ВУЗ: Не указан
Категория: Не указан
Дисциплина: Не указана
Добавлен: 06.04.2021
Просмотров: 786
Скачиваний: 3
ATM (automatic teller machine) is a machine, usually in a wall outside a
bank, from which you can take money out of your bank account using a
special card
a concert hall, a theatre, a museum, a library, a swimming pool, a police station, a
post office, a laundry, a hairdresser's salon, several canteens, bank offices,
ATMs, shops, cafeterias, a bomb shelter.
7a Translate from Russian into English the following text.
7 мая 1755 года, по инициативе (
on smb's initiative
) и проекту (according to
the design) великого ученого, мыслителя и патриота М.В. Ломоносова на
Красной площади в Москве, на том месте, где ныне возвышается
Государственный исторический музей, состоялось открытие первого
русского университета. В конце XVIII века выдающийся зодчий Матвей
Казаков построил для университета новое здание на Моховой улице, против
С первых лет своего существования Московский университет стал
крупнейшим центром образования в стране. Здесь учились знаменитые
писатели и драматурги Д.И. Фонвизин, А.С. Грибоедов, М.Ю. Лермонтов,
И.А. Гончаров, А.Н. Островский, И.С. Тургенев, А.П. Чехов, великие
революционные демократы (revolutionary democrats) А.И. Герцен, Н.П.
Огарев и В.Г. Белинский, основатель русской педагогики (pedagogics) К.Д.
(popularization) знаний среди (among) самых широких слоев (strata, groups)
населения, в подготовке (training) специалистов (specialist (in), expert (in))
высокой квалификации.
(establishment) новых университетов и институтов в стране, возникновение
(emergence) русского театра в Москве, основание (foundation) Академии
художеств, организация (arrangement) первой гимназии (high school) в
Казани, впоследствии (afterwards, later) преобразованной в Казанский
университет, создание ряда провинциальных (provincial) гимназий,
Политехнического музея и Музея изобразительных искусств в Москве,
многих научно-исследовательских ((scientific-) research ) учреждений
В 1918 году устанавливались (to establish; institute; set up) новые правила
приема в высшие (higher) учебные заведения (educational institution). Были
уничтожены (abolish, do away (with)) привилегии (privileges) для знатных и
богатых. Отменялись всякие ограничения для женщин. Студентам из
рабочих и крестьян установили стипендии (scholarship).
В Московском университете получили большое развитие старые научные
школы и возникли новые направления (schools) в науке. «Отец русской
авиации»(aviation) Н.Е. Жуковский и его ближайший ученик С.А. Чаплыгин
создали здесь школу современной аэромеханики. Основоположник (founder,
initiator) русской физиологии И.М. Сеченов впервые начал объяснять
(physiological). В.И. Вернадский создал новую науку – геохимию.
8a Write an advertisement about your university based on
your awareness of the question
results of your internet search
visit to the VSU History Museum
Academic and Non-academic Activities
In this unit you will:
about academic and non-academic activities, about campus life,
residence halls in the USA and how to survive college
about university and campus activities
your knowledge about students’ life
discussing, presenting, asking and responding, interviewing,
summarizing, comparing
Listen to
speaking about their academic and non-academic activities
a report, an application for a grant, an informal letter or e-mail
1a Look at the pictures. Associate a picture with some activity. Which shows:
Academic activity?
Non-academic activity?
Which activity do you prefer?
1b Read the saying and reproduce it in a minute. Translate it into your
mother tongue. Do you agree with it? Why? Why not?
You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to
work by working; and just so, you learn to love by loving. All those who
think to learn in any other way deceive themselves.
~Saint Francis de Sales
2a Work with a partner to discuss the following questions:
1.Which academic programs does Voronezh State University offer?
2.How many faculties does the University include?
3.Are there any faculties which base their student assessment upon credit units?
4.What do you know about competitions for school students held by Voronezh
State University?
