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ЭМФАЗА Эмфатические конструкции служат для выделения того или иного члена предложения.1. Усилительное doДля усиления сказуемого в Present и Past Simple употребляется глагол do в соответствующем времени, который стоит перед смысловым глаголом. При переводе используются слова действительно, на самом деле, фактически.She does know the subject well.Она действительно знает этот предмет хорошо.Если в предложении имеются слова actually, really, indeed,то do не переводится.Если предложение вводится союзами although, though,то do переводится словами все же, хотя, однако.Although such compounds are practically unknown, the substances 1 and 2 do yield such complexes.Хотя такие соединения практически неизвестны, вещества 1 и 2 все же дают такие комплексы.2. Обратный порядок словОбратный порядок слов используется для выделения второстепенных членов предложения. Выделяемый член предложения выносится на первое место.Nowhere could he be found.Его нигде нельзя было найти.Если сказуемое стоит в Present и Past Simple, то при обратном порядке слов перед подлежащим стоит вспомогательный глагол do.Only in this paper did we find the necessary data.Только в этой статье мы нашли необходимые данные.Иногда на первое место выносятся причастие I, причастие II или прилагательное. Перевод таких предложений нужно начинать с дополнения или обстоятельства, стоящих после вынесенного на первое место слова.Related to this are many factors.С этим связаны многие факторы.Обратный порядок слов употребляется в эмфатических предложениях, вводимых союзами so, neither, nor. Переводятся с помощью слов тоже, а также и, а также не.He swims very well. So do I.Он очень хорошо плавает. И я тоже.He can’t drive. Neither can I.Он не умеет водить машину. И я тоже.Nor should we forget the importance of this factor.А также мы не должны забывать о важности этого фактора.3. Эмфатические уступительные предложенияImportant as this work is (may be), it does not cover the problem on the whole.Какой бы важной ни была эта работа, она не охватывает данную проблему в целом.However complicated the problem is, we are to solve it.Какой бы сложной ни была эта проблема, мы должны решить ее.4. Двойное отрицаниеОтрицание not в сочетании с отрицательными приставками прилагательных или наречий un-, in-, il-, im-, ir-, dis- усиливает любые члены предложения, кроме подлежащего и дополнения. Такое сочетание переводится словами довольно, весьма, вполне.This is not impossible.Это вполне возможно.This is not uncommon.Это довольно обычно.Вместо отрицания not может стоять выражение by no means.This is by no means unreasonable.Это вполне разумно.5. Эмфатическое сочетаниеit is...that (which, who)Выделяет любой член предложения, кроме сказуемого. Акцент передается словом именно.It is he who helped me.Именно он помог мне.It is language that enables us to communicate with each other.Именно язык помогает нам общаться друг с другом.6. Эмфатическое сочетаниеit was not until...that Служит для выделения обстоятельства времени. Переводится словами только; только тогда, когда; только после.It was not until 1992 that the book was published.Книга была опубликована только в 1992 году.It was not until his book was published for the second time, that it became widely known.Только после того, как его книга была опубликована во второй раз, она стала хорошо известной.Вариантом этой конструкции является сочетание not... until after.His book was not published until after the war.Его книга была опубликована только после войны.УПРАЖНЕНИЯЧАСТЬ 1Упр. 1. Переведите на русский язык. We did apply mathematical methods. A theorist does need to know experimental techniques. Not only does science explain natural phenomena but it also finds ways for their practical application. Not only does scientific information grow quantitatively but it also changes qualitatively. Not only was the relativity theory an achievement in itself, but it also paved the way for later discoveries. Not only did he collect new data but he also interpreted them. Not only did he describe the mechanism but he also explained it. Of special interest is his recent theory. Of great value are our recent results. Of prime importance is efficient organization of research. This rate of the reaction is not impossible. This effect is not improbable. It is he who is interested in speeding up the work. It is he who insists on revising the program. It was Rutherford who discovered the atomic nucleus. It is Smith who objects to including this question in the program. It is these experiments that provided the basis for further research. It is these data that deserve special attention. It was not until World War II that antibiotics were first used. It was not until 17th century that the law of gravitation was formulated. It was not until 13th century that the first clock was made. It was not until 1930 that the first nuclear reaction was observed. It was not until 1957 that the first satellite was launched. It was not until 18th century that the first classification of animals and plants was made. It was not until 19th century that the nature of electricity became known. It was not until recently that computers have become widely used. It was not until recently that lasers have found wide application. It was not until recently that the structure of viruses has become known. The theoretical aspects of this phenomenon will not be treated until later. The reaction did not start until the next morning. Упр. 