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Lesson 3 О-88
Упражнение 6. Прочтите следующие слова. Переведите их.
chest [tfest], abdomen ['aebdaman], mechanical [mi'kaenikal], chem-
ical ['kemikal], diaphragm ['daisfraem], muscle ['mAsI], behind [bi'haind],
to bind [baind], liver ['livs], across [a'kros], to participate [pa:'tisipeit], i
оsituate ['sitjueit], substance ['sAbstsns], reservoir ['rezavwa:], palate
I'paelit], to consume [kan'sjuim], diameter [dai'aemita]
Упражнение 7. Отработайте чтение следующих предложений:
The 'abdomen is the 'largest /cavity... . It is bounded a/bove..., it is
separated by the 'great 'muscle of respi/ration... . 'Laterally and in /front |
it is en/closed by the 'lower /ribs | ... and be/hind, | it is enclosed by the
spinal \column.
Упражнение 7. Запомните значение суффикса-ic.Образуйте
прилагательные от следующих существительных.
-ic (-ical) образует от основ существительных относительные
прилагательные, которые обозначают принадлежность или признак:
pelvis— pelvic; physiology— physiological, physiologic.
history, chemistry, mechanism, toxicity, spleen
j J.
Упражнение 8. Прочтите и переведите следующие гнезда елок:
y)J! . " Cj
1. to bound, boundless, boundary; 2. to weigh, weight, weighing,
weighed; 3. wide, to widen, width, widely; 4. long, length, to lengthen
Упражнение Прочтите и переведите ^ед^ющие словосочетания.
pelvic girdle, specific (atomic, molecular) weight, to refer a patient to a
specialist, reference book, a wide variety of
Упражнение 10. Просмотрите текст А и скажите, какие органы
брюшной полости описаны в данном тексте.
Text Ау . .
L эе
The AMomen
The abdomen is the largest cavity of the body. It is bounded above by
the l horax or chest and below by two pelvic bones which meet in front.
From the cavity of the thorax jj is
separated by the great muscle of
respiration - the diaphragm. Laterally and in front it is enclosed by the
lower ribs and abdominal muscles. Behind, it is supported by the spinal
\; .
Lesson 6 О- 89
The organs of
the abdominal
cavity are
the liver, the
• I * V i
the intestines,
pancreas, the
spleen, the
kidneys and
, TJe liver
lies under the
right ribs and
across to the
left of the
epigastritini. The
liver is a large organ
that weighs about 1,5 kg. Every-
body must know that
the liver plays a very
important role in the
activities of the
organism. It is the liver
thatf §efcretes bile which
participates in the digestive process and has a defensive function, i.e. some
toxic substances are detoxified in the liver.
The gall-bladder lies beneath the right lobe of the liver. The gallbladder
serves as a bile reservoir.
The stomach lies under the left ribs and extends across to the right. It is
known that its smaller end situates in the epigastrium. The stomach serves
as a container of food, which is partly digested in it. The size and shape of
the stomach vary with any amount of food that is consumed and the extent
of contraction of its wall. The stomach when it is filled with food is usually
compared with a chemical retort. Its capacity is some 1—2 litres.
The intestines («internal» — Latin) occupy chiefly the central portions of
the abdominal cavity. From the stomach the food passes in small portions
into the small intestine where it undergoes further mechanical and chemical
changes. As the contents of the small intestine cannot move back they may
freely pass into the large intestine.
The «small» and «large» refers to the width, rather than the length. The
small intestine is only 1 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter at the point
ng colon
Fig. 5.The digestive
g colon
90 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
where it leaves the stomach and it narrows somewhat thereafter. The
large intestine is up to 2 1/2 inches wide.
Упражнение 11. Прочтите и переведите письменно следующие
предложения из текста А.
1. The liver plays a very important part in the vital activity of the
organism. It secretes bile which participates in the digestive process and
has a defensive function, i.e. some toxic substances are detoxified in the
liver. 2: From the stomach the food passes in small portions into the small
intestine where it undergoes further mechanical and chemical changes.
The small intestine is only 1 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter at the point
where it leaves the stomach and it narrows somewhat thereafter.
Упражнение 12. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Найдите в тексте
ответы на следующие вопросы и зачитайте их.
