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Medical Education in Great Britain O-267
degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery give the right to
register as a medical practitioner 3 ^After the finals graduates work in
hospitals for a year. This period is called internship. The newly qualified
doctor must serve for six months as a house physician and six months as a
house suigeon under the supervision of his medical school. House
physicians and surgeons are on call every second or third night. The work of
interns is very difficult and their salary is very small. After internship a young
doctor obtains a «Certificate of Experience» from the medical school and he
or she may work as a medical practitioner.
Turther specialization requires
training in residency. It takes one or two years of work in a hospital in some
field. Residency trains highly qualified specialists in a definite field:
gynaecologists, urologists, neurologists and others. The salary of residents
is higher than the salary of interns. After residency a specialist gets rather a
high salary.
Besides the degrees of B.M. and B.S., we have the degree of Doctor of
Medicine (M.D.). This degree is a postgraduate qualification obtained by
writing a thesis based on original work. It is not required for practice. Such a
degree in surgery is termed a mastership (M.S.)»
Glenn Stanton answered the questions of the teachers and students.
Then the Rector thanked Dr. Stanton for his interesting talk and invited the
British delegation to the performance of the students' amateur theatre.
Active Words and Word Combinations
financial assistenceфинансовая
затратыto cover
expensesоплачивать (букв,
покрывать) расходыacademic
yearучебныйгод (в
высшем учебном заведении)
старших курсов (занимающиеся
на клинических кафедрах)
basicsciencesзд. теоретические
дисциплиныto write out
268 ❖ Learning To Discuss Medicine £
takingсборанамнезаto take a
(case) historyсобирать
medicine bedside
постели больного
tofollowupнаблюдать больного
(после проведенного лечения)
врачебное наблюдение;
изучение отдаленных
wardround(врачебный) обход
больного tobeheldпроводиться,
проходить medicineтерапия
deliveryродоразрешение, роды
или ординатор
илиординатор«Certificate of
Experience» эквив. русск.
(Master/ship in Surgery)
(Bachelor of Medicine)
бакалаврмедицины, степень,
евтамB.S. (Bachelor of
(Doctor of Medicine)
practitioner практикующийврач
Упражнение 4. Прочтите вопросы, которые были заданы во время
беседы доктору Стентону преподавателями и студентами
Университета. Ответьтенаэтивопросы, используятекст.
1. When are entrance examinations to a medical school taken? 2.What
kind of financial assistance do medical students receive in Great Britain? 3.
What examinations do medical students take? 4. What degrees are given to
medical students after their final examinations? 5. Is it obligatory to obtain
Medical Education in Great Britain O-269
the degree of Doctor of Medicine for all graduates of a medical school? 6.
When can a young doctor start working as a medical practitioner?
Упражнение 5. Прочтите следующие утверждения и выразите свое
согласие или несогласие. Начните свои ответы со следующих
фраз:Yes, youareright. I agree with you that...; No, . I don't think you are
right ...
1.Entry to a medical school in Great Britain is a simple matter. 2. The
Certificate of Experience is obtained at the end of a one-year internship. 3.
The examinations in medical schools in Great Britain are only oral. 4.
Different grants are available to aid those students who do not have
sufficient funds to finance their medical education.
Упражнение 6. В дискуссионном клубе международного молодежного
лагеря вы познакомились с Дональдом Эдвардсом, студентом 4 курса
медицинского факультета университета Глазго. Попросите Дональда
рассказать, сколько лет учатся студенты-медики в Англии, какие
экзамены сдают студенты, сколько учебных недель в каждом
семестре? Можно ли получить высшее медицинское образование в
Англии бесплатно?
Задавая вопросы, начните со следующих фраз:
Whatcanyousayabout...; Couldyoutellus...; Andwhatabout...?
Вответахнавопросыиспользуйтеследующиефразы: Well, I have to
say that...; As for (exams)...; I can add that...; I want to stress that...
Используйтевсвоейбеседеследующиесловосочетания: the
curriculum; to occupy five years; pre-clinical studies; clinical work; tuition
fees; financial assistance; grants; to be available; methods of clinical
examination; history taking; clinical subjects; teaching hospitals; to attend a
ward round; final exams; sessionals; questions of multiple choice; oral and
written tests; written exams.
