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ЭМФАЗА Эмфатические конструкции служат для выделения того или иного члена предложения.1. Усилительное doДля усиления сказуемого в Present и Past Simple употребляется глагол do в соответствующем времени, который стоит перед смысловым глаголом. При переводе используются слова действительно, на самом деле, фактически.She does know the subject well.Она действительно знает этот предмет хорошо.Если в предложении имеются слова actually, really, indeed,то do не переводится.Если предложение вводится союзами although, though,то do переводится словами все же, хотя, однако.Although such compounds are practically unknown, the substances 1 and 2 do yield such complexes.Хотя такие соединения практически неизвестны, вещества 1 и 2 все же дают такие комплексы.2. Обратный порядок словОбратный порядок слов используется для выделения второстепенных членов предложения. Выделяемый член предложения выносится на первое место.Nowhere could he be found.Его нигде нельзя было найти.Если сказуемое стоит в Present и Past Simple, то при обратном порядке слов перед подлежащим стоит вспомогательный глагол do.Only in this paper did we find the necessary data.Только в этой статье мы нашли необходимые данные.Иногда на первое место выносятся причастие I, причастие II или прилагательное. Перевод таких предложений нужно начинать с дополнения или обстоятельства, стоящих после вынесенного на первое место слова.Related to this are many factors.С этим связаны многие факторы.Обратный порядок слов употребляется в эмфатических предложениях, вводимых союзами so, neither, nor. Переводятся с помощью слов тоже, а также и, а также не.He swims very well. So do I.Он очень хорошо плавает. И я тоже.He can’t drive. Neither can I.Он не умеет водить машину. И я тоже.Nor should we forget the importance of this factor.А также мы не должны забывать о важности этого фактора.3. Эмфатические уступительные предложенияImportant as this work is (may be), it does not cover the problem on the whole.Какой бы важной ни была эта работа, она не охватывает данную проблему в целом.However complicated the problem is, we are to solve it.Какой бы сложной ни была эта проблема, мы должны решить ее.4. Двойное отрицаниеОтрицание not в сочетании с отрицательными приставками прилагательных или наречий un-, in-, il-, im-, ir-, dis- усиливает любые члены предложения, кроме подлежащего и дополнения. Такое сочетание переводится словами довольно, весьма, вполне.This is not impossible.Это вполне возможно.This is not uncommon.Это довольно обычно.Вместо отрицания not может стоять выражение by no means.This is by no means unreasonable.Это вполне разумно.5. Эмфатическое сочетаниеit is...that (which, who)Выделяет любой член предложения, кроме сказуемого. Акцент передается словом именно.It is he who helped me.Именно он помог мне.It is language that enables us to communicate with each other.Именно язык помогает нам общаться друг с другом.6. Эмфатическое сочетаниеit was not until...that Служит для выделения обстоятельства времени. Переводится словами только; только тогда, когда; только после.It was not until 1992 that the book was published.Книга была опубликована только в 1992 году.It was not until his book was published for the second time, that it became widely known.Только после того, как его книга была опубликована во второй раз, она стала хорошо известной.Вариантом этой конструкции является сочетание not... until after.His book was not published until after the war.Его книга была опубликована только после войны.УПРАЖНЕНИЯЧАСТЬ 1Упр. 1. Переведите на русский язык. We did apply mathematical methods. A theorist does need to know experimental techniques. Not only does science explain natural phenomena but it also finds ways for their practical application. Not only does scientific information grow quantitatively but it also changes qualitatively. Not only was the relativity theory an achievement in itself, but it also paved the way for later discoveries. Not only did he collect new data but he also interpreted them. Not only did he describe the mechanism but he also explained it. Of special interest is his recent theory. Of great value are our recent results. Of prime importance is efficient organization of research. This rate of the reaction is not impossible. This effect is not improbable. It is he who is interested in speeding up the work. It is he who insists on revising the program. It was Rutherford who discovered the atomic nucleus. It is Smith who objects to including this question in the program. It is these experiments that provided the basis for further research. It is these data that deserve special attention. It was not until World War II that antibiotics were first used. It was not until 17th century that the law of gravitation was formulated. It was not until 13th century that the first clock was made. It was not until 1930 that the first nuclear reaction was observed. It was not until 1957 that the first satellite was launched. It was not until 18th century that the first classification of animals and plants was made. It was not until 19th century that the nature of electricity became known. It was not until recently that computers have become widely used. It was not until recently that lasers have found wide application. It was not until recently that the structure of viruses has become known. The theoretical aspects of this phenomenon will not be treated until later. The reaction did not start until the next morning. Упр. 