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Добавлен: 03.11.2019
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Lesson 6 О- 103
Упражнение 16. Переведите предложения. Определите, какой
1. The tubules which make up the parenchyma of the kidney are very
fine. 2.The weather was fine on holidays. 3.As the bladder fills the folds of
the mucous coat straighten out. 4. All higher animals have a backbone or
vertebral column as it is called. 5. Smooth muscles form the muscular
coat of internal organs such as esophagus, stomach and so on. They are
also present as single cells or as cylindrical bundles of cells in the skin. 6.
The ' muscular substance of the heart is known as myocardium.
Упражнение 17. Найдите модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты в
следующих предложениях. Переведитепредложения.
1. All nitrogenous waste products must be thrown off by the body first
because they are useless, second because in some instances they are
Many substances can affect the kidney epithelium so as to render it
more or less reduced in ability to excrete urine. 3. Physiotherapeutic
treatment of patients with chronic pyelonephritis should be advisable only
in combination with medicamental therapy. 4. The kidney has to put back
into the bloodstream all the materials that the body needs. 5. The
process of filtration in the kidney is dependent upon the character of the
membrane which may vary in permeability. 6. The effect of complex
therapy in patients with chronic pyelonephritis may be only achieved
when urodynamics is restored.
Упражнение 18. Переведите следующие предложения. Запомните
значение слов as, since.
1. As the blood courses through the capillary glomeruli, the kidney
cells take up water, salts and waste bodies. 2. Pathogenetic therapy
includes such antiinflammatory preparations, as salicylates,
dichlorophene, lydasa, aloe.
104 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
The wastes are substances which are taken in with the foods or as foods.
The phenomena of coagulation have received great attention from
physiologists since the earliest times. 5. Since the arterioles of each renal
artery are small, blood passes through them slowly, but constantly. 6.
Since plasma sodium concentration remained unchanged, the
experiments establish the ability of cadmium to increase tubular sodium
Упражнение 19. Переведите следующие предложения. Объясните, в
каких случаях форма глагола-сказуемого в настоящем времени
переводится будущим временем.
1.After the kidney cells remove the end products of food from the
blood these substances are washed out of the tubules into the pelvis of
I he kidney down the ureter into, the bladder. 2. When the man smells
something that he likes to eat, the gastric juice will be poured out in large
quantities. 3. If the kidney is diseased and cannot excrete urine, (he amount
of urea in the blood is increased. 4. When no nerve impulses go to the
heart-muscle, it will not beat regularly and rhythmically. 5. When the
sympathetic nerve in the neck of a rabbit is cut, the blood vessels in the ear
on that side become very much dilated.
Упражнение 20. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Большая часть продуктов распада выводится из организма поч-
ками. 2. Паренхима почки состоит из 1 ООО ООО маленьких трубочек,
которые могут быть различной формы. 3. По мере того как мочевой
пузырь наполняется, складки слизистой оболочки расправляются. 4.
Емкость мочевого пузыря составляет в среднем 350-500 мл.
Упражнение 21. Назовите органы мочевыделительной системы,
используя рис. 6.
Часть II
Слова к части II
quantity ['kwontiti] п количество
fat [faet] п жир
concave ['konkeiv]а вогнутый,
Lesson 6 О- 105
extend [iks'tend] vвытягивать,
extension [iks'tenjn] п вытяжение,
распространение knot [not] п
surface ['s9:fis] п поверхность
convex ['konvaks]а выпуклый,
glomerulus [gh'merulss]
[gb'merulai]) nклубочек unit[
ju:nit] nединица solid ['solid]
nтвердое тело; а твердый
urea ['juioris] nмочевина poison
['poizn] vотравлять; nяд
Упражнение 1. Подберите пары синонимов.
waste products, much, amount, stop, also, a good deal, cease, waste
matters, too, quantity
Упражнение 2.Подберитепарыантонимов.
large, to join, concave, inner, outwards, to separate, outer, convex,
inwards, minute
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения. Запомните
значение словcertain, cause, toregard.