2. Переведите на русский язык. He said he would come and he did come. We do not know much of the author. But we do know that all three poems were written by him. Humour is not missing in his work. The total number of German words in English is not inconsiderable. To find a poet who is also a literary critic is not unusual nowadays. Not infrequently the primary meaning of a word dies away and the derivative meaning remains. To group these artists into schools is a little pedantic. Yet it is not unreasonable to group together the painters who worked chiefly in Florence. The changes of sound here are not irregular. Not dissimilar effects are found in painting. It is Greek that she wants to study. Actually, however, it is not until the other person begins to speak that you can form a very definite idea of his personality and his character. The first part of his work did not come out until 1940. Cotton was not introduced to Japan from China until later and wool was unknown. Only in one case do we find a slight difference between the two forms. News about Japan reached Russia relatively late. Not until the 17th century do we find mention of Japan in Russian sources. Connected with this phenomenon are also some other types of changes. Lying inside the box was a small ring. The following translations, inadequate as they are, may help to give some idea of the character of this poetry. The two words are not enough alike in sound to cause their confusion, nor do their written symbols look alike enough. Nor can the author resist the temptation of displaying his erudition and introducing foreign words. The compound was prepared in 1865, although it was not recognized as a thiasoleuntil 1879. The theoretical aspects of the phenomenon will not be treated until later. It is not improbable that an inversion of configuration took place. It has not been until recently that the basic assumptions of this theory have been seriously called in question. However, what actually does occur remains obscure. Experiments showed that the starting products did indeed contain impurities. Not only did Osborne isolate many new proteins of vegetable origin, but described them in detail. Упр. 3. Переведите на русский язык. In practice, there do exist sources of thermal neutrons, namely media interfaces in nuclear reactors. Notable are relatively low sensitivities of that substance. Nevertheless, we do have quite a few pieces of the puzzle. Important as the decisions were, they did not solve the problem confronting them. Of particular interest in solid state detectors is the p-n junction. Low as the forces on the spacecraft are, they are not zero. Only recently have we appreciated the potentialities in this field. It was, however, not until the end of the Second World War that the development of linear accelerators really started. Plotted on the diagram are the curves of production growth versus automation. The figure of merit, useful criterion as it is, must be used with reserve. It is the geometry of the iron in the pole regions that chiefly determines the field distribution in the gap. We failed to estimate the variables, nor do we know how to evaluate the performance of the system. Closely relating to the problem of memory capacity is the problem of miniaturization. This is not a problem which has been solved entirely, nor is it likely ever to be. Hardly had this result been ignored. ЧАСТЬ 2Переведите на русский язык. This system does perform well. Electrical Tokamak does not have the typically high magnetic field capacity of other tokamaks, but it does have a relatively large major radius of 5m. In practice, there do exist sources of thermal neutrons, namely media interfaces in nuclear reactors. Experience with these systems in high-energy physics is limited. Introductory literature does exist. The above amplitudes do indeed form the triangle of Eq.6. To demonstrate that instability does indeed occur, and to estimate how strong it is, we must compute the eigenvalues of the matrix M. Nevertheless, we do have quite a few pieces of the puzzle. Instead, not only does the generator produce the correct code automatically, but it also allows hacks such as the propagation of the minus sign to be implemented with just a couple of lines of code. Not always, however, can this limit be used. Not only is there a shift in the diamond line, but it is also split. Not only are well-ordered note-books useful when you write a paper, but the prompt recording of summaries compels you to give critical thought to each experiment at the best time. Also shown is the mass spectrum when the detector material is included in front. Arriving at CERN from Novosibirsk’s Budker Institute are magnets for the two transfer lines. Commonly used in this application would be a common-collection amplifier or a transformer with a high primary-to-secondary turns ratio. Of particular interest in solid state detectors is the p-n junction. There is no turning back here, if the called programme terminates, so does this process. Use this device sparingly, however: otherwise you will be in trouble, and so shall I. As it happened, this stacking programme was never used, and neither was the slow extraction. This essay is not a complete text-book on “How to write...”