2. Переведите на русский язык. He said he would come and he did come. We do not know much of the author. But we do know that all three poems were written by him. Humour is not missing in his work. The total number of German words in English is not inconsiderable. To find a poet who is also a literary critic is not unusual nowadays. Not infrequently the primary meaning of a word dies away and the derivative meaning remains. To group these artists into schools is a little pedantic. Yet it is not unreasonable to group together the painters who worked chiefly in Florence. The changes of sound here are not irregular. Not dissimilar effects are found in painting. It is Greek that she wants to study. Actually, however, it is not until the other person begins to speak that you can form a very definite idea of his personality and his character. The first part of his work did not come out until 1940. Cotton was not introduced to Japan from China until later and wool was unknown. Only in one case do we find a slight difference between the two forms. News about Japan reached Russia relatively late. Not until the 17th century do we find mention of Japan in Russian sources. Connected with this phenomenon are also some other types of changes. Lying inside the box was a small ring. The following translations, inadequate as they are, may help to give some idea of the character of this poetry. The two words are not enough alike in sound to cause their confusion, nor do their written symbols look alike enough. Nor can the author resist the temptation of displaying his erudition and introducing foreign words. The compound was prepared in 1865, although it was not recognized as a thiasoleuntil 1879. The theoretical aspects of the phenomenon will not be treated until later. It is not improbable that an inversion of configuration took place. It has not been until recently that the basic assumptions of this theory have been seriously called in question. However, what actually does occur remains obscure. Experiments showed that the starting products did indeed contain impurities. Not only did Osborne isolate many new proteins of vegetable origin, but described them in detail. Упр. 3. Переведите на русский язык. In practice, there do exist sources of thermal neutrons, namely media interfaces in nuclear reactors. Notable are relatively low sensitivities of that substance. Nevertheless, we do have quite a few pieces of the puzzle. Important as the decisions were, they did not solve the problem confronting them. Of particular interest in solid state detectors is the p-n junction. Low as the forces on the spacecraft are, they are not zero. Only recently have we appreciated the potentialities in this field. It was, however, not until the end of the Second World War that the development of linear accelerators really started. Plotted on the diagram are the curves of production growth versus automation. The figure of merit, useful criterion as it is, must be used with reserve. It is the geometry of the iron in the pole regions that chiefly determines the field distribution in the gap. We failed to estimate the variables, nor do we know how to evaluate the performance of the system. Closely relating to the problem of memory capacity is the problem of miniaturization. This is not a problem which has been solved entirely, nor is it likely ever to be. Hardly had this result been ignored. ЧАСТЬ 2Переведите на русский язык. This system does perform well. Electrical Tokamak does not have the typically high magnetic field capacity of other tokamaks, but it does have a relatively large major radius of 5m. In practice, there do exist sources of thermal neutrons, namely media interfaces in nuclear reactors. Experience with these systems in high-energy physics is limited. Introductory literature does exist. The above amplitudes do indeed form the triangle of Eq.6. To demonstrate that instability does indeed occur, and to estimate how strong it is, we must compute the eigenvalues of the matrix M. Nevertheless, we do have quite a few pieces of the puzzle. Instead, not only does the generator produce the correct code automatically, but it also allows hacks such as the propagation of the minus sign to be implemented with just a couple of lines of code. Not always, however, can this limit be used. Not only is there a shift in the diamond line, but it is also split. Not only are well-ordered note-books useful when you write a paper, but the prompt recording of summaries compels you to give critical thought to each experiment at the best time. Also shown is the mass spectrum when the detector material is included in front. Arriving at CERN from Novosibirsk’s Budker Institute are magnets for the two transfer lines. Commonly used in this application would be a common-collection amplifier or a transformer with a high primary-to-secondary turns ratio. Of particular interest in solid state detectors is the p-n junction. There is no turning back here, if the called programme terminates, so does this process. Use this device sparingly, however: otherwise you will be in trouble, and so shall I. As it happened, this stacking programme was never used, and neither was the slow extraction. This essay is not a complete text-book on “How to write...”