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262 ❖ Learning To Discuss Medicine £
can cure the same problems that it causes — usually by varying the
dosage of the substance.
Homeopathic remedies are made from natural animal, vegetable or
mineral sources.
Homeopathic medicines are not used to treat any particular oi^gan of
the body. Side effects such as tissue destruction do not occur in home-
opathy treatments.
Interviewer. We have some questions dealing with homeopathy. The
questions were sent to the National Center for Homeopathy in Washing-
ton. We invited Dr. Karl Robinson to answer our listeners' questions. Now
I'll introduce Dr. K. Robinson to you...
And now, Dr. Robinson, would you answer the first question of our
listeners: What is homeopathy?
Dr. R.:
Interviewer. Is homeopathy a scientific system of medicine or is it
based more on the intuition of the practitioner?
Dr. R.:
Interviewer. What are homeopathic remedies made from?
Dr. R.:
Interviewer. Do homeopathic medicines cause side effects?
Dr. R. :
Interviewer:Dr Robinson, thanks very much for your answers. With this
we will end our program. Good-bye.
Упражнение 10. а) Прослушайте (прочитайте) фрагмент беседы
профессора Андерсона со студентами Медицинского колледжа
университета штата Огайо. Скажите, какие вопросы были затронуты
во время этой беседы, б) Прочитайте текст выступления
профессора Андерсона и найдите английские эквиваленты
следующих слов и словосочетаний:
Health Care in the USA ^263
здоровье нации; общественное здоровье;
личные/индивидуальные привычки; оказывать огромное
воздействие; профилактическая медицина; здоровый образ жизни;
главная цель; умеренная физическая нагрузка; поддерживать вес;
иметь избыточный вес; курильщики; выбор образа/стиля жизни.
This is what professor Anderson said about the effect of life style and
personal habits on the standards of health of a nation: «There is perhaps
no more important principle in the field of public health than the
realization that life style and personal habits have a great effect on the
standards of health of a nation. The promotion of preventive medicine
through a healthy life style is a major goal of the Federal Bureau of
Health Education. Billions of dollars could be saved if the following
lifelong habits were established in the US population.
Eat three meals a day at regular time; avoid snacks.
Eat breakfast every day.
Engage in moderate exercise at least three times a week.
Sleep seven or eight hours a night.
264 ❖ Learning To Discuss Medicine £
Don't smoke.
Maintain weight at or slightly below the «ideal» level. Statistics show
that 40% of all Americans are 20 or more pounds
overweight and that smokers have a 70% greater chance of developing
coronary heart disease than non-smokers. American physicians claim that
the best way to improve the health statistics in the USA is to make people
aware of the necessity of choosing a healthy life-style.
Упражнение II.Составьте 8-10 вопросов к тексту Упражнения 10 и
разыграйте беседу американского профессора с российскими
Упражнение 12 Вы участвуете в викторине «Что я знаю о медицинском
обслуживании в США». Несколько студентов вашей группы
подготовились к викторине в качестве экспертов по следующим темам.
1. The three levels of health care in the USA. 2. The work of the family
doctor. 3. The system of Medicaid. 4. The system of Medicare
5. The
medical units at American hospitals. 6.
Составьте по три вопроса к каждой теме и задайте их экспертам.
Определите, кто лучше знает свою тему и, следовательно, является
победителем викторины. \
Упражнение 1. Прослушайте (прочитайте) и запомните следующие
слова и словосочетания. Переведите предложения.
to charge a tuition fee
взиматьплатузаобучениеcharge плата; free of charge
In Great Britain higher medical education is not free of charge. Tuition
fees are charged in all medical schools in Great Britain.
the degree of Bachelor of Medicine
In Great Britain the degree of Bachelor of Medicine is given to a medical
student after passing his final examination.
Medical Education in Great Britain O-265
a thesis диссертация.
In order to obtain the degree of Doctor of Medicine in Great Britain a
post-graduate must write a thesis based on original work.
Упражнение 2. Прослушайте (прочитайте), следующие гнезда слов и
определите, какой частью речи является каждое слово. Переведите.
to qualify, qualification; to supervise, supervision, supervisor; to in-
struct, instructor, instruction, instructive; to require, requirement
Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите текст.
Medical Education in Great Britain
A delegation of English doctors visited the Pavlov St. Petersburg
Medical University. They were shown the clinics and laboratories of the
University. At the end of their visit the Rector of the University invited the
guests to the Conference Hall where they had a meeting with the
teaching staff and students!J5r. Glenn Stanton was asked to speak about
medical education in Great Britain, This is what Dr. G. Stanton said:
«Dear colleagues. In Great Britain physicians are trained in either
medical schools or faculties of Universities. We have medical schools in
the Universities of London, Oxford, Birmingham, Bristol and Edinburgh.
There are faculties of medicine in the Universities of Liverpool,
Manchester, Glasgow and Aberdeen. And there is the School of Clinical
Medicine in the University of Cambridge. Entry to a medical school is
highly competitive and usually the number of candidates is much higher
than the number of the places/^
To enter a medical school in Great Britain candidates must pass
entrance examinations. Entrance examinations are both oral and written.
Students take these examinations at the end of their 6-year second-
ary-school course, generally at the age of 18—19 years. For entrance to
a faculty of medicine or a medical school, it is required that the subjects
of chemistry, physics and biology or mathematics should be taken at the
advanced level. Tuition fees are charged. Most students receive financial
assistance in the form of grants, which cover their expenses wholly or in
]Now about the academic year. It is divided into 3 terms, each of
10—11 weeks' duration. The terms run from October to December, from
January to March and from April to June. Clinical students, however,
attend for 48 weeks of the year. I must tell you that undergraduate
266 ❖ Learning To Discuss Medicine £
education occupies five years, consisting essentially of two years of basic
sciences and three years of clinical work. j
Two pre-clinical years are occupied by human anatomy and biology,
physiology and biochemistry. They also study physiology, statistics and
genetics. Students attend lectures, do dissections and practical work in
labs. Unlike in your country Latin is not taught in all medical schools.
English and Latin spellings are similar and it is possible to write out
prescriptions in English too.
Beginning with the third year the students study the methods of clinical
examinations and history taking, general pathology, microbiology, phar-
macology and community medicine. Senior students and especially under-
graduates spend most of their time in teaching hospitals, which have both
in-patient and out-patient departments, or units. Daily bedside instruction in
hospital wards and out-patient departments is given by teachers and
doctors. Students follow up their patients and attend ward rounds. Besides
the work in the wards the students attend demonstrations and clinical
conferences as well as lectures in clinical subjects which are being studied j
f^nd now about the examinations. As in your country examinations in our
medical schools are held at the erfd of each term. In our case it is three
times a year. At the end of each term and after each special course students
take final exams. They are called sessionals. Most of the exams are written.
They include academic and practical problems. The final examinations or
finals are in Medicine^ Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and
Pathology. Finals also iijemde history taking and diagnosing. Before finals in
Surgery students assist in operations. Before finals in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology they must assist during the delivery of at least 20 babies.
These examinations are both written and oral. Written test includes short
and long questions and questions of multiple choice. Oral tests include
diagnosing a case. So three years are spent in clinical studies to obtain
degrees of Bachelor of Medicine (B.M.) and Bachelor of Surgery (B.S.). The