable strategies that improve customer service. That could mean speeding up delivery times or reducing costs by building relationships with supplies.
The difference between logistics and supply chain management
Logistics and supply chain management are closely related processes. But they are not entirely alike. They each make up a separate part of the commercial process.
Picture supply chain management as the broader canvas. It encompasses an extensive network of functionaries that execute the movement of merchandise from production to consumer. That means everyone from vendors to warehouses and transportation services.
Picture logistics as a process painted within the supply chain canvas. It can be carried out in house by a single company or by outsourcing to third-party logistics providers. It is concerned with optimising every process along the supply chain to lower prices, improve services, and boost profits.
The key ingredient
Logistics is a complex process, but it boils down to one thing—customer experience at the end of the day. Precision logistics have the power to be cost-effective, improve quality, and speed up delivery fulfilment. With strategic, data-led planning, logistics professionals have the capacity to drive sales and boost commercial profits.
4 Basic Ways to Improve Your Logistics Management
Manufacturing leaders must always strive to be something better for their customers. They understand that behaving purposefully allows their entire business to compete productively and efficiently — and the way they do that is through logistics management.
The Council of Supply Chain Management defines logistics management as:
“… that part of supply chain management that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements.”
While every business has different needs (and therefore different logistics strategies), certain strategies work across the board. To help business leaders with the daunting task of maintaining sustainable business processes, we’ve compiled a list of four basic logistics management tips.
1. Facilitate dialogue between employees.
The character of a business is represented by the behaviors of its employees. Which, in turn, is representative of a business and its objectives. By committing to strengthening employee relationships, manufacturing managers are committing to strengthening their entire business.
Creating a culture of success starts with a conversation. Manufacturing managers should talk to the people they hired to learn more about their experiences. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
• Take advantage of little moments. It’s best that managers get out of their office and interact with as many people as they can every day. Something as simple as asking someone about their day can get them to open up about logistics issues.
• Listen to what’s already being said. Just like how businesses shouldn’t assume what their customers are thinking, management should take the time to listen to what their employees are saying.
• Be transparent about decisions. If an employee comes forward with a suggestion that’s unlikely to be implemented, it’s important that their manager handles it respectfully. Managers should not only explain why it won’t work, but collaborate to recommend another solution.
When you talk to employees, they’ll start talking to each other, too. It’s not only a function of human nature, but a strengthening tool that allows businesses to compete efficiently.
2. Maintain an efficient inventory.
Inventories can make or break businesses. Manufacturing leaders must have the ability to manage their inventory in order to manage their operations and, arguably more importantly, the relationships they share with customers.
What it comes down to is staying organized. To do that, managers must rethink their inventory practices. Who is managing the inventory? Is quality control a priority? Can the current system support future growth?
Prioritizing inventory management allows businesses to efficiently eliminate waste. When businesses are able to show they can manage their customers’ needs by maintaining an accurate depiction of their inventory, they’ll be able to increase their business’ profitability.
3. Keep customers informed.
Smooth logistics management results in great customer service — which leads consumers to spend money. In fact, 70 percent of customers are willing to spend more money with companies they believe provide excellent customer service.
Customers are a business’s most important asset. Not only do they hold purchasing power, but their opinions have the power to influence other consumers. Therefore, it’s vital to keep them “in the know.” In other words, it’s necessary to be honest with them.
That means businesses have to be wholly transparent throughout the logistics of the purchasing process. When customers are informed, they’ll be happy. Sending informative emails, viable tracking numbers and other updates can ensure they aren’t in the dark. In turn, they’ll offer their support.
4. Learn from the competition.
Inspiration can be found anywhere — even in the competition. That’s why businesses should take note of their competitors’ experiences as a source of free knowledge. Some things managers can look out for:
• New methods of logistics management
• Efficient staff training programs
• Modern software systems
By learning what practices work well for for their competitors, logistics managers will be able to stay up to date with industry updates.
How do you improve your logistics management?
Here we’re constantly looking for ways to improve. And we value your opinion, too. Do you have any other tips for improving your logistics management? If so, we’d love to hear them.
Транспортная логистика
Транспортная логистика - это исключительное управление материалом в процессе его перемещения по цепочке поставок. Данная область напрямую связана с тем, как перевозятся грузы. Будь то грузовой автомобиль, воздушный или морской транспорт, эта модель распределения помогает обеспечить безопасную и эффективную транспортировку всех товаров.
Типы и виды грузовых автомобилей, полуприцепов, прицепов.