. Neither is it designed to replace existing works on literary style or the editorial directives issued by many journals. However the initial and final hadrons wave-functions, the quantities that describe these hadrons in terms of their quark content, are not perturbatively known, nor do they contain only hard quarks. This is not a problem which has been solved entirely, nor is it likely ever to be. Such theories do not in general require any new low-energy CP-violation mechanism, neither do they forbid it. The problem of dealing with soft hadronic physics effects is not unique for calculations of two body decays, nor are the general statements made below about methods and symmetry limits special to those days. Different as Einstein’s and Newton’s theories are, within the solar system their results are almost identical. Low as the forces on the spacecraft are, they are not zero. Important as this area is, it is not where I want to spend my time in this paper. Slight departures from these expectations are not unlikely. It is the bunched beam that radiates. It is the geometry of the iron in the pole regions that chiefly determines the field distribution in the gap. It is this slow superimposed motion which contains “all the FEL physics”. It is this simple renormalizable structure of the Standard Model that has let us derive specific quantitative predictions for experimental results. It is this regenerative function that allows a trigger pulse to push the flip-flop from one stable state to the other. It was Rutherford who realized the need for an accelerator and who encouraged his colleagues Cockroft and Walton to build the first machine for nuclear physics research. It was for this reason that Bosch developed the “Controller Area Network.” It was, however, not until the end of the Second World War that the development of linear accelerators really started. II It is the subsequent deexcitation processes that lead to chemical reactions in heterogeneous photocatalysis process. The use of copper dopant, not expected to block the formation of nickel carbide, does result in a strong decrease in cooking and in the formation of “octopus” type carbon at higher dopant levels. It is the growing intensity of this species that accounts for much of the increased center-of-mass of the NMR lineshape with increased alkali content. Conspicuous by its absence in the spectra of all of these catalysts is a sharp peak at 124 ppm corresponding to gaseous CO2. Evaluating this possibility, an XPS study on supported ruthenium catalysts showed that the Ru core-level binding energies do shift upon the addition of alkali salts, and the shifts are similar regardless of the choice of counterion. These results agree well with the earlier work and so do the values reported by Kramer et al. It were researchers in radiation chemistry who first started to look at the mechanism of chemical reactions involving the plasma state. The enhanced oxygen ion diffusion in SCFC does provide superior cathodic performance compared to LSCF at 700ºC. As predicted from model ii, the thio effect for rS does approach 1 at high pH. During exposure to this cycled environment, gradual sintering does occur, but is less rapid than for treatment in a single gas at the same temperature. It does seem, however, that we have reached a point where the picture of chromatin structure, at least in its more elementary aspects, has clarified to the point where a coherent presentation is possible. There does seem to be general agreement concerning the timing of changes in ADP-ribozylation histones during the cell cycle. Proofreading does indeed operate during DNA synthesis. This may be an indication that the possible allosteric effect of pyrophosphate does only occur if the enzyme is acting in a dimer complex. Although some scattering does exist, these data can be reasonably correlated by the following equation. Only for zirconium did they obtain comparable distinctions. It seems, therefore, that in only one of the cases tested does O-methylthreonine take part in an aminoacylation / deacylation cycle. Only subsequently did the viral DNA migrate to the nucleus, where it underwent integration. Also noted in both small and large intestine was the presence of high molecular weight bands. Compared in Fig.9 are the maximum yields in furan and crotonaldehyde from butadiene on these samples as a function of the number of added V atoms. As the surface coverage increases, so does the vapour pressure. There are no reports, to my knowledge, of cytoplasmic methylation of histones. However, neither is there proof, that even type II enzymes are excluded from nuclei in vivo. The sites and extent of this modification are unknown. Nor is it clear whether glycozylation of histones is a general phenomenon or merely a peculiarity of T. I heard Max Delbruck lecture, but I don’t think I understand the significance of who he was, nor was I influenced by him to go into molecular biology. Although the DNA structure is clearly of the B type, present resolution does not allow an exact determination of the number of residues per turn. Nor can the exact number of turns be determined, for the ends of the DNA are not distinct. It is not impossible that one or more substances might have general application. DNA regions with these sequence characteristics are not uncommon in the cellular genome. It is not uncommon for labeling to be spread over a large number of components. It seems not unreasonable that the DNA-EDTA-Fe(II) probes do not bind Watson-Crick DNA in slightly basic solutions and consequently do not produce cleavage under these conditions. It is not unreasonable to assume therefore that below

