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Добавлен: 18.11.2021

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Ex. 8. Insert prepositions where necessary.

  1. Ecology deals ... the study ... the environment and the future ... our planet.

  2. The term "ecology" comes ... the Greek word "oikos" meaning "house".

  3. Man like any other living organism depends ... water, oxygen and food.

  4. Today the biosphere is strongly affected ... all sorts ... human activity.

  5. Man's interaction ... nature causes ecological disturbance.

  6. Nature is becoming contaminated ... dangerous materials and by-products ... man's activities.

  7. Many people suffer ... dangerous diseases such as hepatitis, ulcer, cancer, AIDS, and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).

  8. Water is the most essential source ... the survival ... human beings, animals, plants and the planet as a whole.

  9. The contamination of our water ways comes ... many sources.

  10. Many tons ... oil are discharged ... seas and oceans, spread ... many square kilometers ... the water surface and change flora and fauna.

  11. Great monuments ... history and culture have been destroyed ... smoke and gas ... cars.

  12. The problem ... man and his interaction ... the environment has become a subject... joint research efforts ... many scientists.

Ex. 9. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

  1. Экология - это наука, которая занимается изучением окружающей среды и будущего нашей планеты.

  2. Последние научные данные подтверждают, что разрушение окружающей среды - одна из самых острых проблем нашего времени.

  3. Сегодня на биосферу очень влияют все виды человеческой деятельности.

  4. Взаимодействие человека с природой вызывает экологическое нарушение и считается одной из самых важных и сложных проблем, стоящих перед человечеством.

  5. Воздух, земля и вода загрязняются опасными материалами и побочными продуктами человеческой деятельности.

  6. Вода загрязняется химическими отходами промышленных предприятий, термальными отходами электростанций и бытовыми отходами.

  7. Нефть, которая выливается в моря и океаны, покрывая их поверхность, меняет флору и фауну.

  8. Транспорт - главный источник загрязнения окружающей среды.

  9. Каждый автомобиль потребляет много тонн воздуха, и его выхлопные газы содержат ядовитые вещества.

  10. Возрастающий уровень шума — это особая проблема нашего времени.

  11. Нам нужна тишина так же, как свежий воздух и чистая вода.

  12. Высокий уровень промышленного шума понижает работоспособность.

  13. Правительства многих стран предпринимают меры по борьбе с загрязнением окружающей среды, чтобы сделать нашу планету экологически безопасным местом для жизни.

Ex. 10. Answer the following questions:

  1. What does ecology deal with?

  2. Where does the term ecology come from?

  3. What do recent research data confirm?

  4. What does man depend on?

  5. What is the biosphere affected by?

  6. What does man's interaction with nature cause?

  7. Why do many people suffer from different diseases?

  8. Does the contamination of water come from domestic wastes or chemical wastes from factories?

  9. How does oil discharged into seas and oceans affect flora and fauna?

  10. What is air polluted by?

  11. What makes difficult the emission of the Earth's heat into space?

  12. Why is the increasing noise level a special problem nowadays?

  13. How does noise influence man?

  14. What do governments in many countries do to make the planet a healthy place to live on?

  15. How can the problem of man and his interaction with the environment be solved?

Ex. 11. Read and translate the text.

Environmental Protection

It is better to cooperate with nature than to fight it. In other words let us not combat our environment; let us adjust ourselves to it.

Here is an extract from the Long-term Program for the Development and Deepening of Trade, Economic, Industrial, Scientific and Technical Cooperation between Russia and the Republic of Finland.

Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection

Taking into consideration that the protection of the environment against pollution, as well as the localization and removal of pollutants already formed, is one of the most important tasks of the present days, the Parties will continue their cooperation in protecting nature. In so doing they will pay special attention to planning measures for the environmental protection and for the development of technologies and cooperation in this field.

The Parties consider it important to develop this cooperation especially in the field of pulp-and-paper and chemical industries, transportation and treatment of waste in populated localities, construction, water saving, land use and agriculture.

In this connection the Parties consider as promising the following types of cooperation:

- planning joint measures intended to prevent the pollution of the air, land, water reservoirs and the Baltic Sea;

  • working out safety measures for the transportation of goods dangerous to the environment;

  • developing technologies for purifying stations and of purifying equipment for drinking water and sewage;

  • developing technologies for the collection, transportation and treatment of waste with a view to lessening the waste-caused damage to the environment; purposeful use of waste;

  • improving sound insulation in buildings to prevent noise and also thermal installations to save energy;

- working out more efficient, from the viewpoint of nature and environmental protection, logging machinery and equipment and methods for logging.

