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Ex. 16. Ask one of your fellow-students.

Model: What this text is about. - What is this text about?

If it is difficult. - Is it difficult?


  • if new learning opportunities present themselves to the Western World, as Russian society opens itself up to the outside world;

  • what the UC Davis Russian major presents;

  • what the first program emphasizes;

  • through what courses mastery of the spoken and written language is emphasized;

  • what the second program combines;

  • what the second program includes;

  • if the UC Davis program is distinguished by its progressive Russian language series;

  • if all three major programs provide solid preparation for graduate work;

  • if each academic year promises further expansion and improvement of the program;

  • if the department has a sophisticated computer support system;

  • who can participate in the University of California Education Abroad Program at the Herzen University;

  • how many UC students study the Russian language, phonetics, literature in St. Petersburg;

  • if UC Davis Russian majors are granted opportunities to participate in internships;

  • what programs many Russian majors enter upon graduation.

Ex. 17. Retell the text. Use the introductory phrase "This text is about ... ".


Ex. 1. Read the following words and word-combinations:

  1. to comprise включать

  2. processing обработка, переработка

  3. to associate (with) соединять, связывать

  4. conclusion заключение

  5. auxiliary вспомогательный

  6. to ensure smth. обеспечивать

  7. fulfilment выполнение, осуществление

  8. transaction сделка

  9. verbal устный

  10. to make out составлять

  11. clause пункт, условие контракта

  12. subject of the contract предмет контракта

  13. total amount общая сумма

  14. packing упаковка

  15. marking маркировка

  16. shipment отгрузка

  17. damage повреждение, ущерб

  18. insurance страхование

  19. force majeure форс-мажор

  20. provision положение (контракта)

  21. sophisticated сложный, высокотехнологичный

  22. supervision наблюдение, надзор

  23. erection монтаж

  24. to put into operation вводить в действие

  25. appendices (pl.) приложения (к контракту)

  26. integral неотъемлемый

  27. to run the business activity заниматься бизнесом

  28. supply предложение

  29. demand for smth. спрос на что-либо

  30. to avoid избегать

  31. advertising реклама

  32. to promote продвигать (товар)

  33. mass media средства массовой информации

  34. poster плакат

  35. leaflet рекламный лист

  36. booklet буклет

  37. middleman посредник

  38. to gain получать, приобретать

  39. advantageous выгодный

  40. to distinguish (between) различать

  41. to be engaged in заниматься чем-либо

  42. customer покупатель, клиент

  43. on behalf of от имени, по поручению

  44. agreed commission согласованные комиссионные

  45. on one's own account за чей-либо счет

  46. purchaser покупатель

  47. remuneration вознаграждение

  48. on a profit/loss basis на основе прибыли/убытков

Ex. 2. Transform the sentences into Passive Voice.


The chief engineer invited the heads of the departments to his office.

The heads of the departments were invited by the chief engineer.

  1. They conclude contracts and agreements to ensure the fulfillment of transactions.

  2. The Parties make out the written contract in the form of the Appendices.

  3. They include these clauses in the contract itself or in the Appendices.

  4. They use different kinds of mass media.

  5. They have concluded the contract today.

  6. They signed the papers yesterday.

  7. We invited them to take part in negotiations.

  8. We can rely on him.

  9. Your competitors are quoting lower prices.

  10. Today they have granted us a 5 per cent discount.

  11. They suggested us their Draft Contract yesterday.

Ex. 3. Read and translate the text.

Foreign Trade

Foreign trade is a major factor in economic development of any country including Russia.

Foreign trade comprises three main activities: importing (buying goods from foreign Sellers), exporting (selling goods to foreign Buyers) and re-exporting (buying goods from foreign Sellers and selling them to foreign Buyers without processing in one's own country).

All commercial activities in foreign trade may be divided into basic ones associated with conclusion of foreign trade contracts for the exchange of goods and auxiliary ones ensuring their successful performance.

In foreign trade contracts and agreements are concluded to ensure the fulfilment of transactions. In accordance with commercial usage existing in the world contracts may be concluded either verbally or in writing.