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3

Выберите нужную форму глагола
1. I wish I … your advice that day.
a) would not taken c) took

b) would not have taken d) had not taken
2. It would be worth while investigating the substance mentioned, provided we …. it in sufficient quantity.
a) can got c) would can get

b) could get d) got
3. The Earth behaves as though the attractive force … at its centre.
a) is act c) were acting

b) would act d) will act
4. I wish we … longer in Antwerpen instead of going to Brussels, which I’ve seen

many times.

a) have stayed c) shall stay

b) had stayed d) stayed
5. It’s desirable that you … off the documents today.

a) should have sent c) would send

b) should send d) had sent
6. He asked that they … to return to their homes.
a) were permitted c) be permitted

b) will permit d) had permit
7. If ice … heavier than water it would fall to the bottom of ponds and of the sea.
a) will be c) had been

b) were d) is

8. It is urgent that we … the importance of such gatherings.
a) debated c) had debate

b) debate d) will debate
9. Make exact calculations lest you … with your experiment.
a) should fail c) would failed

b) failed d) were failed

10. I wish, for just a day, I … President of the United States.
a) will be c) would been

b) had be d) were
11. Copernicus suggested that the Sun and not the Earth … at the centre of everything.
a) was c) were

b) would been d) should be
12. It was natural for the ancient Greeks to suppose that the stars, planets, the sun and

the moon … round the Earth in space.
a) move c) moved

b) will move d) had moved
13. John wishes he … a mechanical engineer.
a) was/were c) is

b) will be d) would been
14. Many people wish life … so busy.
a) were not c) is not

b) had not be d) won’t be
15. We began talking as though we were old friends, as if we … each other for many years.
a) know c) had known

b) were knowing d) would know
16. Many students wish they … to attend the lectures.
a) don’t have c) hasn’t had

b) didn’t have d) hadn’t have
17. Unless they improve their attitude towards the work, they … the exam.
a) would fail c) fail

b) will fail d) failing
18. Very often people behave as though they … alone in the universe.
a) are c) have been

b) are being d) were
19. The manager wishes he … more enthusiastic with the project.
a) has been c) were being

b) had been d) were
20. He talked to me as if nothing … .
a) has happened c) didn’t happen

b) happens d) had happened
Переведите на русский язык.

  1. Although cells 1 and 2 do not touch cell 4, to omit them would be incorrect.

  2. This is a very appreciable loss, indicating that it would be impractical to design a 50 Hz magnet with solid copper coils of such large cross section.

  3. To compensate fully for the focusing effects in both planes would require adjustment of six independent parameters, requiring therefore six independent quadruples.

  4. This evident similarity suggests that the application of these derivatives should be explored.

  5. It would be naïve to assume that the startling new developments may not soon appear.

  6. Certainly, performing a simultaneous infrared measurement would assist in better identification of these states.

  7. Whichever of the existing methods we may use, we cannot yet isolate two colliding particles and study them fundamentally.

  8. It was suggested that certain changes be introduced into the design of this installation so that it might better meet the necessary specifications.

  9. Wherever the primary defect be formed, it will later give rise to a visible crack.

    1. It is expected that this type of reaction be used in 21st century.

    2. In agreement with these observations, Wärnå suggested that in the process of catalytic nitrate reduction the key intermediate on a noble metal be NO.

    3. These results suggested that cracking of unsaturated lipids could follow two distinct paths by which olefins and paraffins could oligomerize followed by cyclization and aromatization.

    4. In theory, the destinations could be extended to include cages beyond the nearest neighbors, which would be accessible via multistate jumping events.

    5. It is necessary that the statistical noise be reduced.

    6. It is possible that the most stable adsorbate would be that absorbed onOs1 sites.

    7. The development of strategies for the Watson-Crick recognition of sequence within duplex DNA would allow greater control over transcription.

    8. It would be naive to assume that the pace of chromatin research has finally slowed, or that startling new developments may not soon appear.

    9. At present there is no answer to these questions, considerably more results would be needed for such a statement.

    10. Certainly, performing a simultaneous infrared measurement would assist in better identification of these states.

    11. It would be interesting to investigate long cycles in these graphs for general n and k.

    12. To understand the function of gene, it would be advantageous to delete that gene function at the desired time.

    13. Finally, lest we be lured into considering the chromatosome to be a static unit of chromatine structure, we should heed experiments which indicate that H1 molecules may be surprisingly mobile, even at ionic strength below the physiological range.

