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114 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
traction of the diaphragm increases the length of the capacity of the chest,
while the upward movement of the ribs increases the cross section of the
chest. Inspiration is due to contraction of the diaphragm and of the
muscles attached to the ribs. These contractions are induced by nervous
impulses. Expiration is a less active process than inspiration, for when the
muscles relax the elasticity of the lungs themselves tends to drive out the
air previously inhaled .'Any impediment to breathing due to pressure or
constriction in the respiratory passage^ is especially noticeable during
expiration, because it is usually of a passive character.\^Vhen the volume
of breathing is increased by physical exercise many assessory muscles
are involved while producing deeper inspirations. Expiration also involves
a Vigorous action of the abdominal muscles. \ \ —/
; \ V X
Упражнение 9. 1) Прочтите и переведите текст А. Первый абзац
перевелите письменно. 2) Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие
вопросы и считайте их.
1. How is contraction of the muscles participating in inhalation reg-
ulated? 2. Why does the size of the thoracic cavity increase? 3. When is
impediment to breathing especially noticeable? 4. What processes does
the inhalation (exhalation) involve? 5. What do the movements of the/
diaphragm and ribs bring about?
3) Составьте письменно план текста А.
Упражнение 10.
inspiration, to take place, to induce, per minute, respiration, breathing,
to cause, to produce, inhalation, to occur, a minute
Упражнение 11.Подберитепарыантонимов.
to compress, inhalation, to contract, to increase, to drop, upward, to
decrease, to rise, downward, exhalation, to expand, to relax
Упражнение 12. Переведите следующие предложения, определите
функции причастий.
Lesson 6 О- 115
1. For mechanical analysis the respiratory system may be divided into
three parts: the gas (in the airways and air spaces), the lung structure,
containing the gas, and the thorax containing the lungs. 2. Dynamic
increases in airway resistance during expiration set the limit on the
ventilatory capacity of the respiratory system in normal and diseased
lungs. 3. While flowing through the capillaries the blood accepts the
oxygen from the alveolus and deposits carbon dioxide into the alveolus. 4.
Airway pressures are not everywhere equal, being most negative in the
alveoli. 5. During inspiration pleural pressures become more negative, the
widening tendency increasing.
Упражнение 13. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Дыхание — это процесс, включающий ритмично повторяющиеся
вдох и выдох. 2. На мышцы, которые участвуют в процессе дыхания,
воздействуют нервные импульсы. 3. Когда диафрагма опускается,
размер грудной клетки увеличивается. 4. Во время выдоха объем
грудной клетки уменьшается, и давление в легких увеличивается. 5.
Физическая нагрузка обычно сопровождается ускоренным дыханием.
\ •
Часть II
' > ; >
Слова к части II
excite [ik'sait] vвозбуждать
cough [kof] vкашлять
excitation [,eksi'teijn]nвозбуждениеcoughingnкашель
cease [si:s] vпрекращать(ся)
arise [a'raiz] vвозникать,
deep [di:p] а глубокий
depth [depG] nглубина
evident[ evidant] а очевидный,
state [steit] nсостояние sneeze
[sni-.z] vчихать
sneezingnчихание adjust [a'djAst]
vприспособлять, согласовывать
alter['э:кэ] vизменять(ся)
alteration [,o:lt9'reiJn] nизменение
Упражнение 1. Используя суффиксы-tion, -ate, -ly, -al, -ing,образуйте
производные от следующих слов. Переведитеих.
to inhibit, stimulus, automatic, reflex, spine, to relax, to excite, to
cough, to sneeze, to alter
Упражнение 2. Просмотрите текстВ (10 мин). 1) Выделите 4
основные фактора в процессе дыхания, описанные в тексте. 2)
116 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
Найдите и переведите: а) предложения, где причастия выполняют
функцию обстоятельства; б) предложения с независимым
причастным оборотом; в) предложения со словамиboth, both...and.
Text В
Regulation of Respiration.
Nervous Control of Breathing
The mechanism of regulation of respiration is very complex. Sche-
matically it is as follows. In the medulla oblongata there is the respiratory
centre. In the respiratory centre both excitation and inhibition
continuously alternate. When excited it transmits impulses to the spinal
cord and hence along nerves to the respiratory muscles; the latter
contract and an inhalation takes place. When the respiratory centre is in a
state of inhibition the transmission of impulses to the respiratory muscles
ceases, the muscles relax and an exhalation results.