. Neither is it designed to replace existing works on literary style or the editorial directives issued by many journals. However the initial and final hadrons wave-functions, the quantities that describe these hadrons in terms of their quark content, are not perturbatively known, nor do they contain only hard quarks. This is not a problem which has been solved entirely, nor is it likely ever to be. Such theories do not in general require any new low-energy CP-violation mechanism, neither do they forbid it. The problem of dealing with soft hadronic physics effects is not unique for calculations of two body decays, nor are the general statements made below about methods and symmetry limits special to those days. Different as Einstein’s and Newton’s theories are, within the solar system their results are almost identical. Low as the forces on the spacecraft are, they are not zero. Important as this area is, it is not where I want to spend my time in this paper. Slight departures from these expectations are not unlikely. It is the bunched beam that radiates. It is the geometry of the iron in the pole regions that chiefly determines the field distribution in the gap. It is this slow superimposed motion which contains “all the FEL physics”. It is this simple renormalizable structure of the Standard Model that has let us derive specific quantitative predictions for experimental results. It is this regenerative function that allows a trigger pulse to push the flip-flop from one stable state to the other. It was Rutherford who realized the need for an accelerator and who encouraged his colleagues Cockroft and Walton to build the first machine for nuclear physics research. It was for this reason that Bosch developed the “Controller Area Network.” It was, however, not until the end of the Second World War that the development of linear accelerators really started. II It is the subsequent deexcitation processes that lead to chemical reactions in heterogeneous photocatalysis process. The use of copper dopant, not expected to block the formation of nickel carbide, does result in a strong decrease in cooking and in the formation of “octopus” type carbon at higher dopant levels. It is the growing intensity of this species that accounts for much of the increased center-of-mass of the NMR lineshape with increased alkali content. Conspicuous by its absence in the spectra of all of these catalysts is a sharp peak at 124 ppm corresponding to gaseous CO2. Evaluating this possibility, an XPS study on supported ruthenium catalysts showed that the Ru core-level binding energies do shift upon the addition of alkali salts, and the shifts are similar regardless of the choice of counterion. These results agree well with the earlier work and so do the values reported by Kramer et al. It were researchers in radiation chemistry who first started to look at the mechanism of chemical reactions involving the plasma state. The enhanced oxygen ion diffusion in SCFC does provide superior cathodic performance compared to LSCF at 700ºC. As predicted from model ii, the thio effect for rS does approach 1 at high pH. During exposure to this cycled environment, gradual sintering does occur, but is less rapid than for treatment in a single gas at the same temperature. It does seem, however, that we have reached a point where the picture of chromatin structure, at least in its more elementary aspects, has clarified to the point where a coherent presentation is possible. There does seem to be general agreement concerning the timing of changes in ADP-ribozylation histones during the cell cycle. Proofreading does indeed operate during DNA synthesis. This may be an indication that the possible allosteric effect of pyrophosphate does only occur if the enzyme is acting in a dimer complex. Although some scattering does exist, these data can be reasonably correlated by the following equation. Only for zirconium did they obtain comparable distinctions. It seems, therefore, that in only one of the cases tested does O-methylthreonine take part in an aminoacylation / deacylation cycle. Only subsequently did the viral DNA migrate to the nucleus, where it underwent integration. Also noted in both small and large intestine was the presence of high molecular weight bands. Compared in Fig.9 are the maximum yields in furan and crotonaldehyde from butadiene on these samples as a function of the number of added V atoms. As the surface coverage increases, so does the vapour pressure. There are no reports, to my knowledge, of cytoplasmic methylation of histones. However, neither is there proof, that even type II enzymes are excluded from nuclei in vivo. The sites and extent of this modification are unknown. Nor is it clear whether glycozylation of histones is a general phenomenon or merely a peculiarity of T. I heard Max Delbruck lecture, but I don’t think I understand the significance of who he was, nor was I influenced by him to go into molecular biology. Although the DNA structure is clearly of the B type, present resolution does not allow an exact determination of the number of residues per turn. Nor can the exact number of turns be determined, for the ends of the DNA are not distinct. It is not impossible that one or more substances might have general application. DNA regions with these sequence characteristics are not uncommon in the cellular genome. It is not uncommon for labeling to be spread over a large number of components. It seems not unreasonable that the DNA-EDTA-Fe(II) probes do not bind Watson-Crick DNA in slightly basic solutions and consequently do not produce cleavage under these conditions. It is not unreasonable to assume therefore that below

