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124 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
The process of digestion is due to the activity of many enzymes,
chemicals, and physical processes within the digestive tract. According to
I he area in which digestion is carried on, these digestive processes may
be classified as salivary digestion, when occurring in the mouth; gastric
digestion in the stomach; and intestinal digestion in the small intestine. In
I he large intestine (the last section of the digestive tube) no digestion
takes place. Here water is absorbed, bacteria grow, and the unabsorbed
solid-residue wastes of digestion collect and are excreted as feces.
The absorption means the passage of digested foods through the
lining of the intestines into the blood or lymph. Practically all absorption
takes place in the small intestine. A few drugs and alcohol are absorbed
through the walls of the stomach, but no foods. Glucose is an exception,
but it must be present in such high concentrations as to cause vomiting.
Furthermore, we eat very little glucose, which is formed mainly in the
small intestine due to the action of the dissaccharide-
Lesson 6 О- 125
splitting enzymes. Therefore, absorption of food does not normally occur
through the stomach walls.
7. Water is absorbed throughout the length of the small intestine and
also, as has been noted, in the ascending limb of the colon. With normal
digestion, between 95 and 100 per cent of all carbohydrates, fats, and
animal proteins are absorbed. Plant proteins, such as beans or peas, are
protected by the plant cell membrane, so that only 60 to 70 per cent are
absorbed. The remaining 30 to 40 per cent undergo bacterial de-
composition in the intestine, which results in the formation of large
amounts of intestinal gas («flatus»).
To study the pathway of food through digestive tract is very important
for explanation of the process of digestion.
Упражнение 8. 1) Прочтите и переведите текст А. Второй абзац
переведите письменно. 2) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие
вопросы и прочтите их.
1. How are nutrients supplied to the body? 2. What processes are
known as digestion and absorption? 3. What do we call the parts of the
digestive tube from the mouth up to the anus? 4. Is glucose absorbed
from the stomach or the small intestine? 5. Water and drugs arc absorbed
through the stomach walls, aren't they?
Найдите в каждом абзаце предложения, выражающие основную
мысль первого абзаца.
Составьте письменно план текста А
Упражнение 9. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по
значению первому слову ряда.
1. soluble - decomposed, dissoluble, diluted, insoluble; 2. to include -
to conclude, to exclude, to leave out; 3. solid — hard, weak, soft, firm,
soluble; 4. ascending - going up (down), descending, sitting down
126 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
Упражнение 10. Переведите следующие предложения, определите
функции инфинитива.
1. The present investigation is carried out to determine the liver func-
tions in experimental dogs. 2. An attempt was made to correlate metabo-
lism with humidity, light, or average daily temperature. 3. One of the
purposes of this work is to prevent the action of the dissaccharide-split-
ting enzymes. 4. In order to ensure more adequate oxygenation the fluids
bathing the mucose were recirculated. 5. From the curves of the blood
ammonia concentration it is possible to obtain necessary information.
Упражнение 11. Определите в следующих предложениях
конструкцию сравненияthe... the.Переведитепредложения.
1. The greater amount of the substance was added to the nutrient, the
more significant change in three or four experiments was produced. 2.
The more specialized the animal is, the more differentiated its enzymes
become. 3. The more food with an appetizing smell you digest, the more
digestive juices will be poured out. 4. The greater the difference in
temperature is, the more rapidly will heat be lost from the body. 5. The
younger the individual is, the higher the caloric requirement — i.e. the
more nutrition is needed.
Упражнение 12. Переведите следующие предложения; определите
функции словdue, dueto.
1. Jaundice is the yellow colour of skin sclerae and mucous mem-
branes due to an increase of bilirubin in the plasma. 2. It was found that
during infusion oxygen consumption decreased, due to an increase in
spirometer gas volume. 3. The secondary rise in oxygen consumption in
normal cats may be due to the reconversion of lactic acid to glicogen in
the liver. 4. It has been shown that the decrease in resistance across the
stomach wall of the experimental dog is due to a decrease in the resis-
Lesson 6 О- 127
tance across the external muscle layers, 5. Physiologists have raised the
question as to whether the rhythmic activity of the heart muscle is due to
some rhythmic power located within the heart muscle fibre.
Упражнение 13. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Пищеварительный тракт человека — это длинная мышечная
трубка до 7,6 м длиной. 2. В процессе пищеварения усваивается
95—100% углеводов, жиров и животных белков. 3. 30—40% белков
распадаются под действием бактерий.
Часть II
Слова к части II
observe[зЬ'гз:у] vнаблюдать,
observation [,obz9:'veiJn] п
inordertoдля того, чтобы
shape [Jeip] п форма
visible[Vizibl]а видимый
thelatter [laeta] п последний (из
названных) swallow
['swolou]vглотать, проглатывать
128 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
sufficient [ss'fifsnt]а достаточный
constrict [kan'strikt] vсокращать,
сужать interfere [,int9'fi3]
(with)vвмешиваться, мешать
interferenceLints'fiarsns] nвмеша-
тельство, интерференция orifice
['onfis] nотверстие constriction
[kdn'strikjn] nсокращение,
сужение excise [ek'saiz]
vвырезать, отрезать, удалять
excision [ek's^n] nудаление,
Упражнение 1. Отработайте чтение следующих слов, переведите их.
baruim sulphate, substance, process, human, limited, especially, re-
sistance, contract, peristalsis, series, mix, axial, origin
Упражнение 2. Напишите исходные слова к данным производным и
переведите их.
movement, observation, constriction, shapeless, interference, tubular,
muscular, insufficient, digestion
Упражнение 3. Прочтите текстВ (10 мин). 1) Разделите текст на 4
части и назовите тему каждой из них. 2) Найдите в тексте
предложения, где: а) инфинитив выполняет функцию подлежащего;
б) обстоятельства; в) употребляются словаdue, dueto.3) Переведите
эти предложения.
Text В
The Movements of the Stomach
It is advisable to study the movements of the stomach by direct obser-
vation by means of the X-rays. In order to make the shape of the stomach
visible the food — bread and milk — is mixed with a quantity of barium
sulphate. The presence of this substance does not interfere with the
processes of digestion, but renders the gastric contents to the Ront- gen
In the human stomach the term fundus is limited to that part of the
stomach situated above the cardiac orifice (in the erect position). The
body of the stomach is marked off from tne pyloric part by the incisura
angularis on the lesser curvature represented in many animals by a strong
«transverse band». The pyloric portion consists of the pyloric vestibule (or