1. The chief function of the kidneys is to separate fluid and certain
solids from the blood. 2. The kidneys may be regarded as filters through
which the whole blood of the body passes, and which remove from the
blood a substance that is called urea together with other impurities. 3. If
the kidneys cease to work from any cause, the blood will become
Упражнение 4. Прочтите текстВ (10 мин). 1) Скажите, на сколько
частей можно разделить текст и какова тема каждой из них. 2)
Найдите предложения, где: а) даны эквиваленты модальных
глаголов; б) словаsince, as; в) глагол-сказуемое в придаточных
времени и условия употребляется в форме настоящего времени,
которая переводится будущим временем. 3) Переведите
^ (\ I ^ >
1 >
( v. ) ^
' I
106 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
Kidneys are a pair of glands which are situated close to the spine in
the upper part of the abdomen. They are on a level with the last dorsal
and upper two lumbar vertebrae. I They are kept in this position by a
quantity of fat, l&ose &6nnective tissue, in which they are embedded,
and the large vessels which have to supply them with blood.
" ' /
Structure. In size each kidney is about 4 inches long, 2 and 1/2 inches
wide, 1 and 1/2 тШthick, and weighs over 4 ounces] The size, however,
may vary a good deal. The left kidney is slightly longer and narrower, and
lies a little higher in the abdomen than the right. | Since the outer margin
of the kidney is convex, the inner is concave.j It presents a deep
depression, which is known as the hilus, where the vessels enter its
substance./At the hilus the renal vein lies in front of the renal artery, the
former joins the inferior vena cava, and the latter springs from the aorta
almost at a right angle.
| Vertical s$;fion through a kidney allows to disclose three concentric
sonqL The outer light-coloured zone is the renal cortex, within this is the
darker renal medulla and within this again is a space — the renal sinus
which is i^rmajlv occupied by fibrous sac, the renal pelvis. The cortex
extends inward in a series of renal columns which divide the medulla into
a number of renal pyramids. ^
Within the cortex each minute artery presents a vascular knot, a
glomerulus. Each glomerulus projects into the end of its corresponding
renal tubule, which is separated by a thin layer of cells, glomerular
(Bowman's) capsule;
Hlomerulus plus capsule forms^a renal (Malpighian) corpuscle. A renal cor-
puscle with tubules and blood vessels is called a renal unit, or nephron.
Function. ^Эпеchief functipn of the kidneys is to separate fluid and certain
solids form the bloodjjfTie glomemy^s t^filter from the blood the non-protein
portion of the plasma./t is estimated that in 24 hours the total human
glomeruli will be able to filterjfegtween 150 and 200 litres, 99 per vent of
which is reabsorbed by ffiemjbu^ j
The kidneys are to be regardicKtis filters through which the whole hlood of
the body passes and which remove from the blood a substance, urea,
together with other impurities, which together constitute tlje urine. I he
cleansed blood passes on in its vessels, and the urine ^ffl^into the ureters
and finally into the bladder. If the kidneys cealse io work the blood will
become poisons because of the accumulation of the waste matters. ^ , ^ ^
Упражнение 5. Прочтите каждое суждение. Найдите в тексте предложе-
ния, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их.
Lesson 6 О- 107
1. Kidneys are situated close to the spine. 2. The vessels enter the
substance of the kidney at the hilus. 3. The renal cortex, renal medulla and
renal sinus are three concentric, zones of the kidney. 4. The kidneys may be
regarded as filters. ■■/
i\ <jrj,
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'I )
Часть IIIt*'
Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку б | V
С' ^ •
Упражнение 1. Найдите и переведите предложения, где сказуемое
стоит и прошедшем времени.
Mp&jgnal blood vessels can be constricted or dilated. 2. The patient was
allowed to take this analgetic. 3. The boy will be able to walk by himself. 4.
The inflow of blood had to be diminished when the renul blood vessels were
< ''"'"
(Ответ: 2, 4. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 17 Грамматическою
г ,
' 'J/ ^J^ V
Упражнение 2. Найдите и переведите предложения, где глагол
tohavtвыражает долженствование.
1. The bowels have the function to secrete the end products of digestion.
2. The lungs have to excrete carbon dioxide and water. 3. The boy has been
recently examined in a surgical department for intestinal pains. 4. Carbon
dioxide is a gas which has to be eliminated from the body.
(Ответ: 2, 4. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 17 Грамматического
Упражнение 3. Найдите и переведите предложения, где выделенные
гла- голы-сказуемые переводятся будущим временем.
When a person suffers from a severe pain he has to consult a doctor.
If there is any disfunction of the kidney, it will affect the process of urine
formation. 3. When the renal blood vessels are dilated, the inflow of blood will
increase. 4. If the renal blood vessels are constricted, less urine will be
(Ответ: 2, 3, 4. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 30 Грамматического