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3

Упр. 4. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. We could have taken modal verbs earlier this year.

  2. I should have thanked him for his kind letter.

  3. He may have realized his mistake.

  4. You must have underestimated the importance of this work.

  5. You might have taken the wrong decision.

  6. We may have overestimated this method.

  7. His data could have been used in our work but they are not accurate enough.

  8. They should have extended the conception to include this case.

  9. The figures ought to have been corrected earlier.

  10. According to the experimental plan the growth medium is to be minimal.

  11. They might have neglected smaller errors.

  12. You should have included other contributions in this review.

  13. Observation of the sun and the planets must have been made long before our civilization.

  14. These assumptions ought to have been discarded from the very beginning but they seemed to be very important.

  15. You will have noticed that we come back to this problem once more.

Упр. 5. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. On Sundays he would get up early and go fishing.

  2. He will be expecting us now.

  3. Possibly, the salt would decompose even more easily.

  4. The conductor would probably have a very large temperature coefficient.

  5. The reaction would appear to involve a rearrangement.

  6. She won’t have returned from the trip.

  7. Ring his work number. He will be at work now.

  8. The door won’t open.

  9. An Englishman will always show you the way in the street.

  10. The reader will have noticed the mistake.

Упр. 6. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Нам пришлось сделать много подготовительной работы.

  2. Мы должны закончить эту работу к следующему году.

  3. В соответствии с планом эксперимента этот параметр должен быть минимальным.

  4. Этот процесс можно ускорить.

  5. Разница может быть и небольшой.

  6. Я не могу описать все эксперименты, которые мы провели. Они слишком многочисленны.

  7. Я хотел бы поблагодарить доктора Синклера за его полезные советы.

  8. Мне следует поблагодарить доктора Синклера за его советы.

  9. Мне следовало бы поблагодарить доктора Синклера за его советы.

  10. Я мог бы посетить последнюю конференцию по полупроводникам, но я был слишком занят.

  11. Вам следовало бы показать статью переводчику, тогда бы вам ее не вернули.

  12. Мы, вероятно, переоценили этот метод.

  13. Вероятно, они приняли неправильное решение.

  14. Вы, должно быть, недооценили важность этой работы.

  15. Они, по всей видимости, расширили эту концепцию, чтобы включить и данный случай тоже.

Упр. 7. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Ему приходится вставать в 6 утра.

  2. Мы договорились, что он приедет (ему следует) сегодня.

  3. Они должны пожениться в июне.

  4. Вам следует предупреждать меня, если вы пропускаете занятия.

  5. Мы должны сдать экзамены в июне.

  6. Мне придется взять такси, чтобы не опоздать.

  7. После обеда может пойти снег.

  8. Здесь может быть более чем одно решение.

  9. Такие случаи бывают, это естественно.

  10. Мне следует поблагодарить его за полезный совет.

  11. Он, возможно, сейчас на обеде.

  12. Он, должно быть, англичанин.

  13. Тебе следует раньше ложиться спать.

  14. Тебе не следует вести машину. Ты слишком устал.

  15. У нас мало времени. Нам надо спешить.

  16. Вам нет необходимости спешить.

  17. Когда он злился, он обычно выходил из комнаты, громко хлопнув дверью.

  18. Когда ему говоришь об этом, он и слушать не хочет.

Упр. 8. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. A good experimenter has to be a jack of all trades.

  2. There has to be a way out of any situation.

  3. How is this to be explained?

  4. Not a single scientist shall work on problems whose solution may be a threat to mankind.

  5. An individual scientist may or may not be highly moral. Scientific community as a whole ought to be.

  6. Good ideas should be written down before they are forgotten.

  7. Such ideas should be exciting for most students.

  8. A true scientist will enjoy his work more than anything else.

  9. There can be more than one answer to this question.

  10. Nature would never be exhausted to challenge man with more riddles.

  11. Most primitive tools and devices must have been invented independently by different civilizations.

  12. Such phenomena should have been known as early as the VIII century.

  13. These stars might have evolved under absolutely different conditions.

  14. They cannot have reached the same level of development.

  15. The reader will have noticed the author’s failure to fill up the gap.

Упр. 9. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. He had to come.

