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/у ( l . /v , Lesson 2 ❖ 77
Cardiac (heart) muscle is, in a sense, a cross between the previous
two. A characteristic feature of cardiac muscle is that fibres have neither a
beginning nor an end. In other words, the heart is simply a huge net of
muscles in which all elements are continuous with each other. Cardiac
muscles («heart» — Greek) have the strength and force of contraction of
the skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle is under complete involuntary
control. In that, it resembles visceral muscle.
etc. (Lat. et cetera) [it'setrs] = and so on итакдалее
i.e. (Lat. id est) - читаетсяthat is, namely тоесть
Упражнение 13.1)Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзацы 4 и 5
переведите письменно. 2) Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие
вопросы и зачитайте их.
muscles? 4. What is the difference between the cardiac and'skeletal
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Упражнение 14. Подберите к латинским словам английские
lower jaw
internal organs
Упражнение 15. Подберите пары антонимов.
voluntary, beginning, separated, to include, the former, to exclude, (he
latter, connected, end, involuntary
injury, backbone, brain case, to be placed, to include
Упражнение 17. Прочтите следующие предложения и определите,
какой мастью речи являются выделенные слова, найдите их значение
в словаре. Переведитепредложения.
1. The word «muscle» means «little mouse» in Latin. 2. A positive test
means the presence of bacteria in the blood. 3. Tendons, fasciae, various
organs and the bones function by means of muscles. 4. . Cardiac muscle is
under involuntary control. 5. The involuntary muscles control the beating of
the heart. 6. Nerve impulses cause the muscle to contract. 7. We do not
know the cause of his illness.
Упражнение 18. Прочтите предложения, поставив глаголы, данные в
1. The students (to work) in the physical laboratory from 9 to half past 10
yesterday. 2. When he came they (to classify) the bones of the upper
extremities. 3. The walls of the blood vessels (to expand) when they
respond to certain chemicals in the blood. 4. We (to discuss) the
characteristic features of cardiac muscles now.
Упразднение 19. Замените времена группыIndefiniteвременами
времени:now, at11 o'clock, whenyoucame, from...to, alltheday,где
необходимо. Переведитепредложения.
Lesson 1Ф 79
and Involuntary Muscles» at home. 4. We translated 5 sentences from
this text. 5. Last Monday we had a practical lesson on the structure and
functions of smooth muscles.
Упражнение 20. Ответьте на вопросы по данному образцу:
Образец:Why can't you go home? (to attend the lecture)
I cannot go home, because I must attend the lecture. 1.
Why can't you consult a doctor? (to go to the Institute) 2. Why can't you
give me your book? (to return it to the library) 3. Why can't she finish her
test? (topreparefortheexamination)
Упражнение21. Переведите следующие предложения с модальными
глаголами:can, may.
1. The joints between bones can move more or less easily. 2. In the
ear we can only see the external ear and the external passage. 3. We
may call the numerus, armbone, but there is no special name for radius.
4. We may use this drug three times a day.
Упражнение 22.Переведите следующие предложения, определите
функции словthat (those).
1. The special feature of that textbook on anatomy is that it has many
pictures. 2. One of the most interesting problems in medicine is that of
pathogenesis. 3. Note that in the middle the bone consists of very
compact tissue. 4. Will you name the diseases that are not infectious? 5.
Metabolic diseases are those in which certain physiological processes
become disturbed.
23. Переведите следующие предложения на английский
1. По структуре и функции мышцы можно разделить на три груп-
пы. 2. Гладкие мышцы сокращаются непроизвольно. 3.
Соединительная ткань гладких мышц включает нервы и
кровеносные сосуды. 4. Поперечно-полосатые или скелетные
мышцы реагируют на изменения в окружающей среде. 5. Волокна
сердечной мышцы непрерывны.
