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A.: Excuse me. Can you tell me where South Street is, please?

В.: Take the second turning on the left and go straight on.

A.: Is it far?

В.: No, it's only about five minutes walk.

A.: Thank you.

В.: Not at all.


A.: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the nearest underground station is?

В.: I'm a stranger here. You'd better ask the policeman.

A.: (to the policeman) Excuse me, officer, could you tell me the way to the nearest underground station?

P.: You're going the wrong way. Go straight on and take the second on the right. You'll see it on your left.

Ex. 15. Read the dialogues and make up your own dialogue.


A.: Excuse me, what bus do I take to Khabarovsk airport?

В.: Take trolleybus 1 or 2.

A.: Does it stop here?

В.: Yes, one has just left.

A.: How long will it take me to get there?

В.: It will take you half an hour to get there at this time of the day. There is a lot of traffic now. Look, trolleybus 1 is coming.

A.: Thank you so much.


A.: Is there a bus from here to the National Gallery?

В.: Yes, take bus 12 and ask the conductor to put you down at Trafalgar Square.

A.: Thank you.

В.: That's O'K.


A.: Does this bus go to the station?

В.: No, you'll have to get off at the bank and take bus 12.

A.: Can you tell me where to get off?

В.: It's the next stop but one.


A.: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Friendship House in Kalinin Avenue, Arbat now?

В.: The Friendship House? Let me see. Well, if you want to get there quickly take the underground at Noguin Square.

A.: Where do I get off?

В.: Get off at Kalininskaya, but you must change at Kuznetsky Most.

A.: Where do I go from Kalininskaya underground station?

В.: When you leave the station turn to the left and go straight on for five minutes. You can't miss the building. It's very beautiful.

A.: Thanks a lot.

Ex. 16. a) Read the dialogue.

M.: Excuse me, how can I get to the center of the city?

N.: Which part of the center do you want?

M.: Lenin Square.

N.: Take a bus or a taxi. It'll take you long to walk there.

M.: Never mind, I'd like to walk, as I want to see the city on my way to the hotel.

N.: Then you may walk along Turguenev Street to Komsomolskaya Square and from there to Lenin Square. You will see many beautiful sights on the way. There is the Public Library in Muravyoff-Amursky Street. There are many historical buildings in this part of the city. Many people prefer to walk in the downtown.

M.: Thank you very much.

N.: It's a pleasure.

b) Answer the questions:

  1. Why did Mr. M. want to walk?

  2. Why do many people prefer to walk in the downtown?

  3. What sights could Mr. M. see on his way to the hotel?

c) Reproduce the dialogue.

Ex. 17. Speak on the following topics:

  1. Khabarovsk.

  2. Your Native City.

  3. The Capital of Great Britain.

  4. The Capital of the United States.

  5. The Capital of Japan.

  6. The Capital of Russia.

  7. The Northern Capital.

  8. One of the Largest Cities of Russia.

Texts for Extra Reading

Ex. 18. Read the text.

New York

New York City was the capital of the US until 1790. Although New York City is now the largest city in the US, it is not the capital of New York. In fact Albany, about 136 miles (219 km) north of New York City, is the capital of the state of New York.

New York City initially developed as an important trading port and is well known as an important historical immigration center. It is now one of the largest urban areas in the world and has been, for over a century, a major international center for finance and commerce. New York City has global influence in areas such as media, politics, education, entertainment, arts, and fashion. With its 24-hour subway and constant bustle of people, New York City is known as ‘The City That Never Sleeps’.

The city population is over 11 million people. New York is an industrial and cultural center of the country. Most business is concentrated in Manhattan Island. The whole area is very small, that's why the skyscrapers were invented in New York and especially in Wall Street. Wall Street is a narrow street with big houses, but it is well known all over the world as the busiest street in the USA.

There are two more world-famous streets - Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Broadway is the center of the theatres and night life. It is known as "the Great White Way" because of the electric signs which turn night into day. It is the city that never goes to sleep. Buses and subway run all night. There are many drugstores and restaurants, which never close their doors. There are cinemas with films that start at night. Fifth Avenue is the great shopping, hotel and club avenue. If you go along this avenue, you come to Harlem, where the black people of New York live.

There are many places of interest in New York. They are: the Statue of Liberty, the United Nations Building, Empire State Building, Columbia University, City Hall, New York Public Library and others.

Ex. 19. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the population of New York?

  2. Where is most business concentrated?

  3. Why were the skyscrapers invented in New York?

  4. What is Wall Street famous for?

  5. What is the center of theatres and night life?

  6. Why is New York known as "the Great White Way"?

  7. What people live in Harlem?

  8. What is the largest port in America?

  9. What places of interest are there in New York?

Ex. 20. a) Read the text.


London is one of the largest cities in the world, it is one of the world's most important ports and it is the capital of Great Britain.

London is more than two thousand and five hundred years old. About seven million people live there. There are more than 10 thousand streets in London.

Most of the streets are not very wide and most of the buildings are not high, but multistoried buildings have also appeared in London and almost all of them are hotels and offices.