  2. He must have come.

  3. She will have to retake her exam.

  4. It doesn’t sound convincing. It must/has to/has got to/ be just your assumption.

  5. This medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.

  6. The Brazilian president is to visit England next month.

  7. That song was to become a visiting card of the group.

  8. They were to have answered our letter even last week but they never did.

  9. I should study more English this term.

  10. I should have studied more English last term.

  11. They may be working now.

  12. He may have forgotten to call yesterday.

  13. May I leave you the keys so that you should hand them to my roommate?

  14. You may not take my car without asking me.

  15. He may not know anything about it.

  16. He may call tomorrow.

  17. He might call tomorrow.

  18. We shall fight for the last!

  19. They shall regret this!

  20. He can call at any moment.

  21. She can’t be still sleeping. It’s 12 o’clock.

  22. When she was a kid, she could walk under the table.

  23. What’s he doing? He could be speaking with the customer.

  24. They couldn’t know each other.

  25. He couldn’t have been translating that tiny letter for two hours.

  26. When I was 16 I was not allowed to come late.

  27. We were not allowed to get out of jeep without asking the instructor for it.

  28. As he doesn’t have a permanent work, he has got to do odd job to support his family.

  29. You ought to know each other better lest you get divorced the next day after the wedding.

  30. When either of us called the other, we would always talk for at least half an hour.

  31. When either of us calls each other, we will always talk for at least half an hour.

  32. I am not going to believe you. You’ve got to be kidding/You must be kidding.

  33. There could be another rise in the price of petrol.

Выберите нужную форму глагола.

  1. I wonder if you … lend me your book.

a) could

c) must

b) may

d) can

  1. I’m afraid you … do everything once again tomorrow.

a) must

c) should

b) will have to

d) have to

  1. I enjoyed the performance. You … go and see it.

a) must

c) ought to

b) should

d) have to

  1. According to the schedule we … attend our English classes twice a week.

a) are

c) are to

b) should

d) have to

  1. She lives far from school, so she … get up early.

a) must

c) is to

b) have to

d) has to

  1. They … to marry in June.

a) ought

c) be

b) have

d) are

  1. The weather forecast is not very good. It … rain.

a) should

c) may

b) can

d) must

  1. We … take our exams twice a year.

a) be to

c) ought to

b) have to

d) are to

  1. I think you … go to bed earlier.

a) ought

c) must

b) should

d) need

  1. We’ve got plenty of time. You … not hurry.

a) must

c) need

b) should

d) may

Переведите на русский язык.

  1. The corrections must also be as independent as possible with respect to the cut parameters (robust correction).

  2. The coefficients A and B must be linear functions if the bobbin is assumed to be perfectly cylindrical.

  3. The following precautions must be observed when working with this equipment.

  4. A polarized source must be used to inject polarized protons.

  5. Care must be taken to properly clean and install all o-rings, which provide the vacuum seal.

  6. Humans have to determine what diagnostics will give useful information: this usually requires insight into what physical processes are likely to be important.

  7. The general precautions that have to be taken when working with electrical equipment are as follows.

  8. The purpose is to provide information that has to be known throughout the network to all the machines on the network.

  9. However, this is not the case for the meson, so one has to make the appropriate modification.

  10. If the magnet does not have to be fixed to earth potential at one end, then the best solution is to have a differential medium-point earthing on the supply, as shown in Fig.7.

  11. To be of real use, this definition has to be complemented by a measure of purity of the sample of found tracks.

  12. By construction, significance level distribution should be flat, independent of track momentum and direction, as was found to be the case.

  13. One should also notice that the phase shift is not expected to be as accurate in this invariant mass region as it should be below the P mass peak.

  14. It should be noted that although all nuclear data tables in Appendix G are available to users at Los Alamos, users at other installations will generally have only a subset of the tables available.

  15. Care should be taken not to incorporate too many correlated variables.

  16. It should be emphasized that activity measures the source disintegration rate, which is not synonymous with the emission rate of radiation produced in its decay.