    14. The evident similarity to the activity of bleomycin suggests that the application of these derivatives as chemotherapeutic agents should be explored.

    15. To simplify the chromatography it is highly desirable that the desired product be the single largest component in the product mixture.

    16. Although these tests are sensitive and specific for HIV, direct detection of the virus would be desirable for a number of reasons.


  1. It would be wrong to ignore morphogenesis altogether.

  2. It would not be correct to say that we have proved that the process takes place in the way we have described.

  3. It would be interesting to know whether the existence of a particular v=v0 implies the existence of other such values.

  4. Now I should like to refer to two short definitions of “management”.

  5. As usual substitution may require that bound variables be renamed.

  6. That is, after any number of moves, if player I has not yet won, he can insist that more moves be played.

  7. We suggest that the bounds of this sequence should be defined.

  8. This problem would be difficult to analyse by any other method.

  9. However many steps the creature may take, it will never get to the boundary of this universe.

  10. It is important that the “area under the graphs” should be defined.


Модальность ─ это отношение автора к сообщаемой информации.

Каждый модальный глагол имеет свое единое значение, которое он может реализовать в двух ситуациях:

1 ситуация ─ побуждение к действию извне или изнутри;

2 ситуация ─ оценка вероятности события.

Так, предложение He must come может иметь двоякое значение. В первой ситуации ─ Он должен (обязан) прийти. Во второй ─ Он, должно быть, (вероятно) придет. В первой ситуации глагол must означает требование, побуждение извне, во второй ─ оценку вероятности события.
Значение и перевод модальных глаголов




1 ситуация

2 ситуация


отсутствие альтернативы, обязанность



должно быть, наверняка,



have to

наличие вынужденных обстоятельств, закон, правило


должен, приходится, обязан


должно быть,


be to









можно (ожидать)


зависимость от посторонней воли





ought to

наличие веских доводов в пользу чего-либо




по всей видимости,

очевидно (только с перфектными глаголами)


наличие у автора субъективного отношения в пользу чего-либо, совет, рекомендация


хорошо бы,


надо бы

следует ожидать,

вполне вероятно,

должно быть

may/ might

наличие альтернативы




может быть,



не исключено

can/ could

наличие благоприятных обстоятельств





will/ would

наличие тенденции,




во что бы то ни стало,

хотелось бы




как правило,


1. All children must go to school.

Все дети должны ходить в школу.
2. His son must go to school. He is seven.

Его сын, несомненно, пойдет в школу. Ему семь лет.
3. He has to go there. His mother is ill.

Он вынужден поехать туда. Его мать больна.
4. Pilots have to wear a uniform.

Летчики обязаны носить форму.
5. There has to be a way out of this situation.

Из этой ситуации обязательно есть выход.
6. The conference is to be held next year.

Конференцию планируется провести в следующем году.
7. The metal is to be found in nature.

Этот металл можно найти в природе.
8. He was to part with her.

Ему суждено было расстаться с ней.
9. They shall not pass!

Они не пройдут! (не сумеют, не должны).

(Shall часто не переводится вообще, а передается интонацией.)
10. Many Americans believe that young people ought to leave home after graduation from high school or college.

Многие американцы считают, что молодым людям следует жить отдельно после

окончания школы или колледжа.
11. We believe he ought to be right in the long run.

Мы верим, что он обязательно окажется прав в конечном счете.
12. You should write down new words.

Вам следует выписывать новые слова.
13. He should come.

Он, должно быть, придет.
14. You may choose your line of work.

Вы можете выбирать свой стиль работы.
15. He may (might) be ill.

Он, вероятно, болен.
16. He can learn better.

Он может учиться лучше.

17. There can be more than one solution here.

Здесь может быть более чем одно решение.
18. We will enjoy creative work.

Творческая деятельность всегда приносит радость.
19. Children will ask questions.

Детям свойственно задавать вопросы.
20. That will be him. He promised to arrive.

Это, несомненно, (определенно, безусловно) он. Он обещал приехать.
21. He would stay in the laboratory for weeks.

Он, бывало, неделями не выходил из лаборатории.
Will (would) + отрицание not – означает упорное нежелание что-либо делать, отказ действовать, функционировать.
22. He wouldn’t listen to us.

Он и слушать нас не хотел.
23. The data wouldn’t agree with the theory.