Упражнение 7. Расспросите Дональда Эдвардса о том, как проходит
специализация выпускников медицинских школ в Великобритании.
internship, house physician; house surgeon; under the supervision;
Certificate of Experience; medical practitioner; to train qualified specialists;
270 ❖ Learning To Discuss Medicine £
training in residency; to be given the B.M. or B.S. degrees; post-graduate
qualification; to write a thesis.
Упражнение 8. Прослушайте (прочитайте) диалог и скажите, о чем
беседуют Марина и студент из Иордании, которые учатся в
медицинской академии в России.
Marina: Hello, Mohammed, Where are you going?
Mohammed: I'm going to the library. I'd like to take some books for my
report in histology next Wednesday. Come with me.
Marina: I wish I could join you now, but I'll go to the library after the
lecture on microbiology.
Mohammed: Do you know that attendance at lectures in the Oxford
University Medical School is free?
Marina: But we are not in Oxford. Who told you that?
Mohammed: I was in Great Britain this summer. I visited Oxford and met
two guys who turned out to be students of the Medical school there. Now I
know that they have no academic groups and students work according to
their own plans. But they have tutorials with their tutors.
Marina:And what do the tutors do?
Mohammed: As far as I remember, tutors plan the work of students and
suggest the books to be read. At the end of each term students have written
examinations. The students' papers are corrected and marked by the tutors.
And on the last day of the term the tutors give a report on the students' work
for the term.
Marina: Do students meet their tutors every day?
Mohammed: Certainly not. You see, each week 2 or 3 students go to
their tutor, bring essays for criticism and he discusses with them the work
they have done. Such classes with the tutor are called tutorials.
Marina: Does the tutor deliver lectures?
Mohammed: Yes. Some lectures are delivered by tutors, others are
delivered by professors. But usually professors don't do teaching.
Marina: You want to say that Professors carry on academic research,
don't they?
Mohammed: Quite so. Professors in Oxford mainly carry on academic
research in their practical subject.
Marina:You really know a lot about the British system of medical training.
Could you explain to me what the words «undergraduate», «graduate» and
«post-graduate» mean? I can never use them correctly.
Medical Education in Great Britain O-271
Mohammed: Well, I'll try. First of all, an undergraduate is the student who
hasn't yet taken a University degree.
Marina: Did you say «degree»?
Mohammed: Yes. A University degree is given to a student who has
finished a course of studies and passed his final examinations. By the way,
a person who has taken a Degree of Bachelor, that is the lowest degree, is
called a graduate, while any graduate who continues his studies or does
research to receive a Degree of Master or Doctor is called a post-graduate.
Marina: How very interesting! And, how very different from the Russian
system of medical training. Thanks a lot. Well, bye-bye. The lecture will
begin in two minutes.
Mohammed: See you at the library. Bye.
Упражнение 9. а) прочитайте диалог (упр.8), найдите и выпишите
английские эквиваленты следующих слов, словосочетаний и фраз:
жаль, что не могу пойти с тобой; свободное посещение лекций;
учебная (академическая) группа; заниматься по собственному плану;
занятия с руководителем/тьютором; предлагать (рекомендовать)
литературу, которую следует прочитать; письменная работа студента;
исправлять и оценивать (работу); критический анализ; читать лекции;
проводить научные исследования
б) расскажите о работе тьюторов со студентами-медиками в
Великобритании, используя выписанные при выполнении задания,
«а)» слова и словосочетания
Упражнение 10. Джоан Петерсон — студентка медицинского
факультета Лондонского университета. На встрече английских и
русских студентов Джоан рассказывает о системе высшего
медицинского образования в Англии. Попросите ее ответить на
интересующие вас вопросы.
Упражнение 11. Студенты вашей группы дают интервью
корреспонденту английского молодежного журнала. Основная тема
интервью - сравнение систем подготовки медицинских специалистов в
нашей стране и в Великобритании. Чтовырасскажетекорреспонденту?
Чтобыотметитьсходство,начнитесоследующихслов:What we have in
common is...; The similar aspects are...; Both in Russia and in Great
Britain... .
difference is...; Unlike (the British system of medical training...); In contrast
to (the Russian students...).