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72❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text |
1. There is a long white cord in the spinal canal. 2. There are two pairs
of limbs in the human skeleton. 3. There are three groups of vertebrae
according to their position. 4. There are differences in the structure of
vertebrae. 5. There exist two, vertebral segments: anteriour and
(Ответы:a) 1, 2, 4. 6) 3, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 16
Грамматического справочника.)
Упражнение 2. Образуйте форму инфинитива от следующих
глагольных форм.
possessing seperated, made up, is, built, allows, turning, bent, con-
taining, will bind
LESSON TWO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ВременагруппыConti^upjis (Active Voice)(§11)
Модальные глаголь^сап,
rtiiist, йау 17)
Функции и перевод словаthat (those)(§ 34)
Часть I
Слова к части I
skinп кожа lay [lei] (laid)vкласть
layer['lei9] nслой average
['aevsnd3]а средний male [meil] а
мужского пола, мужской
female ['firmed]а женского пола,
женский cell
[sel] nклетка
striated [strai'eitid] а
Lesson 1Ф 73
лосатый, полосатый contract
[kan'traekt] vсокращать(ся) blood
[bL\d] nкровь vessel [vesl] nсосуд
digestive [di'd3estiv] а
пищеварительный, пищевой
refer [ri'fa:] vотноситься к чему-л.,
иметь отношение tissue ['tisju:] n
ткань; connective
tissueсоединительная ткань
smooth [smu:0] а гладкий,
ровный viscera
органы; кишки visceral [visaral]
а относящийся к
внутренним органам cause
[ko:z] vвызывать, быть при-
чиной, заставлять; п причина
willп воля
response [ris'pons] п ответ,
отклик; реакция
effect [ffekt] п результат,
действие, влияние
environment [in'vaiarsnmant] п
окружение; среда; окружающая
обстановка thatis (lat. i.e.) то есть
Упражнение 1. Найдите в каждом ряду глагол во временах
группыContinuous(см. таблицу в § 11 Грамматического справочника).
у N/
- . •
1. was placing placed; is placed; 2. bound; bind; is binding 3. were bent;
was bending; benfc/ 4. joins; is joining; were joined; 5. are not included; will
be including; includes; 6. is distinguishing; are distinguishing; distinguishes
V * С
/ , • /
Упражнение 2. Поставьте след. предложения в отрицательную форму.
Образец: We are working at the laboratory now.
are not wor
^e laboratory now. 1. They were discussing
the functions of brain for two hours running. 2. W^ shall be studying the
bones of the palm for the whole day. 3. He is taking his examination in
history now.4. I was writing my report when she entered the library hall.
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, определите
временную форму глагола-сказуемого.
1. Smooth or unstriated muscles contract without any volition.
Blood vessels are contracting when they respond to the temperature.
The bones of our body make up the skeleton. 4. They were making their
experiment from 5 to 7. 5. Students will learn the framework of the chest in
the first term. 6. We shall be studying the functions of the heart during the
whole lesson. i / ;
Упражнение 4. Найдите модальные глаголы в следующих
предложениях. Переведитепредложениянарусскийязык.
74❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text |
and invertebrates. 5. Comrade Petrov should stay at home as his leg still
aches. 6. Future doctors must know human anatomy very well.
Упражнение 5.Заполнитепропускимодальнымиглаголамиcan, must,
1. Youл/come for consultations on physics any time from 5 to 8. 2. We ..j
know all the functions of the lungs. 3. ... I ask a question? 4. She ...\come
as she is ill. 5. Who ^describe the t^nes of the trunk? 6. The joints ... move
by the contraction of muscles. \
Упражнение 6.Переведите следующие предложения. Определите
Грамматическогоспра- вочника).
~ ; ^
1. The doctor says tilaft he knows this patient. 2. Theixmes of the lower
extremities articulate with the pelvic bones, those of the upper extremities
extend from the shoulder girdle! 3. Through the centre of the vertebral
column runs the canal that contains the spinal cord. 4. We liked that lecture
very much. 5. The function of the liver is different from that of the spleen. 6.