A written contract is made out in the form of a document signed by the Parties. There are different types of contracts but most of them include the following clauses:

  • naming, definition of the Parties;

  • subject of the contract;

  • prices and the total amount of the contract (including terms of

  • time of delivery;

  • terms of payment;

  • transportation (carriage) of goods (packing and marking, shipment);

  • sanctions and compensation for damage;

  • insurance;

  • force majeure circumstances;

  • arbitration;

  • general provisions.

In the case of a contract for sophisticated machinery and equipment there may be other clauses: technical conditions, test and inspection conditions, requirements to technical documentation, supervision of erection and putting the machinery into operation (commissioning), etc. These clauses may be included in the contract itself or in the Appendices to the contract, which are an integral part of it.

Before selling the goods it is necessary to do a lot of market research. Marketing is a system of running all the business activities of a company in respect of coordinating supply and demand for the goods produced and sold. Originally marketing was meant to help avoid over-production in advanced countries.

Advertising is an integral part of successful trade activities and is an important means of promoting the goods that are being produced and sold. Different kinds of mass media - TV, radio, newspapers, journals, and posters are used for advertising goods. Special leaflets, booklets and other printed matter about the goods may be published for the same purpose. Participation in fairs and exhibitions helps promote the goods as well.

Foreign trade may successfully be carried on direct between domestic enterprises and foreign firms and indirect through middlemen.

When new markets are to be gained it may be advantageous to use the services of foreign agents who have a long experience of trading and know the market in their country better.

It is necessary to distinguish clearly between the Agent and the Distributor. The commercial Agent is engaged in the negotiation with customers about the contract for sale of goods on behalf of a principal and for his account for which the Agent reserves an agreed commission. The Distributor operates on his own account as an independent purchaser for sale of the supplier's products, getting his remuneration from whatever profit he may make out of these sales.

Today Russia is an active participant in the foreign trade activities. Nowadays more than 13 000 enterprises and organizations have the right to trade with other countries and have for this purpose foreign trade export-import departments and firms working on a profit or loss basis.

Ex. 4. Give Russian equivalents for the following:

foreign trade; to comprise; processing; subject of the contract; to ensure the fulfilment; to conclude the contract verbally; written contract; total amount; compensation for damage; packing and marking; sophisticated machinery; to put into operation; advertising; to promote the goods; to run the business activity; domestic enterprises; on behalf of; to get remuneration; to distinguish .

Ex. 5. Give English equivalents for the following:

устно; соединять; обеспечение; наблюдение; сделка; включать; вспомогательный; гарантировать выполнение; внешняя торговля; предмет контракта; условия платежа; средства массовой информации; спрос и предложение; заниматься бизнесом; форс-мажорные обстоятельства; вести переговоры; получать вознаграждение; на основе прибыли; отечественные предприятия.

Ex. 6. Insert prepositions where necessary.

  1. All commercial activities in foreign trade may be divided...basic and auxiliary ones.

  2. A written contract is made … the form … a document signed … the Parties.

  3. Basic commercial activities are associated ... conclusion ... foreign trade contracts ... the exchange ... goods.

  4. Foreign trade may successfully be carried ... direct ... domestic enterprises and indirect ... middlemen.

  5. The commercial agent is engaged ... the negotiations ... customers ... the contract ... sale ... goods ... behalf ... a principal and ... his account.

  6. Today Russia is an active participant ... the foreign trade.

  7. ... accordance ... commercial usage existing ... the world contracts may be concluded either verbally or ... writing.

Ex. 7. Complete the following sentences:

1. More than 13000 enterprises and organizations have the right … .

2. Marketing is a system of … .

3. Participation in fairs and exhibitions helps … .

4. Foreign trade may successfully be carried on … .

5. It is necessary to distinguish clearly … .

6. The commercial agent is engaged in … .

7. All commercial activities in foreign trade may be divided into … .

8. Contracts may be concluded … .

9. Foreign trade comprises … .

10. A written contract is made out in … .

Ex. 8. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Реклама является неотъемлемой частью успешной торговой деятельности, а также важным средством продвижения произведенных и проданных товаров.

  2. Для завоевания новых рынков выгодно использовать услуги иностранных агентов, имеющих долгий опыт торговли и лучше знающих рынок в своей стране.

  3. Прежде чем продавать товар, необходимо провести тщательное исследование рынка.