Часть II
80❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text |
Слова к части II
produce [pra'dju:s] vпроизводить,
uterus[ ju:t9ras] nматка
образовывать, давать
elongate ['ehngeit] vудлиняться)
consist [ksn'sist] v (of)состоять (из) .vary [veari]vизменять(ся), варьи-
tongue [tAo]nязык
larynx ['laerigks] nгортань, глотк£
adult ['aedAlt] nвзрослый,
совершеннолетний supply
[sa'plai] vснабжать, обеспе-
чивать; nснабжение,
обеспечение complex['komplaks]
а сложныйbymeans
[mi.nz]ofпосредством, при
attach [a'taetf] v (to)прикреплять
(к) esophagus [I'sofsgss]
nпищевод intestines
[in'testinz]npi.кишечник, кишки
various ['vearias] а различный
nucleus ['nju:klias] n ядро
both ... and [bouO ... and] cjкак ...
таки ..., и ... и ... disturb
[dis'ta:b] v нарушатьdisturbance
[dis'te:b9ns] n нарушениеsource
[so:s] n источникsubject
[sab'd3ekt] v подчинять, под-
['sAbd3ikt] nпредмет, темаreach
[ri:tj] достигать
Упражнение 1. Прочтите следующие слова в единственном и
множественном числе:
ед. число
мн. число
nucleus ['nju:klias]
— nuclei [ai]
nucleolus ['nju:klialas]
— nucleoli [ai]
trabecula [tra'bekjub]
- trabeculae [i:]
fascia [Тефэ]
- fasciae [i:]
vertebra ['vatobra]
- vertebrae [i:]
словосочетаниями aswell (as).
1. Smooth muscles form the coat of some internal organs as well as a
part of the capsule of the spleen. 2. Smooth muscles form the coat of
some internal organs and a part of the capsule of the spleen as well. 3.
You are to know physiology as well as anatomy.
Упражнение 3. Просмотрите текст В (время — 10 мин). 1) Скажите,
каково строение поперечно-полосатых и гладких мышечных тканей.
2) Найдите предложения, где упогребляются: а) глаголы-сказуемые
Lesson 1Ф 81
Text В
Skeletal and Smooth Muscles
Muscles are the active part of the motor apparatus: their contractions
are producing various movements, when they are active. Functionally we
divide all muscles into two groups: voluntary and involuntary muscles.
Voluntary muscles consist of striated muscle tissue and contract by I
he will of the man. This group includes all the muscles of the head, trunk
and extremities, i.e., the skeletal muscles, as well as those of some
internal organs (tongue, larynx, etc.). The skeletal muscles are the or-
gans of the muscular system. There are more than 400 skeletal muscles
in the human organism: in adults they make up about two-fifths of the
total body weight. Each skeletal muscle has an arterial, venous, lym-
phatic and nervous supply. Muscles must always act in groups.
Skeletal muscles are complex in structure. They consist of muscle
fibres of different length (up to 12 cm); the fibres are usually parallel to
each other and are united (соединены) in bundles. Each muscle con-
tains many such bundles. There are tendons at the ends of muscles by
means of which they are bound (связаны) to bones.
Smooth muscles form the muscular coat of internal organs such as
esophagus, stomach and intestines, bladder, uterus and so on. They
also form a part of the capsule and the trabeculae of the spleen; they are
present as single cells or as little cylindrical bundles of cells in the skin.
They also form the walls of arteries, veins and some of the larger lym-
phatics. JSmooth muscles are not rich in blood vessels, as are striated
muscles. |A smooth muscle is capable of spontaneous contraction and
can contract in two ways. Firstly, individual cells may contract completely
and secondly, a wave of contractions may pass from one end of the
muscle to another^ Smooth muscle cells are usually elongated cells. In
the skin and intestines they are long and thin, but in the arteries they are
short and thick. They vary in length from 12—15 mm in small blood
vessels to 0,5 mm in the human uterus but their average length in an
organ such as the intestine is about 200 m. These cells have an oval
nucleus that encloses nucleoli, and when the cell is contracting the
nucleus may become folded or twisted.j
Muscles have both motor and sensory nerve fibres. Impulses (signals)
about the state of the muscle reach the brain along the sensory fibres.
The nerve impulses which cause the muscle to contract come from the
brain along the motor fibres. Injury to the nerves which innervate mus-
cles causes disturbances in voluntary movements (muscular paralysis).