ВУЗ: Не указан
Категория: Не указан
Дисциплина: Не указана
Добавлен: 03.11.2019
Просмотров: 32673
Скачиваний: 181
Lesson 6 О- 119
1. A change in conditions(а) состояние, б) условие) affects the
activities(а) активность, б) деятельность) of all organs. 2. Work causes
(а) вызывать, б) заставлять) an increase in the metabolism. 3. A
disturbance in the respiratory rhythm results from(а) являтьсярезуль-
татом, б) приводитьк) decreased excitability of the respiratory centre. 4.
This is accompanied(а) сопровождаться, б) вызываться) by various
disturbances in the activities of the organism. 5. Under some conditions
the gaseous interchange in the lungs decreases(а) увеличиваться, б)
(Ответ: la, б; 2a; За; 4a; 56.)
Инфинитив в функции подлежащего и
обстоятельства (§ 25)
Конструкция сравнения the ... the ... (§ 4)
Функции и перевод слов due, dueto(§ 39)
Часть I
Слова к части I
nutrient ['njuitrisnt]а питательный;
п питательное вещество
nutritious [nju:'tri/ds]а
питательный deliver [diTivs]
vдоставлять, передавать
soluble ['soljubl]а растворимый
insolubleа нерастворимый
solution [sd'lu:Jn] п раствор
connect [ks'nekt] vсоединять(ся),
connection[кз'пек/п] п
связь, присоединение
connective [ks'nektiv]а
соединительный, связующий
according [a'ko:dir)]
в соответствии с
ЬаекЧюпэ]) п бактерия
vomitive[ vomitiv] п рвотное
vomitory[Vomitan]а рвотный
nutrition [nju:'trijn] п питание,
пища nutritive ['nju-.tntiv]а
пищевой split [split]
vрасщеплять ascend [a'send]
vподниматься protein ['proutiin]
nпротеин, белок remain [rfmein]
vоставаться remainder [ri'meinds]
nостаток undergo [,Andd'gou]
vиспытывать, переносить,
подвергаться чему-л. exist
[igzist] vсуществовать, быть,
120 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
находиться existence
[igzistans] nсуществование
prevent [pri'vent]
vпредотвращать, предохранять,
exception [ik'sepjn] nисключениеprevention [pri'venfn] nпредотвраще-
vomit ['vomit] vстрадать рвотой, ние, предохранение, предупреж-
вырвать; п рвота
Упражнение 1. Найдите формы инфинитива в следующих
предложениях. Переведитепредложения.
1. Spontaneous respiration was chosen to permit the development of
pulmonary edema and alveolar collapse. 2. To determine progressive
lung damage in this case was rather difficult. 3. To give first aid one must
learn the basic first aids rules. 4. It is useful to summarize very briefly
what is known about the elastic properties of elastin and collagen. 5.
Experiments were made to observe the effects of temperature upon the
respiratory process.
Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу
прилага- к-льнымиsooner, less,
1. The ... people are physically trained, the ... oxygen they have in i heir
blood. 2. The ... appetizing the food is, the ... amount of secretion
кcauses. 3. The ... time you spend in the sanatorium, the ... you will
recover after the illness. 4. The ... capacity of the thorax decreases, the .
the lungs become compressed.
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения со
словамиdue, dueto.
1. A diffusion block due to pulmonary edema or the opening up of
iiiteriovenous anastomoses in the lungs is the usual event. 2. In one of
ihese animals death was due to sudden asystole. 3. The apnea in these
animals was due to inadequate blood flow and oxygen availability to vital
Lesson 6 О- 121
centres in the central nervous system. 4. The lecture on physiology of
respiration was delivered in due time. 5. Traumatic diseases are due i
оdirect physical injury.
Упражнение 4.Отработайте чтение следующих слов, переведите их.
digestive [di'cfcestiv], nutrients ['njurtrisnts], lymphatic [lim'faetik],
esophagus [I'sofagss], enzymes [in'zaimz], area['еэпэ], stomach ['sUm-
ok], glucose [glu:kouz], carbohydrates ['ka:bou'haidrits]
Упражнение 5. Запомните значение следующих суффиксов.
Образуйте слова согласно данным моделям. Переведите эти слова.
Прилагательное (существительное) +-ify= глагол, имеющий
значение «производить действие»: classкласс —toclassifyклассы-
фицироват ь.
pure, intensive, solid, note, sign
Прилагательное +-ty (-ity, -ety)= существительное, обозна-
чающее состояние, положение: extremeкрайний —extremityконеч-
equal, proper, human, dense, immune, certain
Упражнение 6.Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда
1. nutrient (п, a), nutritive, nutrition, nutritional; 2. to dissolve, solution,
soluble, insoluble, solvent; 3. to vary, variant, various, variable,
variability; 4. bacterium, bacterial, bacteriology, bacteriologist; 5. (to)
vomit, vomiting, vomitive; 6. to digest, to ingest, digestive, digestion
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Упражнение 7. Просмотрите текст А. Разделите текст на 3 части и
озаглавьте их.
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The Digestive System and the Process of Digestion and Absorption
The present text is given to explain the processes of digestion and
absorption. The more we know about them, the better we shall under-
122 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
stand how important these processes are.
Every cell of the human body requires certain chemical nutrients in
the fluids that^ surround it. In order to supply these nutrients, the body
must breai clown complex foods into molecules small enough to pass
through tissues, enter the blood stream or lymphatic systems, and be
delivered in a soluble form to the various body cells. This break of
insoluble forms is known as digestion; the passage of such 'substances
into the blood stream or lymph is known as absorption.
The human digestive tract is a long, muscular tube (up to 25 feet in
length) that begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. This tube consists
of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, small intestine, and laige
Several glands, located outside the digestive tract, are also import
tant in the digestive process. Our tast is to describe them in detail.
These glands, known as accessory glands, are connected by ducts to
the digestive tube. These accesory glands include the salivary glands,:
Lesson 6 О- 123
Food qnters the
____ ± ____
Small intestine i
Large intestine
Feces leave the
Fig. 9.Pathway of food through the digestive tract.
liver, gall-bladder and the pancreas. Each gland produces secretions i hat
function in the digestive process, and each is therefore part of the
digestive system.
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Pancreatic juice
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