  4. Продвижению товара также помогает участие в ярмарках и выставках.

  5. Во внешней торговле контракты и соглашения заключаются для того, чтобы обеспечить выполнение сделки.

  6. Существуют разные виды контрактов, но большинство из них включают следующие пункты.

  7. В случае заключения контракта на поставку сложных машин и оборудования могут быть и другие пункты.

  8. Эти пункты могут быть включены в сам контракт или в приложение к контракту, которое является его неотъемлемой частью.

  9. Первоначально под маркетингом понималась помощь избежать перепроизводства товаров в развитых странах.

  10. В наши дни Россия является активным участником международной торговли.

Ex. 9. Put questions to the underlined words.

  1. All commercial activities in foreign trade may be divided into basic and auxiliary ones.

  2. In foreign trade contracts and agreements are concluded to ensure the fulfilment of transaction.

  3. Before selling the goods it is necessary to do a lot of market research.

  4. Originally marketing was meant to help avoid over-production in advanced countries.

  5. Participation in fairs and exhibitions helps promote the goods as well.

  6. It is necessary to distinguish clearly between the Agent and the Distributor.

  7. The Distributor operates on his own account as an independent purchaser for sale of the supplier's products.

  8. Nowadays more than 13000 enterprises and organizations have the right to trade with other countries.

  9. Foreign trade is a major factor in economic development of any country including Russia.

  10. Different kinds of mass media are used for advertising goods.

Ex. 10. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is foreign trade?

  2. What activities does foreign trade comprise?

  3. Why are contracts and agreements concluded?

  4. How are contracts and agreements concluded?

  5. Who signs the contract?

  6. What clauses do most of the contracts include?

  7. What is it necessary to do before selling the goods?

  8. What is marketing?

  9. What is an important means of promoting the goods?

  10. What is used for advertising goods?

  11. What is the commercial Agent engaged in?

  12. How does the Distributor operate?

  13. Is Russia an active participant in the foreign trade activities?

  14. How many enterprises and organizations of Russia have the right to trade with other countries?

Ex. 11. Retell the text "Foreign Trade".

Ex. 12. Translate the dialogues from English into Russian.

Put them into reported speech.


Almazov: Mr. Bright, I'm sorry to say we cannot sign the contract with your company at this price. It's unreasonably high. We are in close touch with the world market and our information is that your competitors are quoting lower prices.

Bright: You are partly right. It's true, the price is high, but you should take into consideration the fact that this model is the latest word in electronic industry. It is designed on the most modern lines and we can guarantee high reliability of the computers.

A: We know all that. Nevertheless the price doesn't seem attractive. Will the final price depend on the number of computers we'll buy from you, Mr. Bright?

B: Right. If you increase your order to five computers we'll be able to give you a 2% discount off the price.

A: I'm afraid the discount is too small. I expected at least a discount of 4 %.

B: Let me make some calculations. Well, Mr. Almazov, 3% and not more as this concession leaves only a very small profit for ourselves.

A: In this case I'd like to discuss the matter again with my people and after that I'll be able to give you my final reply.

B: Good.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. unreasonably непомерно, необоснованно

  2. to be in close touch with быть в тесном контакте с

  3. to take into consideration принимать во внимание

  4. nevertheless тем не менее

  5. to depend on зависеть от

  6. at least по крайней мере

  7. calculations расчеты, вычисления

  8. concession уступка


A: I suppose you've received our quotation for some machinery for an automobile plant, haven't you?

B: Yes, we have. We are now comparing your prices and terms with offers received from other manufacturers. But I must tell you at once, Mr. A., that we can't agree to some terms in your offer.

A: Which terms do you mean?

B: First of all we can't agree to a sliding price.

A: I assure you, Mr. B., that very many British firms insist on sliding prices when the time of delivery is longer than 12 months.

B: But you know, of course, that most continental firms are quoting now fixed prices. We cannot agree either to pay 30% of the price in advance. We are prepared to pay 10% of the amount of the order in advance, 15% of each part delivery within 90 days after the dispatch of the shipping documents to us and the remaining 5% after the expiration of the guarantee period.

