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Ex. 14.Answer the following questions:

  1. What is successful negotiation?

  2. Why do you have to plan your strategy carefully?

  3. What factors affect the negotiating process?

  4. What question is at the centre of negotiating?

  5. What knowledge does it come from?

  6. Does negotiation involve making concessions?

  7. What have you to do before you start making concessions?

Ex. 15. Read and translate the following text.

International Organizations

The process of globalization evident in recent years has given rise to a renewed determination by governments to cooperate in order to ensure their own economic and political stability. Governments work together to strengthen international security and to perfect the existing economic, political and trading arrangements.

In part they do so through such policies as marketing assistance, financing and tax exemptions for exports.

In part they do so through support of international institutions like the United Nations Organization and intergovernmental agencies related to it – the International Monetary Find (IMF), the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization(WTO).

  • The UK is an international organization that encourages countries to work together in order to solve world problems. If officially came into existence on 24th October, 1945.

  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was set up on December the 27th 1945 to promote a stable international financial system. It sets rules for foreign exchange markets. It also serves as a lender to countries with temporary foreign payments problems.

  • The World Bank (officially, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) is a means of channeling capital from developed countries to those that are less developed. The World Bank makes loans at market interest rates for long-term development projects such as dams or road systems. It was set up in December 1945.

Notes on the Text:

The United Nations Organization (UN) - Организация Объединенных Нации (ООН).

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) – Международный валютный фонд (МВФ).

The World Bank – Международный банк реконструкции и развития.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) – Всемирная торговая организация (ВТО).

Vocabulary notes:

  1. give rise to (something) вызывать (дискуссию и т.д.)

  2. ensure v обеспечить, гарантировать

  3. international security международная безопасность

  4. existing arrangements зд. существующий порядок

  5. marketing n маркетинг

  6. tax exemptions налоговые освобождения

  7. set rules устанавливать правила

  8. serve as a lender выступать в качестве кредитора

  9. channel capital направлять средства

  10. at interests rates по банковским ставкам

  11. long-term development project долгосрочный проект экономического


Ex. 16. Answer the questions:

  1. What has become evident in recent years?

  2. What are governments determined to do?

  3. What do they work together for?

  4. What instruments help governments to ensure political and economic stability?

  5. What was the IMF set up for?

  6. What services does the World Bank provide?

Ex. 17. Render the article.

World Trade Organization

The WTO is the intergovernmental organization overseeing the international trading system. It was established on 1 January 1995 as the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The highest authority of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference, which is composed of representatives of all WTO members. Much of the day-to-day work of the WTO is conducted by the General Council, which is also composed of representatives of all WTO members. The essential functions of the WTO are to provide a forum for multilateral trade negotiations; to administer the trade dispute settlement procedures; to review national trade policies; and to cooperate with other international institutions, in particular the IMF and the World Bank in order to achieve greater coherence in global economic policy-making.

Members are bound to grant to each other’s products treatment no less favourable than that accorded to the products of any third parties.

The Organization considers that secure and predictable market access to encourage trade, investment and job creation may be determined by “binding” tariffs or customs duties.

This process means that a tariff level for a particular product becomes a commitment by a member state and cannot be increased without compensation negotiations with its main trading partners. The WTO is trying to create predictable trading conditions by demanding commitments from member countries and greater transparency of domestic laws and national trade policies.

The WTO aims to promote open, fair and undistorted competition.

The WTO aims to encourage development and economic reform among the increasing number of development countries and countries in transition participating in the international trading system. These countries, particularly, the least-developed states have been granted greater flexibility to implement certain WTO provisions.

In addition the WTO operates a limited number of technical assistance programmes mostly relating to training and the provision of information technology.

Finally, the WTO recognizes the need to protect the environment and to promote sustainable development.


Ex.1. Remember the following words and word-combinations:

  1. internal внутренний

  2. desire желание

  3. to strengthen укреплять

  4. to make for способствовать, содействовать

  5. solution решение

  6. provision снабжение

  7. foodstuffs продукты питания

  8. rapidly быстро

  9. markedly значительно

  10. to reduce сокращать

  11. share доля

  12. raw materials сырье

  13. saw timber пиломатериалы

  14. rolled stock прокат

  15. to carry out выполнять

  16. hard currency твердая валюта

  17. representation представительство

  18. to expand расширять

Ex.2. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Passive Voice:

1. The Khabarovsk Territory is called the heart of the whole Far East.

  1. Traditionally a significant part of the export-import ties was oriented towards Japan.

  2. Machines, equipment and vehicles are imported to the Khabarovsk Territory.

  3. In 1993 coordinating council for foreign economic ties was established by the Far Eastern association of economic cooperation.