The specific stimulus of the respiratory centre is carbon dioxide. As
soon as the blood accumulates a certain amount of carbon dioxide, the
respiratory centre becomes excited and an inhalation takes place. During
inhalation the lungs expand, which stimulates the endings of the vagus
nerve embedded in the tissue of the lungs. While arising in the receptors
the exeitation is transmitted along the vagus nerve to the respiratory
centre and inhibits it, and an exhalation results. Thus respiration is
automatically regulated; an inhalation stimulates an exhalation, and the
exhalation brings about an accumulation of carbon dioxide which
stimulates an inhalation.
Respiration is subjected to the control of the cerebral cortex; this being
demonstrated by the fact that a person can voluntarily hold his breath for
a very short time or change both the rate and depth of respiration. Corti-
cal regulation of respiration is also evident in the acceleration of respira-
tion during emotional states. Protective acts, such as coughing and
sneezing, are associated with respiration. Both of them are performed
reflexly; the centres of the reflexes are situated in the medulla oblongata.
Lesson 6 О- 117
Nervous control of breathing. The muscles of breathing have no inde-
pendent or automatic rhythm, they contract only responding to impulses
from the brain down the spinal cord. These impulses arise and are
coordinated in a specialised area in the brain, the respiratory centre,
which is in the medulla. The medulla is at the base of the brain and is a
bulbous continuation of the spinal cord within the skull. The respiratory
centre has to adjust the volume of air breathed and to maintain a uniform
alkalinity of the blood; the centre effects the reciprocal alteration both of
inspiration and expiration.
Упражнение 4. Прочтите данные суждения. Найдите в тексте В
предложения, более полно выражающие мысль суждений, и
прочтите их.
1. In the respiratory centre excitation and inhibition alternate. 2. During
inhalation the lungs expand. 3. Respiration is automatically regulated. 4.
The cortical regulation of respiration is evident. 5. Protective acts are
performed reflexly. 6. The muscles of breathing contract responding to
impulses from the brain.
Часть III
Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 8
Упражнение 1. Найдите и переведите предложения, где причастие I
выполняет функцию обстоятельства.
1. We were talking about coming exams. 2. When the ribs are elevat-
ed by the inspiratory muscles they are drawn toward a horizontal plane
thus increasing the anteroposterior diameter of the thorax. 3. Having
obtained the nesessary results the scientists used them in their future
works. 4. When considering neurogenic factors that regulate local blood
flow one thinks of sympathetic non-adrenergic nerves.
(Ответ: 2, 3, 4. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 20 Грамматичес-
кого справочника.)
Упражнение 2. Найдите и переведите предложения, где причастие II
иыполняет функцию обстоятельства.
1. When excised the lungs were not allowed to collapse completely. 1.
Any pressure applied to a body is opposed by an equal pressure
developed by the body. 3. The stability of the lung tissues is indicated hy
their behaviour when freed by surface influences.4.As mentioned ut the
118 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
previous lecture next theme will be devoted to nervous control of
breathing. 5. Inspiration enlargement of the anteroposterior and lateral
diameters of the chest is accomplished through the contraction of
(Ответ: 1, 3, 4. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 21 Грамматичес-
кого справочника.)
Упражнение 3. Найдите и переведите предложения с независимым
мричастным оборотом.
1. Respiration is usually either an automatic or a reflex act, each
expiration sending up afferent, sensory impulses to the central nervous
system. 2. It is impossible to cause death voluntarily holding the breath,
3. The air passes rhythmically into and out of the air passages, and
mixes with the air already in the lungs, these two movements being
known as inspiration and expiration. 4. The increase of the chest in size
is due to the diaphragm, whose muscular fibres by their contraction are
pushing down the abdominal organs.
(Ответ: 1,3. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 22 Грамматического
Упражнение 4, Укажите и переведите предложения, где
словоbothявляется п) частью составного союза; б) местоимением.
1. Modern scientists have been successful in the use of fibrinolytic
therapy in both ball and disc mitral prosthesis. 2. When the diaphragm is
released both lungs collapse by their own elasticity and expel the air.
УThe decrease in thoracic size during expiration is accomplished both by
release of physical stresses and by active participation of contracting
muscles. 4. Both these methods of examining the lungs are frequently
used. 5. During forced expiration the contraction of the abdominal
muscles allows both external and internal intercostals to act as expiratory
(Ответ:a) 1, 3, 5; 6) 2, 4. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 40 I
рамматического справочника.)
Упражнение 5. Выберите правильное значение выделенных слов.