Файл: Методическое пособие по развитию навыков разговорного английского языка для курсантов эксплуатационной специальности.docx

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VII. Какое слово является лишним в данной группе слов:

  1. to transport, to carry, to deliver, to paint

  2. to damage, to break, to crush, to repair

  3. to lose, to store, to keep

  4. quay, pier, berth, vessel

  5. to stow, to trim, to shift, to pack

  6. hatchway, hold, beams, coamings, anchor

  7. stevedore, docker, cargo-officer, pilot

  8. cold-store, refrigerator, cooling-chamber, central heating

  9. to link, to connect, to join, to break

  10. clearance, space, distance, lighting

VIII. К предложениям левой колонки подберите определяющие слова из

правой колонки:

  1. The building in which different cargoes are stored.

  2. A special building in which perishable goods are stored.

  3. The place where ships are moored.

  4. Lighting accomplished by daylight.

  5. Lighting accomplished by gas-filled or vacuum lamps.

I. berth

II. natural lighting

III. artificial lighting

IV. cold store

V. warehouse

IX. Составьте правильные по смыслу предложения:

  1. Big vessels are moored

  2. Equipment is packed

  3. Cars are stored

  4. At night time we use

  5. Clearances between packages must be...

I. in boxes

II. without roof protection

III. at berth № 15

IV. quite sufficient

V. artificial lighting

X. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова, и запомните их:

1. а

immediate; b) immediately

2. а

arrive; b) arrival.

3. а

value; b) valuable

4. а

carry; b) carriage

5. а

distribute; b) distribution

6. а

consider; b) consideration; c) considerable

7. а

construct; b) construction; c) constructional

8. а

clear; b) clearance

9. а

transport; b) transportation

10. а

divide; b) division

11. а

condensate; b) condensation

12. а

collect; b) collection

13. а

protect; b) protection

14. а

prevent; b) prevention


X. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. When must cargoes be delivered on quay for loading?

  2. What cargoes call for warehouse storing?

  3. What cargoes may be stored without roof protection?

  4. What may happen to perishable cargoes stored without roof protection?

  5. What factors may cause damage to cargo?

  6. What type of sheds and warehouses do you know?

  7. What types of lighting are used in warehouses?

  8. Why must the floors in the warehouses be strong?

  9. Why should they have sufficient clearance between the packages in the ware-


  1. What goods should be kept in port cold-stores?

  2. What do the railways and roads in the port serve for?

  1. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Доставьте этот груз до прибытия судна.

  2. Не теряйте время и начинайте погрузку немедленно.

  3. Разные грузы хранятся на складах.

  4. Хранение на складах защищает грузы от повреждения.

  5. Эти машины упакованы в ящики, поэтому их можно оста­вить на два дня на причале.

  6. Распределите груз равномерно, иначе пол второго этажа не выдержит боль-

шой нагрузки.

  1. На наших складах имеется хорошее естественное и ис­кусственное освещение.

  2. Это грузовое место имеет значительный вес.

  3. Поток грузов с разных этажей может идти без перерыва.

  4. Оставьте достаточные зазоры между грузовыми местами, иначе вы не сможете их перемещать.

XIII. Выучите следующий диалог:

  • Send this lot of fur to warehouse N 1.

  • You see, the ship that will load this lot of cargo arrives in two days. Let’s keep these

packages in quay shed. It is quite close to the place of loading.

  • No, it’s completely impossible. The сargo is extremely va­luable and it calls for reliable

protection from damage. So, send it to the warehouse.

  • All right. It’ll be done.


On board ship the Cargo officer is responsible for the safe and efficient handling and stowage of cargo. This officer should secure proper preparation of the holds before loading and he supervises during the time the ship is receiving or delivering the cargo.

The stevedore is usually in charge of any cargo work that is loading or unloading (discharging). He is responsible for secur­ing the ship with a sufficient number of gangs, cargo-handling machinery and besides he organizes transporting cargoes from the ship to the sheds or warehouses.

The stevedores should inspect the compartments before the beginning of cargo work. The holds and other compartments must be clean, dry and well aired. No dirty or stained dunnage remaining. Cargo battens must be in good condition. Cement chocks between frames unbroken and free from cracks. Scuppers clear. Bilges free and clean. Hatch-boards complete. Appropriate tarpaulins available. Suitable dunnage available. When they are going to load grain, at the preliminary survey special attention should be paid to:

  1. plans of the vessel showing the proposals for erection of shifting boards,

  2. sections of the limber boards (they must be clear for inspec­tion of the bilges, which must

be clean and clear of any refuse liable to choke the suction pipes),

  1. entering the bilges, (they must be absolutely grain-tight),

  2. longitudinal grain-tight shifting boards.(they must be fit­ted from deck to deck or deck to

ceiling in any compart­ment of the hold and must be continuous for the whole length of

the compartment or hold),

  1. shifting boards (it is recommended to accept shifting boards of a minimum 2 inches

made of good sound tim­ber; shifting boards must be securely fitted at bulkheads).

When bulk does not completely fill the compartment in which it is carried and is secured by bagged grain or other suitable cargo laid on top of the grain in bulk, such bagged grain or other cargo must be laid on platforms which, in their turn, are placed on the bulk grain and so stowed as to prevent the grain from shifting.

