Файл: Выберите соответствующее словосочетание.docx

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Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 10.11.2023

Просмотров: 2050

Скачиваний: 92

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В + 3



Напишите цифрами номер предложения содержащего верную информацию.

1. The only way to settle disputes is the Arbitration court.

2. The complaints can be made only before putting the equipment into operation.

3. Incorrect labelling cannot be the cause of making a claim.

4. The claims may be made by both parties of the agreement.

1. Sometimes in business communication people start arguing and stand on their point especially in terms of executing contracts that are important documents signed by business partners where rights and obligations are defined. Disputes between buyers and sellers can arise no matter how efficient a company tries to be. There may be disputes about goods to be supplied as they may be delivered too late, some parts may be damaged or missed.

2. As a rule most of the disputes are settled amicably but when it is impossible to settle a matter in a friendly way it is referred to Arbitration or other courts. The award of Arbitration court is usually final and binding upon both parties. In case when agreement is breached a sufferer can make a claim to the party which fails to fulfil its contract obligations. The most often cases that are the buyers make a claim on the seller but the seller can also make a claim on the buyer if there is a default in payment.

3. Very often causes of complaints are delays, breakage or damage due to inadequate packing, pilferage, unsatisfactory condition of goods, incorrect labelling and others. The examples of disputes may also be cases when defects are discovered after the equipment has been already put into operation. In such situations a letter of complaint with supporting documents may be sent to the seller with request to replace the faulty goods.

4. In response to complaints the companies of sellers often write letters that are called adjustments. These letters require under all circumstances diplomacy, patience and tact as the main goal of these letters not to lose customers. If disputes last longer than two months as a rule it leads to cancelation of agreements. The disruption of production or supply caused by company’s inefficiency can have serious effects as buyers may be forced to supply their needs from another manufacturers or sellers.

В + 4



Напишите цифрами номер абзаца, которому соответствует следующая информация «In case of unsatisfactory conditions the customers can change suppliers in hope of better service»

1. Sometimes in business communication people start arguing and stand on their point especially in terms of executing contracts that are important documents signed by business partners where rights and obligations are defined. Disputes between buyers and sellers can arise no matter how efficient a company tries to be. There may be disputes about goods to be supplied as they may be delivered too late, some parts may be damaged or missed.

2. As a rule most of the disputes are settled amicably but when it is impossible to settle a matter in a friendly way it is referred to Arbitration or other courts. The award of Arbitration court is usually final and binding upon both parties. In case when agreement is breached a sufferer can make a claim to the party which fails to fulfil its contract obligations. The most often cases that are the buyers make a claim on the seller but the seller can also make a claim on the buyer if there is a default in payment.

3. Very often causes of complaints are delays, breakage or damage due to inadequate packing, pilferage, unsatisfactory condition of goods, incorrect labelling and others. The examples of disputes may also be cases when defects are discovered after the equipment has been already put into operation. In such situations a letter of complaint with supporting documents may be sent to the seller with request to replace the faulty goods.

4. In response to complaints the companies of sellers often write letters that are called adjustments. These letters require under all circumstances diplomacy, patience and tact as the main goal of these letters not to lose customers. If disputes last longer than two months as a rule it leads to cancelation of agreements. The disruption of production or supply caused by company’s inefficiency can have serious effects as buyers may be forced to supply their needs from another manufacturers or sellers.




Сформулируйте одним словом и напишите ответ на вопрос согласно тексту «What can happen with the agreement after more than two months arguing?»

1. Sometimes in business communication people start arguing and stand on their point especially in terms of executing contracts that are important documents signed by business partners where rights and obligations are defined. Disputes between buyers and sellers can arise no matter how efficient a company tries to be. There may be disputes about goods to be supplied as they may be delivered too late, some parts may be damaged or missed.

2. As a rule most of the disputes are settled amicably but when it is impossible to settle a matter in a friendly way it is referred to Arbitration or other courts. The award of Arbitration court is usually final and binding upon both parties. In case when agreement is breached a sufferer can make a claim to the party which fails to fulfil its contract obligations. The most often cases that are the buyers make a claim on the seller but the seller can also make a claim on the buyer if there is a default in payment.

