Файл: Исследование суточных вариаций поровой активности радона в поверхностных грунтах удк 550. 42 546. 296 551. 51.docx

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1 Chapter

Areas applications quantities density flow radon

Climatology. Radon - as a tracer of air exchangeprocesses

Static and dynamic methods measurements


Dynamics of radon activity and its decay products inside the storage chamber

Conclusion on the chapter The field of β-radiation at depths of 0.5 and 1 m quite well reflects the dynamics of the radon subsoil field, the daily variation is well traced. However, the daily course of the β-field in some periods has a shift compared to the daily course of the radon field, i.e. the time of the onset of the maximum in the dynamics of the β-field is ahead/late by several hours.The dynamics of RA of radon in soil air at the same depth, but at a distance of 1.5–2 m, can differ significantly. The maxima in the daily course of RA of radon at different depths occur at different times, at a depth of 0.5 m - approximately at 16-18 hours, and at a depth of 1 m - at 24 hours. The delay in some periods reaches 8 hours.Correlation analysis between the radon field and meteorological values revealed only a significant relationship with the amount of rainfall.A 2-month experiment on the calibration of β- and α-radiation detectors installed in wells did not make it possible to unambiguously determine the correction factors for converting to units of volumetric activity. As a result, it was decided to conduct a second experiment with some adjustment of the experimental design, as well as refinement of the VA detector installation scheme. The requirements for the conditions for calibrating the readings of the VA detector in units of RA of radon are as follows: Wells with VA detectors installed inside should not be opened during calibration, i.e. tubes for pumping air from the well, which are cyclically connected to the radon radiometer, should be installed at least a day before the start of the experiment. The VA detectors should not be removed from the well or moved in the well during calibration, as this leads to a distortion of the time series of data. To calculate the coefficient of decrease in the range of diurnal variations after the start of pumping air from the well, it is necessary to record data from the VA detector at least a week before the start of the experiment, and after its completion. The development of the project infrastructure made it possible to analyze the results of the calibration of soil detectors by 0.5 and 1 мusing a radon radiometer, which showed the following:at depth, 0,5 мthe temporal changes in the α- and β-fields are practically synchronous, but have different amplitudes ;in the daily course of radon VA at different depths, the maxima at depth 0,5 мare recorded at 16–18 h, and at depth 1 мat 24 h; the delay in time of the moments of the onset of maxima in radon VA is

Chapter 4 Financial management, resource efficiency and resource saving

Consumer portrait

SWOT analysis

Project Initiation

Project Participants

Project Schedule

Scientific and technical research budget

Basic salary

Additional salary

Overhead costs


Social responsibility

Industrial safety

Artificial lighting

Electrical safety

Static electricity

Safety in emergencies

Conclusions to the section social security

List of sources used

application 1

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Томск 2023г.