The Parties will develop and expand contacts between their authorities in the field of protection of the environment and nature so as to exchange information and experience and also to develop and apply proven methods. The Parties recommend further development of this cooperation within the framework of the Russian-Finnish Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation.

The Parties will promote their cooperation in the said and other fields of the environmental protection leading to the development of appropriate trade and economic cooperation between the countries.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. to combat сражаться

  2. pulp-and-paper industry целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность

  3. treatment переработка

  4. to purify очищать

  5. purifying stations очистные сооружения

  6. sewage сточные воды

  7. insulation изоляция

  8. to log рубить лес

Ex. 12. Give the key problem raised in the above text.

Ex. 13. Discuss the problem of the environmental protection using the following questions:

  1. Why has the environmental protection become one of the most important tasks of the present day?

  2. What are the fields most dangerous and harmful for people's health?

  3. What are the main measures to be taken for the environmental protection?

Texts for Extra Reading

Ex. 14. Read and translate the text.

Nature Protection

We live in a changeable world where it is very difficult to keep up with new ideas and inventions. Our life becomes more comfortable and more interesting. We get to know about the smallest details of a child's birth and space, computers have become the part of everyday life, we use new devices, which make housework easier. But we seldom think that the majority of inventions, new technologies bring harm to a man.

Today the greatest problem for humanity is pollution. Pollution is the contamination of the environment including air, water and land. This problem is extremely topical for heavily industrialized cities and towns where metallurgical plants, steel mills, mines, chemical plants are situated. Uncontrolled emissions of harmful substances and dust pollute everything around us. Very often they are the reason of acid rains which fall miles away from the plants and poison earth and water, destroy forests and even buildings.

It is worth mentioning that one third of all emissions into the atmosphere originates from automobile transport. That means that air pollution is not only the problem of big cities.

Thermal power plants are also a great source of pollution. During some period of time it was considered that nuclear power stations were safe. In 1986 Chernobyl disaster showed that nuclear energy could be extremely dangerous. Research data show that significant areas of agricultural and forest lands of the Ukraine, Belarus and Russia will remain unsafe for man for eight thousand years.

Another problem of big cities is wastes. The wastes from plants and factories contaminate water and soil. It has become dangerous to drink unboiled water or eat vegetables and fruit. Household wastes such as all kinds of plastics, dead batteries and so on remain unruined for decades and it is very important to find the way of their recycling. Another reason of soil poisoning is the use of fertilizers, which help agricultural products to grow fast and big, but very often these products are harmful for a man.

These are only some of the problems of the environment. The list may be endless: greenhouse effect, ozone holes, etc. All of these factors threaten mankind and nature, reduce their life, and even kill them. What can be done to protect them? It is very difficult to answer this question because millions of people all over the world fight against pollution for the survival of everything alive on the earth. There is a special green movement, which calls for nature protection. But it is clear that it is necessary to use purification equipment at the plants and factories, look for wasteless technologies, learn to use natural sources of energy, such as wind, sun, etc., use new recycling technologies. It is very important that every person should be responsible for ecologically clean world and act correspondingly.

Ex. 15. Give English equivalents for the following:

безотходные технологии, угрожать человечеству, использовать естественные источники энергии, стать частью повседневной жизни, знать мельчайшие подробности, бесконтрольные выбросы вредных веществ, отравлять воду и почву, уничтожать леса и строения, парниковый эффект, ядерные электростанции, не разрушаться десятилетиями, стоит отметить, очистительное оборудование, кислотные дожди, быть ответственным, экологически чистый мир.

Ex. 16. Agree or disagree. Give your reasons.

  1. Inventions never bring harm to a man.

  2. Computers have become the part of our life.

  3. The problem of pollution is extremely topical for low inhabited areas.

  4. Uncontrolled emission of harmful substances pollutes only the areas belonging to plants and factories.

  5. At present automobile transport is safe for the environment.

  6. Fertilizers are very useful for agricultural products.

  7. Green movement calls for nature protection.

  8. Acid rains work like fertilizers for soil.

  9. There are numerous wastes recycling plants everywhere.

  10. It is necessary to use purification equipment, new recycling technologies, to learn to use natural sources of energy.