1. Where is the largest cavity of the body situated? 2. What organs
does I he abdominal cavity contain? 3. What are the characteristics of the
What does the gall-bladder serve for? 5. What are the characteristics
of (he stomach? 6. How do we distinguish «small» and «large»
Упражнение 13. Составьте план текста А
Упражнение 14. Подберите пары синонимов.
spinal column, to participate, beneath, thorax, chest, under, to take
part, backbone
Упражнение 15.Подберитепарыантонимов.
above, in front of, small, lower, to the left, to pass in; upper (higher), to
the right, to leave, behind, below, large
Упражнение 16. Переведите следующие предложения на русский
язык. Определитетиппридаточныхпредложений (см. § 29
1. After the food leaves the stomach it is acted on by several digestive
enzymes. 2. The stomach is a bag the walls of which are largely made up
of involuntary or smooth muscle fibres. 3. The liver is a large and
extremely important organ whose work is somewhat intermediate
between digestion and nutrition. 4. The esophagus is a 9 to 10 inch
Lesson 6 О- 91
muscular tube that extends Irom the pharynx to the stomach. 5. The food
material which is taken into t he mouth must be digested mechanically or
chemically as it travels through I he gastro-intestinal tract.
Упражнение 17. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите
функции словаit(см. § 35 Грамматическогосправочника)
1. It must be noted that the role of the stomach is to prepare the food
chemically and mechanically. 2. When a group of organs performs a vari-
fied series of functions we call it a system. 3. It is the gastric glands in the
stomach that secrete gastric juice, which is acid and acts on meals. 4. It is
through the capillary network of the villi that digested foods pass to enter the
bloodstream. 5. It is possible to refer painful intestines to bacterial or
amoebic infection of the gastro-intestinal tract. 6. After the food is properly
prepared it is absorbed into the lymph-vessels and blood vessels.
Упражнение 18. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Диафрагма - это большая мышца, которой грудная полость
отделяется от брюшной. 2. Известно, что печень, расположенная в
правом подреберье, является одним из самых крупных органов. Она
выполняет несколько жизненно важных функций. 3. Именно в печени
обезвреживаются некоторые токсичные вещества. 4. Толстый
кишечник на 1—1,5 дюйма шире, чем тонкий.
Упражнение 19. Опишите органы пищеварения, используя рис. 5.
Часть II
Слова к части II
digest [di'cfeest]
vпереваривать(ся) digestion
[di'cfcestJn] nпищеварение
digestive [di'cfeestiv] а
feature ['fi:tfa] nчерта mucous
['mjurkas] а слизистый line [lain]
vвыстилать lining ['lainir)]
nвнутренняя оболочка
secrete [si'kri:t] vсекретировать,
secretion [si'kri:Jn] n
[lond5i'tju:din(9)l] апродольный
lack [laek] v нехватать,
отсутствоватьjuice [cfcu:s] n
сокsaliva [ss'laiva] n
слюнаsalivary ['saelivsri]
аслюнныйbe situated [sitju:eitid] v
[ka'mju-.nikeit] v сообщаться
92 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
Упражнение 1. Образуйте от данных слов прилагательные,- используя
суффиксы-al, -ive, -ous,и переведите их.
abdomen, intestine, mucus, to digest, defence, fibre, chemistry, mechanic,
Упражнение 2. Прочтите и запомните перевод следующих слов и
result [ri'zAlt] п результат, исход, следствие; toobtain (toyield)
good (bad) resultsполучать (давать) хорошие (плохие) результаты;
asaresultof (operation, treatment, exercise) в результате (операции,
лечения, нагрузки); v (in) давать в результате, приводить к...;
toresultfromследовать, вытекать, явиться результатом
through [0ru:]prepчерез, сквозь; из-за, благодаря, при помощи,
посредством, путем; throughthebody, throughthewalls
Упражнение 3. Просмотрите текст В (10 мин). 1) Скажите, с точки
зрения какой науки дается описание пищеварительной системы. 2)
Найдите и переведите предложения, где употребляются: а)
слово«it»;б) местоименияsome, any;в) словаthrough, result.3)
Найдите в тексте придаточные предложения и переведите их.
TheDigestiveSystem, . .
~ - 'Yhn^r
The digestive system consists of the digestive tract and digestive glands.
The digestive tract is some 8—10 m long and is divided into the following
parts: oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and
large intestine. The structures of the different parts of the tract have some
special features.(}/ ff-
, j. </sru^**^
The wall of the greater part of the digestive tract consists of three
tfoats: internal - mucous, middle — muscular, and the external — serous.
The mucous coat is lined with the epithelium outside which is a
connective tissue with a thin layer of smooth muscle fibres. The mucous
coat is pink in colour because it has many blood vessels. The numerous
small glands in this coat secrete a viscous coat of the digestive tract. It
facilitates the movement of food and protects the mucous coat from the
damage by solid particles of food and various chemical substances. One
must remember that the mucous coat of the digestive tract begins with