A: The questions you are raising are very important and I can't decide anything myself. I'm going to cable my Board of Directors and I'll let you know their answer.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. to suppose полагать, думать

  2. to compare сравнивать

  3. to assure заверять

  4. a sliding (fixed) price скользящая (твердая) цена

  5. expiration истечение срока

  6. dispatch отправка

  7. Board of Directors совет директоров


Mr. Crammer: Good afternoon, Mr. Balashov. Let me introduce my colleagues: Mr. Andrew Crown, my Deputy, and Mr. Simon Carrington, our senior engineer.

Mr. Balashov: I am happy to meet you, gentlemen.

C: Sit down, please, and make yourselves comfortable. Are you all right after your long journey?

B: Oh, actually the flight was very nice. As for me, since it was a night flight I slept most of the time, so I'm as fresh as a cucumber now and ready for the talks.

C: That's good. Shall we start with coffee or get down to business straight away?

B: Perhaps we'll start the talks and have coffee a bit later. We've just had our lunch, you know.

C: As you like. Your wish is a must - you are our guests. What shall we start with?

B: You've seen our Tractors T-40 in operation, haven't you?

C: Yes, we have. And we are more or less satisfied with their performance.

B: I'm glad to hear that. Perhaps we'll start with the price and the terms of delivery. Would you like us to quote a CIF or FOB price?

C: As a matter of fact we've got your price-list. Is it the latest?

B: Let me have a look. Yes, it's our latest price-list.

C: Is your price subject to a discount?

B: Well, Mr. Crammer, perhaps we'll come down from theoretical discussion to ground. I wish you would name the exact number of tractors you require and we'll go on from there.

C: All right, Mr. Balashov, we're going to order, say, 100 tractors if the price is reasonable.

B: In that case we'll give you a 10% discount.

C: I agree.

B: Shall we consider the price problem settled?

C: Yes, and you know, Mr. Balashov, your English is very good.

B: Thank you for the compliment. See you tomorrow morning at 10.

C: So long. See you tomorrow.

Texts for Extra Reading

Ex. 13. Read and translate the text. Give the gist of it.


What is successful negotiation? Successful negotiating is where you get what you want, and the other party is happy with what he gets, where the result is, "I win, you win". This is certainly true of the variety of negotiations, big and small, that you carry on every day with your colleagues, your boss, your subordinates. A better deal is always possible for both parties if both approach the negotiations as a cooperative enterprise.

There are, of course, many people who would be quite glad to have you as a loser. So plan your strategy carefully. Decide first of all what you want to get from the negotiations. What is the best result you could hope for? What is the best result you could realistically expect? What is the minimum you’ll accept? Of the different points of issue, which are the most important to you? Which are the most important to the other party? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are theirs? How can you strengthen your position and weaken theirs - before the negotiations begin? What information do you need? Where can you get it? You want the other party to feel satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations, so consider the disadvantages for him if you get what you want. How can you lessen these? How can you encourage him to feel that he too has won?

There are a number of factors that affect the negotiating process. Your attitude is one. The higher your aspirations, the better your results. The more committed and determined you are the better you will perform. The attitude of the other party is important too. It's up to you to alter his expectations, to encourage him to be satisfied with less than he originally hoped for.

At the centre of all negotiating is the question of power - and it comes from a variety of sources. It comes from knowledge - the more you know about the other party, the more power you will have. It comes from time - the more time you have to negotiate, the more power you have to negotiate with. But most of all power is in the mind. You need to know that you have it, and you need to know what it is based on. All of these factors should be considered before you sit down at the negotiating table.

When the negotiations actually begin, it is often a good tactic to start off with a firm demand. Present it in a way that does not rouse hostility.

Negotiation, however, usually involves making concessions. But before you start making concessions, find out what the other party wants. Don't let him know what you will be satisfied with, until you’ve found out what he will be satisfied with. Encourage him to present all his demands first, and try not to reveal your own. Then try to secure his agreement to each of your demands, starting with the most important. Don't give concession easily. The longer you hold out, the more likely you are to get something in exchange.

Don't be afraid of reaching a deadlock. Be prepared to stop the negotiations and to start again. A deadlock can be a useful tactic too.

Throughout the negotiations try to keep the relationship friendly. It is easier to get the agreement you want when the other party is well-disposed towards you.