  4. The interest in mutual cooperation in economy, culture, education, sport and trade is displayed by foreign partners.

  5. The share of the Pacific countries has been increased.

  6. Export deliveries are carried out for hard currency as well as in a way of commodity exchange.

  7. Over 40 representations have been opened by foreign companies of Japan, China, the USA and other countries.

  8. The volume of direct investments is constantly growing and the large projects are put into effect.

  9. The considerable amount of import goods is delivered into the Territory through the joint ventures, formed with the companies of different countries.

Ex.3. Read and translate the text.

Foreign Trade of the Khabarovsk Territory

The Khabarovsk Territory is called the heart of the whole Far East. Located in the center of the Far Eastern economic region, it's the point of intersection of the most important transport ways connecting internal districts of Russia with the Asian-Pacific countries.

The people of the Khabarovsk Territory have a strong desire to develop and to strengthen international relations with different countries of the world. Foreign partners display their interest in mutual cooperation in economy, culture, education, sport and trade. Foreign trade is of ever increasing importance in the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory as it makes for the solution of the problems of structural reorganization, technical re-equipment of production provision of the industry with the most important materials, and the population with foodstuffs and consumer goods.

Traditionally a significant part of the export-import ties was oriented towards Japan. Since the beginning of the 1980s border ties with China have been rapidly developing and it has become the leading trade partner of the Khabarovsk Territory. In recent years the trade and cooperative relations with the Eastern Europe countries have markedly reduced, while on the contrary, the share of the Pacific countries - the USA, Republic of Korea, Australia, New Zealand - has sharply increased.

Raw materials (oil products, timber, fish, metals) form the basis of export. At the same time the export potential of the Territory allows an increase of the export of machinery and equipment, saw timber and furniture, cellulose, aluminium, rolled stock and the other kinds of products. The major branch of the export specialization of the Territory is timber industry. The main objective of it is to reduce round timber export and to replace it with the export of processed wood products. Lately the Territory has started exporting new kinds of products such as copper concentrate, aluminium, motor boats, etc. Enterprises of the Territory carry out export deliveries for hard currency as well as in a way of commodity exchange.

Consumer goods, foodstuffs and raw materials for their production are the major imports of the Territory. Machines, equipment and vehicles are also imported to the Khabarovsk Territory.

Over 40 foreign companies of Japan, China, the USA, Republic of Korea, New Zealand have opened their representations in the Khabarovsk Territory for expanding their activity and in 1993 coordinating council for foreign economic ties was established by the Far Eastern association of economic cooperation.

Ex.4. Find English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations and use them in sentences or situations of your own:

называться сердцем всего Дальнего Востока; иметь сильное желание; точка пересечения; наиболее важные транспортные пути; взаимное сотрудничество; зарубежные партнеры; развивать и укреплять; международное сотрудничество; способствовать решению; продукты питания; потребительские товары; переоборудование; значительная часть; быть направленным; с начала 1980-х годов; за последние годы; доля стран Тихоокеанского региона; сырье; нефтепродукты; лес; формировать основу; виды продукции; пиломатериалы; основная отрасль; заменить на; транспортные средства; экспортные поставки; твердая валюта; товарообмен; представительство; создавать.

Ex.5. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

economic cooperation; to establish; coordinating council; representation; hard currency; commodity exchange; export deliveries; major branch; vehicle; saw timber; rolled stock; kinds of products; to form the basis of; oil products; the share of; while on the contrary; in recent years; to be oriented towards; significant part; consumer goods; foodstuffs; international relations; foreign partners; the point of intersection; the heart of the whole Far East.

Ex.6. Form the derivatives from the following verbs:

Model: to connect - connection

to transport ; to represent; to populate; to form; to relate; to specialize; to cooperate; to concentrate; to reorganize; to locate.

Ex. 7. Express the following more concisely:

  1. the act of working together for a shared purpose

  2. fairly large area or part without exact boundaries

  3. any of the owners of a business who shares the profits and losses

  4. the business of buying and selling goods

  5. existing in possibility; not at present active or developed but able to become so

  6. something in or on which people or goods can be carried, especially along roads

  1. potential

  2. trade

  3. vehicle

  4. region

  5. partner

  6. cooperation

Ex. 8. Put questions to the underlined parts.

  1. The Khabarovsk Territory is called the heart of the whole Far East.

  2. The Khabarovsk Territory is the point of intersection of the most

important transport ways.

  1. The people of the Khabarovsk Territory have a strong desire to develop and to strengthen international relations with different countries of the world.

  2. Foreign trade is of ever increasing importance in the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory.

  3. Foreign partners display their interest in mutual cooperation in economy, culture, education, sport and trade.

  4. Foreign trade makes for the solution of the problems of structural reorganization, technical re-equipment. etc.

  5. Traditionally a significant part of the export-import ties was oriented towards Japan.

  6. China has become the leading partner of the Khabarovsk Territory.

  7. Raw materials (oil products, timber, fish, metals) form the basis of export.

  8. Enterprises of the Territory carry out export deliveries for hard currency.

Ex.9. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Хабаровский край называют сердцем всего Дальнего Востока.

