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98 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
The urinary 'system is the /system | which ex'cretes the 'largest 'part of
the 'waste 'products of the \body. It con'sists of the /kidneys, | right and \left I,
the /ureters |, a 'tube from each /kidney |, which con'veys the urine to the
\bladder, | the /urethra |, a 'tube | which leads from the /bladder along which
the 'urine is 'passed 'out of the \body.
Упражнение 8. Запомните значение нижеприведенных суффиксов и
префиксов. Образуйте и переведите производные слова согласно
1. -ment— образует существительные от глаголов: tomoveдвигаться)
— movementдвижение.
to nourish кормить, питать, to improve улучшать(ся), to develop
Lesson 6 О- 99
2. a) -en— образует прилагательные от существительных, обо-
значающие материал: woodдерево —woodenдеревянный.
goldзолото, woolшерсть, leadсвинец
b) -en— образует глаголы от именных основ:
strengthсила, moistвлага, lessменьше, straightпрямой, lengthдлина
Упражнение 9. Прочтите и переведите следующие гнезда слов.
1. excrete, secrete, excretion, secretion, excretory, secretory; 2. urine,
urinary, urethra, ureter, urea; 3. pelvis, pelvic; 4. number, to number,
numerous, numberless
Упражнение 10. Просмотрите текст А и скажите, какие части мочевой
системы описаны в тексте.
Text А
/ ' - V
' Т1>еUrinary System
The uriuary system is the system which excretes the largest part of the
waste products of the body. It consists of the kidneys, right and left, the
ureters, a tube from each kidney which conveys the urine to the bladder, the
urethra, a tube that leads from the bladder, along which the urine is passed
out of the body.
The kidneys («renes» — Latin)
are placed one on each side
the lumbar region of the
spine, on the posterior
abdominal wall, at the level
the twelfth thoracic and
first-second lumbar verte-
brae. A kidney weighs about
150 grams and is covered by
membranes. The connective
Fig. 6.The organs of the urinary
100 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
tissue membrane which directly adheres to the kidney is called the fibrous
capsule. This capsule is surrounded by perirenal fat and is called the
adipose capsule. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs. The kidneys
contain one mil
Lesson 6 О- 101
lion small tubes, which have to excrete products of metabolism and con- I rol
the concentrations of most of the constituents of body fluids. These small
tubules make up the parenchyma of the kidney. They are very fine and may
be of various shape. Since dissolved (растворенные) wastes may be
excreted by diffusion through the various cell membranes there is little
evidence that such excretion occurs.I ^ Г
The inner margin of the kidney is known as the hilus. At the hilus (he
ureter which conveys urine is a tube about 30 cm long. When the ureter
leaves the hilus it descends along the posterior abdominal wall into the
cavity of the pelvis where it perforates the wall of the bladder and opens into
its cavity. As the muscular coat of the ureter contracts it has to perform
peristaltic movements. ^
The bladder is a reservoir for urine. It is situated in the cavity of the
pelvis. The bladder has three parts: the superior part or apex, the middle
part or body, and the inferior part or fundus. The wall of the bladder consists
of three coatings — mucous, muscular and connective tissue. The mucous
membrane of the bladder forms numerous folds. If the bladder fills, the folds
of thevjnucous coat will straighten out. The mus-
V V ... -
cular coat consists of three layets of smooth muscles which are able to
extend in different directions. It should be known that the capacity of the
bladder of an adult is about 350—500 ml. JW>j^ fa,
Упражнение 11. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Третий
абзац переведите
Упражнение 12. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и
считайте их.
1. What are the parts of the urinary system? 2. Where are the kidneys
placed? 3. What are the functions of the fine tubes which make up the
parenchyma of the kidney? 4. What route does the ureter pass?
Упражнение 14.Подберитепарысинонимов.
to consist of, to excrete, fine, capacity, fundus, volume, bottom, to he
made up of, to pass out, minute
102 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
to ascend, large, the same, to discover, inferior, superior, to cover, small,
various, to descend