The stevedore should supervise cargo work and he should make some entries in his book concerning times of starting and finishing work, times of and duration of any stoppages, with reasons for some. He should know hatches working and number of gangs employed. He should make notes concerning state of the weather and ventilating systems employed, approximate number of tons of cargo worked during the day, draught, fore and aft, and condition of trim.
to be responsible for – отвечать за

to be in charge of – возглавлять

to secure the ship with sufficient num­ber of gangs – обеспечить судно достаточным ко

личеством бригад

cargo-handling machinery – механизмы для обработки груза

to be well aired – быть хорошо проветренным

no stained dunnage remainingне должно оставаться грязной под-


to supervise cargo-workнаблюдать за грузовыми работами

to make entries in … – делать записи в ..

stoppage of work – остановка работы

number of gangs employed – количество работающих бригад

preliminary survey – предварительный осмотр

erection of shifting boards – установка шифтингов

clear of any refuse liable to choke – свободны от остатков груза, спо­-

собных закупорить

suction pipesвсасывающий трубопровод

grain-tightнепроницаемый для зерна

to fitзд. прилаживать, приготовить

secureгарантировать, закрепить
I. Вставьте необходимые предлоги: of, to, in, for, on, at, by

  1. 1. There are two derricks ... board ship.

  2. Who is responsible ... the safety of сагgo?

  3. The stevedore is ... charge of loading operations.

  4. Carry this cargo ... the warehouse.

  5. ... preliminary survey the stevedore has found the bilges half filled with water.

  6. The bilges must be clear ... any refuse of the previous cargo.

  7. To prevent shifting the bulk grain it is secured ... bagged grain.

II. Дополните следующие предложения словами и выражениями, данными в


  1. The stevedore is ... of any cargo work.

  2. The stevedore ... the ship with a sufficient number of gangs.

  3. The second mate (cargo officer) secures proper preparation of the holds…

  4. The stevedore makes entries in his note-book concerning…

  5. He promises to secure four ... working at three holds.

  6. Where is the plan ... of shifting boards?

  7. Please, inspect if the bilges are ... any refuse of a previous liquid.

  8. All the pipes entering the bilges must be…

I. secures

II. before loading

III. times of duration and

stoppages of work

IV. gangs

V. for erection

VI. clear of

VII. in charge

VIII. grain-tight

III. Справедливы ли следующие утверждения?

Если справедли­вы, ответьте Its right
”, если нет — Its wrong”:

  1. On board ship the third officer is responsible for stowage and handling the cargo.

  2. The boatswain supervises loading during the time the ship is receiving the cargo.

  3. Any docker is in charge of cargo work.

  4. The stevedore inspects the holds before cargo work.

  5. The stevedore usually slops loading (unloading) if it rains.

  6. Shifting boards are never used while carrying bulk grain.

  7. Bilges must be absolutely clean.

  8. The ships which carry grain in bulk have no longitudinal shifting boards.

  9. Bulk grain that does not completely fill the compartment of the hold must be se-

cured by bagged cargo.

10.Shifting bulk grain during the storm is very dangerous.

IV. Используя образец, поставьте вопросы к следующим утверж­дениям:

Образец: The captain is responsible for the safety of the ship. (Who?)

Who is responsible for the safely of the ship?

  1. On board ship the Cargo officer is responsible for proper preparation of the holds before

loading. (Where?)

  1. The stevedore is in charge of any cargo work. (Who?)

  2. The holds must be clean, dry and well ventillated. (Why?)

  3. Suitable dunnage must be available during loading, (What?)

  4. The stevedore should make entries in his note-book concern­ing times of starting and fin-

ishing work. (Where?)
V. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What is the Cargo officer responsible for?

  2. What do you call the official who is in charge of any cargo work?

  3. Who secures the ship with a sufficient number of dockers and cargo-handling machinery?

  4. What should the stevedore inspect on board ship before loading and unloading (discharg-


  1. What do you call buildings where they transport cargoes from the ship?

  2. What should the stevedore supervise?

  3. What entries should the stevedore make?

  4. Should the stevedore pay attention to the stale of the holds before loading?

  5. Is the Cargo officer responsible for the stale of the ventillating systems employed?

  6. Who should supervise the draught of the ship (fore and aft) and the number of tons of

cargo loaded during the day?

  1. To what must you pay special attention at the preliminary survey before loading grain in


  1. What do shifting boards serve to?

  2. What should you do if bulk grain in the hold does not com­pletely fill the compartment?

  3. What will you do to prevent the grain in bulk from shif­ting?

VI. Составьте собственные предложения, в которых бы встреча­лись следующие


to be responsible for, to be in charge of, to secure the vessel with, free from, appropriate dunnage available, stoppages in load­ing.
VII. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Стивидор отвечает за грузовые работы.

  2. Грузовой помощник отвечает за безопасную укладку груза.

  3. Команда судна подготавливает трюмы до погрузки.

  4. Стивидор возглавляет грузовые работы.

  5. Стивидор осматривает помещения трюмов перед началом погрузки.

  6. Трюмы должны быть чистыми, сухими и хорошо провет­ренными.

  7. В трюмах не должно оставаться грязной подстилки.

  8. Стрингерные угольники между шпангоутами должны быть без трещин.

  9. Шпигаты и льяла должны быть чистыми.

  10. Надо иметь подходящую подстилку под руками.

  11. Следует отмечать время начала и окончания работы.

  12. На судне работает 4 бригады.

  13. Сделайте запись о всех перерывах в погрузке.

  14. Какая была причина перерыва в погрузке?

  15. Стивидор сделал запись о всех перерывах в погрузке.

  16. Стивидор сделал запись, касающуюся состояния погоды, в свою книжку.

  17. Необходимо изготовить 20 шифтингов.

  18. Продольные шифтинги должны идти от палубы до под­волоки.

  19. Зерно насыпью не заполняет полностью пространство трюма.

  20. Свободное, незаполненное пространство трюма надо за­полнить какими-нибудь