Ex. 17. Answer the following questions:

  1. What kind of world do we live in?

  2. Do we think that the majority of inventions bring harm to a man or not?

  3. What is the greatest problem for humanity today?

  4. What is pollution?

  5. Where is the pollution problem extremely topical?

  6. What pollutes air, water and soil in industrial cities?

  7. What harm do uncontrolled emissions of different substances and dust bring to a man?

  8. What did Chernobyl disaster show?

  9. How long will significant areas of agricultural and forest lands of the Ukraine, Belarus and Russia remain unsafe for a man?

  10. Why are fertilizers harmful?

  11. What can be done to protect nature and human life?

  12. What is the purpose of the green movement?

Ex. 18. Read the text.

Trash into Cash

Within just four months, the town of Oryol has built a unique plant to recycle industrial and household waste.

Most recycling plants in Russia and elsewhere have one major defect: when burning waste, they emit harmful dioxins into atmosphere.

The Russian company Ekoprom in choosing a suitable option for Oryol looked at the Balabanovo Plant in the Kaluga Region. Using a Russian technology this plant has made the recycling of rubbish an ecologically harmless process that turns waste into squared beams for use in construction.

However, the Balabanovo Plant recycles only timber waste, and the construction of a similar plant in Oryol, for instance, would cost 33,7 billion rubles.

Fortunately, Ekoprom's engineers found a way to build a plant complete with assembly lines at a fraction of the cost - a mere three billion rubles. The money was provided by the company itself and by an extra-budgetary ecological fund.

The new plant can process all kinds of industrial waste and household rubbish such as glass, polyethylene, waste paper and cans.

The plant's technology is being kept secret, but its trial phase has confirmed that the plant does not harm the environment, consumes very little electricity, and produces good quality building material. This material is non-inflammable, does not absorb moisture and does not mould. It is light and therefore convenient for use in construction; besides it is very heat resistant.

Ekoprom built a structure on its grounds from the new construction blocks to show what a dust-heap (8.5 hectares in area and more than 30 meters high) can be turned into.

There are countless scrap heaps of this sort, amassed over decades, on the outskirts of the town. After reaching its planned capacity, the plant will be able to cope with this trash within two or three years, and in the process provide cheap building material. The plant will operate in three shifts, with a hundred men or so working in each shift.

Unfortunately, the plant has been standing idle since last September because it lacks the additional 500 million rubles necessary for a final start-up. The town and company coffers are empty, but there is a lot of waste around that could be turned into money.

("The Moscow News")

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. to emit испускать, выделять

  2. option выбор

  3. squared beams квадратные блоки

  4. assembly line сборочный конвейер

  5. trial phase фаза испытаний

  6. to absorb moisture поглощать влагу

  7. to mould гнить

  8. heat resistant теплостойкий

  9. to cope with справиться

  10. shift смена

  11. to stand idle простаивать

Ex. 19. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the major defect of most recycling plants in Russia?

  2. Why did the Russian company Ekoprom look at the Balabanovo Plant, choosing a suitable option for Oryol?

  3. What are the drawbacks of the Balabanovo Plant?

  4. What kinds of waste can the new plant process?

  5. What are the particularities of the plant's technology?

  6. Why did Ekoprom build a structure on its grounds?

  7. What material will the plant produce?

  8. Why has the plant been standing idle since last September?

Ex. 20. Retell the text.

Ex. 21. Read the text.

Recycling waste

Within fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of huge industrial complexes for the recycling of waste. The word "rubbish" could lose its meaning because everything which goes into the dustbin would be made into something useful. Even the most dangerous and unpleasant waste would provide energy if nothing else.

The new concept of recycling waste is taking shape at the British technological laboratory at Warren Spring, not far north of London. Today the laboratory spends four times as much money in studying recycling as it did five years ago.

The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber as well. Methods have been discovered, for example, for removing the ink from newsprint so that the paper can be used again, and for obtaining valuable oils and gases from old motor car tyres. All these ideas are already being made use of, but what is new is the idea of combining them on such a large scale in a single plant designed to recycle most types of waste.

Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating the rubbish. When this project is complete the rubbish will be processed like this: first it will pass through sharp metal spikes which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed; then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids; after that crusher's arid rollers will break up everything that can be broken. Finally, the rubbish will pass under magnets, which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final stage.