  2. Хабаровский край является точкой пересечения наиболее важных

транспортных путей.

  1. Зарубежные партнеры проявляют интерес к взаимному сотрудничеству в экономике, культуре, образовании, спорте, торговле.

  2. Внешняя торговля способствует решению проблем структурной реорганизации, технического переоборудования промышленности и т.д.

  3. Традиционно значительная часть экспортно-импортных связей была направлена на Японию.

  4. За последние годы торговые отношения со странами Восточной Европы значительно сократились.

  5. Экспортный потенциал края позволяет увеличение экспорта машин и оборудования, пиломатериалов, проката и других видов продукции.

  6. Основными видами импорта являются потребительские товары, продукты питания и сырье для их производства.

  7. Более 40 иностранных компаний Японии, США, Южной Кореи, Новой Зеландии открыли свои представительства в Хабаровском крае.

  8. В 1993 году Дальневосточной ассоциацией по экономическому сотрудничеству был создан координационный совет по внешнеэкономическим связям с центром в Хабаровске.

Ex.10. Insert prepositions where necessary:

  1. The Khabarovsk Territory is called the heart…. the whole Far East.

  2. It connects internal districts…Russia…the Asian-Pacific countries.

  3. The people…the Khabarovsk Territory have a strong desire to develop and to strengthen international relations…different countries…the world.

  4. Foreign partners display their interest...mutual cooperation.

  5. Foreign trade is...ever increasing importance...the economy...the Khabarovsk Territory.

  6. Foreign trade makes…the solution…the problems…structural reorganization.

  7. Traditionally a significant part...export-import ties was oriented...Japan.

  8. ...recent years the trade and cooperative relations...the Eastern Europe countries have markedly reduced.

  9. Consumer goods, foodstuffs and raw materials...their production are the major imports...the Territory.

  10. Enterprises...the Territory carry...export deliveries...hard currency as well as...a way...commodity exchange.

Ex.11. Answer the following questions:

  1. How is the Khabarovsk Territory called?

  2. Where is the Khabarovsk Territory located?

  3. The people of the Khabarovsk Territory have a strong desire to develop and to strengthen international relations with different countries of the world, haven't they?

  4. In what spheres do the foreign partners display their interest in mutual cooperation?

  5. What is of ever increasing importance in the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory?

  6. What problems does foreign trade make for the solution of?

  7. Towards what were export-import ties oriented traditionally?

  8. Have the trade and cooperative relations with the Eastern Europe countries reduced in recent years?

  9. What forms the basis of export in the Khabarovsk Territory?

  10. What is the main objective of the export specialization in the timber industry?

  11. What are the major imports of the Territory?

  12. In what ways are export deliveries earned out?

Ex.12. Retell the text "Foreign Trade of the Khabarovsk Territory”.

Ex.13. Read the dialogue. Put it into reported speech.








In the course of our discussion I can't help stressing the important part which mutually beneficial trade played and continues to play in the relations between our two countries.

Yes, we have been trading with you for many years and all these years trade has been bringing us closer and has been helping us to get to know each other better.

However, the trade relations between our two countries have not always developed smoothly; they knew periods of steady growth and the years when the amount of trade turnover was substantially curtailed.

You are absolutely right. For instance, three years ago the Russian market provided 10 per cent of our imports. However our businessmen look upon your country as a very important market and show a great interest in the processes going on in your country now.

I must say there have already been first results. The statistics for this year show an increase of 18 per cent in Russian-American trade.

I am glad to hear it but however it is obvious that our trade turnover doesn't match our potential.

I agree with you that there are real prospects for an increase in trade in both absolute and percentage terms. We understand that the future development


of mutual trade is impossible without a fundamental change in its commodity composition. And we are working to develop the exports of manufactured goods, first of all, machinery and equipment the share of which in the Russian exports to your country at the moment is several times smaller than in your exports to Russia.

I am happy to hear that. We would like to hope that the obstacles and difficulties in our business cooperation will be eliminated and it will be developed for the benefit of our two nations.

Ex.14. Read and translate the text. Study vocabulary notes.

Foreign Investments

Since 1988 foreign investments have begun to enter the Khabarovsk Territory in the form of joint ventures and then in the form of foreign enterprises and branch offices of foreign companies as well. Foreign investments continue to increase their importance in the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory. The volume of direct investments is constantly growing, the large projects are put into effect, portfolio investments begin to come into the privatized enterprises, and the projects with the attraction of foreign credit are being implemented. The first international tenders for the right to develop the mineral resources have been established. More than 500 enterprises with foreign investments were established in the Territory, 105 of which are fully owned by foreign investors.