London Underground (or Tube) is the oldest and longest in Europe. There are eleven different lines with more than 500 stations. Although London is a crowded and noisy city you can find many pleasant parks and green squares there.

Regent's Park is the most beautiful park and Hyde Park is the largest, it is one of the most popular places of rest of Londoners on hot summer days.

There are three main parts in London: the City, the West End and the East End.

The oldest part of London is the City, the business center. But the political center is Westminster, which is in the West End. The West End is famous for its rich shops, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, museums and other places of interest. Only rich people live there. The East End is another part of London. Many houses there are poor and many streets are narrow and dirty. The East End is famous for its docks but they have closed. Now people are building houses there. There are offices, shops and restaurants, a cinema and a large hotel for a modern traveller. Soon there will be a sports center, a shopping center, an airport and many other new buildings.

There is so much to see in London that even Londoners can always find new sights. They like to say: "When a man is tired of London he is tired of life".

b) Give English equivalents for the following words:

многоэтажный; метро (подземка); перенаселенный и шумный; знаменитый; достопримечательности, богатый, бедный, узкий; грязный, спортивные и торговые центры.

с) Agree or disagree. Give your reasons.

  1. London is the capital of Great Britain.

  2. London is a young city.

  3. Most of the streets are wide and most of the buildings are high.

  4. Multistoried buildings have not appeared in London.

  5. London Underground is not the longest in Europe.

  6. There are no quiet places in London.

  7. The oldest part of London is the City.

d) Think and answer.

  1. Why are London streets not very wide and the buildings not very high?

  2. Why is London a crowded and noisy city?

  3. Why do Londoners like to say: "When a man is tired of London he is tired of life"?

e) Give the gist of the text.

Ex. 21. Translate into English.

1. Нью-Йорк - самый большой город США. В нём живёт более девяти миллионов человек. Нью-Йорк известен широкими и прямыми авеню, высокими зданиями, богатыми музеями.

Бродвей - одна из самых интересных улиц мира. Там вы можете увидеть много ресторанов, кинотеатров, магазинов. Это самая длинная улица города. Уолл-стрит - одна из самых старых и коротких улиц Нью-Йорка. На этой улице много банков, известных во всём мире. В течение многих лет самым высоким зданием было Эмпайр Стейт Билдинг. Позднее появились более высокие здания.

Но не все районы города такие красивые, как центр. В Нью-Йорке много грязных, перенаселённых районов с узкими улицами. В этих районах живут рабочие.

    1. Вашингтон, столица США, расположен на реке Потомак. Вашингтон - политический центр страны. Вашингтон - не очень большой город, его население менее I млн. человек. Большая часть населения Вашингтона - афроамериканцы.

    1. Москвастолица Российской Федерации, город федерального значения, административный центр Центрального федерального округа и центр Московской области, в состав которой не входит. Расположена на реке Москва в центре Восточно-Европейской равнины. Как субъект федерации, Москва граничит с Московской и Калужской областями. Москва важный туристический центр России. Она является также важнейшим транспортным узлом. Город обслуживают 5 аэропортов, 9 железнодорожных вокзалов, 3 речных порта (имеется речное сообщение с морями бассейнов Атлантического и Северного Ледовитого океанов). С 1935 года в Москве работает метрополитен.

    1. Санкт-Петербург  самый северный в мире город с населением более одного миллиона человек. Среди городов, полностью расположенных в Европе. Санкт-Петербург  важный экономический, научный и культурный центр России, крупный транспортный узел. Существенную роль в экономике города играет туристический бизнес. Город обладает значительным историко-культурным наследием для формирования туристского продукта, для превращения туризма в базовую отрасль городской экономики. В городе работает более 260 крупных и небольших отелей на 27 тысяч номеров.


Ex. 1. Read the following words and word-combinations:

  1. integrated

  2. multinational

  3. as a result of

  4. to associate

  5. equal

  6. unit

  7. to subject

  8. subject

  9. autonomous

  10. territory

  11. region

  12. of federal importance

  13. sovereign

  14. body

  15. authority

  16. district

  17. to conform

  18. judicial

  19. law

  20. emblem

  21. charter

  22. legislation

  23. branch of power

  24. legislative

  25. executive

  26. to belong to

  27. to exercise

  28. through

  29. representative

  30. elective

  31. Federal Assembly

  1. Federal Council

33. State Duma

34. Chamber

35. term

36. to head

  1. to be composed of

  2. legislature

  3. to initiate

  4. either

  5. to approve

  6. to sign

  7. to veto

  8. commander-in-chief

  9. to make

  10. to conclude

  11. treaty

  12. to enforce

  13. to appoint

  14. candidacy

  15. to determine

  16. court

  17. Supreme Court

  18. Arbitration Court

  19. justice

  20. judge

  21. people's assessor

  22. in accordance with

59. exclusively

60. stripe

61. liberty



в результате



единица, часть (чего - либо)


субъект (Федерации)



область, регион

федерального значения







закон, право




ветвь власти





через, посредством



Федеральное Собрание

Совет Федерации

Государственная Дума


срок (период времени)


состоять из

законодательная власть, орган

вводить, инициировать

и тот, и другой; оба

одобрять, утверждать


налагать вето, запрещать


создавать, составлять



проводить законы в жизнь





Верховный суд

Арбитражный суд



народный заседатель

согласно чему-либо




Ex. 2. Read and translate the text.