  17. Feature extraction followed by parameterization should normally always be considered when detector has to be studied.

  18. At this point, the different factors, by which the two loss components of grain-oriented material are affected, should be mentioned.

  19. One should point out that another feature of cool gases is that the drift velocity has a linear dependence on the electric field E and the gas density N.

  20. It should be clear that the smaller the figure for the energy resolution, the better the detector will be able to distinguish between two radiations whose energy lie near each other.

  21. It is interesting that Penzias and Wilson were led to this idea by the news that Dicke had suggested that one ought to use a radiometer to search for the cosmic background.

  22. Also collaborating with the Varian brothers were two graduate students, Woodyard and Ginzton, both of whom were to take leading roles in Stanford’s postwar programs.

  23. It is to be hoped that similar publications will eventually become available describing other major accelerator installations.

  24. If alpha particles are to be accelerated, double ionized helium atoms must first be created in an ion source by an electrical discharge, intense RF field, or other means.

  25. If the sources are to be used to carry out accurate efficiency calibration as well, their absolute activity must also be known.

  26. The discussion here will be limited to a few methods that can be used in track finding.

  27. It is worth mentioning here a distinction that can be made between OLAP database and SDB relative to Step2.

  28. One could ask a question whether we can somehow improve the isochrony of this chamber.

  29. As soon as Maxwell made it clear which electromagnetic fields were theoretically possible it must have occurred to many physicists that particles could be accelerated by RF-fields.

  30. Such movements are dangerous as they generate heat and may lead to a premature breakdown of superconductivity, i.e. a quench.

  31. In electron rings, however, this may not be sufficient.

  32. Additional conditions on the coefficients might lead to more symmetries to appear.

  33. Tracks with as few as three space points may have to be accepted.

  34. The condition for spin resonances defines a dense web and one might think that one cannot avoid depolarization resonances.

  35. Although the Fano factor is substantially less than unity for semiconductor diode detectors and proportional counters, other type such as scintillation detectors appear to show a limiting resolution consistent with Poisson statistics and the Fano factor would, in these cases, be unity.

  36. The conclusion will have been made that the “ideal” software would have the following features.

  1. Such evidence has to be disregarded, even if it cannot be accounted for, in the hope that it will eventually turn out to be false or irrelevant.

  2. One further complication arises from the fact that, in the catalytic combustion of methane, both heterogeneous and homogeneous reactions have to be recognized.

  3. Acute exposure can result in hepatic injury that can in more extreme cases prove fatal.

  4. The nitrate concentration in water treated by the ion-exchange step should not exceed 50mg 1-1.

  5. The result is that much larger systems may be simulated over much longer time scales.

  6. A novel fabrication route reported here should provide researchers with another tool toward practical synthesis of the epsilon phase.

  7. However the oxidation temperature must be below the PdO decomposition temperature.

  8. Both reflections may be interpreted as first-ordered satellites of different basic reflections.

  9. The LSM-GDC cathodes would (will) be ideally suited for ceria-electrolyte SOFCs.

  10. Above 400ºC, the grain boundary and bulk processes could not be measured, as they became indistinguishable.

  11. Hence, purification of DNA must be carried out in primarily aqueous solution where its polyionic character can be exploited by use of ion exchange chromatography or electrophoresis.

  12. Whether these two phenomena are related has yet to be discovered.

  13. These finding effects, however, have to be considered cautiously because single-stranded DNA contains folded regions and hence they give rise to the interaction with distamycin.

  14. Otherwise, another synthetic oligonucleotide or a restriction fragment has to be used as a primer.

  15. The possibility that this heterogeneous distribution was due to the photolabeling of catalytic and/or noncatalytic sites has to be considered.

  16. Consequently, fresh enzyme had to be added during every cycle.

  17. Therefore chromatographic techniques that could accomplish this result had to be developed.

  18. So what is the concentration of the acid or base that is to be used in the calculation?

  19. Therefore, it is the obligation of the experimenter to provide proof of sequence difference, if the existence of true variants is to be claimed.

  20. If the direction of that asymmetry were to reverse, interruptions could be generated.

  21. The postulated reaction scheme indicates that there are two aspects which must be addressed if we are to understand the chemical nuclease activity of S,10-phenantroline-copper.