Упражнение 7. Прочтите следующие слова и сочетания слов.
/ L.Av,чif
те их.
к г ' ' - $
muscle ['mAsl], muscular ['mAskjub], female ['fi:meil], fascia ['fae- Jio]
(pi. fasciae ['faejii:], smooth [smu:0], striated [strai'eitid], t6 involve [in'volv],
per cent [pd'sent];
a layer of muscles, 50 per cent of the total body weight, a charac-
teristic feature of cardiac muscle
Упражнение 8. Познакомьтесь со значениями данных ниже
суффиксов: аг
ive, ous, ionи приставкиen.Прочтите и переведите
производные слова.
demonstrative, connective, effective
-ous (-eous, -ious)— суффиксприлагательных, имеющихзначение
«обладающийкачеством», обозначеннымосновой: to
continueпродолжаться) — continuousнепрерывный;glory^ слава —
/ *
various, dangerous, infectious
/у ( l . /v , Lesson 2 ❖ 75
-ion (-ation, -tion, -sion, -ssion)— суффиксы существительных,
обозначающих действие или процесс, состояние или качество,
результат действия: toseparateотделять - separationотделение.
foundation, observation, motion, fermentation, foundation, classification,
decision, submission
'"-'Г v
Упражнение 9. Прочтите и переведите следующие однокоренные
группы слов.
1. muscle, muscular, musculature, musculation; 2. to close, to enclose,
close, closely, closed, closing; 3. to contract, contracted, contracting,
contractile, contraction; 4. to vary, variant, various, variable, variation,
variety; 5. to connect, connecting, connection, connective
Упражнение 12. Просмотрите текст А. Скажите, на сколько частей
можно разделить текст и как можно озаглавить каждую часть.
Text А Types of Muscles
The word «muscle», according to one theory, comes from a Latin
word that means «little mouse»: that is when a man's muscles are con-
tracting they look as if a little mouse runs about under his skin. According to
another theory the word <<musple»comes from a Greek expression that
means «to enclose», thatis fayereof*musples enclose the body. We know
that the muscles commute аррййяМатеГу 50 per cent of the total body
weight, slightly more in the average male than the female. Tendons,
fasciae and the various organs themselves depend on the muscular
system and the function of muscle cells.
There are three main types of muscular tissue that we identify and
classifyjmlheJ)asis of structure and functions:
SfnoouVor visceral muscle,
striated or skeletal muscle,
cardiac muscle.
76❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text |
Smooth muscles can contract slowly. They make up the walls of the
internal organs such as those of the blood vessels, and the digestive tract.
Since we identify the internal organs as viscera, we sometimes call smooth
muscles visceral muscles. The visceral muscles react relatively slowly to
changes within the body and do so without the intervention of the will. \
The walls ofjh^ blood ^vessels are contracting or expanding when they j
respond to feeflam ch&lfccals in the blood or in response to the effect of j
temperature but we cannot deliberately cause them to lift our arm or open
our mouth. For this reason, we may call them involuntary muscles. Smooth
muscle tissue consists of long cells. Smooth muscle fibres are bound
(связаны) into bundles by connective tissue which contain blood vessels
and nerves.
^matea muscle "tSssaie ^or^^of
laige rorel irifhe form of bmfifies?^
Striated muscles are most
for manipulation of the bones of the
skeleton. Those are the muscles necessary for walking, running, turning
the head and so on. That's why we sometimes call them skeletal muscles.
This type of muscle tissue includes the lai^e muscle masses of the body,
the muscles of the arms, legs, back etc.
It includes all those muscles
which must react quickly to changes in the environment, i.e.
those that
become active through an effort of will. For this reason, we call striated
muscles voluntary muscles.
2How many types of muscular tissue are there? 2. How do we
sometimes call smooth muscles? 3. What is another name of striated
Fig. 2. Types of muscles.