5.Do the University students participate in international student support
2b Read the article about academic activities of Voronezh State University.
Seven sentences have been removed from this article. Choose from sentences
A-G the one that fits each gap (1 – 7).
Voronezh State University is the biggest intellectual, scientific and academic
centre of the Central Black Earth Region. The University offers academic
programs at all levels: from vocational training to post-doctoral studies, including
bachelor, master, graduate and postgraduate courses.
The University includes 17 faculties: Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences
and Mechanics; Biology and Soil Science; Chemistry; Computer Sciences;
Economics; Geography and Geoecology; Geology; History; International
Relations; Journalism; Law; Mathematics; Pharmaceutics; Philology; Philosophy
and Psychology; Physics; Romance and Germanic Philology. International
students are taught and guided by the Institute of International Education.
The University teaches students in 50 specialist, 28 bachelor and 108 master
degree programs.
_________ The University has two affiliated branches in
the smaller cities of Liski and Stary Oskol.
More than 20,000 students are taught by 1,300 academic staff, including 261
About 3,000,000 items are held in the University regional library, among them
books, periodicals, CD-ROMs, etc.
_________ A significant amount of
teaching materials comes out of the Publishing and Printing Center of VSU.
The University extensively uses teaching quality management and student
academic progress monitoring. The teaching quality management system is
certified according to the ISO 9001:2000 requirements.
_________ The University is listed by the Russian Ministry of Education
and Science among the higher educational establishments which are planning to
introduce the innovative credit units approach. Several faculties have introduced
a new grading system of rating students' progress. International programs base
their student assessment techniques upon credit units.
The University offers preliminary courses for school graduates. A regional
educational district basing at VSU was formed in 2001 to associate several
establishments on a voluntary basis, including the following: Voronezh State
University, Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh State Medical
Academy, Voronezh Academy of Arts, Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute,
Voronezh Oblast Institute of Qualification Improvement for Educationalists,
Voronezh Institute of Economics and Social Management, Voronezh Institute of
High Technologies, Voronezh State College of Industries and Humanities,
Voronezh Vocational School of Law, as well as some of the leading municipal
educational establishments of general and additional learning.
Regional competitions for school students are held every year, and a student
research society has been working at the University since 1961.
Continued learning is given through various post-doctoral, postgraduate and
internship programs, as well as at the Qualification Improvement Institute.
Several faculties offer programs of a second higher education.
The VSU Business School which appeared as an outcome of a joint
international project trains specialists in the field of economics.
_________ These supplements comply with the requirements of the EU
Commission. Some of the bachelors who graduated in recent years continue their
education in master programs abroad.
The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has regularly ranked VSU
among the top ten classical universities of Russia in recent years.
The University actively participates in domestic and international student
support programs in order to promote gifted students.
Special attention is paid to the academic mobility of students and faculty
members. More than 200 VSU students study abroad and about 100 foreign
students come to study at Voronezh University each year according to
agreements between universities.
Voronezh State University, together with Dickinson State University
(North Dakota, USA) and Quindao University of Science and Technology
(China), issue joint diplomas to their graduates.
More than 300 faculty members become interns in educational
establishments abroad, and about 30 interns from other countries come
to VSU every year.
There are also 76 programs of postgraduate and 7 programs of post-doctoral
The University has issued Diploma supplements in English for bachelor and
master program graduates since 2004.
Innovative teaching technologies are widely in use at VSU.
Nowadays this kind of cooperation is actively expanding.
The library provides a high-speed Internet connection to major library data
bases in Russia and abroad with full access to e-texts.
Thus, the University signed an agreement with the Oxford — Russia
Fund in 2007 aimed at supporting a scholarship project for students of
the humanities.
2c Find adjectives for the following nouns in the article and make up
your sentences with these adjectives:
Doctor, academy, region, significance, innovation, volunteer, medicine,
society, variety, gift.