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252 ❖ Learning To Discuss Medicine £
Упражнение 9. Прочтите методические указания к курсу физиологии
для студентов 2 курса медицинского факультета Университета
The department provides instruction in cell physiology and systems
physiology for second year medical students. The general subject of
physiology and certain aspects of biophysics are presented to the second
year medical students in lectures given two times a week during the
second trimester, and five times weekly throughout the third trimester.
During the second trimester lectures on the general properties of cells
are delivered. Lectures of the third trimester are devoted to systems of
mammalian physiology. During the third trimester laboratory experiments
are carried out on two days of each week by students in small groups,
under the supervision of the teaching staff. The laboratory work of each
week is summarized in small group conferences at which the significance
of the findings is reviewed and discussed. Seminars in renal and
electrolyte physiology are held throughout the third trimester, with an
emphasis on clinical problems and pathological physiology.
Упражнение 10. Группа американских студентов беседует со
студентами 2 курса Московской медицинской академии. Выступите в
роли переводчика, Используйте в вашем переводе данные в скобках
слова и словосочетания.
Игорь: Мы знаем, что вы — студенты-медики из Балтимора. Как
называется ваше учебное заведение (medicalschool)?
Alan: We study at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicinc
Игорь: Скажите, пожалуйста, Алан, Джонс Хопкинс был
известным американским ученым?
Alan: Oh, no. Johns Hopkins was a merchant (коммерсант) of Bal-
timore who gave 7,000,000 dollars for the establishment (^снование) of
a university and a hospital. And in 1876, three years after Johns Hopkins'
death, the Medical School of the University began its work.
Medical Education in the USA ^ 253
Наташа: А наша Академия названа в честь (wasnamedafter)
основоположника (founder) русской школы физиологии И.М.
Paul: Yes, we know that Sechenov was a great physiologist. He
developed the theory of brain (головноймозг) reflexes. I've read his book
«Reflexes of the Brain».
ситета, азатемвозглавлял(to be the head of) кафедруфизиологии. У
нас в Академии есть музей-лаборатория И.М. Сеченова.
James: Oh, it would be very interesting to visit it. Do you think it's
Саша: Конечно. Давайте пойдем в этот музей в среду в три часа
после лекции по физиологии.
Alan: That will be wonderful. So, good-bye till Wednesday.
Упражнение 11. Прослушайте (прочитайте) диалог и скажите, какие
вопросы интересуют английского профессора.
An English professor is interviewing his American colleague.
Dr. Kelly: I'm glad to have this opportunity to talk to you, Dr. Barton. Do
you mind my asking some questions about medical school in America?
Dr. Barton:Certainly not. What do you want to know?
Dr. Kelly: First, can students go to a medical school free of charge?
Dr. Barton: No, everyone must pay a tuition fee. The amount varies
from state to state and from one school to another. A student's total
expenses throughout the year are about several thousand dollars. This
creates financial hardship for some people. Though each school offers a
Medical Education in the USA ^ 254
number of grants, many of the students have to work to pay part of their
Dr. Kelly: What degree does a Medical School offer?
Dr. Barton:After completing 4 years all students receive the Degree of
Doctor of Medicine.
Dr. Kelly: That clears up most of my questions, Dr. Barton. It's good
iоhave this information from someone directly connected with the world
of medicine. I hope to visit two medical schools — the Pritzker School
and the Kansas University Medical School — while I'm here in the United
Dr. Barton: It was a pleasure to talk with you.
Упражнение 12. а) прочитайте диалог (упр. 11) и найдите английские
жвиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
бесплатно учиться в медицинском вузе; плата за обучение; общие
(суммарные) расходы; создавать финансовые/материальные
итруднения; предоставлять гранты; получать звание (степень).
Health Care in the USA ^255
ft) используя диалог в качестве модели, составьте новый диалог
между российским и американским студентами-медиками.
Расспросите друг друга об изучаемых предметах, о вступительных
экзаменах и конкурсном отборе и т.д.
Упражнение 13. Вы участвуете в конференции «Медицинское
образование в США».
а) Четыре студента вашей группы подготовили доклады по
следующим темам:
1. The selection of students to a medical school. 2. Pre-medical and
medical subjects studied at medical schools. 3. The work of a resident. 4.
The work of young doctors after residency.
б) Прослушайте доклады и задайте вопрос каждому выступающему.
следующие слова. Обратите внимание на ударения.
society [ss'saiati], physician [fi'zijn], relationship [ri 'leijnfip], staff [sta:f],
trauma [Чгэ:тэ], insurance [in'Juarsns], atherosclerosis [, aeOsrssklia
Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания.
in case, government-financed hospitals, intensive сатеunit, health
insurance, place of employment, maternal and child health care, retire-
ment benefits
Упражнение 3. Прочтите следующий ряд слов. Выпишите слова,
относящиеся к теме «Медицинское обслуживание».
medical, health, need, patient, gradually, hospital, program, illness,
disease, week, nausea, importance, death, chief, forget, disability, preg-
nancy, arthritis, cancer, opinion, emphysema, chronic bronchitis
Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите текст.
1 1
256 ❖ Learning To Discuss Medicine £
Health Care System in the USA
The second meeting of Dr. Nelson and his colleagues with the Pro-
fessors and students of the Medical Faculty of the Moscow Medical
Academy was devoted to problems of medical service in the USA.
Dr. Nelson: Dear colleagues, it is a great pleasure for all of us to meet
you again,. Today we'll speak about medical service in our country.
As for the health care system in my country, it exists on three levels:
the level of the family doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the
United States Public Health Service.
Dr. Kruglov: Do many Americans seek medical help from private
Dr. Haddow: Not many, I should say. A private doctor, we call him a
family doctor, gives his patients regular examinations and inoculations. In
case professional care is needed, the family doctor arranges for the
patient to see a specialist or to go to a hospital. The family doctor
receives pay directly from the patient. Most physicians have private
practices. They make use of the hospital's facilities whenever necessary.
>A family doctor either has his own private office or works with several
other doctors in a so-called group practice.
Sasha Nikiforov: Dr. Haddow, what is characteristic of American
hospitals? Do all patients pay for their treatment at hospitals?
Dr. Haddow: I should like to point out first that many Americans have
no family doctor and they come directly to the hospital for all their medical
needs. The hospital provides health care to the sick and injured. We have
government-financed and private hospitals. The patients are admitted to
hospitals or clinics staffed by consulting physicians, residents, interns
and highly skilled nurses. The nursing staff is very important. Nurses and
patients are in close contact throughout the patients' stay in the hospital.
Social services are available to the patients and families regarding
personal, emotional, and financial problems that may arise from
continued illness or disabilities.