  22. The wide scope of the subject is demonstrated by the fact that biochemists and their methods are to be found in almost any institution where biological work is conducted.

  23. The development of the full panoply of DNA cloning techniques in the early 1970s made it clear that the prime target for work with synthetic deoxyribooligonucleotides should be a method for monitoring gene isolation.

  24. If a large excess of competitor DNA fragment identical to the probe is added to the binding reaction, formation of the protein-DNA complex should be abolished.

  25. Alternatively, if a competitor DNA fragment that does not contain a high-affinity binding site for the protein is added to the binding reaction, the amount of protein-DNA complex formed should be unaffected.

  26. The four dNTPs should be used at equivalent concentrations to minimize misincorporation errors.

  27. In addition the coverage at this point should certainly exceed 0.25.

  28. This should be reflected by the TD spectra.

  29. Therefore, one may expect repulsive interactions between adsorbed NO molecules.

  30. It has been proposed that incorporation of other unusual nucleotide residues into nascent DNA may also result in subsequent excision-repair processes.

  31. Consequently drugs which are specifically activated by protonation may exhibit a slight preferential effect.

  32. This might be because a single acridine intercalations event provides the same stabilization effect.

  33. Such modifications might lead to incorporation of a wrong nucleotide by route 1c.

  34. Thus the tertiary structure of the growing polynucleotide may have limited the access of the incoming nucleotide to the 3'-OH terminus of the polynucleotide.

  35. In the first place we may have to understand much better then we do now the interaction between chromatin, its associated proteins, and the nuclear matrix.

  36. Specific steps may have to be introduced to remove these contaminants.

  37. It is potentially mutagenic since it can pair not only with thymine but also with cytosine.

  38. Most DNA-damaging agents produce two or more types of lesions in their principal target that can pose severe analytical problems.

  39. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of chromatin structure, in particular with respect to the problems of transcription.

  40. We could find no indication that aggregation of the labeled oligomer was occurring.

  41. The low level of processive synthesis found here could not have been detected by kinetic methods.

  42. It seems clear from the data that this reaction is more strongly dependent on the reaction time than it would be expected for simple second order kinetics.

  43. A C 1S peak broadened to higher binding energies would be expected for an oxygen-containing surface intermediate because of the electron withdrawing nature of oxygen.

  44. In the absence of inhibition effects, one would expect the formation of regular polyhedrons with low-index planes in their facets.

  45. This was the task for organic chemists, and it would seem that the tetranucleotide model provided a convenient framework.

  46. The "ideal" software would have the following features.

  47. The difference in the interfacial area would indicate that the seryl-tRNA synthetase dimer is more stable than the seryl-tRNA synthetase monomer.

  48. Each time before he could bring it to the summit, it would roll back down, and he had to begin anew.

  49. Different results would not have been obtained even at much slower heating rates.

  50. This will have been noticed by the reader.


  1. But such a success is exceptional, in general, one must be content with much less.

  2. Indirectly, we have to guarantee the existence of these functions.

  3. The emptiness problem of HF is simple since we only have to check the set of axioms for emptiness.

  4. The objects of computation have to be created by finitistic means.

  5. The exercises in the book are to be taken as samples.

  6. If an inductive procedure is to be used to determine this expression, then we will have to consider not only statements but also formulas.

  7. This point may, of course, differ from one solution to another.

  8. Structures may allow so much “pathology” that their classification looks completely hopeless.

  9. Instead of functionals (1) we may have to deal with integrals depending on derivatives of higher order.

  10. Finally, one should not minimize the impact of the theory of categories on many mathematical theories.

  11. Depending on these values the random walk need not be infinite.

  12. In turn the mathematical problem was to be modeled by an arithmetical problem and it was rather casually taken for granted that the arithmetical solution would converge to the analytic solution.

  13. The data obtained would not agree with the theoretical predictions.

  14. The popularization of the idea that a set theoretic mapping should be considered as a particular kind of morphism has helped to clarify intricate notions such as those of algebraic group or formal group by inserting them within the general concept of algebraic structures on categories.

  15. After H.Weyl and E.Cartan had developed in 1925-1930 the global theory of semisimple Lie groups, of their finite-dimensional representations and symmetric spaces, one might have thought that this chapter of Lie theory was thus brought to a close.