3. Very often causes of complaints are delays, breakage or damage due to inadequate packing, pilferage, unsatisfactory condition of goods, incorrect labelling and others. The examples of disputes may also be cases when defects are discovered after the equipment has been already put into operation. In such situations a letter of complaint with supporting documents may be sent to the seller with request to replace the faulty goods.

4. In response to complaints the companies of sellers often write letters that are called adjustments. These letters require under all circumstances diplomacy, patience and tact as the main goal of these letters not to lose customers. If disputes last longer than two months as a rule it leads to cancelation of agreements. The disruption of production or supply caused by company’s inefficiency can have serious effects as buyers may be forced to supply their needs from another manufacturers or sellers.

B+ cancellation



Напишите перевод выделенного слова.

1. Sometimes in business communication people start arguing and stand on their point especially in terms of executing contracts that are important documents signed by business partners where rights and obligations are defined. Disputes between buyers and sellers can arise no matter how efficient a company tries to be. There may be disputes about goods to be supplied as they may be delivered too late, some parts may be damaged or missed.

2. As a rule most of the disputes are settled amicably but when it is impossible to settle a matter in a friendly way it is referred to Arbitration or other courts. The award of Arbitration court is usually final and binding upon both parties. In case when agreement is breached a sufferer can make a claim to the party which fails to fulfil its contract obligations. The most often cases that are the buyers make a claim on the seller but the seller can also make a claim on the buyer if there is a default in payment.

3. Very often causes of complaints are delays, breakage or damage due to inadequate packing, pilferage, unsatisfactory condition of goods, incorrect labelling and others. The examples of disputes may also be cases when defects are discovered after the equipment has been already put into operation. In such situations a letter of complaint with supporting documents may be sent to the seller with request to replace the faulty goods.

4. In response to complaints the companies of sellers often write letters that are called adjustments. These letters require under all circumstances diplomacy, patience and tact as the main goal of these letters not to lose customers. If disputes last longer than two months as a rule it leads to cancelation of agreements. The disruption of production or supply caused by company’s inefficiency can have serious effects as buyers may be forced to supply their needs from another manufacturers or sellers.

В+ ответ



Напишите глагол, от которого образовано выделенное слово.

1. Sometimes in business communication people start arguing and stand on their point especially in terms of executing contracts that are important documents signed by business partners where rights and obligations are defined. Disputes between buyers and sellers can arise no matter how efficient a company tries to be. There may be disputes about goods to be supplied as they may be delivered too late, some parts may be damaged or missed.

2. As a rule most of the disputes are settled amicably but when it is impossible to settle a matter in a friendly way it is referred to Arbitration or other courts. The award of Arbitration court is usually final and binding upon both parties. In case when agreement is breached a sufferer can make a claim to the party which fails to fulfil its contract obligations. The most often cases that are the buyers make a claim on the seller but the seller can also make a claim on the buyer if there is a default in payment.

3. Very often causes of complaints are delays, breakage or damage due to inadequate packing, pilferage, unsatisfactory condition of goods, incorrect labelling and others. The examples of disputes may also be cases when defects are discovered after the equipment has been already put into operation. In such situations a letter of complaint with supporting documents may be sent to the seller with request to replace the faulty goods.

4. In response to complaints the companies of sellers often write letters that are called adjustments. These letters require under all circumstances diplomacy, patience and tact as the main goal of these letters not to lose customers. If disputes last longer than two months as a rule it leads to cancelation of agreements. The disruption of production or supply caused by company’s inefficiency can have serious effects as buyers may be forced to supply their needs from another manufacturers or sellers.

В+ oblige



Найдите и выпишите сказуемое из выделенного предложения.

1. Sometimes in business communication people start arguing and stand on their point especially in terms of executing contracts that are important documents signed by business partners where rights and obligations are defined. Disputes between buyers and sellers can arise no matter how efficient a company tries to be. There may be disputes about goods to be supplied as they may be delivered too late, some parts may be damaged or missed.