The first full-scale giant recycling plants are perhaps fifteen years away. But in some big industrial areas, where rubbish has been dumped for so long that there are no holes left to fill up with rubbish, these new automatic recycling plants may be built sooner. Indeed, with the growing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. to take shape оформляться

  2. on a large scale в крупном масштабе

  3. spike острие, шип

  4. solid твердое вещество

  5. crasher дробилка

  6. arid сухой

  7. to remove удалять

  8. to dump сбрасывать, сваливать;

  9. dump (n.) свалка.

Ex. 22. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why is it necessary today to build huge industrial complexes for the recycling of waste?

  2. What concepts of recycling waste are taking shape in Britain?

  3. When will these ideas be realized?

Ex. 23. Give the gist of the text.

Ex. 24. Speak on the following topics:

  1. Acute Ecological Problems.

  2. Solution of the Existing Ecological Problems.


Ex. 1. Read the following words and word combinations:

  1. to accredit аккредитовать

  1. to recognize признавать что-либо

  1. recognition официальное признание

  2. to achieve добиваться, достигать

  3. achievement достижение

  4. particular особый, специфический

  5. to train обучать, воспитывать

  6. management управление

  7. rapid быстрый

  8. market economy рыночная экономика

  9. annually ежегодно

  10. to admit допускать

  11. to estimate оценивать

  12. to submit представлять на рассмотрение

  13. application заявление

  14. applicant тот, кто подает заявление

  15. to require требовать

  16. to satisfy the requirements удовлетворять требованиям

  17. to meet the demand удовлетворять спрос

  18. extra-mural department заочное отделение

  19. to suppose предполагать

  20. executive исполнительный

  21. legislative законодательный

  22. unit орган управления

  23. to involve вовлекать

  24. entrepreneurial предпринимательский

  25. personalized attention внимание, уделяемое каждому

  26. teaching staff преподавательский состав

  27. well-stocked library библиотека с хорошим фондом

  28. chair кафедра

  29. to carry out выполнять

  30. research научное исследование

  31. to deal with иметь отношение к чему-либо

  32. advanced student хорошо успевающий студент

  33. to encourage поощрять, воодушевлять

  34. to assist помогать

  35. qualified квалифицированный

  36. curriculum учебный план (мн.: curricula)

  37. to design предназначать

  38. business-related area область, относящаяся к бизнесу

  39. accounting бухгалтерское дело

  40. financial accounting финансовый учет

  41. managerial accounting управление финансами

  42. senior старший

  43. to provide with обеспечивать (чем-либо)

  44. tools and skills навыки и умения

  45. facilities благоприятные условия

Ex. 2. Supply “can”,”must” or their equivalents.

  1. ... you play chess a little? I ... when I was at school but I ... not now.

  2. Last term she ... leave home at eight every morning.

  3. He sees very badly, he ... wear glasses all the time.

  4. When John was six he ... swim across the swimming-pool, and now he ... swim from one end to the other. Soon he ... swim a quarter of a mile.

  5. The boys ... run to get to the station in time.

  6. He ... read all books on the reading-list.

  7. I got lost and ... ask the passers-by to show me the way.

  8. She ... be back at her job on Monday, so she ... leave on Sunday evening.

  9. The buses were full and I... take a taxi.

  10. She felt ill and ... leave early.

Ex. 3. Read and translate the text.

Far-Eastern Institute of Management

The Far-Eastern Institute of Management is one of the youngest educational institutions in the Far East, though it has rather long history. It was accredited by the President of the Russian Federation in 1992 and, being the Far-Eastern Academy of Public Service, achieved particular recognition as an institution of higher learning. In 2012 it became a branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of national economy and public administration.

The Institute was founded to train highly professional specialists in management to meet the increasing demand in them as the result of the rapid development of the market economy in the Far East and Eastern Siberia.

Annually more than 500 students are admitted to the Institute and the total number of them is estimated at about three thousand. Those who want to be admitted to the Institute have to submit application for admission. They are called applicants. Applicants must satisfy all general requirements.

There are two major day departments at the Institute offering different fields of study: the Department of State and Municipal Administration and the Department of Economy and Law. Besides, there is an extra-mural department. Upon graduation, the students of the State and Municipal Administration Department are supposed to work at executive, legislative and other governmental units. Graduates of the Department of Economics and Law are supposed to be involved in an entrepreneurial activity.

The Institute is a place with a warm and friendly atmosphere where students receive personalized attention. There are a lot of chairs through which teaching process is carried out. Among them one can mention the chair of Economics, the chair of Financial Management, the chair of Political Sciences, the chair of Mathematics, the chair of Foreign Languages.