Тент - универсальный полуприцеп для внутренних и международных перевозок коммерческих грузов, не требовательных к температурному режиму и нуждающихся в защите от атмосферных воздействий. Позволяет производить одновременную погрузку с четырех сторон.
Рефрижератор - полуприцеп, оснащенный холодильным агрегатом с системой автоматического поддержания требуемого температурного режима. Предназначается для транспортировки грузов, требующих глубокой заморозки или охлаждения. В зависимости от классификации обеспечивает температуру внутри кузова в диапазон +12° С…-25° С. Имеет несколько модификаций.
Изотерм - полуприцеп, грузовой отсек которого теплоизолирован и не оснащен холодильной установкой. Предназначается для кратковременной перевозки скоропортящихся грузов, поддерживает исходную внутреннюю температуру в течение ограниченного времени. Имеет объем и грузоподъемность, аналогичные с рефрижератором.
Юмба - тентованный полуприцеп, имеющий «ломаную» раму. Характеризуется повышенной вместимостью за счет ступенчатого Г-образного пола грузового отсека с изломом в передней части и уменьшенного диаметра колесных дисков полуприцепа.
Контейнеровоз - полуприцеп для транспортировки морских и железнодорожных контейнеров различных типов, имеющий несколько модификаций, различающихся конструкцией рамы. В зависимости от вида может быть универсальным раздвижным, позволяющим работать с 45-футовыми контейнерами, стандартным грузоподъемностью 20-30 тонн, низкорамным, специализированным для перевозки контейнеров-цистерн и самосвальным.
Открытая бортовая платформа - бортовой полуприцеп без тентованной надстройки. Предназначается для транспортировки грузов разного характера и габаритов, не требующих специальных условий перевозки, устойчивых к воздействию атмосферных осадков, низким и высоким температурам воздуха.
Открытая платформа - полуприцеп-платформа, не оборудованный бортами и тентовой надстройкой. Предназначается для перевозки крупногабаритных коммерческих строительных и промышленных грузов, устойчивых к внешним погодным воздействиям.
Платформа для негабаритных грузов – полуприцеп-платформа для транспортировки грузов разного характера, в том числе оборудования, строительной и спецтехники. За счет своих конструктивных особенностей может перевозить грузы большой высоты и длинномеры.
Автоцистерна - грузовой автомобиль с цистерной, предназначенной для временного хранения и перевозки на ближние и дальние расстояния наливных грузов разной степени агрессивности. Может иметь разную конфигурацию, одну или несколько секций.
Микроавтобус – коммерческий автомобиль особо малого класса и грузоподъемности длиной до 5 метров. Предназначается для транспортировки продовольственных и непродовольственных грузов, отличающейся высокой скоростью и экономической целесообразностью за счет низкой себестоимости.
Автовоз - полуприцеп для перевозки легковых автомобилей, грузовиков и иной колесной техники. Вместимость прямо пропорциональна длине полуприцепа и составляет от 7 до 10 автомобилей В-класса в зависимости от габаритов.
Зерновоз - автомобиль, оборудованный цистерной или бункером для бестарной транспортировки насыпных грузов — зерновых культур, гранулированных и комбикормов. Могут иметь систему самозагрузки или загрузочные люки.
Самосвал - саморазгружающийся автомобиль с прицепом или полуприцепом для перевозки сыпучих или навалочных грузов. Могут иметь разный вид кузова, направление и тип выгрузки.
Лесовоз – полуприцеп для транспортировки длинномерного леса, пиломатериалов и трубного металлопроката. Имеет коники — специальное оснащение для удобной укладки и надежной фиксации груза по всему периметру.
Виды перевозки грузов
Грузоперевозки являются одним из оснований развития товарно-денежных отношений. Транспортировка груза довольно сложный процесс, объединяющий огромное количество государственных и коммерческих структур, специалистов и транспортные средства и т.д.
Существует несколько видов перевозки грузов: - международные перевозки грузов. Характеризуются тем, что пункт отправки груза и пункт назначения находятся в разных государствах. Для того чтобы доставить груз в пункт назначения иногда приходится пересекать несколько границ, а это в свою очередь связано с необходимостью получения соответствующих разрешений и прохождения множества процедур. - межрегиональные перевозки груза связаны с перемещением товара внутри одного государства из одного региона в другой, создавая выбор для потребителей и делая свою компанию конкурентоспособной. Данный вид перевозки грузов является наиболее