2. As a rule most of the disputes are settled amicably but when it is impossible to settle a matter in a friendly way it is referred to Arbitration or other courts. The award of Arbitration court is usually final and binding upon both parties. In case when agreement is breached a sufferer can make a claim to the party which fails to fulfil its contract obligations. The most often cases that are the buyers make a claim on the seller but the seller can also make a claim on the buyer if there is a default in payment.

3. Very often causes of complaints are delays, breakage or damage due to inadequate packing, pilferage, unsatisfactory condition of goods, incorrect labelling and others. The examples of disputes may also be cases when defects are discovered after the equipment has been already put into operation. In such situations a letter of complaint with supporting documents may be sent to the seller with request to replace the faulty goods.

4. In response to complaints the companies of sellers often write letters that are called adjustments. These letters require under all circumstances diplomacy, patience and tact as the main goal of these letters not to lose customers. If disputes last longer than two months as a rule it leads to cancelation of agreements. The disruption of production or supply caused by company’s inefficiency can have serious effects as buyers may be forced to supply their needs from another manufacturers or sellers.

В+ may

B+ be

B+ sent



При помощи суффикса образуйте от выделенного глагола существительное так, чтобы на русском языке оно имело значение «подпись».

1. Sometimes in business communication people start arguing and stand on their point especially in terms of executing contracts that are important documents signed by business partners where rights and obligations are defined. Disputes between buyers and sellers can arise no matter how efficient a company tries to be. There may be disputes about goods to be supplied as they may be delivered too late, some parts may be damaged or missed.

2. As a rule most of the disputes are settled amicably but when it is impossible to settle a matter in a friendly way it is referred to Arbitration or other courts. The award of Arbitration court is usually final and binding upon both parties. In case when agreement is breached a sufferer can make a claim to the party which fails to fulfil its contract obligations. The most often cases that are the buyers make a claim on the seller but the seller can also make a claim on the buyer if there is a default in payment.

3. Very often causes of complaints are delays, breakage or damage due to inadequate packing, pilferage, unsatisfactory condition of goods, incorrect labelling and others. The examples of disputes may also be cases when defects are discovered after the equipment has been already put into operation. In such situations a letter of complaint with supporting documents may be sent to the seller with request to replace the faulty goods.

4. In response to complaints the companies of sellers often write letters that are called adjustments. These letters require under all circumstances diplomacy, patience and tact as the main goal of these letters not to lose customers. If disputes last longer than two months as a rule it leads to cancelation of agreements. The disruption of production or supply caused by company’s inefficiency can have serious effects as buyers may be forced to supply their needs from another manufacturers or sellers.

B+ signature

29.01.2022 11:51

Дисциплина: "Иностранный язык"

Коды РПД: 67236, 66438, 66443, 68409, 68410, 62095, 68004, 68129

Раздел: "Р(А)_05_А_Деловая и профессиональная коммуникация при обсуждении истории железнодорожного транспорта в России и странах изучаемого языка.Грамматика.Деловая документация.Деловая коммуникация_( сгб, асб, аиб, эпб, эмб, ткб, мбб, таб)"

Компетенция УК-4 - Способен осуществлять деловую коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах на государственном языке Российской Федерации и иностранном(ых) языке(ах)


УК-4.1 - Демонстрирует знания принципов построения устного и письменного высказывания на русском и иностранном языках; правил и закономерностей деловой устной и письменной коммуникации

УК-4.2 - Применяет на практике деловую коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах, методы и навыки делового общения на русском и иностранном языках; методики составления суждения в межличностном деловом общении на русском и иностранном языках

УК-4.3 - Способен применять навыки чтения и перевода текстов на иностранном языке в профессиональном общении; навыки деловых коммуникаций в устной и письменной форме на русском и иностранных языках; методики составления суждения в межличностном деловом общении на русском и иностранном языках

  №   Вопроса  


Вариант ответа

Эталон ответа


Уровень: 1   Код:   1302721/928678  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите правильный вариант видовременной формы глагола в активном залоге. International transportation of goods ...from year to year.