State System of Russia

Under the Constitution of 1993 Russia is an integrated multinational state formed as a result of free self-determination of nations and voluntary association of equal administrative-territorial units. It consists of 85 Subjects of the Federation. Among them are Republics, Territories, Regions, Autonomous Regions, 1 Autonomous Area and 3 cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol) being of federal importance. Besides, Russia is divided into 8 Federal Districts.

Each Republic is a sovereign state. It has its own Constitution conforming to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It also has its own bodies of authority, its own judicial system, its own laws, capital, emblem and flag. The other Subjects of the Russian Federation have their Charters and legislation.

Russia is a presidential republic. There are three branches of power: legislative, executive and judicial. Each of them is controlled and balanced by the President. The President is the head of the state. He serves as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He makes and concludes treaties, enforces federal laws, appoints members of the executive departments to be approved by the Federal Assembly.

All power in the Russian Federation belongs to the people. They exercise their power through the Parliament, the representative, elective body. The Federal Assembly (Parliament of Russia) consists of two chambers: the Federal Council and the State Duma. The State Duma is elected for the term of five years and is headed by the Speaker. The Upper Chamber (the Federal Council) is composed of two representatives from each Subject of the Russian Federation. The Lower Chamber (the State Duma) consists of 450 members. Legislation may be initiated in either of the two Chambers. But to become a law a bill must be approved by both Chambers and signed by the President. The President may veto the bill.

The highest executive and administrative body of state authority of Russia is the Government, which is headed by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President and his candidacy must be approved by the State Duma. The Prime Minister forms the Government, which consists of Vice-Chairmen and Ministers. The Government determines directions of economic, social and cultural development of the country.

The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Arbitration Court, and the Courts of the Subjects of the Russian Federation. Justice is administered exclusively by the Courts. In accordance with the Constitution judges and people's assessors are independent and subject only to the law.

Today the state symbol of Russia is a three-colored banner. It has three horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. The white stripe symbolizes the earth, the blue one the sky, and the red one symbolizes liberty. The anthem of Russia is composed by Alexander V. Alexandrov. A new national emblem is a two-headed eagle, the most ancient symbol of Russia.

Ex. 3. Form derivatives from the following verbs:

Model: to represent - representative –representation

to form, to execute, to determine, to initiate, to conform, to elect, to adopt, to associate, to administrate, to subject, to conclude.

Ex. 4. Give English equivalents for:

целостное многонациональное государство; свободное самоопределение; добровольное объединение; субъекты Федерации; суверенное государство; города федерального значения; три ветви государственной власти; представительный выборный орган власти; срок полномочий; Совет Федерации и Государственная Дума; Федеральное Собрание; обеими палатами Парламента; высший орган исполнительной власти; заместитель председателя Правительства; судебная ветвь власти; суды Российской Федерации; подчиняться закону.

Ex. 5. Insert prepositions where necessary.

  1. All power ... the Russian Federation belongs ... the people.

  2. All bodies ... state authority ... top ... bottom are elected ... the people.

  3. Millions ... people take part ... the administration ... this country.

  4. Each Republic has its own Constitution conforming ... the Constitution Russia.

  5. The people exercise their power ... the Parliament, the highest legislative body.

  6. Legislation may be initiated ... either ... the two chambers.

  7. Russia is one ... the largest countries ... the world.

  8. The State Duma is elected ... the term ... five years.

  9. The Prime Minister forms the Government, which consists … Vice-Chairmen and Ministers.

  10. accordance … the Constitution judges and people's assessors are independent and subject only … the law.

Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

  1. Российская Федерация, Россия, есть демократическое федеративное государство.

  2. Россия состоит из республик, краев, областей, городов федерального значения, автономной области, автономных округов равноправных субъектов Российской Федерации.

  3. Россия образована на основе свободного самоопределения наций и добровольного объединения равноправных административно-территориальных единиц.

  4. Государственная власть в России осуществляется президентом, Федеральным Собранием и судами Российской Федерации.

  5. Федеральное Собрание парламент России – является представительным и законодательным органом власти.

  6. Государственная Дума избирается сроком на пять лет.

  7. Правительство, высший исполнительный орган страны, возглавляется Премьер-министром.

  8. Президент это глава государства.

  9. Конституционный суд, Верховный суд, Арбитражный суд являются высшими органами судебной власти.

  10. Правосудие в России осуществляется только судами.

  11. Судьи и народные заседатели независимы и подчиняются только Конституции Российской Федерации.

  12. Государственными символами России являются трехцветный флаг, гимн и герб.