Данные никак не согласуются с теорией.
Модальные глаголы с перфектным инфинитивом
Модальные глаголы в сочетании с перфектным инфинитивом означают отношение автора к действию в прошлом.

1. He must have finished his experiment.

Он, должно быть, закончил эксперимент.
2. I should have thanked him for his advice.

Мне следовало бы поблагодарить его за совет.
3. Such phenomena should have occurred long ago.

Такие явления, по всей вероятности, происходили давно.
4. You ought to have foreseen it.

Вам следовало бы предвидеть это.
5. They ought to have arrived at different conclusions.

Они, по всей видимости, пришли к разным заключениям.

6. He may have realized the complexity of this task.

Он, вероятно, осознал всю сложность этой задачи.
7. You might have done it without my permission.

Можно было это сделать без моего разрешения.

8. You might have overlooked an error.

Вы, возможно, просмотрели ошибку.
9. I could have heard the lecture but I came too late.

Я мог бы послушать эту лекцию, но пришел слишком поздно.
10. They could have made an attempt to return but it turned out to be a failure.

Они, возможно, сделали попытку вернуться, но она оказалась неудачной.
11. This will have been noticed by the reader.

Читатель это, естественно, заметил.
12. They would have done it but did not want to risk.

Они были готовы сделать это, но не хотели рисковать.


Упр. 1. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. He has to get up at 6 a.m., he lives too far.

  2. We agreed that he was to come and see our friend in hospital.

  3. They are to marry in June.

  4. You ought to warn me if you miss a class.

  5. We are to take our exams in June.

  6. I will have to take a taxi in order not to be late.

  7. It may snow in the afternoon.

  8. There can be more than one solution here.

  9. Accidents will happen.

  10. I should thank him for his useful advice.

  11. The process can be accelerated.

  12. We are to finish the work by next year.

  13. He may be having lunch.

  14. He must be British.

  15. You should go to bed earlier.

  16. You ought not to drive. You are too tired.

  17. We are pressed for time. We must hurry.

  18. You needn’t hurry.

  19. When he was angry, he would walk out of the room banging the door.

  20. When he is told about it, he won’t listen to.

Упр. 2. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. Is that the phone? It will be John. He said he would ring around now.

  2. Don’t take the meat out of the oven. It won’t be ready yet.

  3. Look over there. That must be John’s car.

  4. Our guests should be here soon.

  5. This homework shouldn’t take you too long.

  6. We may go to Greece for our holidays. We haven’t decided yet.

  7. We may not have enough money to go abroad.

  8. It might rain. Take your umbrella.

  9. I might not be back in time for supper, so don’t wait for me.

  10. He can’t be here. He was to leave yesterday.

  11. What’s wrong with him? He will just sit for hours staring into space.

  12. Something was wrong. He would sit for hours staring into space.

  13. He was angry because she wouldn’t lend him any money.

  14. She would always bring me presents when I was a child.

  15. The car won’t start.

  16. He wouldn’t talk to me.

  17. The printer wouldn’t stop printing, so I turned it off at the mains.

  18. He will always take my things.

  19. He would take my things. It annoyed me.

  20. You can borrow my bike, but you can’t have the car. I need it.

Упр. 3. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. That might/could be him.

  2. That may be him.

  3. That should be him.

  4. That must be him.

  5. That will be him.

  6. You wouldn’t know her.

  7. May I see you home?

  8. Can I see you home?

  9. Could I see you home?

  10. Could you give me a lift?

  11. Can it be true? It can’t be true.

  12. You can always have a quick snack at McDonald’s.

  13. You could be more polite.

  14. She could have called us.

  15. The director was to sign the contract.

  16. The director was to have signed the contract.

  17. You are not to come here.

  18. It was to happen.

  19. They were to part soon.

  20. You ought to take up some sport.

  21. You must be joking. She can’t have a ten-year-old daughter.

  22. You should have told me that you can’t swim. You might have drowned.

  23. She must have been crazy to marry him.

  24. Our guests should be here soon.

  25. We should be moving into a new flat soon.

  26. I met a tall attractive girl at your party. –That will have been my sister.

  27. It must have been a good party. Everyone stayed till dawn.

  28. The music can’t have been any good. Nobody danced.

  29. Where’s he? He should have been here ages ago.

  30. He may have got lost.

  31. He might have decided not to come.

  32. He could have had an accident.

  33. You could have done something to help me instead of just sitting there.