has been increasing



has increased



is increasing



Уровень: 1   Код:   1302717/928674  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите правильный вариант видовременной формы глагола в активном залоге. The Cherepanovs ... the first steam locomotive in Russia.





had constructed



have constructed






Уровень: 1   Код:   1302722/928679  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите правильный вариант видовременной формы глагола в активном залоге. The first marshalling yards appeared when the transportation of cargo ... greatly.








will increase



had increased



Уровень: 1   Код:   1302720/928677  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите правильный вариант видовременной формы глагола в активном залоге. The initial gauge of the first public railway ... 1524 mm.


has been






had been






Уровень: 1   Код:   1302723/928680  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите правильный вариант видовременной формы глагола в активном залоге The modernization of the Trans-Siberian railway ... after the World War II


has began






had began






Уровень: 1   Код:   1302718/928675  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите правильный вариант видовременной формы глагола в активном залоге The Trans -Siberian railway ... a very important role in the economic development of our country nowdays





has played










Уровень: 1   Код:   1302719/928676  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите правильный вариант видовременной формы глагола в активном залоге. They ... with Russian Railways for a number of years


are cooperating


have cooperated






have been cooperating



Деловая коммуникация: бронирование гостиницы

Уровень: 1   Код:   1302732/928689  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите реплику для диалога ... Hello. I’d like to make reservations for 6 nights at your hotel


Unfortunately, we haven’t got a swimming pool



And what time are you arriving?



Don’t worry, the porter will take your luggage immediately



Hello.What kind of room would you like: single or double?



Деловая коммуникация: бронирование гостиницы

Уровень: 1   Код:   1302735/928692  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите реплику для диалога ... Hello, I’m calling from room 158 .I would like to order lunch.


Sorry, We are fully booked this we




Thank you. Your room number is 208, nonsmoking



I’m sorry, sir. Only VISA or MasterCard.



What would you like to order?



Деловая коммуникация: бронирование гостиницы

Уровень: 1   Код:   1302734/928691  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите реплику для диалога ... I have a reservation under the name of Thompson


Enjoy your stay with us



This is your room change card



Thank you very much



Can I see your ID, please?



Деловая коммуникация: бронирование гостиницы

Уровень: 1   Код:   1302736/928693  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите реплику для диалога ... I’d like to check out now. My name’s Thompson, room 108. Here’s the key.


Here are your receipt and your change, sir.




ind of room would you like: single or double?



Your room is 743, on the seventh floor



One moment, please, sir. Here’s your bill



Деловая коммуникация: бронирование гостиницы

Уровень: 1   Код:   1302733/928690  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите реплику для диалога ... Welcome to “Astoria hotel”. May I help you?


Sorry, We are fully booked this week



Is this restaurant still serving lunch?



50 pounds per night. How are you paying?



I’d like to check in. I h

ve got a reservation.



Уровень: 1   Код:   1302724/928681  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол или эквивалент Drivers of express and fast trains ... have a rest after three hours of work.




have to









Уровень: 1   Код:   1302731/928688  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол или эквивалент I ... meet you at the terminal tomorrow








have to



will be able to



Уровень: 1   Код:   1302726/928683  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол или эквивалент I ... take a bus because my friend gave me a lift.


am not able to



was to



was allowed to



did not have to



Уровень: 1   Код:   1302728/928685  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол или эквивалент Its a non-smoking carriage. You...smoke here.





are allowed to



need not



must not



Уровень: 1   Код:   1302727/928684  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол или эквивалент The pilot ...land the plane on only one engine.








were allowed to



was able to



Уровень: 1   Код:   1302725/928682  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол или эквивалент The train ... arrive at 6 p.m., but it detained because of track repair work.





had to



was able to



was to



Уровень: 1   Код:   1302729/928686  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол или эквивалент The train...depart from the station, as the line was busy


is not allowed to



were not able to



wasn’t to






Уровень: 1   Код:   1302730/928687  (копия/оригинал)
Задание: выбрать верные
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол или эквивалент We ... leave yesterday because there were no tickets available for today’s train


were able to









had to



Деловая документация: письмо-предложение /запрос о регионе России

Уровень: 1